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providing insights for today’s hvac system designer

Engineers Newsletter volume 45–3

multiple-zone VAV systems

Finding the Right Balance for VAV Energy Savings
This situation presents an opportunity to
Fan pressure optimization (sometimes
Background optimize the system.
called critical zone reset) and supply-
air-temperature reset are two Multiple-zone VAV systems have Implementing energy-efficient fan-
prescriptive requirements from ANSI/ existed for more than forty years. One capacity control strategies while
ASHRAE Standard 90.1 that can be reason they continue to remain popular resetting the supply-air (SA) temperature
used to save energy and operational are strategies that can save energy in
cost in multiple-zone variable air
is that they save fan horsepower at part
volume (VAV) systems. While both load by reducing airflow. These systems these systems.
strategies have existed for many can utilize direct expansion or chilled-
years, both control technology and water cooling and serve just a few or Fan speed control. The supply fan in a
standard requirements have changed
many zones. VAV system must vary airflow based on
since we first wrote about the
strategies in 1991. This newsletter the amount of air needed to condition
will cover benefits, drawbacks, and In VAV systems, the damper in each box the individual zones. Today, most
methods to mitigate the drawbacks modulates to vary the flow of air systems are installed with direct digital
for both strategies. supplied to its zone, to match cooling controls (DDC) to enable control of the
capacity to the cooling load. As the supply fan based on the static pressure
space temperature deviates from measured at a single location in the duct.
setpoint, the VAV box controller There are multiple ways for the fan to
responds by adjusting the position of vary airflow including "riding" the fan
the damper to increase or decrease curve, inlet guide vanes, electronically
airflow. commutated motors (ECM), and variable
speed drives.
Varying the zone damper position
causes the pressure inside the supply The most common method to vary SA
ductwork to change. volume is to change the speed at which
the supply fan rotates. This is achieved
To maintain a constant static pressure in
by applying a variable-speed drive to
the supply duct as the airflow changes,
modulate the motor and fan's rotational
VAV systems have historically
speed. A unit controller can vary the
modulated the supply fan motor speed.
supply fan speed to maintain a desired
For example, at full load, with many of
setpoint based on signals from a static
the VAV dampers wide open, the supply
pressure sensor within the supply duct.
fan operates to provide design airflow.
As the cooling load decreases, the VAV
dampers modulate to reduce supply Static pressure sensor placement.
airflow and prevent overcooling. The The static pressure sensor can be placed
partially-closed dampers increase the within the duct system or at the outlet of
duct static pressure and if the fan is the fan. Traditionally, the pressure sensor
controlled to maintain a constant was located two-thirds of the distance
pressure in the duct, energy is wasted. down the longest main supply duct. The
balancer would determine the static
pressure setpoint needed at this location

© 2016 Trane, a business of Ingersoll Rand. All rights reserved. 1

to ensure that each zone can receive its with the duct static pressure control
design airflow. The setpoint was often setpoint fixed at 1.0 inch w.g. As the zone Fan pressure optimization
kept constant, regardless of load cooling loads decrease, the dampers in
conditions. This combination typically most or all of the VAV boxes modulate Reducing fan pressure reduces fan
yielded sufficient airflow at both design toward a closed position. This restriction energy consumption, but it takes
and part-load conditions. increases the pressure drop through the communicating controllers on the VAV
system, reducing supply airflow and boxes to do it. It's possible to optimize
Alternatively, manufacturers offer options causing the (part-load) system resistance this static-pressure control function to
to install this static pressure sensor at the curve to shift upwards (black curve in provide just enough pressure in the duct
fan discharge. This allows the sensor to Figure 1). to satisfy the most wide-open box.
be installed in a factory environment and
tested before unit shipment. In response, the fan begins to "ride up" This is a dynamic process where the
the constant-speed (rpm) performance system controller periodically polls the
Regardless of sensor placement, the curve, from the design operating point VAV box controllers to learn the damper
static pressure in the duct system (A), attempting to balance with this new positions. The controller resets the static
increases as VAV dampers close. The unit system resistance curve. As a result, the pressure setpoint upward or downward
controller responds by slowing the fan fan delivers less airflow at a higher static by a small amount (e.g. 0.1 or 0.2 inches
speed to reduce the duct static pressure pressure. The duct static pressure sensor w.g.). For example, if all dampers are
back down to the desired setpoint. measures this higher pressure and the partially closed, the static-pressure
controller responds by reducing the speed setpoint can be adjusted downward. As a
For example, consider a small VAV air of the supply fan. This shifts the operation result, the supply fan speed can be
handler designed to deliver 8500 cfm of of the fan downward until the system lowered even further, saving energy.
SA at 3.0 in. w.g. to several zones at balances at an operating point (B) bringing During this process, total supply airflow
design cooling conditions. the duct static pressure back down to the remains constant because the damper in
Figure 1 shows the performance of the 1.0 inch w.g. setpoint. This response, over each zone opens to maintain its required
25-inch direct-drive plenum fan at these the range of system supply airflows, airflow, but static pressure in the supply
design conditions (A). The system causes the supply fan to modulate along a duct is reduced.
resistance curve at design has also been VAV system modulation curve (the blue
plotted. At these conditions, the fan uses curve in Figure 1). This fan, when paired In response to this lower pressure in the
about 5.8 horsepower. with a variable-speed drive and operating duct, the VAV boxes open further to
to provide 6600 cfm, observes a power provide the airflow needed to maintain
Figure 1 illustrates system performance zone temperature. The goal of this
reduction from 5.8 to 3.2 horsepower.
with a variable-speed drive modulating fan strategy is to identify the critical zone—
speed to reduce the supply air volume, the zone that needs the most pressure—
and reduce the duct pressure to the point
where its damper is nearly fully open.
Figure 1. System performance with a variable-speed drive
The supply fan generates the minimum
amount of static pressure needed to
12 push the conditioned air through the
11 VAV system
critical box reducing fan energy.
modulation system
10 With fan pressure optimization, fans
curve 2269 RPM resistance "design"
9 curve operate much closer to their theoretical
total static pressure, inches w.g.

2100 RPM resistance
7 1900 RPM
1700 RPM
1500 RPM
1300 RPM
3 B A
1100 RPM
900 RPM
10.00 hp

15.00 hp

20.00 hp
1.50 hp

2.00 hp

3.00 hp

5.00 hp

7.50 hp

0 2500 5000 7500 10000 12500 15000 17500 20000 22500
airflow (cfm)

2 Trane Engineers Newsletter volume 45–3 providing insights for today’s HVAC system designer
best performance (predicted by the affinity Reliability and lower installed cost. The
laws) as shown in Figure 3. When position of the supply static pressure
Damper High- and Low-Limits
operated with a constant duct pressure sensor matters less when the system is
Note that VAV dampers do not operate setpoint, the fan consumes 3.2 run with fan pressure optimization because
in a linear fashion. As shown in Figure 2. horsepower at part-speed to deliver 6600 its setpoint is continually reset. This allows
Most airflow variation occurs between cfm (B). When the same fan is operated the sensor to be factory-tested and
20 and 80% open. For stable
operation,a more-linear portion of the
with fan pressure optimization to deliver installed at the outlet, which reduces
curve should be used for control. the same volume of air, it operates at a installed cost and increases reliability.
lower pressure and consumes 2.5
The system controller polls the VAV box horsepower (B'). In addition to reducing
controllers to determine the critical zone
Proper operation. Fan pressure
the energy consumed by the supply fan optimization and DDC control allow the
based upon the farthest-open VAV
damper. If this damper is less than 65% during part-load operation, there are other system and operators to identify, correct,
open (point A), the duct static pressure benefits. and/or ignore rogue zones. A rogue zone
setpoint is decreased; if it's more than
can prevent the duct static pressure from
75% open (point B), the setpoint is
increased; and if it's between 65% and Surge avoidance. When running at being reset downward because it requires
75% open, the duct pressure setpoint reduced speed and generating lower static nearly constant airflow. Sometimes, this
remains unchanged. pressure, the fan operates farther from the indicates one of several possible problems:
surge region compared to traditional duct
• undersized VAV box,
Figure 2. VAV damper position static pressure control.
versus airflow • obstruction in supply duct to zone
Acoustics. The fan itself generates less (such as crimped flex duct),
100% B noise at lower speed and the further-open • improperly located or malfunctioning
dampers produce less noise in each box. zone sensor.

Figure 3. VAV system modulation curve comparison

dynamic range
20% 80% 100%
VAV damper position
2269 RPM
2100 RPM
total static pressure, inchs w.g.

7 1900 RPM
6 VAV system
VAV system1700 RPM
5 modulation
modulation curve with
1500 RPM
4 curve with fan pressure
1300 RPM optimization
3 duct A
1100 RPM
2 pressure
900 RPM
control B’
10.00 hp

15.00 hp

20.00 hp
1.50 hp

2.00 hp

3.00 hp

5.00 hp

7.50 hp

0 2500 5000 7500 10000 12500 15000 17500 20000 22500
airflow (cfm)

providing insights for today’s HVAC system designer Trane Engineers Newsletter volume 45–3 3
During operation, the system controller Figure 4. VAV damper position as a function of time
gathers data about the damper position.
Over time, this data can be plotted to help VAV 2-15
the building operator identify any potential 90
rogue zones. For example, consider the
damper positions (shown in Figure 4) 80

VAV damper position (percent)

plotted as a function of time for a system 70
serving an office building. The damper
position for VAV 2-15 shows that it is open 60
more often and spends much of the 50
occupied hours nearly fully open.
40 VAV 2-12
Identifying such a zone notifies the VAV 2-15
building operator that inspection for 30
malfunction or placement of the zone 20 VAV 2-10
sensor might be in order. It's likely that
this VAV box has prevented fan pressure 10
optimization from realizing its expected
energy savings, so the operator can 0 4 8 12 16 20
remove this rogue zone from the time (hr)
optimization calculation until the problem
has been resolved.
economizing. In this case, the cooling load raising the SA temperature also decreases
in most zones is likely high enough that the use of reheat energy.
reheat is not required to prevent over-
cooling. Keeping the air cold (no reset) But, when the SA temperature is reset
Supply-air-temperature reset upward, zones with large cooling loads will
allows the fan to turn down which results in
energy savings from reducing the airflow. require more airflow compared to the
The supply-air temperature in a VAV
Additionally, the colder SA temperature design SA temperature. And, warmer
system has historically been controlled to
allows the system to provide sufficiently dry discharge air temperatures reduce the
a constant temperature, such as 55°F.
air to the zones, improving part-load amount of dehumidification done by the
Supply-air-temperature reset raises the SA
dehumidification. cooling coil and the resulting space
temperature setpoint of the system at
humidity levels may increase. If
part-load conditions. This strategy is used
When the outdoor temperature is cooler, dehumidification is a concern, this
to save compressor or reheat energy and
the controls begin to reset the SA strategy should be used with caution in
increases the benefit of an airside
temperature setpoint upward. At mild or climates with humid seasons.
cold outdoor temperatures, reset enhances
the benefit of the economizer. At these There are several different methods used
When the outdoor air is cooler than the
cooler temperatures, the supply fan has to reset SA temperature. This reset
SA setpoint, the compressors are shut off
most likely unloaded significantly, so the strategy should attempt to minimize
and the outdoor- and return-air dampers
incremental energy use of having to deliver overall system energy use which requires
modulate to deliver the desired SA
a little more air is lessened. considering the tradeoff between
temperature to satisfy the cooling load. A
warmer SA temperature setpoint allows
For zones with very low cooling loads,
the compressors to operate at reduced
where the supply airflow has been reduced
capacity (or shut off) and increases the
to the minimum setting of the VAV box,
number of hours when the economizer
provides "free cooling."

When it's warm outside, the outdoor air

provides little or no cooling benefit for

4 Trane Engineers Newsletter volume 45–3 providing insights for today’s HVAC system designer
compressor, reheat, and fan energy, and Figure 5. Supply-air- temperature reset based upon outdoor air dry-bulb
the impact on space humidity levels. temperature

Reset based upon outdoor air

temperature. Perhaps the simplest 61
method is to reset the SA temperature
SA temperature setpoint, °F
based upon the current outdoor air dry- 60
bulb temperature. When the outdoor
temperature is high, the SA temperature 59
is at design. As the outdoor air
temperature decreases, the SA 58
temperature is slowly reset upward.
Using the example in Figure 5,
when the outdoor air temperature drops 56
below 65°F, the SA temperature is
gradually reset upward from a design 55
temperature of 55°F to 60°F. When the
outdoor air temperature starts to 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
increase—above 55°F in this case—the outdoor dry-bulb temperature, °F
SA temperature is gradually reset back
downward until it reaches the design SA
temperature of 55°F. No reset takes place
those zones for higher SA temperatures This strategy maximizes fan energy
when the outdoor air dry-bulb
and volumes to ensure proper comfort. savings because the duct static pressure
temperature is higher than 65°F.
setpoint is reset before the SA
If an economizer with dry-bulb temperature. However, the SA
Reset based upon VAV damper
temperature control is used, the upper temperature may rarely be reset upward.
position. Another option uses the VAV
limits for SA temperature reset and the This is because all zone cooling loads
damper position, just like fan pressure
high-limit shutoff temperature are often must be low enough such that all VAV
optimization. The system identifies the
the same. dampers are partially closed when the
farthest-open VAV damper and resets
duct static pressure setpoint is at its
both the SA temperature and the duct
In this example the amount of reset is minimum before the SA temperature
static pressure setpoints. Typically, this
capped at 60°F. Limiting the amount of setpoint is reset at all.
strategy will reduce the duct static
reset allows the system to satisfy cooling pressure setpoint first, in an effort to
loads in interior zones without needing to save fan energy, then reset the SA Reset based upon outdoor air
substantially oversize VAV terminal units temperature upward to save temperature and VAV damper
and ductwork. compressor or reheat energy. position. The third method combines
the previous two strategies to reset SA
While this strategy is easy for the building As the zone cooling loads decrease, the temperature as a function of both
operator to understand, it doesn't account VAV dampers begin to close, causing outdoor air temperature and VAV damper
for the cooling demands of individual the system controller to reset the duct position. The SA temperature setpoint
zones or space humidity levels. Some static pressure setpoint downward. reset is based upon outdoor air dry-bulb
zones may require a large amount of Once the static pressure setpoint is at temperature, as previously described.
cooling, regardless of the outdoor air its minimum, the system controller
temperature. Designers should consider begins to increase the SA temperature However, the VAV damper positions are
sizing the duct and VAV boxes serving setpoint. As the cooling load increases monitored to ensure that no zones are
and the VAV box dampers open, the overheating. This is especially useful
system controller first lowers the SA when it’s cool outside and warm SA
temperature back to its design value, temperatures cannot provide sufficient
and then increases the duct pressure cooling to an interior zone, like a
setpoint. conference room. A wide-open damper
indicates that additional cooling is
needed and the SA temperature may not
be cool enough. When a wide-open

providing insights for today’s HVAC system designer Trane Engineers Newsletter volume 45–3 5
damper is reported, the system can Figure 6. Supply-air-temperature reset based upon outdoor air temperature and
determine if it has reset too much and VAV damper position
respond by again lowering the SA
temperature setpoint.

This strategy is illustrated in Figure 6. 61

The design SA temperature setpoint is

SA temperature setpoint, °F
55°F but can be reset upward by as
much as 5 degrees to 60°F during cooler
outdoor temperatures. When the
outdoor air temperature is above 65°F, no 58
reset occurs and the system delivers
55°F air. The temperature at which reset reset based on
worst case zone
begins (below 65°F) can be adjusted to
suit the climate and installation. 56

Considerations for supply-air-
temperature reset. The economizer
high-limit shutoff setpoint temperature is 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
often used as the setpoint to begin SA outdoor dry-bulb temperature, °F
temperature reset.

The amount of reset can vary as well. methodologies were evaluated using The optimal SA temperature schedule
Systems serving zones that require more energy modeling. Based on the results, from the study is reproduced as Figure 7.
cooling year-round (e.g. interior they stated: "it appears that it is best to
conference rooms) should limit the reset the supply air temperature upwards In both cases, it was found that keeping
amount of reset, while systems that until the outdoor air temperature exceeds the SA cold (rather than resetting upward)
serve zones with a mixture of heating 65°F or 70°F, then reduce the supply-air during warmer weather was more
and cooling typically benefit from higher temperature to [the minimum] in order to efficient. The CEC guideline concludes
SA temperatures. minimize fan energy and rely on the chiller that "the recommended control sequence
for cooling." [2] is to lead with supply temperature
Some designers might choose to setpoint reset in cool weather where
monitor indoor space humidity levels as This is reinforced by earlier research from reheat might dominate the equation and to
well. When space humidity rises above a Texas A&M University. In a study, they keep the chillers off as long as possible,
specific threshold, say 60 percent RH, found that resetting the SA temperature then return to a fixed low setpoint in
the SA temperature is reset downward upward during mild weather (below warmer weather when the chillers are
to increase the dehumidification approximately 72°F) was optimal for a likely to be on. During reset, employ a
performed by the cooling coil. Similarly, VAV system serving a 3-story building [3]. demand-based control that uses the
designers may choose to monitor warmest supply air temperature that
outdoor dew-point temperature to limit satisfies all of the zones in cooling."
or disable reset during humid weather.
For example, when the outdoor air dew- Figure 7. Optimal SA temperature schedule from Texas A&M University
point temperature is greater than 60°F,
the SA temperature might not be
allowed to reset upward to avoid adding
humid air to the spaces.
SA temperature setpoint, °F

The ability to automatically disable

supply-air-temperature reset during
humid outdoor or indoor conditions
should alleviate concerns about its
implementation negatively affecting 56
occupant comfort.
What do others say about
supply-air- temperature reset? The
California Energy Commission (CEC)
published the "Advanced VAV System
Guideline" in October 2003. In it, 50
different SA temperature reset 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
outdoor dry-bulb temperature (°F)

6 Trane Engineers Newsletter volume 45–3 providing insights for today’s HVAC system designer
This is consistent with reset based upon
ASHRAE's Proposed Guideline 36 outdoor air temperature and VAV damper ASHRAE Standard 90.1 Requirements -
position, as shown in Figure 6. Supply Air Temperature Reset
In January 2014, ASHRAE authorized the
creation of Proposed Guideline 36, High This same approach is recommended in the ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1 has
Performance Sequences of Operation for prescriptively required SA temperature reset
HVAC Systems, with the purpose to
public review draft of ASHRAE Guideline 36
for multiple-zone systems for many years.
"provide uniform sequences of operation (see sidebar).
The requirements allow SA temperature to
for heating, ventilating, and air- be automatically reset in response to either
conditioning (HVAC) systems that are building load or outdoor air temperature.
intended to maximize HVAC system energy
Combining supply-air-temperature reset
efficiency and performance, provide and fan pressure optimization. Some
Section of the 2013 version of the
control stability, and allow for real-time designers might choose to minimize fan standard requires the SA temperature be
fault detection and diagnostics." power by resetting duct pressure downward reset by at least "25 percent of the
first, then raising the SA temperature setpoint difference between the design SA
The proposed guideline would provide temperature and the design room air
"detailed sequences of operation" for later, as discussed in "Reset based upon VAV
temperature." The standard also permits
systems and "functional tests that when damper position." control of reset based upon zone humidity.
performed will confirm implementation of Finally, it suggests zones with constant
the sequences of operation." Others might choose to reset both SA internal loads be designed for the reset SA
temperature and static pressure setpoints temperature instead of the design SA
The first public review draft suggested that temperature.
during the occupied mode, the highest SA
simultaneously, as discussed in "Reset based
temperature for a VAV system should be upon outdoor air temperature and VAV
There are three exceptions to this
65°F in mild and dry climates and 60°F in damper position." In this case, both SA requirement:
humid climates. The authors warn that SA temperature reset and fan pressure
temperatures greater than 65°F "may lead 1. Installations in hot and humid climate
optimization might use the same control
to excessive fan energy that can offset the zones 1A, 2A, and 3A
mechanical cooling savings from point—VAV damper position—to determine
economizer operation." operation. Some SA temperature reset 2. Systems that prevent reheating,
strategies use the position of the VAV recooling, or mixing of heated and
The authors suggest when reset should dampers to determine when to end reset and cooled SA
occur for typical outdoor air dry-bulb
return the SA temperature to the design
3. Systems that source at least 75 percent
setpoint. On the other hand, fan pressure
• The minimum (coldest) SA temperature of the annual energy used for reheat
optimization attempts to keep at least one from site-recovered or site-solar energy
should be delivered whenever outdoor
temperatures are warmer than 70°F. VAV damper nearly wide open to reduce fan
energy. These two control loops using the So for instance, consider an installation at
• The maximum reset SA temperature Flamborough Head on the Yorkshire coast of
should be delivered whenever outdoor
same data could result in some conflicts
England where the climate is cool and
temperatures are cooler than 60°F. during operation, so careful programming of humid. Here, the design SA temperature is
the control loops is essential. 55°F and the space cooling setpoint
The proposed guideline also includes a temperature is 75°F. The amount of reset
description and example of trim and Determining when to reset and optimize one needs to be at least 5°F, which is 25 percent
respond setpoint reset logic. This logic of the difference of 20°F. In this case, the
system variable before another is complex.
allows requests to reset the SA controller should be programmed to reset
temperature or static pressure setpoints to The decision could be based upon weather
from 55°F to at least 60°F to comply.
be sent to the central controller. Each zone conditions, building loads, HVAC system type, Because this is a coastal location, the
and request type can be assigned an and so on. Designers should consider designers may choose to monitor indoor
importance multiplier greater than one to evaluating options through energy modeling, humidity and discontinue reset when indoor
increase the rank of the specific zone relative humidity surpasses a threshold-
within the algorithms. Rogue zones are
then coordinate strategies with the controls
perhaps 60 percent RH.
identified using the request-hours data vendor, programmer, and building operators.
point. The default logic triggers an alarm
indicating a rogue zone when a specific
zone has run hours exceeding 40 and
request-hours greater than 70 percent. ASHRAE Standard 90.1 Requirements -
Conclusion Fan Pressure Optimization

Fan pressure optimization and supply-air ASHRAE Standard 90.1 has prescriptively
required the static pressure setpoint to be
temperature reset are both energy
reset for VAV systems when the system
conservation measures, prescriptively uses DDC controls and a central/system
required by ASHRAE Standard 90.1 (see controller for many years. Section
sidebar). They can be implemented relatively of the 2013 version also requires:
easily with modern controls. Both have been • System controls must monitor damper
used simultaneously to significantly reduce position or "other indicator of need for
the energy usage and operational cost of static pressure"
multiple-zone VAV systems. Not using one or • Automatic detection of rogue zones and
both should be the exception. Too often notification of these to the system
energy savings is left on the table. operator

• Ability for the system operator to remove

By Eric Sturm, applications engineer, Trane. You can find zones from the reset algorithm
this and previous issues of the Engineers Newsletter at To comment, send e-mail to

providing insights for today’s HVAC system designer Trane Engineers Newsletter volume 45–3 7
Learn HVAC design strategies and earn credit
[1] Stanke, D., "VAV System Optimization Critical
Zone Reset," Trane Engineers Newsletter, vol.
20, no. 2, 1991.
Upcoming Trane Engineers Newsletter
[2] California Energy Commission, "Advanced LIVE Program!
Variable Air Volume System Design Guide," Acoustics in HVAC Outdoor
Applications. This program reviews the
[3] G. Wei, M. Liu and D. Claridge, "Optimize the analysis steps required to avoid noise
Supply Air Temperature Reset Schedule for a complaints caused by outdoor HVAC
Single-Duct VAV System," in Proceedings of the equipment. Topics include equipment and
Twelfth Symposium on Improving Building sound attenuation selection, equipment
Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, San
Antonio, 2000.
location, sound ordinances, barrier walls,
reflective surfaces and sound power to
[4] E. Sturm, "Airside Economizers and ASHRAE sound pressure conversion calculations.
Standard 90.1-2013." Trane Engineers Earn continuing education credit on- Contact your local Trane office for event
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[5] ANSI/ASHRAE/IES, Standard 90.1-2013 Energy on-demand programs are available free of Review past programs by visiting
Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise charge. All courses are available at
Residential Buildings (I-P Edition), Atlanta:
ASHRAE, 2013. The latest release of TRACE™ 700
[6] ANSI/ASHRAE/IES, Proposed Guideline 36, Air conditioning clinics. A series of focuses on updating and adding to the
High Performance Sequences of Operation for educational presentations that teach standard libraries included in the program.
HVAC Systems. Atlanta: ASHRAE, 2016. HVAC fundamentals, equipment, and Check out the latest release which
[7] J. Murphy, "Reaping the Benefits of Optimized
systems. The series includes full-color features the following
Control," The BOMA Magazine, p. 48, student workbooks, which can be
September/October 2013. purchased individually. Approved by the • ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013
American Institute of Architects for 1.5 libraries. Previously the TRACE library
[8] Taylor Engineering, "Advanced Variable Air
(Health, Safety and Welfare) learning included equipment and constructions
Volume System Design Guide," 2007.
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8 Trane Engineers Newsletter volume 45–3 ADM-APN059-EN (September 2016)

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