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Guía de Inglés Técnico e Inglés 1 nº 02

Apellidos y Nombres: Carlos Miguel Gonzalez Alcala. C. I nº: V30.579.348

Sección: 2 Fecha de entrega de la actividad: 23-08 al 29-08-2021


1.-lea cuidadosamente cada una de las propuestas.

2.- Responda adecuadamente siguiendo las instrucciones dada en cada una de

las acotaciones de cada propuesta.

3.- Revise toda su guía antes de entregarla corrigiendo lo que usted crea
conveniente que hizo de manera incorrecta.

First Part.

Complete each of the proposals using the correct auxiliary for the simple
present tense (Do-Does).

1. She plays volleyball in the park. (Does)

2. We work in the office. (Do)
3. Carlos and Jose read the newspaper daily. (Does)
4. I eat chocolate at Mirian's house. (Do)
5. My friend's dog runs in the street quickly. (Does)
6. Margarita squeezes oranges for breakfast juice. (Does)
7. The bird sings beautiful melody when it makes its trill. (Does)
8. Technical English students (Do) not deliver the guides on time.
9. You (Do) work on the street for your children, you do it to get out of
your house
10. During the day Pedro uses his hours for hard work. (Does)
Answer each of the proposed sentences in an interrogative way using the
correct auxiliary for the present simple (DO, DOES).

1. Carlos studies math for the final semester exam.

Does Carlos studies math for the final semester exam?
2. I cancel the contract of the architect who did the bad job in the
Bolivar state cathedral.
Do I cancel the contract of the architect who did the bad job in the
Bolivar state cathedral?
3. the dog runs after the cat to bite it.
Does the dog run after the cat to bite it?
4. Maria prepares her oscillating machine for her morning exercises
Does Maria prepare her oscillating machine for her morning exercises?
5. Pedro, Jose, Ramon, and Marcos go on an excursion to Pico Bolivar
Does Pedro, Jose, Ramon, and Marcos go on an excursion to Pico Bolivar?
6. The English teacher sent us a very long and complicated guide.
Does the English teacher send us a very long and complicated guide?
7. The university charges a lot for the 2020-2 semester.
Does the university charge a lot for the 2020-2 semester?
8. I clean the xerophilic garden during a sunny day.
Do I clean the xerophilic garden during a sunny day?
9. sunny days bring me beautiful memories.
Do sunny days bring me beautiful memories?
10. I work hard because I love my career but the pay is lousy.
Do I work hard because I love my career, but the pay is lousy?

Answer using in the present simple the Interrogative, affirmative and

negative forms see the example given before the proposed sentences.


Carlos eats cupcakes and orange juice in the morning

Interrogative: Does He eat cupcakes and orange juice in the morning?

Affirmative: Yes, He eats cupcakes and orange juice in the morning
Negative: No, he doesn’t eat cupcakes and orange juice in the morning
1. The dog and the cat eat together on the same plate.
Do they eat together on the same plate?
Yes, they eat together on the same plate.
No, they don’t eat together on the same plate.

2. Ramon writes a letter for his Spanish teacher.

Does he write a letter for his Spanish teacher?
Yes, he writes a letter for his Spanish teacher.
No, he doesn’t write a letter for his Spanish teacher.

3. Narlenis prepares the salad for lunch inside the restaurant.

Does she prepare the salad for lunch inside the restaurant?
Yes. she prepares the salad for lunch inside the restaurant.
No, she doesn’t prepare the salad for lunch inside the restaurant.
4. I pack my bags for the trip to London.
Do I pack my bags for the trip to London?
Yes, I pack my bags for the trip to London.
No, I don’t pack my bags for the trip to London.

5. We play hard during the football game.

Do we play hard during the football game?
Yes, we play hard during the football game.
No, we don’t play hard during the football game.

6. I drive my brother-in-law's truck on my off hours.

Do I drive my brother-in-law's truck on my off hours?
Yes, I drive my brother-in-law's truck on my off hours.
No, I don’t drive my brother-in-law's truck on my off hours.

Second Part.

Observe the exercise and answer each of the proposed sentences given

We can meet you later

Int: Can we meet you later?

Afir: Yes, we can meet you later
Neg: No, we can’t meet you later

1.- We should tell her about it.

Should we tell her about it?
Yes, we should tell her about it.
No, we should not tell her about it.

2.- He can open the heavy door with his hands.

Can he open the heavy door with his hands?
Yes, he can open the heavy door with his hands.
No, he can’t open the heavy door with his hands.

3.- I'm late, can I go to the dining room now

I’m late, can I go to the dining room now?
Yes, I’m late, can I go to the dining room now?
No, I’m not late, can I go to the dining room now?
4.- She may pass her examinations.
May she pass her examinations?
Yes, she may pass her examinations.
No, she may not pass her examinations.

5.-We must do the same thing again.

Must we do the same thing again?
Yes, we must do the same thing again.
No, we must not do the same thing again.

6.-You might sit in this car.

Might you sit in this car?
Yes, you might sit in this car.
No, you might not sit in this car.
Third Part.

Use the Passive Voice …

We form the passive voice of present, past and future tense

sentences with the appropriate form of To Be and the past
participle of the main verb.

Active Passive
John delivers the mail The mail is delivered by John.
John delivered the mail The mail was delivered by John.
John will deliver the mail The mail will be delivered by John

We form the passive voice of the present perfect sentences

with Have or Has + been and the past participle of the main verb.

John has delivered the mail The mail has been delivered by

Change the following sentences from active to passive. Be sure

to keep the same tense with each change.

1.- John wrote that letter.

That letter was wrote by John.
2.- Fire destroyed that house.
That house was destroyed by fire
3.- The audience enjoyed the concert very much.
The concert was enjoyed very much by the audience.
4.- Mary took that book from the desk.
that book was taking from the desk by Mary.
5.- Mr. Smith will deliver that letter.
That letter will be delivered by Mr. Smith
6.- The police easily captured that thief.
That thief was captured easily by the police
7.- Mr. Jones manages the export division.
The export division is managed by Mr. Jones
8.- The little boy ate the cake.
The cake was ate by the little boy.
9.- The teacher corrects our exercises al home.
Our exercises are corrected by the teacher al home.

10.- They started a dancing class last week.

Last week were started a dancing class by they


Recordemos que hay pronombres que deben ser sustituidos por

su forma correcta esto se hace cuando es necesario

They solve the mathematics problems

Mathematics probles are solved by them

They ___ them We ____ us

He ____ him I ____me
She ____her You ____ your

Fourth Part.

We form the present continuous tense by placing the appropriate

form of to be before the present participle (ing form) of the main

Complete the following sentences with the present continuous form
of the verb in parenthesis.

1.- They are waiting (wait) for us om the corner now.

2.- The bus is stopping (stop) for us now.
3.- Listen! I think the telephone is ringing (ring).
4.- I see that you are wearing (wear) your new suit today.
5.- Listen! Someone is Knocking (knock) at the door.
6.- Helen is making (make) good progress in her studies at present.
7.- The leaves are beginning (begin) at fall from the trees.
8.- Listen! That’s Mary who is playing (play) the piano.
9.- Be careful! The teacher is watching (watch) you.
10.- For the time being, Mr. Smith is acting (act) as manager of
this department.

Change the following sentences from affirmative to negative.

1.- the telephone is ringing.

the telephone is not ringing.

2.- Marcos is studying for the next evaluation plan.

Marcos isn’t studying for the next evaluation plan.

3.- The big dog is running by the street with its owner.
The big dog isn’t running by the street with its owner

4.- The English teacher prepares the evaluation CIVA for his
The English teacher does not prepare the evaluation CIVA for
his students.

5.- You are cooking and squeezing the new meal preparation.
You aren't cooking and squeezing the new meal preparation.

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