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From Democratic Services to Dhimmi Servitude

This article surveys the underlying phenomena of the recent financial pandemic,
which this week centers around the Pandora-box of Greek-Cypriot finance,
where a new aspect of direct-democracy is attempted: that of member-accountability.

It is perplexing how come, in spite of the partial reserve system,

banks keep on failing colossally, way beyond mundane steeling.
I seems it has got a lot to do with the banks buying sovereign debt,
which is inherently unpayable since sovereign debt is a form of wealth transfer
to dual-digit IQ populations, who since long have turned useless economically.
This includes most of immigrants from the 3rd world [Link],
especially the 'refugee' ones and the ones prior to computer experts.

Economies which do not produce lots of cutting edge goods, like Greece ad Cyprus,
simply cannot experience real-term growth. Likewise economies which do not
enforce taxation effectively like Italy or which are found at war like Israel.

Non the less, there's an unavoidable observation about trillions in working capital
flowing from the western world to build the Asian markets,
which in the late 1980's were physically quite as poor as ever before.

Most interestingly, the Slavic countries seem to have escaped this destiny altogether.
This might be explained by means of several causes:

1. Arriving late to the table of capitalist development,

thus not having a population rich enough to jump-start a bubble
or the infrastructure required. This could have held for Greece too,
yet the hoards of western residents and tourists,
in conjunction with infrastructure funding from the EU,
turned Greece in to a speculative target.

2. The Slavic countries kept independent currencies

e.g. the Polish Zloty which devalued
by far with the start of the financial crisis, i.e. end of 2008 and beginning of 2009.
This level of Slavic independence is due to a couple of reasons:

2.1 During the 1990s, own determination to maintain freedom,

having just gained it subsequent to the evisceration of the Soviet-Bloc.

2.2 Since Putin came to power, Russian resistance to socioeconomic annexation

of Slavic Buffer-states to the west. This has proven a realistic fear,
given the USA plan to deploy fast ballistic missiles Slavic buffer-states soil.
This plan may be soon withdrawn.
Cheat-Socialism is National Foreclosure

While eastern-European socialism has always been about a nationally-unifying

effort to build the nation state, whereby everybody must work hard and is expected to
practice modesty, then western Socialism has gone about having a sugar-daddy in the
form of western finance flowing in to poor western countries, which was intended to
convince the target populations that eastern-socialism was wrong and thus that the
political, diplomatic and military orientation of those countries should be pro-western
and anti-soviet.

The collection of candy from the sugar-daddy, who promised free-launches,

has proven to be entering a scheme of financial time-bombs.

Western Socialism is cheat-socialism in not having the capacity to repay the

handout benefits, and thus getting the money outside balanced state-budget by means
of loans from private banks, aka 'the national deficit'. The incapacity to repay those
loans eventually ends up in the form either of either sovereign default to foreign
lenders or bailouts to the banks, on the expense of increased taxation at home i.e. an
increased burden on the productive sector, without due democratic process on the
matter, taking advantage of the brink of systemic collapse, i.e. conducting extortion at
economic gunpoint. Some countries have undergone an economic reset like
Argentina a decade ago and Russia in the late 1990s, thus sharpening that threat.
This unsustainable approach first created services economies and when they now
burst, turns those targets to servitude to the western Banking masters, who collect the
local assets for cents on the dollar. This is national foreclosure.
In comparison with the aforementioned alternatives, then the present Cypriot
arrangement is the lesser of evils, the lesser of cheat-socialism and is rather a
proportionate retribution on the wide public of collaborators with cheat-socialism.

There's no reason on earth that Northern-Europe should bear the costs of

Grecko-Roman cheat-socialism, rather not the cheats themselves and their
Anglo-American proactive accomplices in financial crime. The present Cypriot
arrangement represents an essential retreat from a socialist Eurozone,
back to the confines of local responsibility, socioeconomic and political alike.
A plague needs be quarantines, rather not contracted en-mass. This Pandora box
needs be sealed.

In this regard it is worthwhile to note that Soviet Bolshevism has always been
National-Communism, rather not an internationalist union of the world's workers.
Ever since the Tzardom of Russia till date, anybody who identifies himself in Russia
other than for being "Russian", regardless of obvious individual ethnic and cultural
discrepancies from the sheer Russian reference model, is looking for trouble
- and yet anybody is welcomed to identify himself for being Russian!

Throughout the western sphere of influence, it has been the banks who have forced
countries to open their gates to huge influxes of invaders from the 3rd world - a most
obvious case of importation of perpetual misery, since the average IQ of those
populations is very low, thus cannot anymore justify their weight in economic terms.
This policy has been applied only on countries of two religions: Christians and Jews
(Israel), never on Islamic countries, where foreigners don't receive citizenship.
This comes at no surprise, since the Petro-dollars are to a large extent Muslim owned,
a fact which has been openly translated to open political occupation:
1. USA political lobbies like ALIPAC,
2. Eurabia
3. The openly pro-Muslim revolution 'liberal' revolution networks:
Retired 3-star general: Women’s groups, gay lobby ‘apologists for the Muslim

This set of virulent networks amount for an ostensible undertaking of the western
world to a status of Dhimmitude. This is while the USA is led by a Sultan who has
handed over the middle-east to the rising Russoman empire. Prior to the Russoman
empire came the “The sick man of the Bosphorus” which was the dying Ottoman
empire since the late 19th century till its demise during the first WW. Ever since
WWI the Ottoman empire was replaced around the middle-east by the triple-entente,
which caused that war [Link], comprising of the late Czarist Russia and of the late
British and French Empires, which since have turned in to new-Kazakhstan,
new-Pakistan and new-Maghreb. New-Pakistan is now paired with the Sultanate of
America while new-Kazakhstan is growing to form the new Russoman empire.

Austerity isn't Dhimmitude but rather the orderly practice of financial

responsibility, of living within one's means. Dhimmitude is the eventual
socioeconomic degradation of the indigenous society of a non-Muslim country to
become a rug under the fit of Sharia rule, where by the Muslim politically and
socioeconomically by far supreme to all others. Dhimmitude is a state of being
occupied and for that point it doesn't matter whether the oppression is done directly
by Muslim masters or by proxy of e.g. Anglo-American Banksters, who then also
control the media and the politicians who need be funded and supported by the media
in order to be elected. Feminism is a major measure for denying the Dhimmi
of a functional wife, a reproductive family and of a professional career-path.
Throughout the industrial world, the proliferation of Feminism stands in direct
correlation with the proliferation of narcotics, where the one form of destruction
sends it victims in to the hands of the other: ruined individuals resonate with ruined
families, ruined societies and ruined economies. This is the dog-life of slave, which
started with the slippery-slope of cheat-socialism, like Proverbs 15:16 quotes:
“Better a little with the fear of the Lord than great wealth with turmoil.“
And the Hebrew version thereof translates concisely: “hater of gifts shall live”.
Fascism by all means

Since western banking is tightly-neat with a couple of globalist oppression paradigm,

Islam and illuminati, then one should look for the relations between those two,
described in the links below:
1. ISLAM is Illuminati - What Muslims don't want you to see
2. Know Your Enemy (Part 29 - The Islamic Catholic Connection)
3. NATO Caught Running Al-Qaeda & Taliban in Afghanistan
4. Islam vs the NWO - Bloodlines of The Elite (The Illuminati) - 1.2
5. illuminati and Islam part 1
6. illuminati and Islam part 2

The western behind-the-scenes elite, the illuminati, had already established an

operated a globalist oppression paradigm named Bolshevism or Communism.
It appealed to the poor and commercially ignorant. It spread vane hopes and appealed
to the envy the backwardly societies held to the advanced ones.

Bolshevism was replaced by its illuminati masters, including by means of

resurrecting Muslim organized violence, during the struggle for natural resources
in Asia , the middle-east and Africa. This struggle continues till date vs. the growing
needs of the China's economy, which is ruled by a post-bolshevik plutocracy, which
has kept the stability and has brought great prosperity to the country.
China's prosperity is one main factor which pulls the rug under the paradigm by
which prosperity was monotonically related with democracy, namely where an
increase in democracy would yield and increase in prosperity. Since democracy is the
prerogative of the rich, it may be that democracy follows prosperity,
while democracy may not be a sufficient condition for prosperity.

Obamacare is another major stepping stone in turning the world to a place of poor
and servile hopeless population. In this time of multifaceted crisis, Obamacare is
designed to one purpose only: to curb the economically-viable strata of society in
favor of propping up a pro-fascist strata based on perpetual socioeconomic misery.

The greatest of fascist evils at present is the concept of TBTF/TBTJ banksters:

To-Big-To-Fail/To-Big-To-Jail. Namely who openly threaten congress with throwing
the economy in to an unmanageable crisis, unless the heads of the banking hydra are
granted de-facto immunity:
"Bernanke Threatens The Congress" We will cause an Economic Collapse if you
audit the Fed!
This evil is the ultimate revocation of the presumption by which superficial
democracy would have been the mother of prosperity. It has rather remained the path
to plutocracy, like is has been diagnosed in Plato’s “the failure of democracy'.

A meritocratic democracy like in Germany is thus advisable instead.

Pincer movement and encirclement on Jerusalem

It shouldn't come at a surprise that NATO countries have used various ludicrous
excuses since the mid-1970s in order to finance the PLO/PNA/Hamas with Billions
of USD any time it succeeded in attacking western or Israeli targets and in blaming
the Jews for the world's misery. Clearly a massive and consistent bonus plan there.
This modus operandi amounts to a pincer movement on Jerusalem, where Islam
assaults Israel on the ground, being financed from its Islamic owned, e.g. Saudi,
petro-dollar based banking system across the western world. Cyprus is not only a
most convenient test-bed for being a city-state island, it is also the only stepping-
stone for western civilization between western Europe and Israel. Between Germany,
which is the eastern-most genuine strong-hold of western civilization, and between
Israel, there are 3 western stepping-stones, all of them have recently turned sour:
Italy, Greece and Cyprus. This leaves Israel locked between the Russoman empire to
the north-east, the Saudi-Egyptian Sunni empire across the south and between the
Grecko-Roman turmoil to the north-west. The abdication of the USA from mid-
eastern affairs is thus fortified all round Israel, which is the only democracy in the
middle-east and one of the world's leading high-tech, i.e. science-based countries.
But this is not the last major blow Israel needs expecting in the foreseeable future,
since its own propped-up real-estate bubble is about to burst soon, having saturated
the borrowing capacity of its citizenry, even before the American QE ends, causing a
large rise in the cost of money i.e. in interest rates, thus forcing mortgages rates up
thus strangulating the volume of new mortgages, thus imploding real-estate bubbles.
Since the PNA leaves only on Israeli currency, the Shekel, this collapse shall
impoverish its people to the point of imminent Hamas overtake in Judea & Samaria
along the western Bank of the Jordan, just like it did in Gaza, on the basis of Iranian
finance, later replenished with further billions of USD western (US/UN/EU) and
Sunni Gulf-States. If Israel collapses, then southern-Europe is going to experience
and concrete Islamisation pressure and temptation in exchange for:
1. Funding.
2. Reduced fee-structure, having disposed of Consumerism and Feminism.
3. Social and Political order.

The problem with Islamisation is with academic and economic development,

since Islamisation doesn't coincide with free flow of information and since Islamic
political orientation is to countries which since the dawn of the scientific and
industrial revolution have exhibited unfavorable performance.

Israel has just failed its opportunity to implement a meritocratic democracy, having
appointed a minister of treasury, Yair Lapid, who lacks even high-school education,
and having bluntly disregarded, on purpose, the need to fend of real-estate
speculators, after the successful German example of 10 year long betterment tax,
which renders leveraged acquisitions non-rentable, due to the long period.
Further reading:
1. Cypress hangs in the balance between Russia and Germany 2
2. Cypress hangs in the balance between Germany and Russia 1
3. China & Saudi-Arabia high unemployment rates

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