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She lost. Her steps are too strong, reverse to the energy she has. The moon shows its light, brights a
vision of a girl who is running away right now. Seems to be fading, but clouds didn’t want to cover
the light of the common darkness.

Peaceful night. Filled with someone’s tears and hopeless wishes. She couldn’t stop her feet. Drowns
her heart to the lowest level, as she tries so hard to believe what she got after all of these years. She is
someone. A healing, the unbroken, the breathless on her soul.

Her bare feet are bleeding from the scractches she gets. Those brown eyes look for a miracle. There is
no certain path. She is chasing for nothing. Wound, she falls down. Now the blood bursts from her
forehead—the thing that she loves to take care of.

“Hope that they wont hold me again ...,” She said on her rapid, choked breathe. “God ... don’t hate
me. I would die, as my plan reaches me slowly from now. Don’t hate me. God ....”

She smiles and holds a stone that hurts her head. Her mind starts to think about everything she got.
Particulalry her family, friends, and the one she loves. Couln/t resist more. Her throat chokes her
breathe. Lips mutter something that sound useless. She reached her neck, grips it till she stops her life.

She is a nobody, a ghost. The only one who doesn’t have a beautiful flower. Once she gave to
someone else, her sacrifice kept her in sanity—that slowly turns her to an immortal agony.

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