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Dire-Dawa University

Dire-Dawa Institute of Technology

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
M.Sc. Program on Thermal Engineering

Course: Advanced Power Plant Engineering

(MEng 7434)
Assignment III

Prepared by: Uzii Seyoum (SGS/0071/12)

Submitted to: Dr.Abdulkadir Aman (PhD)

Date: March/20/2021
1) A thermoelectric generator uses the materials shown in the figures and
operates between the temperature limits of 150 and 400 oC. The cross
sectional area of the n-type element is 1 cm2 and the length is 1 cm. Using
the optimum value for the RK product, calculate the maximum generator
efficiency for maximum power, i.e., for RL = R. Also calculate the power
output for both these cases

Given Data Abel Abera Ermias Frezewid Geda Uzi

Th 350 oC 400oC 350oC 320oC 450 oC 400 oC
TL 100 oC 100oC 150oC 120oC 150 oC 150 oC

Material property at the average temperature (Tav=275oC=548k)
75% Sb2Te3
−6 2
αn 2 (−190 x 10 )
Ktn= = =0.0124W/cm .oC
ρn∗zn −3
1.45 x 10 ∗2 x 10

2 −6 2
αp (190 x 10 ) o
Ktp= = −3 =0.0118w/cm C
ρp∗zp −3
1.8 x 10 ∗1.7 x 10
Figure of merit (for the optimum condition)
(αn−αp )2 (αn−αp )2 (αn−αp )2
Z= = 2 = 2
(RK )opt [ √( ρkt ) n+ √( ρkt ) p ] [ √( ρkt ) n+ √(ρkt ) p ]
1 /2
( L / A)n Ktn∗ρp
⌊ ⌋ opt=⌊ ⌋ ,but Ln=Lp=1cm and An=1cm2
( L/ A) p Ktp∗ρn
−3 1 /2
( 1/1)n 0.0124∗1.8∗10
⌊ ⌋ opt=⌊ ⌋ =1.14cm2
( 1/ A) p 0.0118∗1.45∗10

The total thermal and electrical conductance are now calculated as

An Lp 1 1.14
K=ktn ln +ktp Ap = 0.0124( 1 ¿ +0.0118 ( 1 ) =0.02585w/oC
ln Lp
R= ρn An +ρp Ap =(1.45x10^-3)(1/1)+(1.8x10^-3)(1/1.14)
For optimum efficiency the resistance ratio
(T h+Tc) (400+ 150)
Mopt= √ 1+ ZTave , Tave= = =275oC =548k
2 2
Mopt= √ 1+1.522∗10−3∗548 k =1.354
RL =R*Mopt =1.354*3.0289x10^-3ῼ =4.1019x10^-3 ῼ
Optimum efficiency
∆T 275
∗Mopt−1 ∗1.354−1
Th 673
η = Tc
= 423
Mopt + 1.354+
Th 673
This compares with the Carnot efficiency of
∆T 275
That is, ηc = T h = 673 =40.86%
ΔT m
T h 1+m−( ΔT /2 T h )+(1+ m)2 RK /α 2 T h
Then η= 673 x 1+1− 275 + ( 1+ 1 )2 =7.18%
2∗673 673∗(1.522∗10−3 )
Power output for both cases i.e. efficiency max and power max.
(α ∆ T )2 m
P=I2RL = ⌊〖 α ∆ T /(R+ RL)〗 ⌋ 2 RL=
(1+ m)R
¿ 2∗(275)2(1.34)
Popt= ¿ =1.21W
(α ∆ T )2 m
Pmax =
(1+ m)R
¿ 2∗(275)2
Pmax = ¿ =1.208W
1+ 1

The open circuit voltage become

α ∆T = ¿ =0.010920V
(−190−190) ∗¿

2. We want to recover waste heat from the exhaust gas of a car using
thermoelectric generator (TEG) modules as shown in Figure P2-2. An array of N =
36 TEG modules is installed on the exhaust of the car. Each module has n = 127
thermocouples that consist of p-type and n-type thermoelements. Exhaust gases
flow through the TEG device, wherein one side of the modules experiences the
exhaust gases while the other side of the modules experiences coolant flows. These
cause the hot and cold junction temperatures of the modules to be at 230 °C and 50
°C, respectively. To maintain the junction temperatures, the significant amount of
heat should be absorbed at the hot junction and liberated at the cold junction,
which usually achieved by heat sinks. The material properties for the p-type and n-
type thermoelements are assumed to be similar. The most appropriate module of
TG12-4 for this work found in the commercial products shows the maximum
parameters rather than the material properties as the number of couples of 127, the
maximum power of 4.05 W, the short circuit current of 1.71 A, the maximum
efficiency of 4.97 %, and the open circuit voltage of 9.45 V.
The cross-sectional area and leg length of the thermo elements are An= Ap= 1.0
mm2 and Ln = Lp= 1.17 mm, respectively, which are shown in Figure P2-2b.
(a) Estimate the effective material properties: the See beck coefficient, the
electrical resistivity, and the thermal conductivity.
(b) Per one TEG module, compute the electric current, the voltage, the
maximum power output, and the maximum power efficiency.
(c) For the whole TEG device, compute the maximum power output, the
maximum power efficiency, the maximum conversion efficiency and the
total heat absorbed at the hot junction.


Th =230+273 =503k

N =36 and n=127


Pmax =4.05W



Ln =Lp =1.17mm

nα ( T h−TC ) RL 127∗α ( 503−323 ) RL
( ) ( )
Vn = RL
R = RL
R , RL/R =1 for maximum power
out put.

Then α = 718.9*10^-6 V/k

Tc 323
1− 1−
Th 503
And ηmp ¿
1 Tc 2 Tc
= 1 323 2 323
2− 1− +
T h ZT) (1+
) 2− 1−
2 ( +)
503 ZT

0.3571(ZT )
ZT ( 1.8210 ) +3.284
ZT =0.612208

(b) For the whole TEG device:

The maximum power output is

Wn =36*4.05W =145.8W

The maximum power efficiency is same as the one for the module,

So, η mp =4.97%

The maximum conversion efficiency is

Tc √1+ ZT −1 323 √ 1+ 0.6122−1
¿ ¿
η max = (1- T h Tc = (1- 503 323 =0.05048=5.048%
√1+ ZT + √1+0.6122+
Th 503

The total heat absorbed is Qh=Wn/ η mp =145.8/0.0497 =2933.60W

3. Discuss the Principle of Operation and Performance Analysis of Thermionic

and MHD power Generator.

Definition: A magneto hydrodynamic (MHD) generator is a device that generates

power directly by interacting with a rapidly moving stream of fluid, usually ionized
gases/plasma. MHD devices transform heat or kinetic energy into electrical energy.
The typical setup of an MHD generator is that both turbine and
electric power generator coalesce into a single unit and has no moving parts, thus,
eliminating vibrations and noise, limiting wear and tear. MHDs have the highest
thermodynamic efficiency as it operates at higher temperatures than mechanical

MHD generators are different from traditional electric generators in that they can
operate at high temperatures without moving parts. The exhaust of a plasma MHD
generator is a flame, still able to heat the boilers of a steam power plant. In the
MHD generator, the solid conductors are replaced by a gaseous conductor, an
ionized gas. If such a gas is passed at a high velocity through a powerful magnetic
field, a current is generated, which can be extracted by placing electrodes in
suitable position in the stream.

The operating principle of a magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) generator is

substantially identical to the usual operation principle of the electromechanical
generator. Just as in ordinary e.m.f. in the MHD generator, it is generated in the
conductor, which crosses the magnetic field lines at a certain speed. However, if
conventional generators’ movable conductors are made of solid metal in the MHD
generator, they represent a flow of conductive liquid or gas (plasma).
There are three ways to use nuclear reactors in MHD facilities.

1. Fast neutron reactors use liquid metals as a coolant. Liquid metals (LM) are
capable of conducting electric current and they are ideal working fluids for
magneto hydrodynamic (MHD) generators. However, the difficulty is that it
takes more velocity, w, which in plasma MHD generators is obtained by
expansion in the nozzle.
2. Gas-cooled reactor. The working fluid is plasma consisting of inert gas.
Plasma is obtained by heating it in a nuclear reactor. In this case, the
problem is obtaining very high temperatures of working fluid and at the
same time ensuring the stability of the reactor materials.
3. The gas-phase nuclear reactor. The working fluid is a fissile material in a
gaseous state. It is pumped through the reactor so that the release owing to
fission heat is carried away by the flow of the working fluid. Unlike
conventional nuclear reactors, in conventional solid fuel, heat from it is
taken away in liquid or gaseous coolant.

The efficiency of conductive substances should be increased to increase the

operational efficiency of a power generating device. The required efficiency can
be achieved when a gas is heated to become plasma/fluid or adding other
ionizable substances like the salts of alkali metals. To design and implement an
MHD generator, several issues like economics, efficiency, contaminated hypo
ducts are considered.
Figure 1. Magneto-hydrodynamic installation with gas-phase nuclear reactor.

In the condenser, the water evaporates and is involved in a conventional steam

power cycle, giving energy to the turbine. The regenerative heat exchanger, UF6,
extending into the reactor is heated to the desired temperature as a result of the
high-grade heat UF6, spent in the MHD generator.

Solid-state thermionic power generators are an alternative to thermoelectric

modules. We identify dimensionless parameters determining their performance and
provide measures to estimate an acceptable range of thermal and electrical
resistances of thermionic generators. We find the relation between the optimum
load resistance and the internal resistance and suggest guidelines for the design
of thermionic power generators. Finally, we show that in the nonlinear
regime, thermionic power generators can have efficiency values higher than the
state-of-the-art thermoelectric modules. Thermionic reactor designs for a variety of
space power applications spanning the range from 5 kWe to 3 MWe are described.
In all of these reactors, nuclear heat is converted directly to electrical energy
in thermionic fuel elements (TFEs). A circulating reactor coolant carries heat from
the core of TFEs directly to a heat rejection radiator system. The recent design of
a thermionic reactor to meet the SP-100 requirements is emphasized. Design
studies of reactors at other power levels show that the same TFE can be used over a
broad range in power, and that design modifications can extend the range to many
megawatts. The design of the SP-100 TFE is similar to that of TFEs operated
successfully in test reactors, but with design improvements to extend the operating
lifetime to seven years. Thermionic energy conversion is one of the many concepts
which make up the direct power conversion technologies.
Specifically, thermionics is the process of changing heat directly into electricity via
a material`s ability to emit electrons when heated.

Fig.2 thermionic Generator

Efficiency of thermionic Generator

The efficiency limit of every heat engine is given by the Carnot efficiency, which
limits the fraction of heat that can be used, as the second law of thermodynamics
entails that not all heat in a heat engine can be used to do work. The Carnot
efficiency can be written as

Where ηcarnot is the efficiency of the Carnot cycle, Thot is the temperature at which
the high temperature reservoir Operates, and Tcold is the temperature at which the
low temperature reservoir.
4. Discuss on the Applications of Thermionic and MHD Generator.

Applications of MHD Generator

 The MHD generator is used to power sub marines and aircrafts.
 Electrical power production to domestic applications
 They can use as power plants in industry and uninterrupted power
supply system.
 Solar energy, biogas, diesel MHD Generator
 Geothermal energy
 Industrial waste heat recovery
 Cogeneration with topping cycle
 Electromagnetic Turbine
 Conversion of energy for power generation and propulsion.
Applications of Thermionic Generator
 They are used in space power application for spacecraft.
 They are used to power submarines and boats
 They are used in water pump for irrigation.
 They are used in power plant for industry and domestic purposes.
 It focused primarily on solar and nuclear-powered systems.
 Nuclear reactors in space applications.
 alkali metal thermal energy-to-electric energy converter

5. Discuss on the Limitations and Effects of Thermionic and MHD Generator.

Limitations and Effects of MHD Generator

1. The efficiencies attained so far have been relatively low.

2. The power output of MHD generator is proportional to the square of the
magnetic field density. The electromagnets need very large power for
creating strong magnetic field.
3. There is a serious problem of separation of seed material from the fly ash
and reconversion of potassium sulphate to potassium carbonate.
4. Special fuel gas and preheating of air are required to provide adequate
working fluid temperatures.

5. There are serious problems associated with the fabrication of MHD duct,
high temperature and high pressure heat exchangers and reactors.

6. The ash (or slag) residue from the burning coal is carried over with the
combustion gases and tends to cause erosion of exposed surfaces. However,
deposition of the slag on such surfaces may also provide some protection.

The disadvantages of the MHD generator include the following.

 Aids in the high amount of losses that include fluid friction and heat transfer
 Needs large magnets, leading to higher costs in implementing MHD
 High operating temperatures in the range of 200°K to 2400°K will corrode
the components sooner.

Limitations and Effects of Thermionic Generator

1. The operating temperature of cathode is very high, so costly materials like
tungsten, rhenium are required for cathode.

2. Special shields of ceramic are required for protection of cathode from corrosive
combustion gases.

3. The collector may also have to be made of molybdenum coated with cesium.

4. Ionized cesium vapour has to be filled in the inter space to reduce the space
charge barrier to promote electron emission from the cathode.

Disadvantages of Thermionic Converter/Generator:

 Metal is costly as it has to withstand high temperatures.

 Needs high operating temperatures at anode.
 Needs special seal to protect the cathode from corrosive gases.
 Needs cesium vapour in the tube to reduce the space charge.

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