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International Journal of Coal Geology 45 Ž2001.


Geotechnical sedimentology—its use in underground coal mining

R.W. Seedsman
Seedsman Geotechnics Pty. Ltd., Mount Kembla, NSW, Australia
Received 15 December 1999; accepted 15 May 2000


From a geotechnical perspective, bedding is a discontinuity in a rock mass. Sedimentology is concerned, in part, with the
origin of bedding. There is much to be gained by a melding of the two disciplines in the underground coal-mining sector.
Bedding controls the strength of rock units in coal measures by defining beams that may or may not span openings. Voussoir
beam theory can be used to explain how massive sandstonerconglomerate units can span longwall panels and what
thickness of roof beam is required to span a coal mine roadway. Bedding also controls the way in which stresses are
distributed about coal mine openings. By utilizing transverse isotropic elastic properties, the effect of bedding can be readily
implemented in continuum numerical codes. Geologists logging core need to discriminate between bedding as a textural
element in the rock and bedding as a geotechnical discontinuity. Geotechnical engineers need to explicitly consider bedding
when formulating their design models. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: bedding; coal mining; discontinuities; roof support

1. Introduction present—joints, shears, and bedding. Discontinuities

are defined as fractures or other features in rock with
Underground coal mining in Australia takes place zero or relatively low tensile strength ŽISRM, 1981..
at depths ranging from about 50 to 550 m. In other Discontinuities define blocks of rock that may fall
countries, the depths can be much greater. Much of from the sides and roof of underground excavations.
rock mechanics has evolved from civil engineering Their contribution to rock behaviour can be assessed
works at shallow depth Žtunnels. and in shallow and explicitly, for example, by analysing wedges and
deep metaliferrous mines ŽHoek and Brown, 1980.. beams, or they can be used in rock mass classifica-
The principles of rock mechanics are applicable to tion schemes. Fig. 1 shows how discontinuities Žin
underground coal mining, but with a different em- this figure referred to as joints. dominate rock mass
phasis to reflect the dominant presence of sedimen- classification schemes through consideration of block
tary structures—in particular, bedding. sizes, joint condition, and joint orientation. As an
The behaviour of any rock mass is predominantly example, rock strength represents only a maximum
a reflection of the behaviour of the discontinuities of 15 points out of a possible 100 points in the Rock
Mass Rating ŽRMR. scheme.
In coal measures, bedding-related discontinuities
E-mail address: ŽR.W. Seedsman.. are more common and continuous than jointing. In

0166-5162r01r$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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148 R.W. Seedsmanr International Journal of Coal Geology 45 (2001) 147–153

tions and engineering parameters such as strength

and deformability.
This paper discusses some of the impacts of
bedding on the behaviour of coal mine openings in
the hope that it will encourage a better description of
these critical defects and the further development of
analytical tools to assess their impact. The paper
highlights the need to apply carefully the empirical
relationships that were developed for other rock

2. Description of bedding discontinuities

Bedding discontinuities can be described geotech-

nically using the standards developed by the Interna-
Fig. 1. Dominant contribution of discontinuities Žjoints. in rock tional Society of Rock Mechanics ŽISRM, 1981..
mass classifications Žafter Hutchinson and Diederichs, 1995.. The parameters that need to be quantified are orien-
tation, spacing, persistence, roughnessrshape, aper-
ture and filling. In coal measures, bedding will typi-
many coal mine environments, the horizontal compo- cally have a very high persistence Žgreater than 20
nents of the ground stresses are greater than the m.. Roughness will vary from rough to smooth and
vertical stress component. These two features, com- slicked and the shape will be typically planar or
bined with the fact that coal mine openings typically undulating. In most cases, the apertures will be
have widths greater than their heights, make the closed and there will be little, if any, infill. Fig. 2
horizontal discontinuities Ži.e. bedding. more critical gives an example of how a geotechnical summary
than subvertical joints. The dominance of bedding log can be produced for a stratigraphic section of a
also results in a rock mass that is strongly anisotropic point-bar deposit ŽSeedsman, 1998.. It is the author’s
and this limits the applicability of some of the experience that cross-bedding and cross-stratification
empirical relationships between rock mass classifica- are rarely discontinuities.

Fig. 2. Example of geotechnical logging of discontinuities in a point-bar deposit ŽSeedsman, 1998..

R.W. Seedsmanr International Journal of Coal Geology 45 (2001) 147–153 149

The discontinuity parameters are needed to define For coal mine applications, the ISRM scheme has
kinematically acceptable blocks that may fall into an more utility, but even this is limited by lack of
excavation, and are also the basic input parameters to descriptors for spacings greater than 6000 mm. For
the rock mass classification schemes referred to in example, it would appear that massive conglomerates
Fig. 1. The properties allow the determination of the developed in high-energy braided-river systems may
shear strength of the discontinuities for subsequent have discontinuity spacings in excess of 25 m Žsee
engineering analysis. A common strength criterion below..
for discontinuities is the Mohr–Coulomb criterion,
which has two parameters—cohesion and friction
angle. It follows from the definition of a discontinu- 3. Bedding defines beams
ity that the cohesion is very low—effectively zero.
The friction angle is given by the base friction angle As a result of the presence of bedding, ground
Žrelated to the grain size. and the shape of the behaviour during underground coal mining is related
discontinuity ŽBarton, 1973.. Due to the their inclina- to beam behaviour, with the beams defined by the
tion with respect to the overall formation bedding, bedding discontinuities. It is assessed that rock beams
undulating discontinuities related to ripple bedding behave as voussoir beams, not elastic beams ŽBrady
may give higher apparent friction angles. and Brown, 1985.. Voussoir beam theory recognises
This paper is particularly concerned with bedding the presence of vertical joints: these joints give a
thickness Žsedimentology., which is similar to bed- rock beam zero tensile strength, which negates the
ding spacing Žgeotechnical engineering., bearing in use of elastic theory. Voussoir beams can fail in one
mind that geotechnical engineers are concerned with of three ways: by vertical shear along the joints if the
the subset of bedding surfaces that present as discon- confining stresses are low, by buckling if the thick-
tinuities. Geotechnical engineers and geologists have nessrspan ratio is high, or by compressive failure.
different nomenclatures for this parameter ŽTable 1.. The theory, which has an analogue in concrete the-

Fig. 3. Relationship between span and beam thickness for Newcastle conglomerates.
150 R.W. Seedsmanr International Journal of Coal Geology 45 (2001) 147–153

ory, was initially developed for coal mines, and has how voussoir analyses, applied with the as-measured
since been applied to metal mines ŽHutchinson and laboratory strength values, can reproduce the cav-
Diederichs, 1995. and tunneling. ingrnoncaving behaviour. This figure suggests that
Simplified analytical tools, which can be pro- beam thickness equal to the full geological thickness
grammed in spreadsheets are now available that is developed.
identify not only failure conditions but also centre- From a mining operational view, the ability to
line deflections ŽSofianos and Kapensis, 1998.. This predict the spanning capability of the conglomerates
ability to calculate deflections allows another avenue is essential as the longwall face equipment cannot
for back analysis and calibration. The input parame- operate productively under nonspanning conglomer-
ters are unconfined compressive strength ŽUCS., ate units thicker than about 20 m ŽStrata Engineering
Young’s modulus, surcharge, span and thickness. ŽAustralia., 1997.. The voussoir analysis becomes a
One area of particular interest is the spanning very important mine design tool requiring the correct
capability of massive conglomerate units. In the decision to be made on beam thickness. It follows
Newcastle coalfield in Australia, some of the coal that a rigorous assessment of bedding discontinuities
seams are overlain by either sheet or channel con- in the conglomerate is required.
glomerates ŽBoyd et al., 1998.. Core is routinely Voussoir beam concepts can be applied to assess-
recovered in sticks as long as the core barrel and ing stable roof spans in development roadways. It
geotechnical logging suggests that discontinuities are can be shown that for typical rock strengths and in
extremely widely spaced. Vertical subsidence above situ stresses, rock beams with a thickness greater
longwall panels are very low Ž- 200 mm. when the than about 215 mm can span a 5-m opening ŽFig. 4..
full geological thickness of the conglomerate ex- A mine in the Wollongong district has recently
ceeded about 30- or 50-m thick for longwall panel changed the roadway development system mining
widths of 150 and 240 m, respectively. Fig. 3 shows under a sandstone roof with a UCS of about 50 MPa.

Fig. 4. Relationship between span and beam thickness for roof sandstone.
R.W. Seedsmanr International Journal of Coal Geology 45 (2001) 147–153 151

The new system resulted in the temporary formation to define beams that allowed these designs to pro-
of unsupported roadways 5-m wide and up to 15-m ceed. Both core and geophysical logging techniques
long, demonstrating that a self-supporting beam is should concentrate on identifying bedding both as a
present in the immediate roof. In one area of the discontinuity and as a textural element. The only
mine, the sandstone is medium bedded Žsmooth, geophysical methods that may have the necessary
planar discontinuities with close to moderate spacing resolution are the micro-resistivityrdipmeter and
—Table 1.. The only roof falls in the mine have acoustic tools. Even then, great care is needed to
been in this area and they have involved slabs of less discriminate between cross-bedding and other tex-
than 200-mm thickness. Such slabs have caused tures and discontinuities. For geotechnical purposes,
operational problems because they are difficult to there remains no substitute for high-quality cores.
break-up and load-out with the coal and cause traffic
problems with the rubber-tyred bolting machine. It is
interesting to note that a better roof is associated 4. Bedding controls elastic properties
with cross-bedded sandstone and also mudstones,
strata which may be bedded in a sedimentological Elastic properties are indexes to the deformation
context, but not possessing discontinuities. of a rock under stress levels below those that cause
When adequately thick beams are not present failure—the term ‘elastic’ implies that the deforma-
above a roadway, roof bolting can be specified to tions are recoverable if the stress levels decrease. In
resist shear along the bedding discontinuities be- the laboratory, rock samples typically display linear
tween the thin beams ŽSeedsman, 1998.. Key input elasticity. Rock masses also behave in an elastic
parameters are the location and friction angle of the fashion with a lower modulus than that measured in
discontinuities, data that can be obtained by rigorous the laboratory. Reduction factors for modulus are
logging of cores. often based on the rock mass assessment schemes
An important point to note is that it is the recogni- ŽHoek and Brown, 1998.. These reduction factors
tion of bedding discontinuities and hence being able need to be applied with care in all cases, and particu-
larly for sedimentary sequences. The use of rock
Table 1
mass assessment schemes, such as those quoted by
Comparison of geotechnical and sedimentological nomenclature Hoek and Brown, to modify laboratory values is only
for bedding spacing valid when the extent of jointing is such that the rock
ISRM Ž1981. Field Geologist Manual mass can be considered as isotropic. This is not the
ŽAusIMM, 1995. case for coal-measure rocks where the dominance of
- 20 mm Extremely -10 mm Laminated bedding results in a pronounced anisotropy.
close spacing It is assessed that, at the current sate of knowl-
10–30 mm Very thinly bedded edge, the allocation of rock mass properties to coal-
20–60 mm Very measure rocks can only be done on a case to case
close spacing
30–100 mm Thinly bedded
basis through back analysis of previous experience
60–200 mm Close ŽAlejano et al., 1999..
spacing The presence of bedding means that sedimentary
100–300 mm Medium bedded rocks are transversely isotropic—they deform differ-
200–600 mm ently in the plane of bedding compared to normal to
Moderate spacing
300–1000 mm Thickly bedded
bedding Žjoint-related anisotropy—Amadei, 1996..
600–2000 mm Transverse isotropy is fundamental to understanding
Wide spacing some of the key underground mining behaviours,
)1000 mm Very thickly bedded such as high roof falls in laminated strata and stress-
2000–6000 mm Very relief roadways. Observations in many mines, in
wide spacing
)6000 mm Extremely
many coalfields, demonstrate that a high roof fall
wide spacing Žsay 6–8 m. in one roadway can offer significant
reductions in horizontal stress to adjacent roadways
152 R.W. Seedsmanr International Journal of Coal Geology 45 (2001) 147–153

Fig. 5. Increase in height of failure zone with decreasing shear modulus Ž3.5-m-wide tunnel..

located up to 20 m or so away. This observation is related to localised increases in horizontal stresses,

often implemented in the mining cycle, especially in more likely it is a reduction in bedding spacing.
strata that require intense roof bolting. In these cases,
it is no coincidence that bedding discontinuities in
the immediate roof are very closely to closely spaced. 5. Conclusions
An area of particular concern is that commercially
available continuum numerical codes cannot ade- Bedding as a discontinuity in coal-measure rocks
quately treat transverse isotropy and so this funda- needs to be explicitly considered by the coal geolo-
mental property is too often ignored. The problem gist that is logging the core, through the geotechnical
lies in the lack of a constitutive equation for the engineer designing the roof support and laying out
post-yield behaviour of transversely isotropic materi- the mine. There are internationally recognised stan-
als. Because most users of numerical codes concen- dards for describing discontinuities that are valid for
trate on post-yield behaviour so that they can model describing bedding. They should be adopted as rou-
the loading of roof bolts, they assume isotropic tine practice and applied to bedding surfaces that
elastic behaviour prior to yield. As a result, their conform to the definition of a discontinuity.
models do not validly represent the ground be- Knowledge of the nature and distribution of bed-
haviour. It is noted that the option is available with ding discontinuities allows the geotechnical engineer
these codes to model bedding discontinuities explic- to define strata beam in the roof. The stability of
itly but it appears to be rarely adopted. these beams can be readily analysed using voussoir
In a study of the stability of an unsupported beam concepts. Roof bolts can be specified in terms
tunnel in closely bedded sandstone, finite element of resisting shear along the bedding discontinuities
continuum analyses ŽPhase 2, Rocscience, 1998. have between the beams.
been used to back-analyse a number of roof falls that Care must be exercised when applying rock mass
extended up to 5 m in height. Transverse isotropy classification schemes, developed mostly for igneous
was implemented in the analyses and it was found and metamorphic rocks, to coal measures. The strong
that a shear modulus of 30 MPa was required for a anisotropy introduced by the predominance of bed-
material with a Young’s modulus of 2500 MPa. An ding makes many of the empirical relationships in-
important observation was that the extent of the valid for coal-measure rocks. It is essential that this
predicted failure zone increased with reducing shear anisotropy be incorporated in numerical analyses.
modulus while other parameters ŽUCS, Young’s The largest source of geotechnical variation in
modulus, imposed stress field. were held constant coal mines is associated with changes in bedding
ŽFig. 5.. This means that roof falls cannot be simply spacing. It can change by several orders of magni-
R.W. Seedsmanr International Journal of Coal Geology 45 (2001) 147–153 153

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