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MOAB CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT STATEMENT FORM CASEH 7 97)~ 0008 are He 20a AG: emai name Chr ve the folowing statement to officers ofthe Moab City Police Department, rely voluntarly, and without promise of leniency You ave notined that statements you are about to make may be admitted in court. You do solemnly swear that the evidence you shall give in the matter shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, under penalties of perjury. Notice: Pursuant to Section 76-8-504.5, Utah Code Annotated, 1953 as ‘amended, you are notified that states you are about to make may be presented to a magistrate or Judge in lieu of your sworn testimony at 2 preliminary examination, Any false statement you make and that you do no believe to be true may suject you to criminal punishment as a Class A Misdemeanor. Pcp pia 450m ee erin) Woon Cores wwe Skee dh) the Sout Side ob Ne, steak Tobin ea wen £ owen anne bo hee some setok o'gute, Vey Wee belkis, re sce ecch ober f Sowellrin Seca) 068 hy Spo fain Wey ware cook Oo SAVNSES Cw nhore — Tank Ye Wel Koo Oe Sewrtles phone, DE epteeven) Hat We did wit went le in te cbbule_ ve, Wee Sinks We Seke-s Sold Sle Clewed Wior, SE _ove paid She eves punelieg lw iwyle avr aodhF Bere dt Cig 8 nin Huy "have read each page ofthis statement, each of which bears my signature, and corrections if any bear my initials, and | certify that the facts contained ia are true and correct. | understand that the statement above is my own and that the same may be presenifd inlcourt. | hereby swear and affirm that the same is true, and | understand that if same is false, such fact m4y} spunirableby W. — SIGN HERE IF DONE: (If more space is needed, continue with narrative on back) a [MOAB CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT STATEMENT FORM cast 2o2.1-0°! a \wled) infor Wr Orcery ve el _ Sew ~ Were) ate ae Shy sb_you_hee co be Sa ew! 7 wwsnit= Sue [nud fleus WE Wes = Tes urd vo Well (REY Uble Se/roh po Siclabicg bor Som fit oR Ue Ope Wa, Oded LG ced ttth seem fee Dew A= Wetiv bs levee Let eee) ed Rike wef -O prone 2 ue br Witro) “ko W\yhovi To yokes) _ewote ferSuve be) alle) We thy ag eS To te te ere) TV yolere) on pala” oer & seve Limam combral ute, Ihave read each page of this statement, each of which bears my signature, and corrections, if any bear ‘my initials, and | gartify that the facts contained herein are true and correct. |understand that the statement aboyé is my own and that the same may be presented in court. | hereby swear and affirm that the same (ftrup, and | understand that if sa s such fact may be punishable by law. SIGNED wires pare d-(202/ eee A 2 neportwneornicen_) CQL FT PAGE. oF, PAGES

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