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Bornilla, Lois June F.

Speech 124 WFV

2014-45655 March 7, 2018

Story Analysis and Performance Analogue of

Ang Askal Sa Kalye Kalinaw ni Eugene Y. Evasco

The short story Ang Askal Sa Kalye Kalinaw is a short children’s story that revolves it’s

narrative about a stray dog that happens to have five owners, with five different names wherein

all the dog’s owners happen to live in street of Kalye Kalinaw. The story is narrated by a third

person omniscient narrator who somewhat is part of the neighborhood of Kalye Kalinaw and

interacts with the major characters. It is quite evident that the narrators are omniscient beings

because of their lines and capacity to describe each major character concerning their identities

and even personalities.

The narrative style of the story with regards to the language and dialogue is quite simple

and short. The words used are colloquial and conversational for the purpose that it is intended

audience are children and the younger listeners.

The story itself is very easy to grasp and the conflict was resolved with ease at the

conclusion of the story. However, I personally think that the story was able to convey not just

about how a dog was able to unite five individuals but this short story had the ability to

showcase the stories of the major characters and their deeper emotions about a pet that has

become part of their families. It has allowed the audience to at least understand or see a little

bit about the lives of the major characters and how they are portrayed as characters within the

story. This narrative also displays the themes of care and love contained in a small community
and how even our pets can teach us a moral lesson and have a central effect on our actions and

intentions towards people outside our family.

Performance Analogue

In performing this piece as the role of Aling Toyang, I shall focus more on the vocal aspect as a

tool for embodying the character. I shall use modulate my pitch and diction to employ the

needed type of voice by the character whom I will be portraying. I will also use minimal

movements and lower my posture in order to convey the character of an elderly woman. I will

emphasize my facial expressions and use stage makeup needed in order to more fully

internalize my role.

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