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Objective Problems [Level 1] Electric Current, Drift Velocity and Resistance 1, When the current / is flowing through a conductor, the rift velocity is v. If2/current is flowed through the same ‘metal but having double the area of cross-section, then the drift velocity will be (@ 4 © w2 ©v @ 4 2, When current flows through a conductor, then the order of drift velocity of electrons will be @ 10" mvs @) 107 emis (©) 10° cms (@) 107 emis 3. If a 0.1% length is increased due to stretching, then percentage increase in its resistance will be (0.2% 6) 2% =) 1% ~—(4) 0% 4. The specific resistance of manganin is 50x 10" Qxm. The resistance of a cube of length 50 cm across two sides will be @ 10*Q © 0a & 2.5x105Q @ 5x10 5. The specific resistance of a wire is p, its volume is 3m? and its resistance is 3 Q, then its length will be iT 3 @\ oF 1 i O58 Pfs 6. In hydrogen atom, the electron makes 66x 10'° revolutions per second around the nucleus in an orbit of radius 0.5% 10~"° m. It is equivalent to a current nearly @IA () Ima © 1pA @ 16x10 a T. The positive temperature coefficient of resistance is for (a) carbon (b) germani (©) copper @ anelectrolyte 8. lfm, e, tand m respectively represent the electron density, relaxation time and mass of the electron, then the resistance of a wire of length and area of coss-section A wil mi eA @ wed (o) ne 9 Meta Pa Onl Fal 9. The resistance ofa wire is 10 0. Its length is increase 10% by stretching. The new resistance will now be (@ 122 () 129 © Ba @ ua 10. The reciprocal of resistance is (@) conductance (b) resistivity (@) None of these (©) voltage 11. Conductivity increases in the order of (@ Al, Ag, Cu (b) Al, Cu, Ag (©) Cu, Al, Ag @ Ag, Cu, Al 12. The charge of an electron is 16x10"? C. How ma electrons strike the screen of a cathode ray tube ea second, when the beam current is 16 mA? (@) 107 (b) 10” © 10” @ 10" 13. Calculate the amount of charge flowing in 2 min in a wi of resistance 10 ©, when a potential difference of 20 V; applied between its ends (a) 120C (b) 240C © 20 @4c 14. A strip of copper and another of germanium are cool from room temperature to 80 K. The resistance of (a) each of these increases () each of these decreases (©) copper strip decreases and that of germanium increases (@ copper strip increases and that of germanium decrease 15. The length of a given cylindrical wire is increased 100%. Due to the consequent decrease in diameter, t change in the resistance of the wire will be (a) 300% (b) 200% (©) 100% (@) 50% 16. The following four wires are made of the same mateti and are at the same temperature. Which one of them bs highest electrical resistance? 00 cm, diameter = 2mm | (@) Length = 300cm, diameter = 3mm | 11. The electri field £, current density J and conductivi®| of a conductor are related as @ o=ny ©) o= VE © o=JE @ o=vE Scanned with CamScanner wo wires of equal diameters, of resi 1 and /y, respectivel and lengths 2» Tespectively, are joined in seri ‘The equivalent resistivity of the combination ig pi + Pa Pib + poh oh Aero hah ) hth 19, Two wires ofthe same dimensions but resistivities py and p; ae connected in series. The equivalent resistivity of the combination is, @ pit: & rea @ 20, +0) 20, A steady curtent is flowing in a cylindrical conductor. ‘Then, which one of the following statements is true? (@) Electric field within the conductor is zero Flectric field exists only on the outer surface of 0) Bectie 4 ly on the outer surface of the (©) Electric field exists within the conductor {(@) None of the above 21. The electron with charge (q=1.6% 10""°C) moves in an orbitofradius 5x 10" mwith a speed of 2.2x 10° ms“, around an atom. The equivalent current is @ 12x 10% @) Li2x 107 A (112x107 A @ 12a 22, Inan inert gas discharge tube 2.9x 10'* positive ions (€*) move to the right through a cross-section of the tube ‘each second, while 1.2 10'* negative'ions (e~ )move to the left in the same time. The magnitude of current is (0)2384.A (b) 2.384% 107 A (6) 2384x 10 A (€) None of these 2. A conductor carries a current of 0.2 A. In 30 show many electrons will flow through the cross-section of the conductor (q=1.6x 10"'? C)? ( 0375x:10" (&) 37510" (© 315x108 (a) 37510” 2%4. A wire of radius r has resistance R. If itis stretched to a Wire of radius r/2, then the resistance of the wire becomes ( 2R (b) 48 (©) 16R (@) zero 2S. Ohm-metre is the unit of (@) resistance (b) conductance (© resistivity (@ voltmeter 2%. The product of resistivity and conductivity of @ ‘ylndrcal conductor depends on (@) temperature (b) material © area of cross-section (@ None of the above 27. The potential difference across a wire of 10° cm? cross-sectional area and 50 em length is 2 V, when a current of 0.25 A exists in the wire. The conductivity of, the material is (@) 25x 10° mhoim () 625x 10° mho/m (©) 25% 10° mhoim (@ 625x 10" mholm 28. The current-voltage graphs for a given metallic wire at two different temperatures 7, and 7; (T, > 7, )would be 4 7 n oly " oY? ps __, v v h t th or mw |, h » > v v 29. For which of the following dependences of drift velocity vq on electric field E, is Ohm’s law obeyed? @ wok OwnE © «VE (@) vq = constant 30. The temperature coefficient of resistance of a wire is 0.00125 per °C. At 300 K its resistance is 1 Q. The resistance of the wire will be 2 Qat (@) 154K (b) 1100 K, (©) 400K @ 127K, 31. In the figure, a carbon resistor has bands of different colours on its body as mentioned in the figure. The value of the resistance is Silver White drown (a) 2.2kQ (b) 33k (©) 56kQ @) 9.1k2 32. Carbon resistors, used in electronic circuits are marked for their value of resistance and tolerance by a colour code, A given resistor has colour scheme brown, red, green and gold. Its value in ohm is (a) 5.2% 1+ 10% (b) 24x 10° 5% (c) 1.2x 10% 10% @ 12x 16s 5% Scanned with CamScanner 33. A metallic resistor is connected across a battery. If the ‘number of collisions of the free electrons with the lattice is somehow decreased in the resistor (for example, by cooling it), the current will () increase () decrease (©) remain constant (@) become zer0 Kirchhoff’s Laws and Potential Difference between two Points ‘34, The potential difference between points 4 and B of adjoining figure is 52, 52, A oO 5a: rad 52 so. sa o lc 2 8 @ 3 v (b) isi 4 © 3 v @2v 35. The reading of the ammeter as per figure shown is 20, 20 2V | win fr _@— 20 ww 20, 1 3 a) 4 3a (yA oF 1 ota 2A © z @ 36. Resistance of 6 © each are connected in the manner shown in figure. With the current 0.5 A, the potential difference, ~Vs is sa 6a : Lave, (©) 3.0V (d) 7.2V, 37. Four resistances are connected in circuit in the given figure. The electric current flowing through 4 and 6 Q resistance is respectively 40 6a, ov (b) 1Aand 2A (@) 2Aand 4A (@ 2Aand2A (© VAand 1A 38. The current from the battery in circuit diagram shown 20 4 70 wt 6a 19 osa ga 8 “toa @ 1A (2A @ 1SA (3A 39. Inthe figure given below, the current passing through 60 resistor is @ 0404 60, ©) 048A (oA al aa PO @ 0804 40. In the circuit shown, the point B is earthed. The potential at the point 4 is 52. 70s A @ 14Vv (©) 26V (b) 24V. @ Sov 41. In the figure, current through the 3 Q resistor is 0.8 4 then potential drop through 4 Q resistor is, dg 39, (a) 96V (b) 26V ©) 48V @ lav Scanned with CamScanner on ential drop across the 3.2 resistor is mee ao an ei av w @ 1sv a a 14 47. The figure shows currents in a part of electric circuit. The current iis wW 2A 138 an @17A ()37A IBA WIA 48. In the circuit shown, potential difference between X and Ywill be 1g. For the network shown in the figure, the value of the 409 xy ccorrent 11S a. 4 sa ; 200 +20V 7 (@ ze =) OV.) HOV @) 120 Vv 49. The figure shows a network of currents. ‘The current i will be y ve O35 Ore q5A 3A, xv IY oF ot : is BAI 1. The magnitude and direction of the current in the circuit shown will be i : 19 20 ‘ av. AV, ° @3A HBA OBA @3A 50. IfV',, =4 Vin the given figure, then resistance X will be ‘48 100 sy 39 : wwf (9 LAtomatoe 4 7 zy x ©) Afiom bie act © 1Af0m B10 € @sa mwa ISA @2a een 51. Two battees ofemt , 8 4Y 8Y By Kirchhoff’ frst law je. Z/= Oat a junction is based on 4 ant 8 V ih m wm the cesiiticin internal resistances ® ee cf 1Q and 2Q are Dany connected ina circuit oa (©) momentum with a resistance of (8) angular 5 as shown in ; ®K Pppeniy f figure, The current and potential difference between the Kicthoft’s second law is based on the law ol ae and Qe ratior 1 charge ae (o) 4 Aani3v (ey Eaanday ® nergy 1 Sane (@ pAandv (@ fama ev tum (9 sum of mass and energy — ———— Scanned with CamScanner 158 '52. In the circuit element given here, if the potential at point (Q then the potentials of 4 and Dare given a8 asa 2V 150 14 Soeear Ane aoc ca ete SAC ECSED 15V,%p=+2V SV, p = +05 V 1SVFp =+05V 53. Current i as shown in the circuit will be 32 tov (@) 104 w Ba (© zer0 (@ infinite 54. Current through the 5 resistor is (24 &) 4a @ 1a ‘55. Three resistances are connected in the form of a T-shape as shown in the figure. Then, the current in the 4 Q resistoris 42v_20 Bo -av (©) zero i -8v (@) 093.4 (b) 142A, © 254 @) LSTA 56. A current of 2 A flows in resistances as shown, The potential difference, —Vy will be A 20 30 2 G 2A aa 20 x (b) +2 @-1V @ +4v © +1V 57, In the circuit, the current flowing through ig resistance is 2ov [ae 30 05a 189 b) 12A @ 12a i (© 08A 04a 5B. The figure given shows current in @ part of elect, circuit. Then, current / is in . » 7 a i (a) 254 (b) 274 2a (3A 59. A cell of negligible internal resistance and emf 1.2 Vis ‘connected in series with three resistors of resistances 1 2.Q and 3 Q respectively. What is the potential difference across 2 Q resistor? (@) 02V (b) 04V (©) 06V @ 08V 60. The value of current in the 60 @ resistance of the circuit shown is 609 159 59 18 1A (@) 16.4, VBA aia oa 61. In the given figure, what is the current (in amp) throug) the 1 O resistor? ev Esa Senden 1a —w— @ 1 2 @8 @o Scanned with CamScanner jder an electric circuit given bet peemal resistance of battery is zero) sume that Ri=80 ©) 45V @ sv ive identical resistors, each of value 1100 @ are * coanected to a 220 V battery as shown in fi seading ofthe ideal ammeter A is igre The fe 2 8 a @ USA ) USA (354 (d) 4/5 A 64, The current through the 5 Q resistor is 5a ave oy wav 4 _wy¥—§ a | @ 10a 1A © 254A @o4a 65. Inthe given figure, the current through the 20 V battery is 16V. l20v ev @uA Ora 1a @ a 66. In the circuit shown each resistance is R 20. If a DC source of 10 V is connected between 4 and B, then the (@ 25A @) 1A (125A @SA Thermal Heat, Power and Bulbs 67. Which arrangement of four identical resistances should be used to draw maximum energy from a cell of voltage V7 () © SE) — 68. One kilowatt hour is equal to (a) 3610°F (b) 36x 10° J @ 0s @ 105 69. IfR, and R, are respectively, the filament resistances ofa 200W bulb and 100 W bulb designed to operate on the same voltage, then @) Ry istwo times Ry (b) Ry is two times R, (©) Ryis four times Ry (@ Aji four times R 70. The electric bulb have tungsten filaments of same length. If one of them gives 60 W and other 100 W, then (2) 100 W bull has thicker ftament (b) 60 W bull has thicker filament (©) both filaments are of same thickness (@) itis not possible to get different wattage unless the lengths are different 71.3 identical bulbs are connected in series and these together dissipate a power P. If now the bulbs are connected in parallel, then the power dissipated will be P & @e OP OP WF Scanned with CamScanner 160 72. Two bulbs of wattage 40 W and 100 W rated at 220 V are connected in series across a 440 V. What will happen? (@) 40.W bulb wil fuse (©) 100 W bulb wil fuse (©) Both bulbs will fuse (@) Nothing will happen 73. A and B are two bulbs connected in parallel. 4 is glowing brighter than B, then the relation between Ry and Ry is (8) Ry=Ry (©) Ry >Re (©) Ri> Ry (@) None ofthese 74, A resistor of resistance R is connected to an ideal battery. If the value of R is decreased, the power dissipated in the resistor will (increase (©) remain unchanged 75. Two resistors R and 2R are connected in series in an electric circuit. The thermal energy developed in R and 2R are in the ratio (@ 1:2 (1:4 76. Two resistances R and 2 are connected in parallel in an electric circuit. The thermal energy developed in R and 2R are in the ratio (@ 1:2 2:1 © 1:4 @ 41 T7. Two electric bulbs one if 200V-40W and other 200 V-100 W are connected in series to a 200 V line, then the potential drop across (@) the two bulbs isthe same (@) Both the bulbs is 200 V (©) 40 W bulb is greater than the potential drop across 100 W bulb () decrease (@) data insufficient 2:1 @ 4:1 {(@) 100 W bulb is greater than the potential drop across 40 W bulb 78. In the circuit shown in figure the 5 @ resistor develops a heat of 10 cal/s due to the current flowing through it. The heat developed per second in the 2 Q resistor is 62 90 20 (a) 4.1 cal (b) 7.1 cal (© 92cal (@) 10.2 cal 79. Two wires A and B of same material and mass, have their lengths in the ratio 1 : 2. On connecting them, one at a time to the same source of potential, the rate of heat dissipation in B is found to be 2.5 W. The rate of heat dissipation in A would be (@ 25W @sw (b) 5.0W @ low A constant voltage is applied between the two ends 0. constant a Come heat developed nt | heat developed is doubled, if © ean tc ended “and internal resistance 7 drives a curren, tance R. Then, 1. Acell of emf: through an external resist (a) the cell supplies (BI) power {b) heat is produced in R at the rate EL oduced in \¢ rate (© heat is produced in R at the rate 7 (4) Both (2) and (©) en connected to 220 V mains supply has powe dissipation P,. Now, the wire is cut into two equal pees ‘which are connected in parallel to the same supply, Power dissipation in this case is P,. Then, P, “F, is 82. A wire whe @t w4 @2 @3 £83, [fin the circuit, power dissipation is 150 W, then R is R WW 20 | | BV (@ 20 (b) 62 @52 @ 42 84, In the circuit shown, three identical light bulbs a connected to a battery. The brightness of the bulb (b) A> B= @ A 2-V and B will be <2V How much work is required to carry a 6 #C charge from the negative terminal to the positive terminal of a 9 V battery? (@) 54x10°3 () 54x10%5 (©) 541073 (@ 54x05 ‘The n rows each containing m cells in series are joined in parallel. Maximum current is taken from this combination across an external resistance of 30 resistance, If the total number of cells used are 24 and internal resistance of each cell is 0.5 ©, then @ If E is the emf of a cell of internal resistance r and external resistance R, then potential difference across Ris, givenas (@) V=EMR+D), (©) V = IQ + r/R) @ V =EI(+ Rin) ‘Two non-ideal batteries are connected in series. Consider the following statements. (A) The equivatent emis larger than either of the two emt's. (B) The equivalent intemal resistance is smaller than either of the two internal resistances. (2) Each of A and B is correct, (b) 4 is correct but B is wrong (6) Bis correct but 4 is wrong (@) Bach of 4 and B is wrong ‘Accel which has an emf 1.5 V is connected in series with an external resistance of 10 Q. If the potential difference across the cell is 1.25 V, the internal resistance of the cell is (in) (a) 2 (0) 0.25 @ 1s @ 03 Scanned with CamScanner 99. When n cells are joined in parallel as shown, the strength ofthe curent is given by fe. i Ce. er Rk we aE E © Rem © Rem oo, ( None ofthese 100.Two cells of the same emf £ but different internal resistances 7, and 7 are connected in series with an ‘external resistance R as shown in the figure. The terminal potential difference across, the second cell is found to be zero. The external resistance R must then be 1 1§ 1 1 t—Ww—wwv¥-$} R WW @ nn ©) 5—m Oa-n @nitn 101.A cell supplies a current j, through a resistance R, and a ccurrent i, through a resistance Rj. The internal resistance of this cell is @R-R 102. There are n cells, each of emf £ and internal resistance r, connected in series with an external resistance R. One of the cells is wrongly connected, so, that it sends current the opposite direction, The current flowing in the cire @ oe Genet DE ® mr+R ) = DE art 25 G-ay+k @ Two batteries A and B each of A 8 ree yr V are connected in series — to an external resistance R=19, If the internal resistance of battery A is 1.92 " ‘and that of B is 0.9.0, what is the potential difference between the terminals of battery 4? (b) 38V (0 ze (@) None of be i i joined as shown. The 104.Two batteries in opposition are joine internal resistance of 6 V battery is 2 Qand 4 V battery is 8. The potential difference between the points X ang Yis ev 20 WW x F 8a - av @2Vv (b) zero ©@56V @3V 105. The current in the resistance R will be zero, if fi a 1 ww Ee Rn t t R @ En = En @ 2-2 no © E+ A)n= Bn @ G-E)n=En 106. The least number of cells each of emf 2.0 V and intemal resistance 0.5 Q to produce a current of 2 A in an external resistance 4.0 9 will be (@) Ieelt 00 (©) 8 cell i lwest (@) 14celt 107.In the circuit shown here £,=E,=£,=2V and Ry = R, = 40. The current flowing between points A and B through battery E, is ER {ww e | at—j+_____}, & oR wii (a) zero 2A ivan bea () 2A froma toB | (@) None of these ath Scanned with CamScanner plectrical Instruments in the given citcuit, the voltmeter records 5 V. Th 108-18 stance of the voltmeter in Q is . @- 1000 50a tov (a) 200 (b) 100 (©) 10 (@) 50 109.1n the circuit shown, A and V are ideal ammeter and ‘voltmeter respectively. Reading of the voltmeter will be 2v b ® 19 40 Kawww—www— @ 2V ) 1Vv © 05V (@) 2er0 110.A cell of internal resistance 1.5 2 and of emf 1.5 V balances 500 cm on a potentiometer wire. If a wire of 15Qis connected between the balance point and the cell, then the balance length will be (a) zero, (b) = 500cm (© > 500em (@ <500em 111.1n order to pass 10% of main current through a moving, coil galvanometer of 99 ©, the resistance of the required shunt is @ 999 @® 109 @ua @9a 112.A potentiometer is used for the comparison of emf of two cells E, and E>. For cell Ey, the no deflection point is obtained at 20 cm and for E,, the no deflection point is obtained at 30cm The ratio of their emt’s will be @) 23 (b) 3/2 1 @2 113.48 is a wire of uniform resistance. The galvanometer G shows no current, when the length AC =20 cm and CB = 80cm. The resistance R is equal to R 200 B A Cc 4 (® 3200 @) 8a © 20a @ 402 114.In an experiment to measure the internal resistance of a cell by potentiometer, it is found that the balance point is at a length of 2 m, when the cell is shunted by a 5.2 resistance; and is at a length of 3 m, when the cell is shunted by @ 10 @ resistance. The internal resistance of the cell is, then @ 159 @ 0a @ 150 @ia 118.A resistance of 4 Q and a 40 tov wire of length $m and resistance 50 are joined in series and connected to a cell of emf 10 V and internal resistance 1.2. A parallel combination of two identical cells is balanced across 3 mof the wire. The emf E of each cell is @ 1s @ 30V (©) 067V (@) 133 0.5m 116.In the adjoining circuit, the emf of the cell is 2 V and the internal resistance is negligible. The resistance of the voltmeter is 80 ©. The reading of the voltmeter will be av a son V) 202 200 @ 080V &) 160V (©) 133V @ 200V av pao ae | 1m———+ 8 parallel with the battery, | then it balances on 50cm length of the potentiometer wire, Then, internal resistance r of the battery is @ 19 @ 109 117.In the given figure, battery E is balanced on 55 cm length of potentiometer wire but when a resistance of 10 Q is connected in 3a @5a 118. The potential difference across the 100 @ resistance in the circuit is measured son 008 by a voltmeter of 900 resistance. The sh percentage error made in reading the potential difference is @% @or @19 @ 100 Scanned with CamScanner 119. What is the reading of voltmeter in the figure? tov ti 10002 VW) ‘5000 ‘5002 @) 3V () 2V © 5V @4v 120.1n given figure, the potentiometer wire AB has a resistance of 5 and length 10 m. The balancing length AM for the emf of 0.4 Vis iat ®) 4m @ 8m @ 04m © 08m 121.A galvanometer of resistance 18 Q shows a deflection of 30 division. When this galvanometer is shunted with a 12.Q resistance, the deflection shall fall to (@ zero () 10 division (©) 12 division (@) 18 division 122.In the given circuit, it is observed that the current J is, independent of the value of the resistance Rg. Then, the resistance values must satisfy. Rs “fo, a “eR (3) Ry RyRy = RsReRs (©) Ry Re= RoR (A) RyRy = RoRy= Ry Ro 123.A voltmeter having an internal resistance of 2002, when connected in series with a large resistance R across a 110 Vine reads 5 V. The magnitude of the resistance R is (@ 210k (b) 310k (© 420k2 @ 440k2 124, An ammeter gives full deflection when a curren of flows through it. The resistance of ammeter is 12.0. 44 Time ammeter is to be used for measuring a maxi Sirent of 5A, then the ammeter must be connected wie a resistance of (@) 8 Qin series (b) 18Qinseries {@) 8 Qin parallel (@) 184i pra 125.A galvanometer of 25 © and having full scale defecg fora current of 10 mA is changed into voltmeter of rng 100 V by connecting a resistance R in series with jy galvanometer. The resistance R in ohm is (@) 10,000 (b) 975 (©) 10,025 (a) 9,975 126.1n the given circuit, current in 2 © resistor is A 20, 3a 2D eo ZA aa 20 ¥ @ 14a ) 124 (©) 04a @ LOA 127.An ammeter and a voltmeter are joined in series to acl. ‘Their readings are A and V respectively. Ifa resistance’s now joined in parallel with the voltmeter (@) Both 4 and ¥ will decrease (©) Both and will increase (6) A will decrease, V will increase (@) A will increase ¥ will decrease 128. In the circuit shown in the figure, the voltmeter readingis sv | (a) 2V @3V @) 25V @ SV 129. Two galvanometers A and B require 3 mA and 6 respectively to produce the same deflection 10 division. Then, (2) Ais more sensitive than B (0) Bis more sensitive than A (©) Aand B are equally sensitive (d) sensitiveness of B is twice that of A oh d Scanned with CamScanner utnees - 130.1na potentiometer experiment two cells of emf E, and Es ‘are used in series and the balancing length is found to be 58 om of the Wire. If the polarity of E, is reversed, then {he balancing length becomes 29 cm. The ratio E/E, of the emf'sof the two cells is @it | @ 21 3:1 @ar ja1-An ammeter 4, a voltmeter V and a resistance R are ‘connected as shown in the figure. Ifthe voltmeter reading js 1.6 V and the ammeter reading is 0.4 A, then R is +(v) *@ (a) equal to. 4 (b) greater than 4 Q (¢) less than 4. (@) between 3 Qand 4.2 132.To send 10% of the main current through a moving coil ‘galvanometer of resistance 99 Q, the shunt required is @992 «WN = |NA WI 133.A microammeter has a resistance of 100 Q and a full ‘scale range of SOA. It can be used as a voltmeter or as a higher range ammeter provided a resistance is added to it. Pick the correct range and resistance combinations (0) 50 V range with 10 kG resistance in series () 10 V range with 200 k&2 resistance in series (©) 10 mA range with 10 resistance in parallel (@) None of the above 134.A 36 Q galvanometer is shunted by a resistance of 4.Q. ‘The percentage of total current passing through the instrument is (a) 34.9% (b) 10% 135.When an additional resistance of 1980 £2 is connected in series with a voltmeter, the scale division reads 100 times larger value. Resistance of the voltmeter is @02 22 ©3202 @40n 136,By mistake, a voltmeter is connected in series and an ammeter in parallel. When the circuit is switched on (@) both ammeter and voltmeter will be damaged (©) neither the ammeter nor the voltmeter will be damaged (©) only the ammeter will be damaged (@ only the voltmeter will be damaged 137.4 potentiometer having the potential gradient of 2 mViem is used to measure, the difference of potential across a resistance of 10 (2in some circuit. If length of 50cm of the potentiometer wire is required to get the mull Point, the current passing through the 10 £2 resistor is (©) 62% — @) 3.14% (inma) @)1 2 ©5 @ 10 138. In the circuit shown here, the readings of the ammeter and voltmeter are evia { eww Y 6a 4 40 (a) 6A,60V (b) 0.64, 6V (©) 6A6V @ 6/11 A, 60/11 V 139.For a cell of emf 2 V, a balance is obtained for 50 om of the potentiometer wire. If the cell is shunted by a 2 9 resistor, the balance is obtained across 40 cm of the wire, then the internal resistance of the cell is (a) 0.259 (&) 0509. (©) 0802 (@ 1.009 140.48 is a potentiometer wire of length 100 cm and its resistance is 10. It is connected in series with a resistance R=40 2 and a battery of emf 2V and negligible internal resistance. Ifa source of unknown emf Eis balanced by 40cm length of the potentiometer wire, the value of Eis av wi 1 [— 40cm—+ C A 7 lB I pl &) 16V @ 0.16V (a) 08V (©) 0.08 V Equivalent Resistance 141.A piece of wire of resistance 4 @ is bent through 180° at its mid-point and the two halves are twisted together, then the resistance is (8a (2a 142.A wire of resistance R is divided in 10 equal parts. These parts are connected in parallel, the equivalent resistance (b) 12 @ 5a ‘of such connection will be (@) 0.018 () 018 © 108 (@ 1008 143. Three resistors each of 2 are connected together in a triangular shape. The resistance between any two vertices will be (@) 43.9 © 3a (&) 3/42 @6a Scanned with CamScanner 144. Equivalent resistance between A and B will be 3a, 30 3a 3a A lB ‘3a 3a @2a @) 180 © 6a @ 362 145. The effective resistance between the points 4 and Bin the figure is 2 38 3a A c 3d 3a % @52 22 ©32 waa 146. Two resistances are joined in parallel whose resultant is 3 Q. One of the resistance wire is broken and the effective resistance becomes 2 ©. Then, the resistance in ohm of the wire that got broken was (a) 3/5 (b) 2 © 65 @3 147.In the network of resistors shown in the figure, the equivalent resistance between A and B is (@) 540 (©) 360 (b) 18.2 @9a 148. n the figure shown, the total resistance between Aand Bis pe weber oun ie in) 19) 4a 40 202 19 1a in 1a 12 @ 122 (b) 429 © 62 (@ 8a “ A. student has 10 resistors of resistance r each 149.4. student sistance made by him from given resin (@) 10r © Om OF it i bent in the f 50.A wire has resistance 12 Q. It is ory 150-0 he: The effective resistance between the two Point any diameter is equal to S @na 6a @ wa 151.For what value of R, the net resistance of the cireyi, be 187 32 mi R toa toa 102 100 e098, e @s82 02 |]6Q2 WwO 152. Equivalent resistance between the points and B is (ing) to 19 19 10 19 1 5 7 1 f EH fa @2 > OF Og @> 183.If you are provided three resistance 2 Q, 3 Q and 6 How will you connect them so, as to obtain the equiva resistance of 4 2? 30 6a 39 20 20 on a PWS @) None of these 2 154.The equivalent resistance and Potential differeo* between 4 and B for the circuit is respectively, 6a @498V 0) 8a 16V | 294V @ 160,8% Scanned with CamScanner 156.4 wire has resistance of 9 Q it is broken into three equal jeces and they are now connected in parallel. The net Fesistance will become @ 32 @9e Three resistances each of 4 Q are connected in the form ) 19 @ 279 56. ‘ 19° an equilateral triangle, the effective resistance between two comers i8 oso © 20 22 @ 30 3 3 157-Three equal resistors each equal to r are connected as shown in the figure. The equivalent resistance between points A and B is Aw WWW B @r () 3r ©) 73 @ 2Br 168.Calculate the equivalent resistance between A and B. 30 3a 30 WWW rom 33a sa Lg 3a 30 3 wii i @ 92.0 39 (6a @ 532 189.Find the equivalent resistance across AB. A 22 22 320 22 28. B @10 (b) 22 @30 @42 160.A cube is made from 12 identical wires. Current enters one comer of the cube and it leaves the opposite corner. If the resistance of each wire is r, then equivalent resistance willbe @ Gris b) 57/6 (©) sna 8 (@) 12415 el, the resultant resistance wire mes 20. The 1 .For two resistance wires joined in parall Tesistnce is 6/5 0. When one of the reaks, the effective resistance beco! ‘sistance of the broken wire is ® 35sQ (b) 22 © 65a @ 32 162. Each of the resistance in the net work shown in the figure is equal to R. The resistance between the terminals A and Bis K @R (b) 5R ©@3R =@AR 163.1f an ammeter is joined in parallel in a circuit, it can be damaged due to excess (a) resistance (©) voltage 164.A wire of resistance 9. is broken in two parts. The length ratio being | : 2. The two pieces are connected in parallel, The net resistance will be @2a @) 39 () 42 165.In the circuit shown here, what is the value of the unknown resistor R, so, that the total resistance of the circuit between points P and Q is also equal to R? () current (@ None of these @ 6a 109 Wt 39 Pew [—-a WW WW 30 R @3a @) V2 © VHQ | wa 166.1n the net work shown, the equivalent resistance between, Aand Bis 3a & ~ sa} 8 4 3 24 7 (a) —Q =2 = read 5 OF OF2 O% 167.In the given net work of resistances, the effective resistance between A and Bis (© 5R @5R @ aR Scanned with CamScanner 168 168. The equivalent resistance between points 4 and B, of an infinite net work of resistances, each of 1 ©, connected a8 shown, is @ 20 @ 2210 169.For the circuit shown in the figure, the equivalent resistance between A and B is 20 2a 2a 2a, 20 a 8 so @ 49 170. The equivalent resistance between P and Q in the figure is approximately. (<8 \ @ 59 @ 209 (@) 109 © 62 @ 62 © 752 Miscellaneous Problems 171. If an electric current is passed through a nerve of a man, ‘then man (@) begins to laugh (©) isexcited 172.1f potential V = 100+ 0.5V and current / = 10+ 0.2A are given to us. Then, what will be the value of resistance? (b) begins to weep (@) becomes insensitive to pain (@ 104072 (b) $420 (©) 0140.20 (@) None of these 173.Which of the following is veetor quantity? (a) Current density (b) Current (c) Wattless current (2) Power 174.Given three equal resistors, how many different ‘combination of all the three resistors can be made? (@) Six (b) Five (c) Four (4) Three 176.16a resistance R; is connected 1 with the resistance wit shown, then ¢ of current z posable vane oF CUE roreyeh Rand the possible vine of R will Be Lp | 1 1 @ia One oF2R OZR 176.Two wires of same metal have the same length bu Two Mctions are in the ratio 3 2 1- THEY Te joing sree The resistance of the thicker. wire is 10.99) total resistance ofthe combinatign will Be 40 @oo wea ©7% Mima 177-Three unequal resistors in parallel are equivalent sagtance 1 2. IF two of them are inthe ratio 1: ay se value is fractional, the largest of thet, no resistanc resistances in ohms is @4 w6 os @ 2 178. battery has emf4 V and intemal resistance r- When connected to an external resistance of 29 "A. flows in the circuit. How much curry rminals of the battery are connegy iattery isc current of 1 will flow, if the te directly? @IA — @2A 179. What is immaterial for an electric fuse wire? (a) Itsspecific resistance (0) Its radius (©) Kes length {(@) Current flowing throu, 180.The heat generated through 2 2 and & Q resistancs’ ‘separately, when a condenser of 200 UF capacity chapel to 200 V is discharged one by one, will be (@) 4Jand 16 J respectively () 16nd 43 respectively (©) 4 Sand 8 J respectively (@) 4Yand 4 I respectively 181. Electric resistance is defined as the ratio of voltage current. Its dimensional formulae is given by @ [M7LT?A7] (b) [ML?T@A*)] 4A — @ Infinite (© (META!) @ OLA) 182. Identify the material commonly used for making coil o resistance box (@) molybdenum (b) manganese (©) manganin (@ magnesium 183. Which has not the same unit as others? @ Ws ) kWh @ eV @Is 184.The charge, flowing in a conductor varies wit tise it — bt”, then the current (a) reaches a maximum and then decreases () falls to zero after ¢= 4 2b (©) changes at a rate of (~ 20) (@) Both (b) and (c) ™ —_— Scanned with CamScanner 0:2 which can carry a current of 1 A, ier of resistances to be used ig a os 12 mf E = 15V and havis cource of € ving negligible internal 186A Mares comected 10 vaisle eae teal in the eiuit increases with time as f= 1.2146 ‘hen the total charge that will flow in frst five seccnal willbe mC. .,@).20¢ The minimum @ 16 ©30C @ 40 187.Awite of length 100 cm is connected to a cell of emt’? V ‘nd negligible internal resistance, The wire is 30 The additional resistance re potential drop of 1 millivott per em is @a2 © 472 57a resistance of the quired to produce @ 359 ‘Two uniform wires A and B are of same metal and have ‘equal masses. The radius of wire A is twice that of wire B. ‘The total resistance of 4 and B when connected in parallel is (a) 4 Qwhen the resistance of wire A is 4.25 (b) 5 Qwhen the resistance of wire 4 is 4:0 (©) 4 Qwhen the resistance of wire B is 4.25.9 (@) 5 Qiwhen the resistance of wire B is 4 189.In the given circuit, the resistances are given in ohm. The current through the 10 Q resistance is 3 A while that through the resistance X is 1 A. No current passes through the galvanometer. The values of the unknown resistances X and ¥ are respectively (in ohm), 10 100, 300 Chee (@) 14nd 54 (b) 12nd 6 (©) Gand 12 (@ 6and6 [ Level 2 ] Only One Correct Option 1. Equivalent resistance between points A and B is mR a R ar 2. Three electric bulbs of 200 W and 400 W are shown in figure, The resultant power of the combination, if rated ‘Voltage is applied across the combination is (@) 800W ) 400 (©) 200W (@ 600W 3. In the adjacent shown circuit, _ A a voltmeter of intemal resistance = -R, when oe connected across B and C reads " V. Neglecting the 100V te internal resistance of the 50 ka battery, the value of Ris, (a) 100kQ io (b) 75kQ (©) 50k (@) 25k Scanned with CamScanner length of potentiometer having 10 m length of wire Ifthe cites an emt og, shit 12V and zero the potion of internal resistance. a While the battery (© 275m (a 25 eas an emt of 2 then If the galvanometer sntiometer wire is increased by 1 m 170 oe 09. ; whe adjoinin 4. Acellin secondary circuit gives mul deflection for2.5m 9+ TP cry Cd a length of the pote: without changing the cell in the primary, the null point now is @29m (0) 3m Vv. G reads zero, then the value of 5. If V4 ~Vp=Vo and the value of each resistance G D tance X in ohms is aso) 10 (0 (700 A EE 8 ; ths Zand 2 hay ies of same material and lens e LO ae ‘A.and 2A, respectively. These arg f cross-section imacofrossecton day tay seine ofthe electric field and the drift velocity in thety, in the ratio of 4 (@) net resistance between 4B is 4 wes be spss inthe a of , ak 1 1 resistance between AB is =~ (2:12 fl (2) net resistance between AB is want () 1:12:t (© caren rough CDs 11, The current drawn from the battery shown inthe figureis m, (d) current through EF is —° I _— @ rou Sa 6. Two non-ideal unidentical batteries are connected in ve parallel with positive terminals of both connected zn together. Consider the following statements. (A) The equivalent emfis smaller than either of the two , 1 emf. 7 v 2 av (B) The equivalent internal resistance is smaller than OF OR OF Oo either of the two internal resistances. (@) Both A and B are correct 12. All resistances shown in circuit are 2 each. The curret (b) A is correct but B is wrong: in the resistance between D and E is (©) Bis correct but A is wrong a 8 w+ (@) Both A and B are wrong 7. In the circuit shown in figure, the resistance R has a value Bb that depends on the current. Specifically R is 20 Q, when E i is zero and the amount of increase is resistance is a ‘numerically equal to one-half of the current. > c. H @sa 2A OIA @7SA 2s0v=E R 13. In the circuit shown in figure, the values of i, ip andy are av 2Vv. perils rt What is the value of current Jin circuit? al O10 o1a |, @ISA IA (~) 0A) SA 8. An electric current of 16 A exists in a metal wire of at 2¥ 2v 4 cross-section 10° m? and length 1 m. Assuming one free a ea O12 electrons per atom. The drift speed of the free electrons in ea the wire will be (density of metal = 5x 10° kg/m?, atomic weight = 60) (2) 0.784 A, 0.392 A, 0.392 A (a) 5x10? ms (b) 2107 mis ie 46s i 0234 A, 0.234 A, 3 .396 A, 0.198 A, 0.198 A CN (@ None of the above (©) 4x 10° mis Scanned with CamScanner 14. In the circuit shown, the current in 3.0 resistance is 20 30 ov 20 A 5 1 OIA 5 15 @ia o7a oa 15. Under what conditions current passing through the resistance R can be increased by short circuiting the battery of emf E,. The internal resistances of the two batteries are 7; and 7, respectively, @ Eri > ER +n) (b) Ein ER +5) 16.In the arrangement shown, the magnitude of each resistance is 1. The equivalent resistance between O and A given by ia 3 @ 2a OF 17. The figure shows, the variation of V with 1 at temperatures 7, and T,. (T, - T> )is proportional to y Tet : st S @) tan 20 © (2) © sina — (@) cos 2a. 18. The potential difference across 1002 resistance in the circuit is measured by a voltmeter of 9002 resistance. ‘The percentage error in reading the potential difference is 100 ©10 @ 100 10 oF wor 19. In the circuit shown in the figure, when key K; is closed, the ammeter reads Ip whether K: is open ot closed. ——_* Ky Ke toon ‘ina H 1 E But when K, is open, the ammeter reads [p/2, when [/2 when K is closed, Assuming that ammeter resistance is much less than R, the values ofr and R, in ohms are (@ 100, 50 (@) 50, 100 © 0,100 @ 0,50 20. In the circuit shown in the figure, V must be i000 E250 Vv 6a SEGA (@) Sov © s0v (© tov @ 1290V, { 20 21. In the circuit shown in the figure, ammeter and voltmeter are ideal. If E=4V,R=9Q and r=10, then readings of ammeter and voltmeter are v R R Br, R @ @1A3V ©) 2A3V ©3A4V @4Aa4v 22. Two wires A and B made of same material and having their lengths in the ratio 6 : 1 are connected in series. The potential difference across the wires are 3 V and 2 V respectively, If ry and rg are the radii of A and B respectively, then is "! 1 o> @2 1 5 @l Scanned with CamScanner 23. In the given circuit diagram, potential difference across 2.Qresistance is 5a. 10a 20 100 200 1 20v @av ) 6Vv © wv (@) None of these 24, Find the reading of the ideal ammeter connected in the given circuit. Assume that the cells have negligible internal resistance. wv av av 6v | pa) E 1 Ho wos sa 403 220 0 (@) 08a ©) 025A © 195A @ 10a 28. Inthe circuit shown in figure, the ratio of currents i /iy is 20 4030 20 3a 19 tev rs sa 8a 4 gel fe, \ (2:4 () 8: ©) 6:1 @ 4:2 26. In the circuit shown in the figure. Ww N Ry 200 1A ro 6eVv (a) The current through NP is 0.5 A (©) The value of R, = 400 (©) The value of R = 14 0 (@ The potential difference across, & = 49 V veloped across R, 2R and 6R wi, () 1:2:6 (@) 1:2:3 27. Ratio of power de (a) 25433 © 2:4:6 ; 28. If the resistance 2 is removed from the circuit, the, (pu ay awl Soe Both (a) and (b) are correct (© Baska and () 00 js e 29. Inthe given figure, when key Kis opened, the rea ‘the ammeter A will be tov al] rLawiw-_@—0 4a Liwhkivw te Mt K 10 @ 5A 2A ©O0SA HDA 30. A battery of emf 10 V is connected to a grou y fesistances as shown in figure. The potential differs V, —Vq between the points A and Bis 19 4 39 7 se, abel B 40V 20 @2V @2v @sv wry 31. A cell of constant emf first connected to a resistance, and then connected to a resistance R,. If power delved in both cases is same then the internal resistance ot cell is ORR & " 32. In the diagram shown, the reading of voltmeter is 20’ and that of ammeter is 4 A. The value of R should (consider given ammeter and voltmeter are not ide!) V) 20v RytR @ 2 > —O—wiw L- © 4A (8) greater than 5 Q. » less than 5 (c) greater or | (@ Noneortes, ho 5.Q depends on the material of 8 Scanned with CamScanner cumeman ga. As the switch Sis closed inthe circuit shown in figure, Sunt passing through 20v_ 42, 40 sy oY wn —§wanrn 5) A 3 20 s iL (454 () 6.04 (308 @) zer0 ‘4, Current through wire XY of circuit shown is AR paneer 3a Yan (—____,___] SOV @1A &) 44 (2A @3A 35. The current in resistance R in the given circuit is av avery) is R,=205 Ry=203 Ry=30 av av 2v @IA — @&)2BA 025A @) OSVA 36. Two batteries of emf e, and * €,(€,>4;) and internal resistances . 1, and r, respectively are connected in parallel as shown in figure. (@) Two equivalent emf é,, of the two cells is between €, and fy i.¢. €

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