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VER4000/VER4000-S ‘Lock Up’ - Shut Down Procedure

The VER4000/VER4000-S VDR can lock up, under certain adverse conditions. The
effect is that the VER4000/VER4000-S cannot be switched Off by turning the front
panel On/Off Key Switch to Off.

If this occurs, the following procedure is to be followed :-

1) Take a note of all the lines of Blue text, contained on the front panel LCD
screen. If this fault persists, send this information to contact details below,
with ships name and VER4000/VER4000-S VDR Serial Number.

2) Switch the VER4000/VER4000-S off using the front panel Key Switch. Note:
The VER4000/VER4000-S will not switch Off.

3) Open the front door of the VER4000/VER4000-S VDR and locate the Control
Board and Single Board Computer, as per Photo 1.

4) Locate the ‘PSU’ connector, to the top left corner of the Control Board, see
Photo 1.

5) Note which way around the PSU connector plug is orientated with regard to
the PSU socket and gently disconnect the PSU connector plug from the PSU
connector socket, by pulling it away from the Control board. The
VER4000/VER4000-S will now switch Off.

6) Ensuring correct orientation, re-connect the PSU connector plug to the PSU
connector socket, on the Control board. Note: The VER4000/VER4000-S will
not switch On.

7) Close the VER4000/VER4000-S front door.

8) Switch the VER4000/VER4000-S back On, using the front panel Key Switch.

9) The VER4000/VER4000-S will go through its initialisation sequence, as per

Operation manual Section 2.2. Confirm that the VER4000/VER4000-S is now
‘Recording’ with no alarms.

SELEX Communications Ltd Contact Details:-

Tel: +44 (0) 117 931 3550

Fax: +44 (0) 117 969 6528

Page 1 © SELEX Communications Ltd 2007 ACH 07/08/07

Commercial In Confidence
PSU Connector

Photo 1

Control Board Single Board


Page 2 © SELEX Communications Ltd 2007 ACH 07/08/07

Commercial In Confidence

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