Definition of Political Ideology

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53 General Kalentong St. Mandaluyong

Senior High School
Dynamic Learning Program
(Philippine Politics and Governance)

Name: Date:
Grade/Section: Rating:

I. Topic #5: Political Ideologies

a. The basic tenets of the major political ideologies (i.e., liberalism,
socialism, conservatism, etc.)

Reference: Module in Philippine Politics and Governance

Philippine Politics and Governance by: Rhene Tabajen and Erlinda Pulma,
II. Objectives
a. Define ideology and political ideologies
b. Identify the different characteristics of ideology

III. Concept Notes

 a systematic body of concepts especially about human life or culture

 a manner or the content of thinking characteristic of an individual, group,

or culture
 the integrated assertions, theories and aims that constitute a socio-political
 is a more or less coherent set of ideas that provides the basis for organized
political action, whether this is intended to preserve, modify or overthrow
the existing system of power.

B. Political Ideologies
 is a set of related beliefs about political theory and policy held by an
individual, group of individuals or a particular social class.
 political ideologies form the basis of how they view the world around
them and the proper role of government in the world.
 (a)offer an account of the existing order, usually in the form of a ‘world-
view’, (b) advance a model of a desired future, a vision of the ‘good
society’, and (c) explain how political change can and should be brought
about- how to get from A to B.

C. Ideologies provide an explanation for problems that confronts modern

societies by providing futuristic visions.
D. Ideology is action-oriented.
E. Ideologies mobilize a large number of people.

IV. Abstraction/Activity (15pts)

a. Using a chart Compare the ideologies of your mother and father.
use venn diagram or any chart to compare

V. Performance Tasks
1. Personal Reflection (Essay) use the format below
 Title – 5pts
 Introduction – 10 pts
 Body 10 pts
 Conclusion 10pts
Guide Questions:
1. What are the importance of Ideology in the society?

2. Given such experience from your parents, who among them are you in favor?

3. For the Conclusion, What are the similarities of your and your parents or
guardian in political ideologies?


10pts = Following the format

35 pts = Content / Originality

5= Punctuality ( submit before due date )

50 pts


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