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Please ensure that the questions of different assessment tools (assignments, quizzes, exam questions

etc.) are formulated at correct difficulty level. This can be done by using the action verbs that correspond
to the taxonomy level of the CLO to which the question is mapped.
A brief list of action verbs corresponding to different taxonomy levels in cognitive, affective and
psychomotor domains is given below. This list has been prepared using the guidance material available
on the PEC website. However, it is not exhaustive and relevant verbs can be added after seeing the
examples of other universities that are accredited under Washington Accord.

Domain Level Title Action Verbs

Can the student recall Define, Duplicate, List, Memorize, Recall,
or remember Repeat, Reproduce, State
Classify, Describe, Discuss, Explain,
Can the student
C2 Identify, Locate, Recognize, Report, Select,
explain ideas or
Translate, Paraphrase
Choose, Demonstrate, Dramatize, Employ,
Can the student use
C3 Illustrate, Interpret, Operate, Schedule,
the information in a
Sketch, Solve, Use, Write
new way?
Appraise, Compare, Contrast, Criticize,
Can the student
C4 Differentiate, Discriminate, Distinguish,
distinguish between
Examine, Experiment, Question, Test
the different parts?
Can the student Appraise, Argue, Defend, Judge, Select,
justify a stand or Support, Value, Evaluate
Can the student Assemble, Construct, Create, Design,
create new product or Develop, Formulate, Write
point of view?
Accept, Acknowledge, Be aware, Listen,
A1 Selectively attends to
Notice, Pay Attention, Tolerate
Agree to, Answer freely, Assist, Care for,
Communicate, Comply, Conform, Consent,
A2 Contribute, Cooperate, Follow, Obey,
Responds to stimuli
Participate Willingly, Read Voluntarily,
Respond, Visit, Volunteer
Adopt, Assume Responsibility, Behave
Valuing: according to, Choose, Commit, Desire,
A3 Attaches value or Exhibit loyalty, Express, Initiate, Prefer,
worth to something Seek, Show Concern, Show continual
desire to, Use resources to
Conceptualizes the Adapt, Adjust, Arrange, Balance, Classify,
A4 value and resolves Conceptualize, Formulate, Group,
conflict between it Organize, Rank, Theorize
and other values
Domain Level Title Action Verbs
Act upon, Advocate, Defend, Exemplify,
Integrates the value
A5 Influence, Justify behavior, Maintain,
into a value system
Serve, Support
that controls behavior
Perception: Detect, Hear, Listen, Observe, Perceive,
P1 Senses cues that Recognize, See, Sense, Smell, Taste, View,
guide motor activity Watch
Achieve a posture, Assume a body stance,
Is mentally,
Establish a body position, Place hands,
P2 emotionally and
arms etc., Position the body, Sit, Stand,
physically ready to
Guided Response:
Copy, Duplicate, Imitate, Manipulate with
Imitates and practices
P3 guidance, Operate under supervision,
skills, often in
Practice, Repeat, Try
discrete steps
Mechanism: Complete with confidence, Conduct,
Performs acts with Demonstrate, Execute, Improve efficiency,
increasing efficiency Increase speed, Make, Pace, Produce, Show
and proficiency dexterity
Complex Overt Act habitually, Advance with assurance,
Response: Control, Direct, Excel, Guide, Maintain
Performs efficiency, Manage, Master, Organize,
automatically Perfect, Perform automatically, Proceed
Adapts skill sets to
P6 Adapt, Reorganize, Alter, Revise, Change
meet a problem
Definition: Design, Originate, Combine, Compose,
Creates new patterns Construct
In addition, PEC requires adequate exposure to complex engineering problems and activities. For this
purpose, please ensure that some assessment tools (assignments, quizzes, labs, exam questions etc.)
meet the requirements of complex problem solving. The criteria for complex problem solving is
provided in Annex A of the PEC Manual of Accreditation 2014 v1.1. A checklist based on the
aforementioned annexure is given below which may be added in course folder with every question that
qualifies as a complex engineering problem. The related fields that help make that question a complex
engineering problem should be checked accordingly.

S# Attribute Complex Problems = 1 & (2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9)

Engineering problems which cannot be resolved

1 Preamble without in-depth engineering knowledge, and have ☐
some or all of the characteristics listed below:

Range of conflicting Involve wide-ranging or conflicting technical,

2 ☐
requirements engineering and other issues.

Have no obvious solution and require abstract

3 Depth of analysis required thinking, originality in analysis to formulate suitable ☐

Requires research-based knowledge much of which is

Depth of knowledge at, or informed by, the forefront of the professional
4 ☐
required discipline and which allows a fundamentals-based,
first principles analytical approach.

5 Familiarity of issues Involve infrequently encountered issues ☐

Are outside problems encompassed by standards and

6 Extent of applicable codes ☐
codes of practice for professional engineering.

Extent of stakeholder
Involve diverse groups of stakeholders with widely
7 involvement and level of ☐
varying needs.
conflicting requirements

8 Consequences Have significant consequences in a range of contexts. ☐

Are high level problems including many component

9 Interdependence ☐
parts or sub-problems.

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