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Simple pendulum

The purpose from the Experiment:

Studying the following parameters on the periodic time:
1. Matter of the ball of pendulum.
2. Largeness of the amplitude of the pendulum.
3. Length of the pendulum.
4. Measure the terrestrial acceleration.
Used devices:
Small pendulum of metal tied to a length (1 m) of the thread of cotton through a
supporting clamped between two small metal plates, and another l pendulum of
wood tied to a length (1 m) of the thread of cotton through a supporting clamped
between two small metal plates. Retort-stand and clamp, meter ruler, stop-
The simple pendulum considers one of the examples for explaining the principal
of the simple harmonic motion. The body moves simple harmonic motion when
its acceleration is always directed to constant point (O) l proportion with body's
distance from it, figure(1) showing that: the body moves harmonic motion to and
fro from point (A) to point (B), where the point (O) represent to the stability
place. When the body be a distance (X) from the point (O) so its acceleration
about this point must
equal (KX):
XK = 0
Where K = constant quantity
X = amount of the displacement
The distance OA = OB called the amplitude
1. Full swaying: it is the motion of the body passing in it a distance to and fro, like
a body beginning from (A) to (B) then return to (A) or from (0) 10 (B) then to (A)
and return to (O), such as passing in appointed point, two times consecutive in
same direction. See fig (1).
2. periodic time (T): it's the time requisite for one full periodic such as from (A)
to (B) then to (A), that represent the taken time for point (P) to move one time
around the circumference.
Τ = 2π /ω
Where w= angular velocity for the point P per second.
3. Displacement (X): it's body's distance from the stability place at any point.
4. Amplitude (A): it's a greater value for the displacement.
The simple pendulum consists of a point mass suspended by a weightless string.
Which it moving a simple harmonic motion with a small amplitude when displace
its ball to the side a small displacement so the pendulum vibration around its
fixed position under the affecting force on it, as shown in fig (2).
F = - mg sin 0
F - m g 0 (since 0 is small).. (1)
Where (F) is the restoring force acting on the point mass
at (P) along the arc (X).
mg= weight of the ball.
If the displacement of the ball along the arc is (X) and
the length of the pendulum is (L) so e = x /L (2)
By recompensing eq. (2) in eq. (1) we get
F=mg/L x.........(3)
is constant so the eq. (3) means the restoring force (F) proportion with
the displacement (X) so the motion is thus simple harmonic motion.
The periodic time is
T = 2 π2 L/g
Where (g) is the terrestrial acceleration
We computing the terrestrial acceleration from this equation
g=4π L/T2.......(5)
1. Tie one of the threads which the length for each one (100) with a metal ball
and tie the other with the wood bak.
2. Hanging the pendulum with the stand and the clamp as shown in fig.(1).
3. First we will give the wood pendulum a small displacement and take the time
for 20 swaying (measured from a fixed mark); and find the periodic time (T) (the
reading must rejected if the swaying become elliptical).
4. Repeat step -3- for the metal pendulum
5. Varying the length of the metal pendulum and repeat step -3- to calculate the
periodic time every time, and record the result in a table as shown below.

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