TopTest G3

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.rioaauln:.rnr:uaraouuri.:riuinn':ruarur:nmr.:itrnr: itrnruro'lnqo uf.:ti 1g rJ:vil'rtinr z6atn 2563 :vd'ud'u rJ.


Part 1: Reading D工1堅 重b堕 ≦量h皇 工dよ型山1巫瑯撃基重重2亜 重ind

ttemi r-io: z ioints for each correct answer. =R⊆
L`x2塁 ≧
⊆ 旦s堅ェ」1量夏LELlΩ )
■LL£ LL唖盤ュ
Items 11-20: 3 points for each correct answer
8. Accordi,g to the pa,sage,what dOes

triangte sandwich''took tike?
an≦ 望巡塾:true∠ fia_11」 :≧ :=queSti襲 ChC凶 【
21Se_l if it iS

1) 2)

George and his parents are going canlping

3) 4)
in Kanchanabu注 Fi岐 ,they tatt their backpacks

and hike into the、 Ⅳoods.■ en,they set up a

tent.Next,they tight a carYlpnre.■ ey rOaSt

g. What do they have after they tight the

s、 〃eet potatoes and「 Inarshrnattows o∨ er the campfire?

1) sandwich bread'
camplrer Finatty,they sing and dance befё re
, _‐ ' 1
gOing tO bed.― 11・
[)ノ and'a stice of bread'
1n the rYlorning George is hungry,so he
4) SWeet p9tatOeS and marshmat[ows
decides to rnake a sandwicho First,he takes
10。 cook sweet potatoes?

ces of breadi ThёhI hё spた 。ds lufnio
:. 1)bake 2)hike
bu[ter on one stice of bread.. Next, he spreads ‐
roast 4)ught
homemade jam ori the other,stice'of 'bread.'"',
He puts the two stices togethel and cuts the

sandwich into two triangtes.Finatり ,he takes

i a biq btte!
The祀 IS a g treeln ya rd btack crOW

the tree.Fred ⊂an cro、 v fromi

1. , George is going camping with h s mom Iives in

window. Thetrё w srna tし 'rOund eyes

.│― I■ .

‐i =i.=.=‐
and dad. _iギ .■ ■

2. 丁hey are and bl.ack feather. Freld atways hear {'Cawl

3. dinner. Caw! Caw!'f.,He,.fee[s annoyed somelimes
4. s:ng after they iet up and he can't steep wetl at night-


5。 They Stay oVё rnight in the[lent.: ヽ.. VVhv.:does feet annoyed?
:=( : .,_.: .

6.George's mom c(pに breakfa■ for hirn..= Bё こ
さuse he at、 ays hears the

7. George puts the butter and jarn on one 2)Be● usehe seeS the crow ttom the Window:

ζtice of bread き石ごUδこ百

3)Bこ と百しζ 'I‐ ti顧 hご 百δ正

4)Because the CЮ W tives in the big tree.


{oaouln:.:nr:ynaauurirriuinnruarur:nyrritrnr: itrnruro'.:nqo u{od l9 r-J:viiriJnr:finur 2563 :v6'ldu rJ-du

12. From the story, what does the crcnru took tike? Dire⊆ tiOns:」 :塾 │≧:塾1重」:主K:=主 Qユ :Qy!重 旦g二 1壼 ⊆:圧y=:量 1塾:ユ

1) lt has big round eyes and white feather. 壁:K)OSC=!he b皇 重望In里 :壼 :二」重回n■_塾!=Z旦

2) lt has smatl sharp eyes and bl.ack bodya

One day a ram was eating grass, next
3) tt has smatt round eyes and btack feather.
to a fence on the side of a hil.t. lt began to rain,
4) lt has big sharp eyes and white body.
just a few drops, and the ram kept on eating.
Directions: Bead the fottowing and choose
The rain came harder and the ram was getting
the biest answer. (ltems 13-15)
very wet. Stit[ he kept eating the grass- Then the
13. From the famity tree, who is Dada's
ram saw the sky. lt uas a rainbow.
He saW that it had ter"n cotors. They are red,
Christophe Monica olange, yettow, green, btue, indigo and viotet.
tt uas the most beautiful. thing he had ever seen-

lhe mm sawthatthe ainbcnrucame dolryn

DanieI Jessica
onto the ground, not far from rallere he vras eating
the grass..fle.began to wal.k towards it but then
Dada it stopped raining and the rainbow was gone.

0 ︲
1)Christopher 2)'Monica und ・
and his


3):Daniet∴ .lt ´‐
ヽ4)._」 eSsica.

:■ │

.= to sky, and hoped to see rainboW.
喜 ,=:F

From Reoding Comprehension for Kindy Kds

16. From'the story, which picture is "fence"?

14.‐F:rorn the sign shoutd you do?
1) keep keep untidy

keep kind

3) 4)

‐ ‐
■ _‐ 、
1´ Jミ
15。 Frorn・ the twhat shouU

: 1 i ‐
1)be genttet 2) be noisy・
`′ ・
3)be quieti 4)bё h6nest

* qnit z lt
rioaolla:.:nr:moraouuri.:duinn:ruar:n:nur.:itrnr: imnruro-lnqu niofi 19 il:viiri]nr:finur 2563 :v6'lrsu r].du

17. What happened when the rarvl was 25。 A: Put the cake on ... tabte.
eating grass? B: Okay.

1)lt SaW a rainbow.2)lt rained. 1) the 2) these

3)lt kept eating grass.4)it's wet. 3) .those 4) -
18. ヽ
/V1lat is the rnost beautifut thing the rarn
26. Dida often ... the etectric guitar at night.
had ever seen?
1)pl.ay 2) pLays
1)Se∨ en cotOrs 2)grass

3) is pl.ay 4) pl.aying
3)rainbOW 4)hitt
27. What ... your parents do?
19・ WhiCh COtOr did the ram ttOT tte in the S,?
1) does 2) do
1)red 2)indigo
3) is 4) are
3)beige 4)viotet
´ 28. Wqndy is a modeL ... is very ta[ and etegant
20. ヽ
へ/hatis NOT truё ?
'1)The raiTl reatty tiked Seeinl the rainbOwi
1) He 2) Him

2)T[ne rarrl kё pt eating grass vvhen lt rained. 3) She 4) Her

3)`A ralnbOⅥ /has se∨ en cOtOrs. 29. Which is countabte noun?

1)こ of6さ e 2)mlk
PartZGrammar , 3)nel″spaper 4)rnoney
│ね ms 21-30:2 poinも for each correct answe「 ・ My rnorn.Irne this purse tast ν
items31■0:3.points br each cottc_antteL
1) give . 2). eS
3) gave 4) is giving
単埠襲⊆」Lョ 亘塑」0
. ・・ │・ 1■ ― :. . . , ■―・ 31. There ...five in 1y famity,
21,My sister■ n=bw:st¨ engl
1) is, person 2) is, peopl.e

_■ ■12).an_ 「・ :

- 3) are, person 4) are, peopte

3)the・ :

32. Ben ... in Paris. H€ ... in ltaty.


︱ 一


1) lives, lives 2) live, live

・ , 3).doesn't ti∨ ,tives

e.‐ 4)doesn't tive.tive

、う n 4)as new as ri ´
33. She is watking to th
Mick's batt.It is“ i batL

2)her l)tastバ ight. d

_■ 1.│'

rn 34.Y?Ч r b:oly ls veγ い

ol… l y9u.¨ a,ver?
1)with on 1)

3)at 4)br 3)Aに ,have 4)Are,hbs

`:'0■ 01」l∩ 51∩ 3'110301」 tt可 。
Jl」 う│∩
allll'0110ヾ う■lnl'う %1∫lnUn3`
nつ 1よ 」 nqU∩ 5t'19」 う彰5'1モ │∩ 11肩 nun 2563 1彫 ut,1」 」.′ il」


35. A: ... didn't you go to school yester(ay? 42. Catherine:.¨

B: Because I ... sick George:l tike tistening to」 azz rnusic。

i) . 1)ヽ
When, 2) Why, am ″hat do you tike to your hObby?
3) When, was 4) Why, was ・2)Ⅵ ′
hat subied do you tike most?・

36. A: ... do you go to schoot? 3)VVhat do you tike to do in yOurfree百 「rle?

B: I ... to school on foot. 4)How dO yOu feet with Jazz music7

1) How, go 2) How, goes 43. Eddie:VVhere are you gOing?
3) How tong, go 4) How tong, goes Anastasia:... 1
: ・ :` ・

.37. I think that good heatth is ... than money. 1)l went to Engtand.│ 、

1) important 2) importance 2)!'rn going to schooti l

3) more important, 4) the.most important 3)i need to b(lv 3ornё lt,6di 「 =

38i girts'can jeans,to schoot .....Saturday. 4)l havё

ぢpttt toI會 6赫 th ρU
1) towear.on 2) wear, on 44.」 amiei Whal10es yOurね ther do7
3) to wear, at 4) wear; at Yaya: ...
39. lhavea... 1) He's a superstar.
1)dOtt big‐ ' 2)bi3dotts 2) He does my homework.
b)‐ big dOtti .‐ 4)dbtts bigi . 3) He is doing a drama workshop now.
4Q.Mゾ ti“ にsister runs,so t.

li・ 4) He l.ikes to do housework.
.:: _=' ■
.:′ 1)stow 2) 1,(.■

_.‐ ■: . 45. Betta: ... lvly name ls Betla. I'm from Thailand.
■■・ .■ │.

3)stowty Vicky: Nice to meet you, Betta.

1) Can I say my name?

2) Let me introduce mysetf. : '

3) Coul.d you let me know your'name?

46. Ron: Coutd you ptease pass me the ketchup?

41. J ean you,ptease go out with me? Harry: ...

Heten: ... I have to finish my,report. Ron: Thank you.

1) | donrt have it now.

2).Why not? I'd.better stay home. 2) Where is it?

3) I agree with you. 3) Here you are.

‐ ■
4) l'm afraid I cdn't. ' 4)│'m afraid l can't. 1

125635彰 ず
hモ ln■ 5anヽ 」
itγ l 19 1」 5彰 ヾ
itrnrurd'lnqu ∩
(1」 `子 url」 .:(11
∩∩つn‖ an潤 110Ⅵ nく う■ ln15
剛030uこ ∩ぅOnl,Ⅵ ∩30ULLiO¶ 七つ

51. 1) I need a room'

47. Sam: Can Yotl sPeak German?
Susie:.-. 2) How are You?

1) Yes, I am 2) Yes, I can' 3) Can You hel'P me?

3) .Yes,
I have 4) Yes, lwilt' 4) lwoul.d tike a singl'e room' ptease'

48. Adam: Have a great dinner' 52. D Ptease check Your money'
lara: ...
2) Please fil.[ Your name here' :

1) You too. Please check out'

2) So do l.
a) AnYthing etse? .

Conversotion 2 1tems 53-59

4) That woutd be great'
Situation: Nana andfony are"tatking about
49. Lin:....
from Switzertand' ..thetnew1509に ・'ii ,

DaisY: TheY are ■‐ 1■ .. =二 ´

li . =_.
a new book
1) Where are theY cbme from? Nana:Last _:・
・ : ギ ′‐_・

2) Where do theY from? TOny:.“ 53¨ . 11■・_.1‐

3) Where do theY come from?
4) Where theY from?
Na語 Ⅲi¨ γすBangkoに
;TonY: ...541.
50. Wil.tiam: l've to go now' "'
' lt,s:。 n sate.」 ust 199 baht.
Franlc s€€ :'

Wow!l want to buY it too:

:, r 1) lee,You [atsr' , ,, , ':
2)Nice tO Fnё et VOu. ・
You don't need to""55"'
`` ::

3) donlt tatk Tony:Thanに a tOt Nana.You'た my bett mend.

We a

4)Ptease go away.
53. 1)ls it On Sate?

    ・  ・

・1 ●

6ο nversatiο n l

situation:At the
madam. 54. 1)Hoヤ▼ luch dOes it⊂ OSt?
f理 `
曼 y° u?‐ 2)IDoeS it cOSt 199 baht?

Good eVening。 .¨ 51... . 1. . Did you pay by cash?;

Guest: 3)、

Reieptionist Do you need a Singte room' 4),May lも orroWlit?_ ::

doubte room or a suite? 55。 1)` Yoし can bOrroW mei.

Guest Wett, a singte room' Ptqase' 2)You Can buy it,t00r

Receptionist .--52... 3)You dOn't read it.

Guest: Okay. ヽ
Vitt ukeit.

# v■1 6 #
∩∩ nflnυ lぅ 、
n:」 anll15。 11..1%lnllぅ 筍
っ nlu∩ 彰
it1 19」 ぅ せn2563,彰 δ
Ohiln15喬 ∩ fU16u l.1.:111
if。 .。 uln,1。 15v191.。 utttiot,1』 ぅ

Conversation 3 (items 56-60) 60.1)Woutd you tike anメ hing to drink?

Situation: At restaurant ヒ)Drinking water?

Waiter: Good afternoon, sir. Wetcome to 't 3)May l bring you some water?

Heatthy Home. ...56... 4)ヽⅣoutd yOu tike 501ne deSSertS?

Pa献 4:Vocabこ bry

Guest ...57...
lセ ms 61イ0:2 points br‐ each corred an■ 19L
Waiter:Sure, ptease fottow me. ...58..- ltems 7賀 0:3‐ rred antter.

Guestj Can we have green satad, corn soup "ints b eaCh∞

and fries?
: . .. question. (ltem 61-70) r' ;i ' :"; ' I

Waiter: ..,59-.
61. Your father's brother'i son is your "'
Guest That's att for now.
1) uncte 2) niece
l) nepheyv :.." " 4) cousin
Guest Two gtasses of water, Ptease.
., .:

. Waiter: Okay.'Your order'witt be 5erved within 62. Bieakfast; lunch and dinner are ."
2) lood
15 minutes ′

3) め beverage
56。 1)Can l serve you?


2)Can l takё Order now?
at tinie is it. lt's a ... past six (6.15)

3)Can lい ●p you7・ :::, 1)nfteenth' 、 2)quatel

4)Can l b‖ ng,6ood・ to 3)hatf 4)nけ ‐

64. A butCher settζ ... . ・
5了 。11)Can WeluSC the
2)iEVe:ウ ′
thing lsifnej ,`■ ■ 1)iuits. 2)pet,
3)Can we take 3)mitk 4)meat・
4) Can we for two, ptease? 65。 We buy sorne nneciicineS frorn a...
●│■ ●
58。 1) help? 1)restaurant 2)chemist
and. soup? 3)pet shOp- 4)bakё ry

3∫ u ready to order now? 66. Adarn toves reading rnany kinds Of

4)Are u having dinner now? books.He wantsto be the future.
5%1)Atright. 1)dan⊂ er 2)hairdresser
2)Anything etSe? `
3)tibrarian 4)photographer
3) Can you iepe-at-ttiat?-* ;-** .------ -

4)l got it.

* u{t"I *
∩¥。 鋼19」 5彰 う1ln15日 nu1 2563 5彰 ∩Uヽ u」 _mu
'iloaou1n:lnr:vrnaauurilrjuinntruaur:nurlitrnr: itrnrurd':nqu
75。 1'7Υ t atヽ NayS...COffee On rny White Shirt.
67. PeOpte whO uve in Rorne Speak...

German 2) ltatian How Ctumsyl am!

1)pourirlg 2)drinkng
3) Engtish 4) French
│ 3)spitting 4)waShing
68. Peopte shoutd NOT give -.. on
76. Crocodites,:uZards and snakeS are...
2) bouQuets il 1)reptites 2)birds
:, 1)
.3) chocolate 4)knife 3)mammats 4)ampい ibians

77. what coLoriwitt you get when you‐ rnix

69。 Which Of the fottOVring is Spicy? : :ヽ

1)temOn ・ 2)chiti ■_ . red and btue?

: ′_ :・ メざ■

3)nsh SauCe. 1 4)50y SauCe::. 1)grey . 2)purpte_

3)Qreen .1 1 .:‐ ., 4)brOヽ へ
Which of hett bOdy“ 薩 iS bebtt he‐ 1面 st? ・:(1イ :
=・ 「 、 . . 1,
70。 '11:

1)shOutder i 2) cheek 78。 what size lュ y9u need::、 matt,medium

4) or。 ¨?
3)chin knee
1) ∨aSt 2)big
71:´ A room・ thauS unde■ th
3)huge 0.targe

OuSe ‐
i5 Catい d・「―・
1)cetta〔 : : , _, 2). dining r00rn The weather iS greatrit'Siψ ery・・

. 3)受 Ore r00m 1) ,sunburn 2) s.fnnY

72. Uly caught a c<jtd, so 3) sunbaths ' ' 4) lunslirye', '

1)cafeterial、 2) 80. Our teachers doh''t..: us use mobite'

3)hospitat :. 4) ternpte phone in tfre ctasiroomtl-'''

73. Do you want or ticket? , 1) let ','' 2)''Permission '

1)sin atone

4) onetriP

we ekend?
1)aWay 2)to Shopping

3)far 4)swim i


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