Discuss The Essential Requisites of An Obligation

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Philippine Constitution

Answer the question/s briefly but with legal basis.

Discuss the essential requisites of an obligation.


Every obligation has four essential requisites, namely: passive subject, active subject,
object, and legal tie. A passive subject is known as the debtor or obligor. They are the
one who has a duty and is bound to perform or fulfill the obligation agreed upon. An active
subject is known as the creditor or oblige. They are the one who has a right and a power
to demand the performance or fulfillment of obligation. The object or prestation is the
subject matter of the obligation. It is the act that is required, either to do or not to do
something, that needed to be fulfilled by the passive subject. A juridical or legal tie, or
also called efficient cause, is the thing that binds two subject or parties to the obligation.
It is the source of obligation which makes it demandable.

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