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Chelsea Janyn C.


BSN 1-Y2-1


1. Can you think of a behavior/belief that you have right now which you acquired from

Based on the responses I received, one of their common factors is sensitivity towards others.
Behavior that may affect how you treat other people and how you want to be treated, respect
and compromise are the best example. Respondents also expressed beliefs that brings/attracts
positive impact in their lives.

2. Why do you think you were able to adopt said behavior/belief?

Based on the responses I got, it shows that beliefs and/or behaviors can be acquired through
many factors. One of them, which is with great impact are the people we encounter in our daily
lives, i.e., parents, siblings, friends, classmates, etc. Our reactions usually depend on the way
we see different behaviors, be it good or bad. Either we adopt of disapprove.

3. Do you think that there will come a time that you will not anymore use the behavior/belief
that you acquired? Why?

Out of the ten respondents, only three answered yes and mostly answered no.

Yes, because they anticipate changes within their self. Be it their personality, behavior, and
their surroundings.

On the other hand, most of them trust that their behavior/beliefs are an advantage and that
they will still make use of it all throughout.
1.Can you think of a behavior/belief that you have right now which you acquired from others?

>I am a strong-willed person. I always do my best to get what I wanted through hard work,
perseverance, and even persuasion. Ever since I was a child, they say that this kind of personality will
bring me to success.

>Showing empathy and being compassionate to others.

>To be respectful of other people’s time.

>The belief that I've just adopted was "You don't need to really pay an attention in everything
specifically the simplest and smallest thing/s

>If there is one behavior/belief that I’ve acquired from others that will be valuing other’s opinion and
beliefs. Having an understanding mind that not everyone will agree with you and vice versa.

>The behavior that I possess right now which I acquired from others is being domineering and sensitive
at the same time.

>One behavior that I’ve acquired from the others is to stay optimistic and don’t let anyone destroy you.

>One of my beliefs that I have right now is to take a risk. For me, without taking a risk, you are unable to
achieve your goals. It will give you confidence to face your fear. No matter what the outcome is, taking a
lot of risks can elevate the chance of achieving your goals in the future.

>When I was young, my father told me the idea called “self-fulfilling prophecy”. It means the way you
think about yourself turns into your reality.

>Through understanding how different people are from each other, I made some realizations that not all
people have it easy. It might seem insensitive that I didn't have this at first, but I am thankful that my
friends made me realize that people are very much different and I need to sometimes be the bigger
person and understand that. My friends alone are so different from me, and that made me think of my
actions and mindset that not all people are going to be like me, or think like me, and I needed to
understand that.

2. Why do you think you were able to adopt said behavior/belief?

>Since then, I am amazed by the hard work of my parents. I witness how they endure things just to get
the outcome they wanted in our business. This may be the reason why I am able to adopt this kind of

> I'm able to adopt this kind of behavior because I've already experienced it from other people. Due to
this, I also want to make people around me feel the exact feeling of being understood and cared for.

>I’ve learned it the hard way. As well all know, we frequently use “Filipino time” as our excuse but when
a friend got mad because I was late, it took a toll in our friendship and that made me realize that, I
should value his/her time too.
> I am a critically thinker kind of person, so I'll really give a consideration or acknowledge even the
smallest details (for example in a certain situation) because I believe that it will affect the bigger picture
of that specific situation.

>I adapted to this behavior because I am a person that stands strong in my own opinion and beliefs.
Back then, I would feel offended when someone is not agreeing with me, but as time progresses, I
learned and adapted to the environment that we all have different minds and perspectives. That I
should be open to what a person’s thoughts may be so that my views and opinions will be respected and
valued, too.

>I became domineering or bossy because I thought being a leader in school should have a behavior that
you can control others. This behavior of mine became a bad trait because of constantly thinking that a
leader should be strong willed. On the other hand, I am also a sensitive person. I am quick to detect or
notice slight changes and signals with people. This behavior quite affected me as a person because I
became paranoid if someone change the way how he/she talks, spend time, and acts when I am with

> I adopt this behavior because I know that this one is really effective in everything especially when
you’re having a bad day. You’ll always think positive and think that something will good happen after
> I’m able to adopt the said behavior/belief because my family always told us that nothing will happen in
our life if we don’t make a way or taking a risk to have a good life in the future every time, we are
complaining about how hard the school is

> Through this idea, I learned that we act based on our values and perceptions which also suggests that
to be excellent, you must think excellently about yourself and your work. It gives me a motivation to
achieve my goals.

> Being around certain people for a while makes you adopt behaviors that they have. Apart from this,
there is a need to acquire this behavior, for me, and they pretty much just made me realize that.

3. Do you think that there will come a time that you will not anymore use the behavior/belief that you
acquired? Why?

>Yes, because everything that is too much is not good. Being a strong-willed person at all times might be
my weakness someday. That’s why I know to myself that I need to learn how to control this kind of

>No, I think I'll forever have this behavior within me. I would never get tired of showing this to others
because there's a lot of them who really needs this kind of comfort.

>Yes, no doubt. It taught me to be more responsible and sensitive towards other people’s feelings and

>I think no, I'll still consider this belief that I've been adopted because this really helps and teaches me in
certain ways or situations where it takes or saves me away from a potential problem or an argument.

>No, I believe that this is a behavior that I will be practicing for the rest of my life. I am firm with the
thought that this will help me on how to manage and socialize with other people better.
>Yes, because both of these behavior affects not just me but especially the people who surrounds me. If
I will not try to eliminate these bad habits this will only eat me up and slowly destroy me. The people
who were always by my side will eventually lose all the ounce of patience they have to bear and
understand me If I decide not to change.

>No, because being “optimistic” help us be happier, more successful, and healthier. People with
optimistic attitudes are more likely to continue working toward their goals, even in the face of obstacles,
challenges, and setbacks.

>No. Because for me, the belief that I acquire is a lesson from my lesson. You can obtain knowledge by
taking a risk. Lastly, there is nothing wrong with it.

> No, this belief will always be my guide and purpose to do great things in order to fulfill my purpose in

>No. As a decent human being, one should have the said behavior. If I realized it late, there is absolutely
no need to lose it now.

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