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Amy, Tom, Bob, Steve, Mike, Eric

Team A – Amy, Tom, Bob

Team B – Steve, Mike, Eric
In 5b, this is different than
Team A – Steve, Mike, Eric
Team B – Amy, Tom, Bob
In example 5b, on page 10 of chapter 1, suppose
that Team A plays in the NBA, they make more
money, receive more prestige. Team B plays in the
local neighborhood league.

In 5c
On one team – Amy, Tom, Bob
On another team – Steve, Mike, Eric
In example 5c, on page 10 of chapter 1, there is one
league, the only thing that matters is that Steve,
Mike, and Eric are one team together and that Amy,
Tom, and Bob are on the other team.
Number 7 on page 16 of Chapter 1
a) 6!
b) 2*3!*3! = Boys Girls + Girls Boys
c) 4*3!*3! =
Boys G G G + G Boys G G + G G Boys G + G G G Boys
Also, you view the Boys as one unit, each of the
three girls is a unit. Hence, there are 4 units. One of
the units has 3 elements
4! (permuting the 4 units, Boys, G, G, G) * 3!
( permuting the 3 boys)

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