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Module 1

Learning and Knowledge Acquisition

Module 1

What Will You Learn From This Module?

This module was made for you. It is meant to facilitate your learning of various
theories of
learning, growth and development. From experience, I know that serious study is
definitely no
easy task! But it can be made lighter, more exciting and more enjoyable with you
willing to take
an active part.
My goal is for you to learn how to facilitate not just your future students’ learning but
your own learning as well. This module is your faithful companion. This will help you
practice Course Code FLCT Page 4 of 87
reflective thinking. Hopefully you make reflection your enduring habit. The modular
develop with the 4A’s – Activity, Analysis, Abstraction and Application.
In the Activity phase, you are engaged in the learning exercise, after which you are
to analyze with the help of guide question.
The Analysis part is a thinking exercise for you to integrate bits of information and
concepts to enable you to draw generalizations in the Abstraction phase.
In this Abstraction phase, your generalizations are clarified and sieved through your
teacher’s input of the thoughts of prominent psychologists.
Transfer of learning takes place in the Application phase. Here, you are expected to
what you learned in a new but relevant context.
You will note that in all the steps of lesson development, you cannot escape from
participating in the different activities.
Don’t worry! We begin every lesson with what you know and what you are familiar
and gradually bring you to what you do not yet know, the abstractions.
Ready? The buckle down for learning. May you enjoy and make the most of every
Good luck! But don’t depend on luck. This good luck is something you have to
WORK on.
Do a great job at facilitating learning!
This module is composed of two lessons.
Lesson 1
Nature and Characteristics of Learning
Lesson 2
Views on How Learning Occurs
After studying this module, you should be able to:

Characterize the learning process.

Discuss the nature and characteristics of learning.

Views on how learning occurs. Course Code FLCT Page 5 of 87

Lesson 1

Nature and Characteristics of Learning

Nature and Characteristics of Learning
Educators have realized that for students to be successful they need to be lifelong
Helping them to develop the skills necessary to become lifelong learners requires a
approach to teaching and learning. Likewise, to create an environment in which
students learn is a
great task for teachers. But what does it mean to learn something? Learning to some is
a biological
response to external stimuli. To others, learning means constructing personal
interpretation of
It is common to think of learning as something that takes place in school, but much of
human learning occurs outside the classroom, and people continue to learn throughout
their lives.
Because learning continues throughout our lives and affects almost everything we do,
the study
learning is important in many different fields.
An understanding of the nature of learning and the conditions under which learning
place effectively contribute to learning success on the part of the learners.
Let’s Read
Nature of Learning
What is learning for you? Do you have any idea regarding the definition of Learning?
Many educators have attempted to define learning. Some of these definitions are
complicated to
have meaning. Others are not broad enough in their scope. One writer defines learning
as an
intelligent adaptation to changing conditions. Another authority defines learning as
the process of
acquiring knowledge. Perhaps the best definition, especially where educators are
concerned, is the
definition which puts emphasis on the student’s ability to perform as the result of
Below are the different definitions of Learning given by some educators.
Ornstein (1990)
Defines learning “as a reflective process whereby the learner either
develops new insights and understanding or changes and
restructures his or his mental processes” Course Code FLCT Page 6 of 87
Lardizabal (1991)
He defines that “learning is an integrated, on-going process
occurring within the individual, enabling him to meet specific aims,
fulfill his need and interests, and cope with the learning process.”
Slavin ( 1995)
Defines learning as a change in an individual caused by experience.
Changes caused by development (such as growing taller) are not
instances of learning. Neither are characteristic of individuals that
are present at birth(such as reflexes and responses to hunger and
Calderon (1998)
Defines learning as the acquisition through maturation and
experience of new and more knowledge, skills, and attitudes that
will enable the learner to make better and more adequate reactions,
responses, and adjustments to new situations.
Although there are a number of definitions of learning, most psychologists and
tend to agree that learning is a process by which behavior is either modified or
changed through
experience or training. In this sense, learning refers not only to an outcome that is
observable (e.g. learning to swim, to add fractions, or to write a sentence), but also to
feelings and intellectual processes that may not so obvious. Look at the graphic
organizer below,
these are some concepts of Learning. You may add or give your concept about
Learning. Fill up
the three (3) empty circles below:
It is an
interactive mix
of intelligence,
experience and
It can also be
in behavior.
It is a process
by which
behavior is
either modified
or changed
experience or
training CourseCode FLCT Page 7 of 87
Let’s try another TASK ACTIVITY!
I learned the following from this chapter.
I was particularly interested in the subtopic
I want to learn more about

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