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FOUN1014: Critical Reading and Writing in Science and Technology and Medical Sciences

• Initial Reflection (5%)
Task: Write a short composition (250-300 words) in which you 1) introduce yourself and
give a brief description of your writing experiences so far, 2) provide a personal
interpretation of the critical engagement activity, and 3) say how you will use the critical
engagement activity to motivate you in your pursuit of FOUN1014 during this semester.

N.B. 1. Proofread and edit carefully to ensure good use of Standard English.
2. Upload to Turnitin “Initial Reflection/Reflection 1” file.
3. Attach a Coursework Accountability Statement (CAS) to the front of the
4. Attach the Initial Reflection Rubric (see “Rubrics” folder on OurVLE

Submit at the beginning of Seminar 2

• Final Reflection (15%)

N.B Task will be assigned in Week 12

Submit in Week 14

Semester 2, 2019-20

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