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Rubrics for TOS

Score Criteria
5 Table of Specifications demonstrates complete understanding
and execution of the problem. Specific learning outcomes are
clearly stated and with purpose. All requirements of the
assessment task are included.
4 Table of Specifications demonstrates considerable
understanding and execution of the problem. Specific learning
outcomes are clearly stated and with purpose. All requirements
of the assessment task are included.
3 Table of Specifications demonstrates partial understanding and
execution of the problem. Specific learning outcomes are not
actually clearly stated and with purpose. Most requirements of
the assessment task are included.
2 Table of Specifications demonstrates little understanding and
execution of the problem. Specific learning outcomes are not
actually clearly stated and with purpose. Some requirements of
the assessment task are missing.
1 Table of Specifications demonstrates no understanding and
execution of the problem. Specific learning outcomes are not
clearly stated and without purpose. Many requirements of the
assessment task .
0 No response/task not attempted.

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