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CLTR102: The Era of

Civilization 5.
The Second Umar (61/682
- 720/101) and the
Taught by Hamza Karamali
Preservation of Hadith
The scrupulous piety of Umar b. Abd al-Aziz
proves that beneath the veneer of Umayyad
worldliness lay a deeply religious Muslim culture.
Peek into that religious culture through the lives
and careers of the scholars of hadith, whose
unprecedented, painstaking, and public invention
of the isnad system is one of the great miracles of
Muslim scholarship.

CLTR102: The Era of Civilization

Taught by Hamza Karamali

The rightly guided caliphs are ve:

Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Uthman, ‘Ali,
and ‘Umar b. ‘Abd al-‘Aziz.
— Imam al-Sha ’i and Sufyan al-Thawri

CLTR102: The Era of Civilization

The First Renewer Taught by Hamza Karamali

َ ِ َ ٍ َ
 ‫سنة َم ْن ُي َج ِّد ُد ل َها دين َها‬ ِ َ ِ ِّ ُ ِ ْ َ ِ ُ ْ ِ ِ ِ
َ ‫ث ل َهذه األ َّمة َعلى َرأس كل مائة‬ َّ ِ
ُ ‫إ َّن الل َه َيبْ َع‬
Abu Dawud

Distinguishes sunna from religious accretion (bid’a),

spreads religious knowledge, gives victory to the people of
knowledge, and defeats the people of religious accretion
Always scholars of both the outward and the inward
religious sciences
CLTR102: The Era of Civilization

Scholars Preserve the Religion Taught by Hamza Karamali

، ‫يحمل هذا العلم من كل خلف ُعدوله‬ 

‫ينفون عنه تحريف الغالني وانتحال املبطلني وتأويل الجاهلني‬

Nawawi: It is possible for corrupt people (i.e., those who

seek the dunya) to teach religious knowledge but there
will always be a group of upright people (i.e., those who
seek the akhira) through whom the religion is transmitted
from generation to generation
CLTR102: The Era of Civilization

This is Where Scholarly Consensus Comes From Taught by Hamza Karamali

We have conclusive evidence that Allah Most High has

informed us that it is impossible for the entire Muslim
umma (or for the scholars who represent it) to be

This is a fundamental part of our religion

CLTR102: The Era of Civilization

Taught by Hamza Karamali

CLTR102: The Era of Civilization

Famous Mawali
Taught by Hamza Karamali

Born in Medina in 61 AH, the year that Mu‘awiya died

His father narrated from Abu Hurayra, ‘Abdullah b. al-Zubayr, and ‘Uqba b. ‘Amir
Abu Dawud narrates from him. al-Nasa’i judged him to be reliable
“Gather 400 dirhams from the purest of my wealth because I want to marry into a
household of righteousness.”
‘Umar learned from a young age from his maternal uncle ‘Abdullah b. ‘Umar and told
his mother that he wanted to grow up to be like him
When her husband called her to Egypt, Abdullah b. ‘Umar asked her to leave her son
behind with him
Later returned to his father and then sought permission to return to learn sacred
knowledge from the scholars of Medina. His father sought out the best teachers for
his son
When ‘Abdul Aziz died, Abdul Malik summoned ‘Umar to Damascus married his
daughter to him, and treated him like one of his own sons

CLTR102: The Era of Civilization

‘Umar’s Prophecy
Taught by Hamza Karamali
CLTR102: The Era of Civilization

Knowledge and Hadith Taught by Hamza Karamali

CLTR102: The Era of Civilization

Taught by Hamza Karamali

What is the Sunna?

The statements, the actions, and the approvals
of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace)
CLTR102: The Era of Civilization

Quran-only Taught by Hamza Karamali

How Do We Know that the Sunna is Revelation?

The Quran tells us to follow the sunna
The Prophet is God’s messenger - miracles

Whether or Not You’re Allowed to Write Hadiths Has

Nothing to Do With Whether or Not the Sunna is
CLTR102: The Era of Civilization

The Prophet on Writing Hadiths Taught by Hamza Karamali

ِ ‫ب َعنِّي َغ ْي َر ا ْل ُق ْر‬
‫آن فَ ْل َي ْم ُح ُه َو َح ِّدثُوا َعنِّي َوال َح َر َج‬ ََ ‫ال تَ ْكتُبُوا َعنِّي َو َم ْن َكت‬

Why would the Companions write down hadiths?

CLTR102: The Era of Civilization

The Companions on Making Hadith Collections Taught by Hamza Karamali

ً ‫ وإني ذكرت قوما ً كانوا قبلكم كتبوا كتبا‬،‫إني كنت أريد أن أكتب السنن‬
ً ‫ وإني واهلل ال أشوب كتاب اهلل بشيء أبدا‬،‫فأكبوا عليها وتركوا كتاب اهلل‬

Recall the discussion between Abu Bakr and ‘Umar on

writing down the Quran
Recall the disagreement over the Quran that happened
during the reign of ‘Uthman
‫‪CLTR102: The Era of Civilization‬‬

‫‪The Compilation of Hadith‬‬ ‫‪Taught by Hamza Karamali‬‬

‫‪1.‬‬ ‫‪The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) forbade writing his hadiths‬‬
‫‪2.‬‬ ‫‪The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) permitted writing his hadiths‬‬
‫‪3.‬‬ ‫‪The Companions compiled the Quran and forbade the formal compilation of hadiths,‬‬
‫‪although many of them wrote them down for their own personal records‬‬
‫‪4.‬‬ ‫‪The Followers continued on the way of the Companions until ‘Umar b. ‘Abd al-‘Aziz,‬‬
‫‪when political and sectarian differences led to the widespread forging of hadiths‬‬
‫باب كيف يقبض العلم وكتب عمر بن عبد العزيز إلى أبي بكر بن حزم انظر ما كان من حديث رسول اهلل صلى اهلل عليه وسلم فاكتبه‬
‫فإني خفت دروس العلم وذهاب العلماء وال تقبل إال حديث النبي صلى اهلل عليه وسلم ولتفشوا العلم ولتجلسوا حتى يعلم من ال يعلم فإن‬
‫العلم ال يهلك حتى يكون سرا حدثنا العالء بن عبد الجبار قال حدثنا عبد العزيز بن مسلم عن عبد اهلل بن دينار بذلك يعني حديث عمر‬
‫بن عبد العزيز إلى قوله ذهاب العلماء‬

‫‪ 100‬حدثنا إسماعيل بن أبي أويس قال حدثني مالك عن هشام بن عروة عن أبيه عن عبد اهلل بن عمرو بن العاص قال سمعت رسول‬
‫اهلل صلى اهلل عليه وسلم يقول إن اهلل ال يقبض العلم انتزاعا ينتزعه من العباد ولكن يقبض العلم بقبض العلماء حتى إذا لم يبق عاملا‬
‫اتخذ الناس رءوسا جهاال فسئلوا فأفتوا بغير علم فضلوا وأضلوا قال الفربري حدثنا عباس قال حدثنا قتيبة حدثنا جرير عن هشام نحوه‬

‫)‪Sahih of Muhammad b. Ismail al-Bukhari (d. 256/870‬‬

‫‪CLTR102: The Era of Civilization‬‬

‫‪Taught by Hamza Karamali‬‬

‫‪‘Umar feared that the knowledge of the Followers would‬‬

‫‪be lost. When we read books of hadith today, we are‬‬
‫‪indebted to ‘Umar b. ‘Abd al-‘Aziz‬‬

‫باب من رفع صوته بالعلم‬

‫‪ 60‬حدثنا أبو النعمان عارم بن الفضل قال حدثنا أبو عوانة عن أبي بشر عن يوسف بن ماهك عن عبد اهلل بن عمرو قال تخلف عنا‬
‫النبي صلى اهلل عليه وسلم في سفرة سافرناها فأدركنا وقد أرهقتنا الصالة ونحن نتوضأ فجعلنا نمسح على أرجلنا فنادى بأعلى صوته‬
‫ويل لألعقاب من النار مرتني أو ثالثا‬

‫)‪Sahih of Muhammad b. Ismail al-Bukhari (d. 256/870‬‬

CLTR102: The Era of Civilization

Taught by Hamza Karamali

Supplementary Lesson the Isnad-Transmission of Hadith

and the Books of Hadith
CLTR102: The Era of Civilization

Taught by Hamza Karamali

Objection: Hadiths weren’t written down until 100 (or

200, or 300 years) after the Prophet (Allah bless him and
give him peace)

Response: This is false. They were written down and

transmitted from the earliest of times through isnad.
CLTR102: The Era of Civilization

Umar Changed After He Became Caliph Taught by Hamza Karamali

CLTR102: The Era of Civilization

Diplomacy Taught by Hamza Karamali

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