Indian Ethos

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Name – Prayag Das Reg no – FMS/MBA/2020-22/057

Course- Indian Ethos, Ethics and Mind Management course code- MBC 202
1 a. Ans- Moral refers to an individual's personal stance, principles and values of what is
right and wrong, whereas ethics refers to rules, principles, norms and values that are
external to the individual, such as the norms and values of a social community, occupational
codes of conduct, religious principles, etc.
b.Ans- The most powerful purpose statements look beyond profit. This means they talk only
of the good the brand seeks to create without stating the obvious goal of
every business: profit. It is within the context of profit making that goodness makes a
is a survey of executives from across the globe that seeks to understand trends and
challenges in measuring, disclosing and understanding the value that companies create.
d.Ans Satisfaction with what one has is the key. Meanwhile, Western philosophy focuses
on ethics. Eastern philosophy is also more about the spiritual while Western philosophy is
more of a hands-on style. The difference is the I of the West, and the We of the East, as one
focuses on finding truth and meaning.
2.Ans- Ethics is defined as a moral philosophy or code of morals practiced by a person or
group of people at its simplest, ethics is a system of moral principles. Ethics is concerned
with what is good for individuals and society and is also described as moral philosophy. The
term is derived from the Greek word ethos which can mean custom, habit, character or
disposition. An example of ethics is the code of conduct set by a business. The study of
principles relating to right and wrong conduct.
Is there any requirement to have it in Business especially when 'maximizing profit' is
considered as the only ethics of business this question totally depends upon the business
man or the members who running are the business because of the following reason
A number of factors play a part in making a business profitable, including expert
management teams, dedicated and productive employees, consistent consumer demand,
and a careful watch over the bottom line. In addition to these well-known business
practices, companies that implement a management philosophy that relies heavily on
business ethics are proven to be more successful than those that operate in an unethical
manner. Although it may not be the first variable considered in analysing the profits of a
company, business ethics is an equally important catalyst to the success of a company.
i)Business Ethics in Management-Ethics in business relate to how an organization or
corporation handles situations that require moral decisions. Management ethics involves
leaders protecting their employees, customers and society as a whole from any negative
consequences that could arise from the actions of their businesses.
ii)Business Ethics and Employee- Morale-Ethical behaviour in the workplace has
positive effects on employee morale, employee commitment to the organization, and
overall company credibility. Through proper training, we believe your company and
its employees can reach their full potential
iii)The Bottom Line- Implementing a sound ethical policy at a company ensures a positive
impact on all stakeholders, from investors to employees to consumers. Companies that lay
the framework for business ethics in all facets of operations are more likely to become and
remain profitable than those that conduct business in an unethical manner.

3. Ans -Business ethics according to Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is Ethics in Business: Trust
is the Breath of Business; Ethics its limbs; to uplift the Spirit its Goal Young entrepreneurs
need to see role models; industries which have ethical practices, which are fair and which
have corporate social responsibilities.
This can happen and in fact this should happen, for there are ample numbers of businesses
that have grown steadily following a code of conduct and ethics, said Sri Sri.
the key principles and prescriptions from the book of Management Mantras-
i) Develop Your Intuitive Abilities-No business can work without intuition! Right from
dealing with people to making investment decisions, you have to listen to your gut feeling. If
your decisions are based on intuition, you will prosper.
One of the key factors to being a successful entrepreneur is intuition. If you don’t have
intuition, you cannot be a good businessperson because you cannot go on gambling. The
success that comes to you through gambling is accidental and can also bring you failure. But
if you have intuitive abilities, you will not fail. So, intuition is the first management mantra.
ii) Focus on Innovation-The second management mantra is innovation. Innovation is
essential to maintain and grow your business. The world is changing very fast and if you are
not innovative, you will find yourself in the back seat. And so, it is important to be creative
and develop your innovative tendencies.
For every innovation, you need both intellect and intuition. It is not enough if you have just
done well academically and have intellectual abilities. For innovation, you need an intuitive
insight as well. That intuitive insight comes when you empty your mind a few times every
day; in other words, when you meditate.
iii)Create a Sense of Belongingness among Co-workers-The third management mantra is to
create a sense of belongingness among people working in the company. A good measure of
this is teamwork and commitment. For example, ask yourself this question – Are people
working for your company while thinking of the company as just an ATM where you take
money and walk away, or do they have a relationship with the company?
This is something you need to observe.
You may have a hundred employees, but how many of them have a sense of belongingness
to the company? How many of them have the same sense of ownership that you have?
People working in any setup without a sense of ownership cannot make much progress
iv)Believe in Yourself-If you are a business tycoon and you are irritable, stressed, and
unhappy, I tell you, your success factor is zero. You know, some of the top businessmen
have debts that run into billions, yet they have confidence, they are friendly with other
people, and they keep a smile. That is a true sign of success.
Even if you lose everything, if you have the confidence that you can recreate everything
again, then that is a true sign of success. Success is an attitude; it is not a phenomenon.
4.Ans- the key principles of Ethical Leadership are following –
• Ethical leadership is a form of leadership in which individuals demonstrate conduct
for the common good that is acceptable and appropriate in every area of their life
• Be the Example
A noble quality of a leader is leading by example. As an ethical leader, it’s important
to remember that actions often speak louder than words. People are more likely to
judge someone based on how they act, rather than what they say. People may be
more likely to follow a leader who respects others and shows integrity.
• Champion the Importance of Ethics
One role of an ethical leader is focusing on the overall importance of ethics,
including ethical standards and other ethical issues, and how these factors can
influence society. As an ethical leader, it’s important to teach peers about ethics,
especially in cases where they are faced with an ethical issue in the workplace.
• Communicate
Successful ethical leaders tend to be good communicators. People communicate in
different ways. Some may feel comfortable speaking in public, regardless of
personnel or situation, while others may be hesitant to speak with a leader because
of fear, anxiousness or simply not knowing how to articulate what they are trying to
The steps we can take in our personal and professional life to emerge as an ethical leader
will be the following –
1. Justice
An ethical leader is always fair and just. They have no favourites, and treat everyone
equally. Under an ethical leader, no employee has any reason to fear biased treatment on
the basis of gender, ethnicity, nationality, or any other factor.

2. Respect others
One of the most important traits of ethical leadership is the respect that is given to
followers. An ethical leader shows respect all members of the team by listening to them
attentively, valuing their contributions, being compassionate, and being generous while
considering opposing viewpoints.

3. Honesty
It goes without saying that anyone who is ethical will also be honest and loyal. Honesty is
particularly important to be an effective ethical leader, because followers trust honest and
dependable leaders. Ethical leaders convey facts transparently, no matter how unpopular
they may be.
4. Focus on teambuilding
Ethical leaders foster a sense of community and team spirit within the organization. When
an ethical leader strives to achieve goals, it is not just personal goals that they’re concerned
about. They make genuine efforts to achieve goals that benefit the entire organization – not
just themselves.

5. Value driven decision-making

In ethical leadership, all decisions are first checked to ensure that they are in accordance
with the overall organizational values. Only those decisions that meet this criterion are

6. Encourages initiative
Under an ethical leader, employees thrive and flourish. Employees are rewarded for coming
up with innovative ideas, and are encouraged to do what it takes to improve the way things
are done. Employees are praised for taking the first step rather than waiting for somebody
else to do it for them.

7. No tolerance for ethical violations

An ethical leader expects employees to do the right thing at all times, not just when it is
convenient for them. Don’t expect a leader of such high values to overlook or tolerate
ethical violations.

5.Ans- Tata Steel been awarded as one of the most ethical companies by Ethisphere
because Tata Steel's code on ethics represents the Company's philosophy, belief and values
which is the most important reason for the trust our stakeholders have on us. We at Tata
Steel are committed to live by the ethical code of conduct by demonstrating the same
through our decisions and conduct on a day-to-day basis

• The Tata name evokes a sense of Trust, Credibility, and Integrity amongst stakeholders
in India and overseas. It is a privilege to be part of the legacy and to build on this equity
which has been earned so assiduously through our ethical conduct through the years.

• Tata always expect honesty, integrity and transparency in all aspects of our business
from our employees, contractors and other business counterparts. Our ethical principles
are clearly and unambiguously articulated in the Tata Code of Conduct, to which
all Tata Group companies subscribe.

• So due this reason Tata become the most ethical companies in India and get awarded

Tata Steel inspires other steel companies in the world on the following ways – are Business,
as I have seen it, places one great demand on you: it needs you to self-impose a framework
of ethics, values, fairness and objectivity on yourself at all times. Said by Ratan Tata

Tata has always been a values-driven organisation. These values continue to direct the
growth and business of Tata companies.
The five core Tata values underpinning the way we do business are:
We will be fair, honest, transparent and ethical in our conduct; everything we do must stand
the test of public scrutiny. For example, Keep your promises even if it takes extra effort.
• Go back to a store and pay for something you forgot to pay for.
• Never betray a friend's trust even if you get in trouble.

We will integrate environmental and social principles in our businesses, ensuring that what
comes from the people goes back to the people many times over. For example, provide and
maintain workplaces, plant and systems of work so that you and other workers are not
exposed to hazards;
• provide information about the hazards and risks from your job;

We will be passionate about achieving the highest standards of quality, always promoting
meritocracy. For example, Provide a compelling, positive vision with clear goals.
• Communicate the right stuff at the right time.
• Select the right people for the right job.
• Create a united, team atmosphere.

We will be bold and agile, courageously taking on challenges, using deep customer insight to
develop innovative solutions.
We will invest in our people and partners, enable continuous learning, and build caring and
collaborative relationships based on trust and mutual respect. For example, Clarity of Vision.
One way to unify your employees is to clearly articulate your vision for the company. ...
• Relationships. Team members who care for and respect each other tend to be more
unified than those who don't. ...
So in this way Tata Steel inspires other steel companies in the world.

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