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As an accountancy or management accounting student, discuss about the significance
of taking up a course in statistics in light of your upcoming research courses
and your future career path.

As an accounting student, taking up a course in statistics is important for it will

help me in future specifically in research courses and also in my future career path. To
elaborate, statistical knowledge is a big help when it comes to researching especially in
proper methods to collect the date, employ correct analysis, and effectively present the
results. Statistics is a crucial process. Also as an accountancy student, taking up this
course can also help me in the future if I am to land a job in an Accountancy Firm
where statistics are sometimes used in the practice.


What do you think will be your advantage in taking up this course with the software
applications R and R Studio? Talk about your strengths and weaknesses with regard to the
use of technology.

Taking up this course will give me the advantage of statistical knowledge with
the software applications R and R Studio. I should be able to use the software smoothly
and little to no problems with it which I identify as a strength. I also wouldn’t have a
hard time when it comes to understanding it more since I already have basic knowledge
about it. But with all of that being said, I think my weakness is that I will not be as good
as the others when using it since my technology knowledge is not yet that deep but I
am willing to learn it with time and patience.


Discuss some concerns you have about taking this course using the OBL/CBL mode. How do
you plan to address these concerns? What suggestions can you give to the course
facilitators in connection with this?

With our situation being like this during the pandemic, taking up this course
using the OBL mode will contribute to me having a hard time understanding the most
complicated lessons there is. Because with this set up, there are unavoidable events
that may affect our learning capacities whether it is personal or not. I plan to address
this concern by doing whatever I can to surpass the difficulties and also by adjusting
on it. My suggestions to the course facilitators are for them to be more considerate and
patient with their students because not everyone are priviledged in this situation during
the crisis we are all facing.

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