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It therefore has fewer words that refer to the writer or

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education the reader.
Region III – Central Luzon The main emphasis should be on the information that
you want to give and the arguments you want to
City of Balanga, Bataan make, rather than you.
For that reason, academic writing tends to use nouns,
rather than verbs.
NAME: ___________ Year &Section: ___________
AND PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES Academic writing is explicit about the relationships
QUARTER 1, WEEK 1 in the text.
Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the writer in
READING ACADEMIC TEXTS English to make it clear to the reader how the various
parts of the text are related to one another.
As the learners prepare for their future education and
These connections can be made explicit by the use of
career, they must understand the features, ways and purposes of
writing academic and professional texts. different signaling words.
Learning Competency: Differentiate language used in
academic texts from various disciplines In any kind of academic writing you do, it is necessary
to make decisions about your stance on a particular
Learning Objectives: 1. Determine the features of specific subject, or the strength of the claims you are making.
academic texts Different subjects prefer to do this in different ways.
2. Construct a specific academic text A technique common in certain kinds of academic
with an appropriate language to be writing is known by linguists as a ‘hedge’.
3. Appreciate the importance of making
an academic text In academic writing, you must be responsible for, and
must be able to provide evidence and justification for
Academic Text/Writing and its Types any claims you make.
Academic writing is, of course, any formal written You are also responsible for demonstrating an
work produced in an academic setting. understanding of any source texts you use.
Academic papers may be done as a part of a class, in Organization
a program of study, or for publication in an academic
Academic writing is well organized.
journal or scholarly book of articles around a theme,
It flows easily from one section to the next in a logical
by different authors.
Academic and professional writings include essays,
A good place to start is the genre of your text.
dissertations and theses, research articles, case
Once you have decided on the genre, the structure is
studies, textbooks and reports
easily determined.
Features of Academic Text/Writing Planning
Academic writing is well planned. It usually takes
Academic writing uses vocabulary accurately. place after research and evaluation, according to a
Most subjects have words with narrow specific specific purpose and plan.
ACADEMIC LANGUAGE- is the linguistic register Task # 1: STARTING POINT
that students are expected to use in school subjects

Written language is relatively more complex than
spoken language. Directions: Match the academic text types on the left side to the
statements on the right by clicking on the boxes you wish to connect.
Written language has longer words, it is lexically
Write your answer in a sheet of paper.
denser and it has a more varied vocabulary.
Textbooks Access these to find out about writing in your discipline.
Reports These describe changes or developments, e.g. within a
Academic writing is relatively formal.
company or social group.
Avoid colloquial words and expressions. Shorter student These could be 80,000 words long for PhD students.
Precision texts: essays
Longer student
In academic writing, facts and figures are given texts: These show the importance of a piece of research.
precisely. dissertations and
Objectivity theses
Research articles This is a good place to start your research.
Written language is in general objective rather than Case studies These are written for readers who have expert knowledge
personal. of a topic.


Task # 2: EVALUATE ME!
Calories describe the potential energy in food to
maintain bodily functions, grow or repair tissue, and perform
Read the text entitled, “Competition and Cooperation” mechanical work such as exercise. Food calories may take the
and check whether it contains features of writing or not. form of fat, carbohydrates, or proteins. Once consumed,
Explain your answer. enzymes act on these nutrients through metabolic processes and
break them into their perspective categories of fatty acids,
Competition and Cooperation glucose, and amino acids. These molecules travel through the
Explanations of the interrelation between competition and blood stream to specific cells where they are absorbed for
cooperation have evolved over the time. Early research into competition immediate use or sent on to the final stage of metabolism where
and cooperation defined each of them in terms of the distribution of they release their stored energy through the process of
rewards related to each. Competition was defined as a situation in which oxidation.
rewards are distributed unequally on the basis of performance, cooperation The number of calories burned during an exercise
on the other hand, was defined as a situation in which rewards are depends on various factors including body weight and the type
distributed equally on the basis of mutual interactive behaviour among of exercise. For example, an individual weighing 59 kilograms
individuals. By this definition, a competitive situation requires at least on (130 pounds) would expend roughly 500 calories per hour
competitor to fail for each competitor that wins, while a cooperative swimming or playing basketball. However, this same person
situation offers a reward only if all members of the group receive it. would burn an estimated 200 walking or playing table tennis.
Researchers have found definitions of competition and In order to survive and maintain body weight, the average
cooperation based upon rewards inadequate primarily because definitions individual requires approximately 2000 to 2500 calories per
of these two concepts based upon rewards depict them as opposite. In day. Gaining or losing weight is a simple process. Add and
current understanding, competition is not viewed as opposite of subtract 7,700 calories over the course of time to gain or lose a
cooperation, instead, cooperation is viewed as integral component of kilogram.
competition. Cooperation is necessary among team members, perhaps in a Nutrition has nothing to do with it. It is all about
sporting event or in a political race, in order to win the competition, it is calories.
equally important to understand that cooperation is of great importance
between teams in that same sporting event or ground rules of the game or Write your answer here.
election in order to compete.
Interestingly, the word competition is derived from a Latin verb _______________________________________________
which means “to seek together.” An understanding of the derivation of the
word competition supports the understanding that cooperation, rather than
evoking a characteristic at the opposite extreme of human nature from _______________________________________________
competition, is in reality a necessary factor in competition. _______________________________________________
CHECKLIST: _______________________________________________
FEATURES OF _______________________________________________
ACADEMIC _______________________________________________
Hedging Determine the features of specific
academic texts by choosing the letter of the
correct answer. Encircle your answer.
Responsibility 1. What is academic writing?
a. A technique to write balanced, accurate and professional
Task # 3: SAVE ME! b. An old-fashioned way of writing
c. How university professors write
DIRECTIONS: Evaluate whether the given text contains d. The writing you find in textbooks
features of writing. Reconstruct the text following the
2. Choose three words to describe academic writing:
features of academic writing if needed. For modular a. Talented, stylish, inspiring
learners, write your answer in a sheet of paper. b. Precise, clear, objective
c. Decisive, divisive, derisive
Understanding Calories d. Subjective, obscure, vague
A calorie, also known as kilocalorie, is a unit of
energy. This unit represents the energy required to heat a 3. Information on the internet is 'free'. Anyone can use it
kilogram of water on degree Celsius. While people generally without having to reference it.'
a. True
link the term calorie with food, it is a unit of measurement that
b. False
can be applied to any substance possessing energy. For c. It depends on how important the assignment is.
instance, there are 8200 calories in a litter (about one quart) of d. You only need to reference authors' work on the internet


4. Writing academic papers requires deliberate, thorough and HOW TO START A TEXT?
careful thought. Therefore, what should one do to achieve a
well-crafted academic essay? KINDS OF INTRODUCTION

a. One must depend on his/her own opinions alone. Jolting statement- a beginning which has the
b. One must conduct a research on the topic at hand. intention of shocking or shaking the interest of the
c. One must not consult the Internet for unsure sources. readers so as to continue reading the work.
d. One must depend highly on the Internet for easy information trivia
access. Example: “Fetuses that have serious physical problems face
5. What is academic language?
major surgery after birth.”

a. It is a set of vocabulary terms used in schools. “Forgiving, most of the time is hardly given by the
b. It comes as second nature to native speakers, but is difficult oppressed not because of hate but because of fear.”
for ELLs to acquire
c. It is the linguistic register that students are expected to use in Dramatic scene- the writer presents a situation of
school subjects interesting conflict or emotion to condition the
d. All of the above mood of the readers and be enhanced to go on
6. What is an evidence?
a. A statement used to support or prove the thesis Example: Mother was beside me when she uttered, “I care for
b. Quotations from a source
c. The analysis explaining the meaning of evidence you”. That is my most awaited words
d. A sentence that grabs your reader's attention
Build up statement- a statement intentional to
7. What is analysis? catch the interest of the readers. It is not an
a. a statement used to support or prove the thesis ordinary sentence but something of value to the
b. quotations from a source readers.
c. the explanation of the meaning of evidence
d. a sentence that grabs your reader's attention Example:Effective speech is what makes a woman stand in any
session if she possesses the magic and combine it with a
8. When do you use formal language?
a. In an academic essay. pleasing personality she made.
b. In a resignation letter
c. When you talk to a friend.
Impressionistic description- an effective
d. When you write a text message. description used as beginning to catch the interest
of the readers. Here, the description must be vivid
9. What does it mean to write academically? enough to command attention and consideration.
a. To write in order to pass final exams
b. To write paper for scholars Example: She is soft spoken, too-close to heaven. She knows
c. To write using proper English language when angels would come and leave. She is an embodiment of
d. To avoid copy pasting from the Internet
silence in the middle of the night.
10. What would the academic community look into?
Stimulating question –the beginning is stated in a
a. Proper grammar written in the essay
b. A whole bunch of statistics and data question to stimulate attention. The question must
c. Students' feeling and opinion be worth learning the answer or the explanation
d. Informed arguments written in the research paper Example:“Have you witnessed a person dying? I did
and it was not a very pleasant sight.”
AND PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES Is RH Bill really the answer to population explosion?
Analogy Beginning
Learners of English for Academic and Professional This is a special form of comparison. It is an
Purposes is expected to determine the structure of a specific expression of relationship between two things that
are alike at more than one point. It is the process of
academic text. These activity sheets prepare them to recognize
establishing the similarities, relations and behavior
the basics in academic writing and its structure.
of things which are unlike in kind, form and
Learning Competency: appearance.
Use knowledge of text structure to glean the information
he/she needs (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Iac-4) Example: Culture is like a map. Just as the map isn’t the
territory but an abstract representation of particular areas so as
Learning Objectives: culture is an abstract description of trends towards uniformity
in the words, deeds and artifacts of group. If a map is accurate
1. Determine the structure of academic texts such as and you can read it, you won’t get lost; if you know culture, you
introduction, body and conclusion will know your way around in the life of a society
2. Construct an effective academic text with proper structure
3. Value the lessons that can be elicited from the text It is the process of dividing the information in
categories. A classification relates ideas by listing
and characterizing the members of a group.
Example:There are three kinds of book owners. The first has all
It is a serious offense wherein a person is using the standard sets and best sellers--- unread, untouched. …The
someone’s ideas either on purpose or through second has a great many books– a few of them read through,
carelessness. most of them dipped into, but all of them as clean and shiny as
the day they were bought. The third has a few books or many–


every one of them dog-eared and dilapidated shaken and loosen development of numerous comic books on a variety of topics,
by continual use, marked and scribbled in form front to back. though superhero comic book predominated. Astonishingly, by
This man owns books.
1945, approximately 160 different comic books were being
published in the United States each month, and 90 percent of US
1. Get the main ideas. children were said to read comic books on a regular basis.
2. Give supporting details.
3. Elaboration

HOW WILL I END MY ESSAY DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions about the
text entitled, “The Golden Comics.”
• Include a brief summary of the paper’s main points
• Ask a provocative question Guide Questions:
• Use a quotation
• Evoke a vivid image 1. What is the essay all about?
• End with a warning
• Universalize (compare to other situations) 2. What kind of introduction is being used in this essay?
• Suggest results or consequence
• 3. How is the body constructed?


4. How does the author end the essay?

5. What have you learned from the essay?(VALUING)

DIRECTIONS: Explain the saying inside the box having
the three main structures of a text such as
considering any number of sentences.




In five (5) paragraphs, construct an effective academic text
The Golden Age of Comics with proper structure using the image above.

The period from the late 1930s to the middle 1940s is known as FORMAT:
the golden age of comic books. The modern comic book came in the Introduction: 1 paragraph (in any type)
early 1930s in the United States as a giveaway premium to promote
Body: 3 paragraphs
the sale of the whole range of household products such as cereal and
Conclusion: 1 paragraph (in any type)
cleanser. The comic books, which are printed in bright colours to
attract the attentions of potential customers, proved so popular that__________________________________________________
some publishers decided to produce comic books that would come
out on a monthly basis and would sell for a dime each. Though
comic strips had been reproduced in publications prior to this time, __________________________________________________
the Famous Funnies comic book, which was started in 1934, marked __________________________________________________
the first occasion that a serialized book of comics was attempted. __________________________________________________
Early comic books reprinted already existing __________________________________________________
comic strips and comics based on known characters, however, __________________________________________________
publishers soon began introducing original characters developed __________________________________________________
(see attached rubrics)
specially for comic books. Superman was introduced in Action
Comics in 1938, and Batman was introduced a year later. The __________________________________________________
tremendous success of these superhero comic books led to the __________________________________________________
4|P age E N G L I S H F O R A C A D E M I C A N D __________________________________________________
These movies can be categorized in the genres of informational,
Task # 4: LET’S WRAP THEM UP! drama, action, adventure, epic, horror, crime, and musical.

________________9. Prove that beauty in its myriad of forms

DIRECTIONS: Identify what kind of introduction are the will amount nothing if it is not backed by other admirable traits.
following. Write your answer in the space provided before
each number. Gray speaks surely and a confidence that is natural and
_____________1. Grave silence met the announcement that the unrehearsed. In her many media interviews, she is able to field
Singapore government would push through with the execution a wide range of questions with meaningful answer, with a tone
of Flor Contemplacion. It was a silence that showed various that express vivacity, sincerity and humility at the same time.
emotions: shock, regret, disappointment, frustration and
outrage, a volatile mix that should serve as a warning to both _________________10. They both contain nicotine that is very

the Singaporean and Philippine government. dangerous in human bodies. And there are laundry of list of
harmful chemicals. That may cause cancer and other diseases.
_______________2. Did you ever have a teacher who But e cigarettes are battery operated devices initially shape like
frightened you so much that you would get ill during his class? cape rods and vape pen. And these electronic cigarettes have
Did you ever wonder what kind of life such a teacher led when different fragrance by its flavor that will result a good smell to
he left the classroom and if he had any feelings at all? others.

________________3. Let me begin with potatoes. According

to a modern German writer, Gunter Grass, the introduction of LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEET IN ENGLISH FOR
the potato was a more important event in the history of the ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES
German people and all the martial victories of King Frederick
the Great. Learning Competency:
Uses various techniques in summarizing a variety of academic
_______________4. Elections are only partly about seeking texts (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Iac-4)
public office. They are also about clearing one’s name. Learning Objectives:

_______________5. Have a minute? Good. Because that may 1. Determine the main idea and the supporting details of a text

be all it takes to save the life of a child—your child. Accidents 2. Identify the techniques used in summarizing a text

kill nearly 8,000 children under age 15 each year. And for every 3. Summarize a text through learners’ own words

fatality, 42 more children are admitted to hospitals for

S- horter than the text
treatment. Yet such deaths and injuries can be avoided through
these easy step parents can take right now. You don't have a WHAT IS IT? U- se your own words
M-ake ideas only
minute to lose.

_______________6. If you attend a concert in a city park,

chances are you’re less interested in the performance than in the
➢ The main idea of a paragraph is the author's message
whole package, in which the music, the weather, the general
about the topic. It is often expressed directly or it can
gregariousness and the spirit of the moment become be implied.
➢ The main idea, sometimes referred to as the central
idea, is the most important thought of a
text. Basically, it is the topic that comes up over and
_______________7. Finding a needle in a haystack is very over again in an article, book, or other piece of
similar to the search of our so-called another half. Most of nonfiction.
➢ The main idea tells the reader what the paragraph,
us have already been in a relationship that ended on bad article, or other section of a text is going to be about.
terms and unsuccessful. Lucky for those who have found Often the main idea is explicitly provided in
a declarative statement, which is a statement of fact
the so-called “right ones” for a very short span of time has ending in a period.
found the needle in their haystacks faster than anybody Example: Every year, hundreds of children prepare to
compete in the Scripps Spelling Bee. Along with their family
members, these would-be competitors memorize thousands of
dictionary entries. They are hoping to win as much as $52,000.
_________________8. A moviegoer is a person who goes to
Of course, they are also hoping for bragging rights!
watch movies. In order to know a moviegoer, there is a need to
➢ Every sentence in this paragraph is about
classify the types of movies these individuals are interested in. the hundreds of children who compete in the Scripps
Spelling Bee. The main idea is explicitly stated in the


first sentence of the paragraph. The following written in Chinese, they are similar and so the transformation
sentences give specific details about these and origin of the word ‘ninja’.
contestants—how they prepare and what they hope to
win. What is the difference between paraphrasing and
But what if the main idea is not so obvious? summarizing?
Sometimes, the main idea is shown implicitly. In those Summarizing and paraphrasing are somewhat
cases, you have to find the main idea by determining what different. A paraphrase is about the same length as the original
the majority of details in the paragraph or section are about. source, while a summary is much shorter. Nevertheless, when
Example: you summarize, you must be careful not to copy the exact
The first step to making a pie is to make the dough.
wording of the original source.
While the dough is chilling, you can make your filling. Next,
roll out the dough and bake it a little bit. Finally, add the filling
and bake your pie. Task # 1: SUMmarize It!

➢None of these sentences say explicitly what the main

idea is. However, every single sentence is about how Directions: Try to recall one of the many stories you have
to make a pie. That is the main idea of this text.
discussed in your previous English class and choose one selection
out of the several you tackled. Using this sheet, try to rewrite the
Supporting details provide information to clarify, prove, story using your own words.
or explain the main idea. These details demonstrate the validity
of the main idea. They often list parts, aspects, steps, or
examples of the main idea.
Example: Every year, hundreds of children prepare to ______________________________________________________
compete in the Scripps Spelling Bee. Along with their family ______________________________________________________
members, these would-be competitors memorize thousands ______________________________________________________
of dictionary entries. They are hoping to win as much as ______________________________________________________
$52,000. Of course, they are also hoping for bragging rights! __________________________________________
Task # 2: M _ N _ S_ D
Remember: Knowing the main idea and the supporting
details is important for writing a summary of a text. A good
summary of a nonfiction text includes the main idea, as well as DIRECTIONS: Using the diagram below, determine the
the major contributing details. main idea and the supporting details of
the text.
S-horter than the text U-se your own words M-ain ideas A tornado is a powerful, twisting wind storm. It is one of
only the most destructive storms on earth. A tornado is also called a

❖ A summary is a synthesis of the key ideas of a piece waterspout. A tornado is a long cloud which comes down from the sky.
of writing, restated in your own words. It is shaped like a funnel and consists of wind which whirls around and
around extremely fast. In fact, the wind can reach a speed of more than

Example: What’s dressed in all black, practices stealth, and is 900 km per hour. Most tornadoes form a long a front (boundary)
a master of espionage, sabotage, and assassination? You between cool, dry air and warm, humid air. Weather scientists are
guessed it: it’s a ninja! Perhaps the only thing more elusive than unable to know exactly when tornados will occur. Fortunately, the
a ninja is the source of the word ninja. In China ninja are more
tornado is not usually very big and it does not last long.
often referred to as shinobi.
The Chinese word shinobi, short for shinobi-no-
mono, means “to steal away.” The word shinobi appears in
Chinese poems as far back as the eighth century. So how did
this word become a ninja? Some believe that during the Edo Supporting Detail 1
period in Japan, the word shinobi-no-mono was appropriated
and transformed into the very similar word ninja.
Supporting Detail 2
This probably happened because it was a lot quicker
and easier to just say, ninja. It is difficult to see how such a
transformation could have occurred when we look at the words Supporting Detail 3
using our alphabet, but if you look at the kanji representing
these words, it may make more sense to you. This is how you
write shinobi-no-mono in Chinese: And this is how you write Main Idea
ninja: Now, do you see the similarities?

The summary is presented as follows:

The word ninja is an ‘elusive’ word. In Chinese, a

ninja is called a ‘shinobi’ which means ‘to steal away’ and
also appears in many ancient poems. The Japanese, later on,
derived the word ninja from shinobi as it was easy to say it.
These words may seem very different in English, but when


Links for references and for further reading:

DIRECTION: Summarize the text in your own words by

determining first the main idea

Understanding Calories

A calorie, also known as kilocalorie, is a unit of
energy. This unit represents the energy required to heat a
kilogram of water on degree Celsius. While people generally procession-awesamerican-tourist#ixzz46LtgcKl0
link the term calorie with food, it is a unit of measurement that
can be applied to any substance possessing energy. For
instance, there are 8200 calories in a litter (about one quart) of cademic-writing
Calories describe the potential energy in food to
maintain bodily functions, grow or repair tissue, and perform
mechanical work such as exercise. Food calories may take the
form of fat, carbohydrates, or proteins. Once consumed,
enzymes act on these nutrients through metabolic processes and 1_l1b_1.htm
break them into their perspective categories of fatty acids, Learners Manual
glucose, and amino acids. These molecules travel through the
blood stream to specific cells where they are absorbed for TEACHERS GUIDE
immediate use or sent on to the final stage of metabolism where
they release their stored energy through the process of

The number of calories burned during an exercise depends on

various factors including body weight and the type of exercise.
For example, an individual weighing 59 kilograms (130 Note: Practice Personal Hygiene Protocols at all times.

would expend roughly 500 calories per hour swimming or

playing basketball. However, this same person would burn an
estimated 200 walking or playing table tennis. In order to
survive and maintain body weight, the average individual
requires approximately 2000 to 2500 calories per day. Gaining
or losing weight is a simple process. Add and subtract 7,700
calories over the course of time to gain or lose a kilogram.
Nutrition has nothing to do with it. It is all about


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