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Class: 10 ENGLISH Marks: 40

No.of Pages :14 Time : 1 ½ hrs

1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections.
2. Section A-READING has 18 questions. Attempt a total of 14 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
3. Section B-WRITING & GRAMMAR has 12 questions. Attempt a total of 10 questions, as
per specific instructions for each question.
4. Section C-LITERATURE has 30 questions. Attempt 26 questions, as per specific
instructions for each question.
5. All questions carry equal marks.
6. There is no negative marking.

I. Read the passage given below.
1. That there’s gender division of labour in India is something well known-and evident
from looking around virtually every household, and to some extent,workplaces.But
just how unequal it is was hard to quantify,until now.
2. Data shows women are overwhelmingly involved in work they do not get paid
for.Some 84% of women’s working hours are spent on activities they do not get paid
for,while men,the reverse is true-80% of their work time is spent on activities they
get paid for.Spending the majority of their time in employment does reduce the
hours available for men to spend on unpaid domestic chores,but the problem goes
beyond mere time availability.
3. Just 6.1% men participate in cooking, even if only for a few minutes in a day,but 87%
men participate in leisure activities.In places where patriarchal norms around
division of labour are rigid,they create gendered spaces within the household.In
many such households,if a man walks into the kitchen,it is considered odd or wrong.
It isn’t paid work that is preventing them from sharing household work.

69% of men say they 14% say they are working from
now realise house home for the same reason they
work is tougher than are WFH: because they have
they imagined. It’s not been told to.
child’s play at all.
31% maintain it’s not
that hard.

Women are overwhelmingly involved in

unpaid work
83% of men and 82%of women agree
that housework is not always a woman’s
duty and chores should be shared. Let’s
6% men participate in cooking hope the 17-18% holdouts on either side
8%men participate in cleaning are with each other.
households in India



15% men -childcare

and instruction

75% men- cleaning , maintenance

of own dwelling and surroundings

4. Women aged 15-59, however, the vast majority participate in some cooking every
day.Just 8% men participate in house cleaning and just 3% in washing clothes. This
leaves women with little time to socialise-or even sleep. The average woman, aged 15-
59, gets 13 minutes fewer sleep at night each day,but catches up by grabbing a nap at
odd hours.Women in their working ages also get less time to socialise,eat and drink,and
even bathe and get dressed.

On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY SEVEN questions
from the NINE that follow.

1.Which of these statements can you not infer from the text?
(A) Men show an disinclination for unpaid work
(B) A large number of men are involved in their children’s upbringing
(C) Men like to be least involved in cleaning and maintenance work around the house.
(D) In urban households, the work women do is in addition to the equal time they
give to paid work.

2.Which of these idioms means the same as ‘child’s play’?

(A) Duck soup (B) Blowing in the wind
(C) A piece of cake (D) A breeze

3.Which of these is not a reason for men’s reluctance to share the household work?
(A) They find it difficult.
(B) They are groomed to think it as odd.
(C) They would rather not do something that is unpaid.
(D) They spend more hours at their jobs than women.

4. The result of the unequal division of labour is that …………..

(A) it affects women’s health and sleep adversely.
(B) it reinforces gender stereotypes.
(C) children at home watch parents and imbibe the same gender values.
(D) women are more likely to suffer from depression and mental health issues.

5. Choose the correct option for the following statement.

Statement: Gendered spaces exist everywhere in India, across rural and urban
areas, class, and social groups.
(A) Definitely true (B) Most likely false
(C) Probably true (D) Can’t say

6. Which of these would not be considered a patriarchal norm/behaviour?

(A) Gendered language
(B) Complete control over women’s action
(C) Reservation for women in Parliament
(D) Female foeticide.

7. 17% of men and women believe that household work is not a shared activity.This
implies that……….
(A) both men and women have a patriarchal mindset.
(B) in such households, men never contribute to household work, including the
upbringing of children.
(C) women are exploited, and are often victims of domestic violence, dowry and
female foeticide in such households.
(D) in such households women have no power of decision making or financial rights.

8.Which of the following words is similar in meaning to ‘stiff’?

(A) leisure (B) rigid (C) preventing (D) socialise

9.Which of the following words is OPPOSITE in meaning to ‘absence’?

(A) overwhelmingly (B) reverse (C) majority (D) availability

II. Read the passage given below.

(1) The coronavirus outbreak has badly hurt the Indian economy. And the latest survey by the
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) shows that the pandemic has arrested consumers’ hopes in the
economy as well, at least for a year.

(2) Data from the Reserve Bank of India showed consumer confidence collapsed last
month. The current situation index and the future expectations index were below
100, indicating that consumers were pessimistic. A reading above 100 represents

(3) The Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) is a survey that is conducted every two
months to measure how optimistic or pessimistic the consumers are regarding
their financial situation. The current index measures the change in consumer
perception of the financial situation in the last year. The future expectations index
(FEI) measures what the consumer thinks about his financial situation in the
coming one year. The main variables of the survey are economic situation,
employment, price level, income and spending.
(4) This is the second time in the decade that FEI has been in the pessimism zone. In
the September 2013 round, when the country was facing a currency crisis, FEI had
fallen to 90.5 - the lowest India has ever recorded. In October last year, consumer
confidence had dropped to a six-year low.
(5)“Consumer perception on the general economic situation, employment scenario
and household income plunged deeper into the contraction zone,” the RBI said in
its release. While expectations on the general economic situation and employment
scenario for the year ahead were also pessimistic.
(6) Overall consumer spending remained afloat, mostly due to relative inelasticity in
essential spending; consumers reported sharp cuts in discretionary spending and
did not expect much improvement in the coming year.
(7) Keeping in view the COVID-19 pandemic, the Reserve Bank of India conducted a
survey through the telephonic interviews between May 5–May 7, 2020. The survey
was conducted in thirteen major cities— Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Chennai,
Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Patna, and
(8) The survey was conducted across 5,300 households on the general economic
situation, employment scenario, overall price situation, and income and spending.

On the basis of your understanding of the passage ,answer ANY SEVEN questions
from the NINE that follow.

10. Coronavirus outbreak has:

(A) badly hurt the Indian economy (B) affected Reserve Bank of India
(C) arrested consumer’s hope in the economy (D) both (A) and (C)

11.What did the Reserve Bank of India’s data show?

(A) That consumer confidence collapsed last month

(B) That FEI has been in the optimism zone
(C) That CCI has been in the optimism zone
(D) That GDP has fallen

12.What are the main variables of the survey?
(A) Economic situation and price level (B) Employment
(C) Income and spending (D) All of these

13.How much has CCI recorded in March 2020?

(A) 23.9 (B) 115.2 (C) 85.6 (D) 63.7

14.What sign does one year ahead expectation of income show as compared with
the current situation?

(A) It shows positive sentiments with a sign of deterioration compared to the

last round.
(B) It shows negative sentiments with a sign of improvement compared to the
last round.
(C) It shows negative sentiments with a sign of deterioration compared to the
last round.
(D) It shows positive sentiments with a sign of improvement compared to the
last round.

15.What does the reading above 100 represent?

(A) Non Pessimism zone (B) Poor financial performance
(C) Optimism zone (D) Good financial performance

16.What is the FEI reading of May 2020?

(A) 115.2 (B) 63.7 (C) 97.9 (D) 90.5

17.Earlier FEI was in the pessimism zone:

(A) in the September 2013 round (B) when the country was facing a currency crisis
(C) in October last year (D) both (A) and (B)

18.How did this survey got conducted?

(A) Through face to face interviews (B) Through telephonic interviews
(C) Through online (D) Both (B) and (C)



III. Answer ANY FIVE out of the six questions by selecting the most appropriate option
for each.

19. The company …………………… go bankrupt if they don’t find a lot of money quickly!
(A) should (B) shouldn’t (C) Might (D) none of the above

20. Peanut butter and jam ……………..... my favourite sandwich.
(A) is (B) are (C) am (D) has
21. Which one of the following sentences is correct?
(A) If you work hard, you will pass.
(B) Unless you do not work hard, you will not pass.
(C) If you will work hard, you will pass.
(D) None of the above.
22. “ Where is it?” said Mary. (Change the narration)
(A) Mary says where it is. (B) Mary asked where it was.
(C) Mary asked that where it was. (D) Mary says where was it.

23. Unfortunately I have ……………………. talent for music although I have always
wanted to be a famous singer.
(A) a few (B) plenty of (C) little (D) few
24. ……………….. argument could move ……………….. man from this decision.
(A) no/ either (B) every /both (C) no/neither (D) each/both

IV. Answer ANY FIVE out of the six questions given, with reference to the context below.
You are Jeet, a resident of Jodhpur, Rajasthan. You want to write a letter to the
editor of a national daily drawing attention towards creating awareness towards
health and hygiene among the rural people of the district.
25. What should be the exact tone of Jeet’s letter to the editor of a national daily?
(i) Assertive (ii) Optimistic (iii) Grateful (iv) Encouraging (v) Condescending
A (i) and (ii) B. (ii) and (iii) C. (ii), (iv) and (v) D. (i), (iii) and (iv)
26. Select the appropriate subject for this letter.
(A) Need to maintain proper health and hygiene.
(B) Utmost importance of health and hygiene in the rural areas.
(C) Awareness towards health and hygiene in Jodhpur rural.
(D) An appeal to maintain health and hygiene in Rajasthan.

27. Select the correct option for Jeet’s letter, which states the various causes of
the downfall in the health condition of the people.
(A) Poor sanitation facilities, unhealthy food habits & lack of nutritious food and
increasing level of pollution.
(B) Contaminated - unclean environment, less interest in religious activities and
illiteracy & subhuman conditions.
C) Economic feasibility, poor sanitation facilities and unhealthy & unhygienic
(D) Increasing level of pollution, unhealthy & unhygienic lifestyles and impact of
personal relationships.

28. Which option should be helpful to complete the suggestions shared by Jeet, to
address the issue raised ?

The hurdle can be overcome by (i) …………... in these areas to make them aware of
the importance of a healthy lifestyle by means of discussions or health check by
specialists. A (ii) ………………… can also be set up there for regular routine check-ups.

(A) (i) developing sensibility among people (ii) drug store

(B) (i) encouraging healthy eating habits (ii) sick berth
(C) (i) arranging an awareness camp (ii) small dispensary
(D) (i) organizing health camps (ii) medical wing

29. Pick the correct format of the receiver’s address for this letter.
(A) The Indian Express Editor
MC Road, Jodhpur city
(B) The Editor
The Indian Express
MC Road, Jodhpur city
(C) The Editor
MC Road, Jodhpur city
The Indian Express
(D) The Indian Express
MC Road, Jodhpur city

30. Select the option that completes the concluding line appropriately.

I hope my letter finds a space in your esteemed newspaper…………

(A) in the interest of an appeal that cleanliness is the need of the society.
(B) and the issue will be resolved by you with utmost importance.
(C) in order to generate an awareness amongst the people regarding the issue.
(D) persuading the authorities to the urgent steps to address the issue.


There are a total of 30 questions in this section. Attempt 26 questions out of 30.

PART A - Attempt ANY 18 out of 20 questions.

Read the extract given below and answer the questions by selecting the most
appropriate option.

‘He just felt a bit dizzy. Then he flapped his wings once and he soared upwards.
“Ga, ga, ga, Ga, ga, ga, Gaw-col-ah,” his mother swooped past him, her wings

making a loud noise. He answered her with another scream. Then his father flew
over him screaming. He saw his two brothers and his sister flying around him
curveting and banking and soaring and diving. Then he completely forgot that he
had not always been able to fly, and commended himself to dive and soar and
curve, shrieking shrilly.’

31. Pick the most appropriate reason why the young gull felt dizzy.
(A) He hadn’t eaten anything for a day.
(B) He was dizzy with excitement.
(C) He was wary of heights.
(D) He was flying for the first time.

32. How would you describe the screams of the gulls in the given extract?
(A) elation (B) bewilderment
(C) shock (D) protection

33. The line “he completely forgot that he had not always been able to fly” implies
(A) great confidence the young gull had in his skills.
(B) naturalness of the act of flying for the young gull.
(C) satisfaction and joy of flying together as a family.
(D) desire of the young gull to leave his fears behind.

34. The extract refers to the many movements of the young gull’s brothers and
sister. Choose the option that correctly sequences these movements.
(A) The young gull’s brothers and sister flew by tilting their wings, rose high,
made darting movements and plunged headfirst.
(B) The young gull’s brothers and sister flew by plunging headfirst, making darting
movements, titled their wings and rose high.
(C) The young gull’s brothers and sister flew with darting movements, titled their
wings, rose high and plunged headfirst.
(D) The young gull’s brothers and sister flew by rising high, plunging headfirst,
making darting movements and tilting their wings.

35. The boy is very young in ‘The Ball Poem’. As a mature, balanced grown-up, he
might look back and think that his reaction of ‘ultimate shaking grief’ was
(i) disproportionate to the loss.
(ii) pretence to procure a new toy.
(iii) according to his exposure and experience then.
(iv) a reaction to the failure of retrieving the toy.
(v) Justified and similar to what it would be currently.
A) v & ii B) i & iii C) ii & iv D) iii & v

36. In the story ‘The Thief’s Story’, Anil looked easy-going, kind and simple to the
narrator. Which of the given characteristics would NOT fit in with this
(A) compassionate (B) suave (C) uncomplicated (D) carefree

37. Why was Wanda’s answer to Peggy’s question always the same? Pick the LEAST
probable reason.
This was so because she knew that
(A) she was being picked on and it was probably her defence.
(B) confessing the truth would probably worsen the situation.
(C) she didn’t know how else to get out of that situation.
(D) sticking to an unexpected answer would get her the attention she needed.

38.Select the option that correctly classifies the connotations for fire and ice, as
suggested in the poem.

(1) rage (2) violence (3) indifference (4) hate (5) greed
(A) Fire- 3,4; Ice- 1,2,5 (B) Fire- 2, 5; Ice-1,3,4
(C) Fire-1,3,5; Ice- 2, 4 (D) Fire- 1,2,4; Ice- 3,5

39.Lencho wished for a downpour or a heavy shower. Pick the option that correctly
lists the correct match for kinds of rain.

1.Heavy rain i. light rain that falls in very fine drops.

2.Thunderstorm ii. very heavy rain, tropical rain.
3.Drizzle iii. it’s coming down quite strong, and you get wet very quickly.
4.Torrential rain iv. heavy rain that comes very suddenly.
5.Downpour v. is a violent short lived weather disturbance associated with
lightning, thunder and strong gusty winds.

(A) 1-ii,2-iv,3-v,4-i,5-iii (B) 1-iv,2-i,3-iii,4-v,5-ii

(C) 1-v,2-iii,3-iv,4-ii,5-i (D) 1-iii,2-v,3-i,4-ii,5-iv

40.‘Paper has more patience than people.’ What does this imply?

This implies that Anne Frank

A) believed in the power of writing more than speaking to people.

B) felt that she could pour her heart out on paper without any hindrance.
C) had more faith in sharing her thoughts and feelings with paper.
D) felt that she could share her feelings openly on paper.

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41. Choose the option listing the most likely reason for the tiger to ignore visitors.
A) He is scared of their constant stares.
B) The visitors don’t provide him with any food.
C) He knows that none would help him out of captivity.
D) The visitors don’t speak to him kindly.

42.In the story ‘Footprints Without Feet’, Mrs.Hall felt that the room was haunted
by spirits because

(A) she could see evil spirits. (B) she heard a strange noise.
(C) uncanny things happened there. (D) the door slammed and shut

Read the letter by Jan Petronski and answer the following questions by choosing
the most appropriate option.

Dear Teacher,

My Wanda will not come to your school anymore. Jake also. Now we move away to
big city. No more holler ‘Pollack’. No more ask why funny name. Plenty of funny
names in the city.

Yours truly,

Jan Petronski

43. Jan’s tone in the writing of the letter IS NOT

(A) distressing (B) spiteful (C) hurt (D) painful

44. What, according to the letter, was the primary reason that prompted
Mr Petronski to take the decision to move to a big city?
(A) His wish to achieve success in the big city.
(B) His urge to join his relatives who mostly lived in the big city.
(C) His anxiety over their poverty in the small city.
(D) His agony about his children being viewed as ‘outsiders’ by their schoolmates.

45. The phrase ‘Pollack’ reveals a discrimination on the basis of

(A) race. (B) gender. (C) religion. (D) wealth

46. The line-- Plenty of funny names in the city—suggests that the city
(A) is a melting pot of people from different parts of the world.
(B) has foreign people willing to give opportunities to the poor.
(C) is a safe haven for immigrants if they have funny names.
(D) has a special status for all who are willing to be funny.

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47.How has the poet observed nature in the poem ‘Dust of Snow’?
(A) Pessimistic medium of change for him.
(B) Negative medium of change for him.
(C) Positive medium of change for him.
(D) Gloomy medium of change for him.

48. Select the option that correctly tracks the progression of emotions experienced
by the narrator in the story ‘The Black Aeroplane’.
(A) excited – surprised – relieved – grateful – perplexed
(B) relieved – confused – curious – dejected – panic-stricken
(C) optimistic – lonely – calm – elated – appreciative
(D) triumphant – reassured– inquisitive – thankful – uncertain
49.How did Mandela's hunger for freedom change his life?
(A) turned from law-abiding attorney to a criminal
(B) turned a life-loving man to live like a monk
(C) turned from frightened to bold
(D) all of these.
50. Pick the option that reveals Tricki’s characteristics in the context of ‘fighting like
a tiger for his share at mealtimes and hunting rats in the old hen house at

1) selfish 2) happy 3) greedy 4) confident 5) sturdy 6) cruel

(A) 2,4 and 5 (B) Only 2 (C) 1 and 5 (D) 3,4 and 6

B. Attempt ANY EIGHT out of TEN questions.

51. Assertion: 10th May 1995 was a Red Letter Day in the annals of South
African history.
Reason: It was on this day the first democratic non-racial government
elections were held and Nelson Mandela became the first black President
of the country.
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is true but R is false.
(D) Both A and R are false.
52. Assertion: Lencho wrote a letter to God, assuming that the postmaster
would open it and help him.
Reason: The postmaster did not want to shake the writer’s faith in God and
decided to help Lencho.
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is true but R is false.
(D) A is false but R is true.

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53. Assertion: Powerful emotions drag the world toward a calming end.
Reason: Desires and hatred contribute to make the world stand at the verge of
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is false but R is True.
(D) Both A and R are false.

54. Assertion: Sometimes even a small incident may prove to be of a larger

Reason: The poet is upset in the beginning of the poem but a small
incident of falling of snow changes his mood totally.
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is true but R is false.
(D) A is false but R is true.
55. Assertion: Dr James Herriot is impractical and insensible.
Reason: He gives medical treatment to the dog and feeds the dog with
nutritious food to cure him.
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is true but R is false.
(D) Both A and R are false.
56. Assertion : The tiger’s pads are cushioned like cemented bricks.
Reason: The tiger is a stealth hunter and so his paws are cushioned.
(A) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is true but R is false.
(D) A is false but R is true.
57. Assertion : Hari Singh almost got dismissed.
Reason: Hari Singh stole the money from Anil.
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is true but R is false.
(D) Both A and R are false.
58. Assertion - Anne was a birthday present to her sister, Margot.
Reason - Margot was a lonely girl.
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is true but R is false.
(D) Both A and R are false.

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59. Assertion - ‘ Spare the rod and spoil the child’ is the central idea of the story
‘His First Flight’.
Reason - Motivation, encouragement and the family support helped the young
seagull fly.

(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

(B) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is true but R is false.
(D) A is false but R is true.

60. Assertion - In ‘The Ball Poem’ the poet decides not to intrude on the boy.
Reason - The poet does not offer the boy money to buy another ball because he
wants the child to learn his lesson of responsibility.
(A) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is true but R is false.
(D) A is false but R is true.


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