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Summer Solstice

As I went home to my apartment yesterday, I got a chance to be awed by the vibrant

hues painted in the sky above my head by the setting sun. I was struck in oblivion
of how beautiful it was scattered right before my eyes. It gave me a feeling of
satisfaction, of happiness that I don’t want to end.
For few minutes I paused in the ninth floor of the building where im working to
enjoy the view, then I realized I was lost in time... I might miss my daily workout
habit (which is running in the park just near to where i stay).
The elevator man already went home so i have to use the fire exit instead, and as
soon as i reach the ground floor, I took a peek of the mesmerizing sunset. I was
suppose to capture the beauty of it with my smartphone and post it later in my
Instagram (as if petrifying the moment forever). But I got scared. The calm colors
of yellows and oranges turned into a violent range of maroon to velvet and red just
like a fire. The sky above the clouds was dark. It was like something is aflame.
I close my eyes hoping that when I open them again it would turn back to the sight
that I want to see, but it didn’t. I hurried because im near the morgue of the
hospital and it creeps me more 💀💀💀.
I speed my way as if running away from reality. As i reach the main door of my
apartment, i looked in back... it was still there, chasing me. More violent, more
terrifying. All the colors were replaced by darkness.
Then I remembered you....
I remembered how you showed me that romance is a beautiful thing but you also
taught me that it can also be a terrifying one.

The sunset that I used to love now haunts me. From the joy it once brought, it is
now a nightmare of things I don’t want to remember. It used to tell me that at the
end of everything there is always a wonderful thing that waits. But now, it just
proved that every beautiful thing must come to an end.
The bright colors of happiness will turn into darkness of despair and sadness in a
twinkling of an eye. The joy will turn into an excruciating pain that strikes to
the inner of the spines, to bone marrows and down to every nerves.
The changing of colors are like the reverberations of silent cries that fall on
Hades. Little by little the smile will transform into frown~all left to the once we
shared are sorrows and hatred. Just like the sunset I thought would last forever if
I want to, but it did not. With just a blink it turned into something ugly. Just
like that, I cannot enjoy sunset anymore without remembering the sad things it once
brought to my life. And this will stay in my memory as long as I live.

#Ps kahaladlukan gin ang ma fall sa sala nga tawo

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