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University of Mindanao 1

College of Teacher Education “Physically Distanced but Academically Engaged”

College of Teacher Education
BEED- Generalist

Physically Distanced but Academically Engaged

Self-Instructional Manual (SIM) for Self-Directed Learning


Course/Subject: EDSC1 – Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades

– Biology and Chemistry

Name of Teacher: MERCY JOY R. MENDEZ


University of Mindanao 2
College of Teacher Education “Physically Distanced but Academically Engaged”

Table of Contents

Week 1-3

ULOa Explain the relationships among the essential 10

terms and concepts associated with the parts
and functions of animals and plants.
Metalanguage 10
Essential Knowledge 11
Self-Help 15
Let’s Check 16
Let’s Analyze 16
In a Nutshell 18
Q&A Lists 19
Keyword Index 19

ULOb Evaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness 20

of the different teaching strategies, methods and
techniques for teaching the parts and functions
of animals and plants concepts to primary and
intermediate learners.
Metalanguage 20
Essential Knowledge 20
Self-Help 21
Let’s Check 22
Let’s Analyze 22
In a Nutshell 24
Q&A Lists 24
Keyword Index 25

ULOc Develop lesson plans for teaching parts 25

and functions of animals and plants in the
primary and intermediate levels.
Metalanguage 25
Essential Knowledge 25
Self-Help 26
Let’s Check 27
Let’s Analyze 29
In a Nutshell 38
Q&A Lists 39
Keyword Index 39
University of Mindanao 3
College of Teacher Education “Physically Distanced but Academically Engaged”

Week 4-5

ULOa Explain the relationships among the essential 40

terms and concepts associated with the
mode of reproduction of animals and plants.
Metalanguage 40
Essential Knowledge 40
Self-Help 42
Let’s Check 42
Let’s Analyze 43
In a Nutshell 44
Q&A Lists 45
Keyword Index 46

ULOb Evaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness 46

of the different teaching strategies, methods
and techniques for teaching the mode of
reproduction of animals and plants concepts
to primary and intermediate learners.
Metalanguage 46
Essential Knowledge 46
Let’s Check 48
Self-Help 49
Let’s Analyze 49
In a Nutshell 50
Q&A Lists 51
Keyword Index 51

ULOc Develop lesson plans for teaching the mode 52

of reproduction of animals and plants in the
primary and intermediate levels.
Metalanguage 52
Essential Knowledge 52
Self-Help 53
Let’s Check 54
Let’s Analyze 56
In a Nutshell 56
Q&A Lists 57
Keyword Index 57
University of Mindanao 4
College of Teacher Education “Physically Distanced but Academically Engaged”

Week 6-7

ULOa Explain the essential terms and concepts 58

associated with the heredity and ecosystem
in primary and intermediate levels
Metalanguage 58
Essential Knowledge 58
Self-Help 60
Let’s Check 60
Let’s Analyze 61
In a Nutshell 62
Q&A Lists 63
Keyword Index 64

ULOb Evaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness 64

of the different teaching strategies, methods
and techniques for teaching the concepts of
heredity and ecosystem in primary and
intermediate learners.
Metalanguage 64
Essential Knowledge 64
Let’s Check 66
Self-Help 67
Let’s Analyze 67
In a Nutshell 69
Q&A Lists 69
Keyword Index 70

ULOc Develop lesson plans for teaching heredity 70

and ecosystem personalized to the needs
of the primary and intermediate learners.
Metalanguage 70
Essential Knowledge 70
Self-Help 71
Let’s Check 72
Let’s Analyze 74
In a Nutshell 74
Q&A Lists 75
Keyword Index 76
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Week 8-9

ULOa Explain the relationships among the essential 76

terms and concepts associated with the properties
and structure of matter, and changes that
material undergo
Metalanguage 76
Essential Knowledge 77
Self-Help 78
Let’s Check 78
Let’s Analyze 79
In a Nutshell 80
Q&A Lists 81
Keyword Index 82

ULOb Evaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness 82

of the different teaching strategies, methods and
techniques for teaching the concepts of the
properties and structure of matter, and changes
that material undergoes to primary and
intermediate learners.
Metalanguage 82
Essential Knowledge 82
Let’s Check 84
Self-Help 85
Let’s Analyze 85
In a Nutshell 86
Q&A Lists 87
Keyword Index 87

ULOc c. Develop lesson plans for teaching the concepts 88

of properties and structure of matter, and
changes that material undergo that personalized to
the needs of the primary and intermediate learners.
Metalanguage 88
Essential Knowledge 88
Let’s Check 89
Self-Help 91
Let’s Analyze 91
In a Nutshell 92
Q&A Lists 93
Keyword Index 93
University of Mindanao 6
College of Teacher Education “Physically Distanced but Academically Engaged”

Course Outline: EDSC1 – Teaching Science in the Elementary

Grades – Biology and Chemistry
Course Coordinator: Mercy Joy R. Mendez
Student Consultation: LMS message/ thru mobile phone/email
Mobile: 09063996023
Phone: None
Effectivity Date: August 2020
Mode of Delivery: Blended (On-Line with face to face or virtual sessions)
Time Frame: 54 Hours
Student Workload: Expected Self-Directed Learning
Requisites: None
Credit: 3
Attendance Requirements: A minimum of 95% attendance is required at all
scheduled Virtual or face to face sessions.

Course Outline Policy

Areas of Concern Details

Contact and Non-contact Hours This 3-unit course self-instructional manual is designed
for blended learning mode of instructional delivery with
scheduled face to face or virtual sessions. The
expected number of hours will be 54 including the face
to face or virtual sessions. The face to face sessions
shall include the summative assessment tasks (exams)
since this course is crucial in the licensure examination
for teachers.
Assessment Task Submission Submission of assessment tasks shall be on 3rd, 5th, 7th
and 9th week of the term. The assessment paper shall
be attached with a cover page indicating the title of the
assessment task (if the task is performance), the
name of the course coordinator, date of submission and
name of the student. The document should be emailed
to the course coordinator. It is also expected that you
already paid your tuition and other fees before the
submission of the assessment task.

If the assessment task is done in real time through the

features in the Blackboard Learning Management
System, the schedule shall be arranged ahead of time
by the course coordinator.

Since this course is included in the licensure examination

for teachers, you will be required to take the Multiple-
University of Mindanao 7
College of Teacher Education “Physically Distanced but Academically Engaged”

Choice Question exam inside the University. This should

be scheduled ahead of time by your course coordinator.
This is non-negotiable for all licensure-based programs.
Turnitin Submission (IF To ensure honesty and authenticity, all assessment
NECESSARY) tasks are required to be submitted through Turnitin
with a maximum similarity index of 30% allowed. This
means that if your paper goes beyond 30%, the
students will either opt to redo her/his paper or explain
in writing addressed to the course coordinator the
reasons for the similarity. In addition, if the paper has
reached more than 30% similarity index, the student
may be called for a disciplinary action in accordance
with the University’s OPM on Intellectual and Academic

Please note that academic dishonesty such as cheating

and commissioning other students or people to
complete the task for you have severe punishments
(reprimand, warning, expulsion).
Penalties for Late The score for an assessment item submitted after the
Assignments/Assessments designated time on the due date, without an approved
extension of time, will be reduced by 5% of the possible
maximum score for that assessment item for each day
or part day that the assessment item is late.

However, if the late submission of assessment paper

has a valid reason, a letter of explanation should be
submitted and approved by the course coordinator. If
necessary, you will also be required to present/attach
Return of Assessment tasks will be returned to you two (2) weeks
Assignments/Assessments after the submission. This will be returned by email or
via Blackboard portal.

For group assessment tasks, the course coordinator will

require some or few of the students for online or virtual
sessions to ask clarificatory questions to validate the
originality of the assessment task submitted and to
ensure that all the group members are involved.
Assignment Resubmission You should request in writing addressed to the course
coordinator his/her intention to resubmit an assessment
task. The resubmission is premised on the student’s
failure to comply with the similarity index and other
reasonable grounds such as academic literacy
standards or other reasonable circumstances e.g.
illness, accidents financial constraints.
Re-marking of Assessment You should request in writing addressed to the program
Papers and Appeal coordinator your intention to appeal or contest the score
given to an assessment task. The letter should explicitly
explain the reasons/points to contest the grade. The
University of Mindanao 8
College of Teacher Education “Physically Distanced but Academically Engaged”

program coordinator shall communicate with the

students on the approval and disapproval of the

If disapproved by the course coordinator, you can

elevate your case to the program head or the dean with
the original letter of request. The final decision will
come from the dean of the college.
Grading System Course exercises – 30% (including BlackBoard forum)
1st exam – 10%
2nd exam – 10%
3rd exam – 10%
Final exam – 40
Preferred Referencing Style (IF APA 6th Edition
Student Communication You are required to create a umindanao email account
which is a requirement to access the BlackBoard
portal. Then, the course coordinator shall enroll the
students to have access to the materials and resources
of the course. All communication formats: chat,
submission of assessment tasks, requests etc. shall be
through the portal and other university recognized

You can also meet the course coordinator in person

through the scheduled face to face sessions to raise
your issues and concerns.

For students who have not created their student email,

please contact the course coordinator or program head.
Contact Details of the Dean Dr. Jocelyn Bacasmot
Phone: 082-3050647 local 102
Contact Details of the Program Giovanni Pelobillo
Head Email:
Phone: 082-3050647 local 102
Students with a Special Needs Students with special needs shall communicate with the
course coordinator about the nature of his or her
special needs. Depending on the nature of the need,
the course coordinator with the approval of the program
coordinator may provide alternative assessment tasks
or extension of the deadline of submission of
assessment tasks. However, the alternative
assessment tasks should still be in the service of
achieving the desired course learning outcomes.
Online Tutorial Registration (IF You are required to enroll in a specific tutorial time for
NECESSARY) this course via the portal. Please note
that there is a deadline for enrollment to the tutorial.
Help Desk Contact 0923-602-0640
University of Mindanao 9
College of Teacher Education “Physically Distanced but Academically Engaged”

Library Contact Tel No. +63 305-0640
GSTC Help Desk Contact Ronadora E. Deala, GSTC Facilitator
Ivy Jane S. Regidor, GSTC Facilitator
Kyle Sophia S. Mediadero, GSTC Facilitator

Course Information – see/download course syllabus in the Black Board LMS

University of Mindanao 10
College of Teacher Education “Physically Distanced but Academically Engaged”

CC’s Voice: Hello prospective teacher! Welcome to this course EDSCI 1: Teaching
Science in the Elementary Grades – Biology and Chemistry. By now, I am confident
that you really wanted to become a teacher and that you have visualized yourself already
being in front of the classroom teaching.

CO Before the actual teaching performance, you have to deal with various
Biology and Chemistry concepts in the context of science teaching in
the elementary grades. When we talked about teaching Biology and
Chemistry concepts in the elementary grades, assessment of learning
outcomes or competencies, and teaching strategies of teachers are
intimately attached. Thus, in this course you are expected to recall your
knowledge about the mentioned science areas above, recall and read in
advance the rudiments of different teaching strategies and methods,
instructional designs, and lesson plan development.

Let us begin!

Big Picture

Week 1-3: Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO): At the end of the unit, you are expected to:

a. Explain the relationships among the essential terms and concepts

associated with the parts and functions of animals and plants;
b. Evaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness of the different
teaching strategies, methods and techniques for teaching the parts and
functions of animals and plants concepts to primary and intermediate
learners; and
c. Develop lesson plans for teaching parts and functions of animals and
plants in the primary and intermediate levels.

Big Picture in Focus: ULOa. Explain the relationships among the

essential terms and concepts associated with the parts and functions
of animals and plants;


In this section, the most essential terms relevant to the study of parts and functions
of animals to demonstrate ULOa will be operationally defined to establish a common
frame of reference. You will encounter these terms as we go through the topics of plants
and animals. Please refer to these definitions in case you will encounter difficulty in
understanding the scientific terms associated to the above mentioned topics.
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Please proceed immediately to the “Essential Knowledge” part since the first
lesson is also definition of essential terms.

Essential Knowledge

To perform the aforesaid big picture (unit learning outcomes) for the first three (3)
weeks of the course, you need to fully understand the following essential knowledge that
will be laid down in the succeeding pages. Please note that you are not limited to
exclusively refer to these resources. Thus, you are expected to utilize other books,
research articles and other resources that are available in the university’s library e.g.
ebrary, etc.

A. Sense Organs
1. Eyes – Sight or Ophthalmoception. These are the visual sensory organs in
our body. These are sensitive to light images. The eyes vary in color depending
upon the amount of melanin present in our body. It helps in the sense of sight
by detecting and focusing on the light images.
 The iris in the eye is the colored part that controls the size and diameter
of the pupil, which directly affects the amount of light entering the eyes.
 This retina contains photoreceptors, which detect light. There are two
types of cells present which perform functions distinct from each other.
These are Rod and Cones.
 Rods: These sensors function in low light and are found at the
edges of the retina. They also aid in peripheral vision.
 Cones: These types of retinal cells work best in bright light,
detecting fine details and color.
2. Ears – Hearing or Audioception. These are the auditory sense organs of our
body. They help us to perceive sounds. Our auditory system detects vibrations
in the air, and this is how we hear sounds. This is known as hearing or audio
 The ears are divided into three sections, namely, outer ear,
inner ear, and the middle ear. All sounds are basically
vibrations, so the outer ear transfers these vibrations into the
ear canal, where these vibrations are transformed by the brain
into meaningful sound. Apart from hearing, this sense is also
important for balancing our body or equilibrium.
3. Tongue – Taste or Gustaoception. It helps in perceiving various tastes and
flavors. The taste buds are present between the papillae on the tongue—these
help in sensing different tastes.
4. Nose – Smell or Olfalcoception. It helps us to perceive different smells and
aids our sense of taste. The sense of smell is also known as olfaction.
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5. Skin – Touch or Tactioception. It contains general receptors which can

detect touch, pain, pressure, and temperature. They are present throughout
the skin. Skin receptors generate an impulse, and when activated, is carried to
the spinal cord and then to the brain.
B. Parts and functions of body system

1. Circulatory system. It is also known as the cardiovascular system, is a vast

network of organs that acts both as a delivery and waste removal system for
the body. It consists of the heart, blood, blood vessels, arteries and veins.
 Arteries. It carries oxygen rich blood from the heart through the body.
 Veins. It carries oxygen –poor blood back to the heart.
 Blood. An average adult has 5 to 6 quarts or 4.7 to 5.6 liters of blood,
which is made up of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and
 Blood vessels. The system of blood vessels in the human body
measure about 60, 000 miles (96,560km).
 Heart. It is a muscular organ with four chambers. Located just behind
and slightly left of the breastbone, it pumps blood through the network
of arteries and veins.
 Heart disease is a broad term that covers a wide range of diseases and
disorders, including stroke (the blockage of blood to the brain), heart
attack (the flow of blood to the heart is blocked), hypertension (high
blood pressure causing the heart to work harder), arteriosclerosis (the
arteries become thick and stiff) and aneurysm (a damaged blood
vessel that can lead to internal bleeding).
2. Digestive system. It consists of a series of connected organs that together,
allow the body to break down and absorb food, and remove waste. It includes
the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and
anus. The liver and pancreas also play a role in the digestive system because
they produce digestive juices.
 Nutrients from food digested in the stomach are absorbed as they pass
through the small intestine. Then the large intestine helps absorb water
and remove waste from the body. The small intestine is four times
longer than the large intestine
 Liver. It has many functions, including detoxifying of harmful chemicals,
breakdown of drugs, filtering of blood, secretion of bile and production
of blood-clotting proteins.
 Pancreas. It is a long, flat gland that sits tucked behind the stomach in
the upper abdomen and it produces enzymes that help digestion and
hormones that help regulate the way your body processes sugar
 Many symptoms can signal problems with the GI tract, including:
abdominal pain, blood in the stool, bloating, constipation, diarrhea,
University of Mindanao 13
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heartburn, incontinence, nausea and vomiting and difficulty swallowing,

according to the NIH.
3. Endocrine system. It consists of eight major glands that secrete hormones
into the blood. These hormones, in turn, travel to different tissues and regulate
various bodily functions, such as metabolism, growth and sexual function.
 The most common endocrine disease in the United States is diabetes,
a condition in which the body does not properly process glucose, a
simple sugar. This is due to the lack of insulin or, if the body is producing
insulin, because the body is not working effectively, according to Dr.
Jennifer Loh, chief of the department of endocrinology for Kaiser
Permanente in Hawaii.
 Another disorder, hypothyroidism, a parathyroid disease, occurs when
the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone to meet
the body's needs.
4. Immune system. It is the body's defense against bacteria, viruses and other
pathogens that may be harmful. It includes lymph nodes, the spleen, bone
marrow, lymphocytes (including B-cells and T-cells), the thymus and
leukocytes, which are white blood cells.
 Disorders of the immune system can result in autoimmune diseases,
inflammatory diseases and cancer, according to the NIH.
5. Lymphatic system. Its main job is to make and move lymph, a clear fluid that
contains white blood cells, which help the body fight infection. The lymphatic
system also removes excess lymph fluid from bodily tissues, and returns it to
the blood. It includes lymph nodes, lymph ducts and lymph vessels, and also
plays a role in the body's defenses.
 Spleen. It is the largest lymphatic organ and acts as a blood filter, and
controls the amount of red blood cells and blood storage in the body,
and helps to fight infection.
 Tonsils. A large cluster of lymphatic cells found in the pharynx.
 Thymus. This organ is where T-cells mature. T-cells helpd destroy
infected or cancerous cells.
 Lymph nodes. Produce and store cells that fight infection and disease.
There are 600 to 700 lymph nodes in the human body.
6. Nervous system. It controls both voluntary action (like conscious movement)
and involuntary actions (like breathing), and sends signals to different parts of
the body. The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord. The
peripheral nervous system consists of nerves that connect every other part of
the body to the central nervous system.
 Brain. It is the body's control center, receiving and sending signals to
other organs through the nervous system and through secreted
hormones. It is responsible for our thoughts, feelings, and memory
 Spinal cord. It is a long, thin, tubular structure made up of nervous
tissue, which extends from the medulla oblongata in the brainstem to
University of Mindanao 14
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the lumbar region of the vertebral column. It encloses the central canal
of the spinal cord, which contains cerebrospinal fluid.

7. Muscular system. It consists of about 650 muscles that aid in movement,

blood flow and other bodily functions. There are three types of muscle: skeletal
muscle which is connected to bone and helps with voluntary movement,
smooth muscle which is found inside organs and helps to move substances
through organs, and cardiac muscle which is found in the heart and helps
pump blood.
8. Reproductive system. It allows humans to reproduce. The male reproductive
system includes the penis and the testes, which produce sperm. The female
reproductive system consists of the vagina, the uterus and the ovaries, which
produce eggs. During conception, a sperm cell fuses with an egg cell, which
creates a fertilized egg that implants and grows in the uterus.

9. Skeletal system. It consists of 206 bones that are connected by tendons,

ligaments and cartilage. The skeleton not only helps us move, but it's also
involved in the production of blood cells and the storage of calcium. The teeth
are also part of the skeletal system, but they aren't considered bones.

10. Respiratory system. It allows us to take in vital oxygen and expel carbon
dioxide in a process we call breathing. It consists mainly of the trachea, the
diaphragm and the lungs.
 Lungs. It is responsible for removing oxygen from the air we breathe
and transferring it to our blood where it can be sent to our cells, and
also remove carbon dioxide, which we exhale.
 Diaphragm. It is the primary muscle used in respiration, which is the
process of breathing. This dome-shaped muscle is located just below
the lungs and heart. It contracts continually as you breathe in and out.
 Trachea. It is also called the windpipe, is a cartilaginous tube that
connects the larynx to the bronchi of the lungs, allowing the passage of
air, and so is present in almost all air-breathing animals with lungs. It
extends from the larynx and branches into the two primary bronchi.

11. Urinary system. It helps eliminate a waste product called urea from the body,
which is produced when certain foods are broken down. The whole system
includes two kidneys, two ureters, the bladder, two sphincter muscles and the
urethra. Urine produced by the kidneys travels down the ureters to the bladder,
and exits the body through the urethra.

12. Integumentary system (skin). It is the body's largest organ. It protects us from
the outside world, and is our first defense against bacteria, viruses and other
pathogens. Our skin also helps regulate body temperature and eliminate waste
University of Mindanao 15
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through perspiration. In addition to skin, the integumentary system includes

hair and nails.

C. Parts and functions of plants

1. Roots. It is responsible for pulling both water and minerals to the plant.
They expand in the ground to increase the surface area for water
absorption. They also anchor the plant into the ground for stability.
 Types of Root System
 Taproot system. It develops from radicle of the germinating
seed. It is also called the normal root system, and present
in only dicotyledonous plants.
 Adventitious root system. It develops from any part of the
plant body other than the radicle and mostly seen in
monocotyledonous plants.
2. Stem. It transports the nutrients and minerals through the plant up to the
leaves. The leaves are the location for photosynthesis. After
photosynthesis occurs, the stem is responsible for carrying the food
through the rest of the plant. Stems grow upwards, allowing leaves at the
bottom of the plant to reach sunlight for food production.
3. Leaf. It is responsible for catching sunlight and allowing both air and water
to enter the plant. It can be simple, with one leaf connected to the plant, or
compound, where a leaf is connected with one petiole but has numerous
leaflets on it. Leaves have veins inside them to allow nutrients and water
to flow.
4. Flowers. It is responsible for making the food and has both female parts,
called the pistil, and male parts, called the stamens. They work together
to fertilize the plant and produce seeds. The petals of a flower attract other
insects such as butterflies and bees to the plant to pollinate them.

(Rettner, R. (2016). The Human Body: Anatomy, Facts & Functions. Retrieved from

(Rumble, A. (2019). What Are the Functions of Plant Parts for Kids? Retrieved from

(Zimmermann, K.A. (2019). The Circulatory System: An Amazing Circuit That Keeps Our Bodies Going. Retrieved from

Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you further
understand the lesson:
University of Mindanao 16
College of Teacher Education “Physically Distanced but Academically Engaged”
*Guzman, S. (nd). Animal Structure and Function. Retrieved from

*Animal structure and function. (2000, 12). Scitech Book News, 24 Retrieved from

*Lord, R. (2011). Investigating plant structure and function. The Science Teacher, 78(8), 79-80. Retrieved from

Let’s Check
Activity 1. Now that you know the most essential terms in the study of plants and animal’s parts
and functions. Let us try to check your understanding of these terms. In the space provided,
identify what is being described in the statement.

_______________ 1. It consists of a series of connected organs that together, allow the body to
break down and absorb food, and remove waste.

________________2. It controls both voluntary action and involuntary actions and sends signals
to different parts of the body.

________________3. It is the body's control center, receiving and sending signals to other organs
through the nervous system and through secreted hormones.

________________ 4. It consists mainly of the trachea, the diaphragm and the lungs.

__________________5. This dome-shaped muscle is located just below the lungs and heart.

__________________6. It is the body's largest organ and protects us from the outside world, and
is our first defense against bacteria, viruses and other pathogens.

__________________7. It encloses the central canal of the spinal cord, which contains
cerebrospinal fluid.

__________________8. It is responsible for catching sunlight and allowing both air and water to
enter the plant.

_________________9. It develops from any part of the plant body other than the radicle and
mostly seen in monocotyledonous plants.

_________________10. It is responsible for carrying the food through the rest of the plant. Stems
grow upwards, allowing leaves at the bottom of the plant to reach sunlight for food production.

Let’s Analyze
Activity 1. Getting acquainted with the essential terms in the study of force, motion, and energy
(sound and light) is not enough, what also matters is you should also be able to explain its inter-
relationships. Now, I will require you to explain thoroughly your answers.
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1. Explain briefly the distinct functions of each human body system.










2. What are the essential parts of the plants? Give the functions of each concisely.













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3. How important for you to understand the basic concepts of plant and animals, specifically its
parts and functions?














In a Nutshell

Activity 1. The study of parts and functions of plants and animals is very significant
in dealing with this course. It is a very interesting topic that requires a lot of efforts to be
able to teach it effectively inside the classroom.

Based from the definition of the most essential terms in the study of parts and functions
of plants and animals and the learning exercises that you have done, please feel free to
list stuffs you’re going to share to your future students out from the experiences you’ve
come across. It can also include your valuable learnings and your “AHA’ moments.

1. ______________________________________________________________________


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2. ______________________________________________________________________



3. ______________________________________________________________________



4. ______________________________________________________________________



5. ______________________________________________________________________



Q&A LIST. This section allows you to list down all the emerging questions or issues you
have come across. Note that these questions or issues may be raised in the LMS or other
modes. Just kindly write the answers after clarification.

Do you have any question for clarification?

Questions/Issues Answers






This section lists down the keywords that help you recall the important concepts and terms
you have encountered above. This section also helps in your review.

Circulatory system Lymphatic system Skeletal system

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Digestive system Nervous system. Roots

Endocrine system Muscular system stem
Immune system Reproductive system Leaves and flowers

Big Picture in Focus: ULOb. Evaluate the effectiveness and

appropriateness of the different teaching strategies, methods and
techniques for teaching the parts and functions of animals and plants
concepts to primary and intermediate learners.


For you to demonstrate ULOb, you will need to have an operational understanding
of the following terms below.

1. Teaching Strategy. This refers to a generalized plan for a lesson which includes
structure of desired learners’ behavior in terms of goals of instructions and an
outline of planned tactics necessary to implement the strategy.
2. Teaching Method. This is the method chosen to achieve a teaching goal. This is
normally defined by the teacher of a given subject, so that the students can then
follow it. It should be designed in such a way that students acquire the knowledge
and skills for which the subject was included in the curriculum.
3. Teaching Technique. This one carries out a method. It is implementational. Also,
it is a well-defined procedure used to accomplish a specific activity or task.

Essential Knowledge

Before we judge the effectiveness and appropriateness of different teaching

strategies, methods and techniques in teaching parts and functions of animals and plants
concepts to primary and intermediate learners, it is highly important that we familiarize
the different strategies, methods, and techniques that we can use in the actual teaching.
As a quality teacher, you should have a commendable knowledge of these.

1. Simple 3D Parts of a Plant Craft. A teaching strategy that pull together a

simple but meaningful craft as students create a 3D flower using items you
probably already have around the classroom. Label the parts of the flower to
review plant parts.
2. Cinquain Plant Poetry. This strategy connects the world of science and writing
by writing poems about plants. Have students use adjectives and plant
vocabulary to write a cinquain poem accompanied by a beautiful hand drawn
University of Mindanao 21
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3. Instructional model. This technique acts as a blueprint for teaching. Models

represent the broadest level of instructional practices and present a
philosophical orientation to instruction.
4. Mnemonics. This tool helps students in remembering items using the first letter
of each word to make a new word or sentence.
5. Word Games. This is a creative strategy to help elementary students to
experience the language of science.
6. Video Clips. This teaching technique makes use of instructional video clips
available online or in libraries to show and teach a new concept.
7. Collaborative/Cooperative Learning. A great way to get students to interact
with their peers and their instructors
8. Questioning Strategy. This strategy encourages students to think about how
an investigation could be designed based on what they know.
9. Hands-on activities. This strategy engages students beyond the lecture and
teach useful scientific concepts.
10. Real-life scenarios. It allows learners to involve case studies and ways of
analyzing current problems.
11. Field research journals. This technique uses notes and other documentation
of trusted science experiments or from the students in your classroom.
12. Differentiation. Differentiate your teaching by allocating tasks based on
students’ abilities, to ensure no one gets left behind.
13. Remote Labs. Learning by doing is an unparalleled approach to teach science
and this is made a reality with remote labs. This would enhance their inquiry
skills and conceptual understanding and also the students can learn and
explore with motivation.
14. Science Notebooks. Providing a science data notebook helps students
develop writing skills while exploring science concepts.
15. Peer-to-Peer Teaching. Students take the role of teaching each other that
promotes excitement learning science.
16. Science Games for Kids. Kids always love to play and that is why smart
teachers introduce science to them with interesting games. They can also learn
more about science and technology with fun.
17. Hands on Learning. It involves the active participation of students to
experience scientific concepts than to just have an audience view.

(50 Innovative Teaching Methods in Science. (2019, July 8). Retrieved from

(Teach Junkie (2020). 4 easy and quick parts of a plant activities. Retrieved from

Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you
further understand the lesson:
University of Mindanao 22
College of Teacher Education “Physically Distanced but Academically Engaged”

*Patrick, C. (2003). Strategies for Teaching Science Content Reading. The

Science Education Review, 2(4), 2003.

*Dejonckheere, P.J., N., Van de Keere, K., Tallir, I., & Vervaet, S. (2013). Primary
school science: Implementation of domain-general strategies into teaching
didactics, Australian Educational Researcher, 40(5), 583-614.

Let’s Check

Activity 1. Now that you know some of the helpful strategies, methods, and techniques
in teaching the parts and functions of plants and animals to primary and intermediate
learners. Let us try to check your understanding of these terms. Below, kindly supply each
item with the correct teaching strategy, method or technique from the list provided above.

______________ 1. This is a creative strategy to help elementary students to experience

the language of science.
______________ 2. This strategy may allocate the tasks based on students’ abilities, to
ensure no one gets left behind.
______________ 3. This strategy engages students beyond the lecture and teach useful
scientific concepts.
______________ 4. This strategy connects the world of science and writing by writing
poems about plants.
______________ 5. This technique acts as a blueprint for teaching.
______________ 6. This technique uses notes and other documentation of trusted
science experiments or from the students in your classroom.
______________ 7. This tool helps students in remembering items using the first letter
of each word to make a new word or sentence.
______________ 8. This would enhance their inquiry skills and conceptual understanding
and also the students can learn and explore with motivation.
______________ 9. It allows learners to involve case studies and ways of analyzing
current problems.
______________10. This strategy encourages students to think about how an
investigation could be designed based on what they know.

Let’s Analyze
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Activity 1. The different teaching strategies, methods, and techniques help us to make
the teaching-learning process become more interactive and meaningful to our students.

At this juncture, you will be required to Judge and Criticize the effectiveness of the
strategies mentioned above in teaching primary and intermediate learners. In this activity,
you need to evaluate the appropriateness of the chosen teaching strategies in teaching
the following topics written below. After evaluating, please feel free to list down some of
the most effective strategies (at least 5 for each item, in a descending order) you think
you can employ to best deliver each topic together with your reason.

1.Teacher Jenny uses word games in teaching the major organs of the body in the
intermediate level.

2.Teacher Ann uses mnemonics in teaching the different parts of plants.


3.Teacher Roy uses video clips in teaching human body system.

4.Teacher Alex utilizes peer-to-peer teaching in teaching his students about diseases that
affect organ system.
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5.Teacher Liza utilizes questioning strategy in teaching the sense organs of the body.

In a Nutshell
The importance of choosing the best teaching strategy is undeniable. In this portion of the
unit, you will be required to state your arguments as to what factors we need to consider
in choosing the best teaching strategy, method, or technique in the lesson delivery.


Q&A LIST. This section allows you to list down all the emerging questions or issues you
have come across. Note that these questions or issues may be raised in the LMS or other
modes. Just kindly write the answers after clarification.
University of Mindanao 25
College of Teacher Education “Physically Distanced but Academically Engaged”

Do you have any question for clarification?

Questions/Issues Answers






KEYWORDS INDEX. This section lists down the keywords that help you recall the
important concepts and terms you have encountered above. This section also helps in
your review.

Teaching Strategy Cinquain Plant Poetry Remote Labs

Teaching Method Questioning Strategy Instructional model
Teaching Technique Field research journals Peer-to-Peer Teaching
Simple 3D Parts of a Differentiation Collaborative/Cooperative
Plant Craft Learning.

Big Picture in Focus: ULOc. Develop lesson plans for teaching parts
and functions of animals and plants in the primary and intermediate


Below are the essential terms that you are going to encounter in the pursuit of
ULOc. Again, you are advised to frequently refer to these definitions to help you
understand the succeeding topics.

1. Lesson Plan. It is a teacher’s detailed description of the course of instruction

which provides a general outline of the teaching goals, learning objectives, and
means to accomplish them, and is by no means exhaustive.
2. Detailed Lesson Plan. It is a thorough description of a teacher’s instructions for a
particular class wherein the assumed responses of the students are also included.
3. Semi-detailed Lesson Plan. It is a less intricate than the detailed lesson plan and
is having a general game plan of what you wanted to cover for that subject on that
particular day.
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4. 4As Lesson Plan. It can be a detailed or a semi-detailed lesson plan which

focuses on four main concepts: Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, and Application.

Essential Knowledge
Before you develop lesson plans tailored in teaching parts and function of animals
and plants to primary and intermediate learners, it is highly important that you understand
first its essential components. The terms are arranged according as to how you order
them in a typical lesson plan.

1. Learning Competencies. These can be found in the Curriculum Guide provided

by the Department of Education, are the main ideas or skills you expect students
to master (these are also called “goals”).
2. Learning Objectives. Are statements that define the expected goal of a
curriculum, course, lesson or activity in terms of demonstrable skills or knowledge
that will be acquired by a student as a result of instruction. This part needs to
include the 3 domains of learning namely cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
3. Subject Matter: The matter or thought presented for consideration in some
statement or discussion; that which is made the object of thought or study. It
includes the topic, references and materials used.
4. Procedure: It is the body of your lesson plan, the ways in which you’ll share
information with students and the methods you’ll use to help them assume a
measure of mastery of that material. In 4As format, this includes the Activity,
Analysis, Abstraction, and Application.
5. Activity. This includes the activity you incorporate in the beginning of the class
which are related and appropriate with the topic and are leading to the subject
6. Analysis. This part includes the processing of the activity which puts you closer to
the subject matter. It is usually done by asking questions to students in order for
them to be guided as to where they are heading.
7. Abstraction. This component focuses on teaching the topic in any possible
method you can think of for as long as it is appropriate and feasible.
8. Application. This part involves connecting students’ understanding to a more
concrete form of learning. This includes transforming an idea or thought from
theory to practice.
9. Assessment. It refers to the wide variety of methods or tools that educators use
to evaluate, measure, and document the academic readiness, learning progress,
skill acquisition, or educational needs of students.
10. Assignment. Or homework, is a set of tasks assigned to students by their
teachers to concretize more the things they learned inside the classroom.
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*Tiosan, M. (n.d.). Detailed Micro-Lesson Plan Using 4 A's Approach. Retrieved from

Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you further
understand the lesson:

*”Lesson plans writing: How to write a good lesson plan and avoid common mistakes.” Contains
tips on effective lesson writing. (2015, Jul 07). M2 Presswire. Retrieved from

*Chavez, G. (2017). Creating integrated inquiry science lessons based on early childhood science
activities (Order No. 10262859). Retrieved from

Let’s Check
Activity 1. Now that you know already the essential components of a lesson plan
especially that of the 4As format. Let us try to check your understanding by simply
designing Learning Objectives and Lesson Plan Procedure. In the space provided below,
you will be required to develop the Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, and Application parts
of a 4As lesson plan in accordance to its LC, Topic, and Objectives incorporating the
different teaching strategies, methods and techniques discussed in ULOb. The subject
matter should be in lined with the topics of the parts and functions of animals and plants.

Learning Competency:__________________________________________________

A. Activity
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B. Analysis


C. Abstraction
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D. Application

Let’s Analyze

Activity 1. In this activity, you are required to judge and criticize the lesson plan (4As)
sample below. Kindly write down the areas that need improvement and you may also
include its strengths and weaknesses.


Learning Competency: Describe the parts and functions of the sense organs of
the human body. (S3LT-IIa-b-1)

At the end of the 50-minute discussions, 85% of the pupils are expected to:
a. describe the different sense organ.;
b. appreciate the importance of the sense organ of the body; and
c. give the function of the different sense organ of the body.
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Topic: Human Beings – Sense Organs
Concepts: Eyes is our sense of sight.
Nose is our sense of smelling.
Ear is our sense of hearing.
Tongue is our sense of taste.
Skin is our sense of touch.

References: Science for Daily Use 3, Violeta R. Roson pp. 2-13

Materials: Real objects; Pictures; Chart
A. Preliminary Activities

a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Cleanliness
d. Checking of attendance
e. Classroom Rules
f. Lesson Review

B. Motivation
 What is in the picture?

 The teacher will ask the following:

What are they?
What are the functions of each sense organ?
The eyes are for?
The nose for?
The ears are for?
The tongue is for?
The skin is for?

C. Presentation
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1. Activity
Materials: Chocolate, Calamansi, Chalk, Ball, Table, Book

Using the Sense Organs

Objects Shape Size Color Texture Taste


1. The pupils will get the objects and describe them.

2. Write their observation on the table.
3. The teacher will assist the pupils in doing the activity.

2. Analysis
Guided Questions:
1. How many sense organs did you use to describe the object?
2. Do you know the functions of the sense organ?
3. What would happen if you do not have these senses?
4. Based from the activity that we had, what do you think our topic for

The pupils will answer and the teacher will assess their answers.
-Reading of Objectives-

3. Abstraction
The teacher will discuss the concepts of sense organ.

The Five Senses

A. Eyes

 Sight, also referred to as vision, is our ability to see.

 Eyes are the visual sensory organs of the human body.
 Human eyes vary in color depending on the amount of melanin in the
 Eye colors can be brown, blue, gray, green, and even combinations.
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 Photoreceptors present in the eye’s retina are what translates light into
 Rods and cones are the two types of photoreceptors.
 The optic nerve is what carries the impulses to the brain.

B. Ears

 Hearing, also referred to as auditory perception or audition, is our ability

to perceive sounds.
 We have our auditory system by which we detect vibrations and hear
 Vibrations are transmitted through a medium such as air.
 These vibrations are mechanically carried on from the eardrum through
the tiny bones named the malleus, incus, and stapes.

C. Nose
 The sense of smell is also referred to as olfaction.
 We have our olfactory system by which we smell and perceive different
odors and scents.
 The nose can also be an organ to aid in our sense of taste.
 Humans breathe through two holes called nostrils.
 Animals generally have a sharper sense of smell than humans.

D. Tongue
 We have one tongue by which we perceive various tastes and flavors
like sweet, salty, sour, and bitter.
 The small bumps on the tongue are the papillae.
 In between the papillae are the taste buds.
 Taste buds, also called gustatory calculi, are the sensory organs on the
tongue’s upper surface.

E. Skin
 Our skin is the largest organ as it covers our whole body.
 The receptors on our skin allow us to perceive texture, pain,
temperature, pressure, and pain.
 Touch is also referred to as tactician, somatosensation, or
 The sense of touch is activated by neural receptors found in the skin,
and other surfaces like the tongue and hair follicles.

4 Application
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Group Activity:
Group 1. Objective: Identify the shapes, size, and color of the objects.
Materials: Cut out objects with different shapes and colors.

1. Name the shapes of the objects.
2. Tell the colors of the different shapes.
3. Classify the object according to its size and place them on the

Size table:



Conclusion: What sense organ did you use?

Group 2: Objective: Identify the kinds of sounds.

Materials: Pictures
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1. Name the sounds produced by each pictures. It can be, loud or soft, high
pitch or low pitch, pleasant or unpleasant?
2. Discuss it in front of the class.

Conclusion: What sense organ did you use?

Group 3: Objective: Describe the texture of the objects.

Materials: Towel, cotton, water, chair

Hold the materials.
Discuss the answer in front of the class.
Classify the different kinds of textures and write it
down on the chart.
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Circle chart
What sense organ did you use?

Group 4: Objectives: Identify the kinds of smell.

Materials: Perfume, Alcohol, Sampaguita

Smell the following materials

1. Describe the smell of each.

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2. What are the two kinds of smell? Write it down on the chart.

Venn diagram:

Conclusion: What sense organ did you used?

Group 5: Objective: Describe the different types of taste.

Materials: Candies, Chocolate, Chili, Ampalaya, Calamansi,

1. Name the foods given.
2. Classify them according to taste.
3. Discuss in the class what the taste of each food are.
4. Write down the five kinds of taste on the chart.

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Conclusion: What sense organ did you used?

Identify the sense organs of the body?
How does each work?

IV. Evaluation
Identify the sense organ use in the following thing. Put it in the appropriate
branch of a tree chart.
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V. Agreement
Give ways on how we take good care of our five senses?


Write your comments below:


In a Nutshell

The art of making an effective lesson plan is truly a skill only teacher can master. In this
portion of the unit, you will be required to state the important factors we need to be mindful
about and to be considered in making an effective lesson plan.


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Q&A LIST. This section allows you to list down all the emerging questions or issues you
have come across. Note that these questions or issues may be raised in the LMS or other
modes. Just kindly write the answers after clarification.

Do you have any question for clarification?

Questions/Issues Answers






KEYWORDS INDEX. This section lists down the keywords that help you recall the
important concepts and terms you have encountered above. This section also helps in
your review.

Detailed Lesson Plan Learning Objectives Application

Semi-detailed Lesson Plan Activity
4As Lesson Plan Analysis
Learning Competency Abstraction

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