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MSV: 220000589
Exercise 3:
1. Were
2. Got
3. Introduced
4. Set
5. Made
6. Sold
7. Carried
8. Married
9. Had
10. Found
11. Came
12. Gave
13. Developed
14. Opened
15. Grew
16. Kept
17. Went
18. Trained
19. Brought
20. Took
Task 1:
1. They made the directors redundant.
2. They expanded to a larger office.
3. They changed all the machines to the latest models.
4. They changed the facilities and the remuneration as well as the salary and bonus
for the workers.
5. They dissolved one of those two subsidiaries to cover their losses.
6. They recruited a few more salesman.
7. They used a wide advertising strategy to attract customers from all over the world.
8. They hired designers to make their products more trendy.
9. They teamed up with a tech company to create their own website
10. The Accounts Department used computer software to work
Task 2:
I've wanted to be an interpreter since I was a child. because I frequently watch foreign
cartoons and enjoy them. As a result, I began to enjoy foreign languages at that time.
When I was in junior high school, I was placed in a bilingual Japanese-English class.
Because it was the first time I was exposed to a language other than my native tongue and
English, I became even more enamored with foreign languages. I'm now pursuing an
English degree at Hanoi Metropolitan University and hope to work as an interpreter in the
Exercise 1:
1. Haven’t paid
2. Have fallen
3. Have you written
4. Have spent
5. Have shutted
6. Have drawn
7. Haven’t spoken
8. Have you found
9. Has just found
10. Has just gotten
11. Have you met
Exercise 4:
1. Has just left
2. Have just read
3. Have just given
4. Have just bought
5. Has just arrived
6. Have just spoken
7. Has just announced
Task 1:
1. ... we have introduced some new product lines
2. ... we need it right away for the new promotion
3. ... she injured her leg
4. ... last year's sales were very good
5. ... many policies were very unreasonable
6. ... the weather was not favorable
7. ... stock prices are low
Task 2:
1. This time, the office is considerably more tastefully and cleanly designed. The
space appears to be larger and more open. The last time I came here, the office had
a musty odor from not being cleaned in a long time, and the stationery in the room
was disorganized.
2. The corporation has made significant investments in new technology, machinery,
and personnel training. to be able to expand further and keep up with competitors
This, I believe, is a bold and necessary move forward. to stay up with the current
technology era's trend
Task 3:
1. He has took a day off from work yesterday.
2. I have finished it this morning.
3. Because Boeing's financial have been secured very well.
4. ... have just opened
5. She has waited here for a long time
6. I've drunk strawberry juice before
Exercise 1:
1. Have you ever been to one of these conferences?
2. Have you ever been to Japan before?
3. Have you ever learned a foreign language?
4. Have you ever organized a conference like this?
5. Have you ever worked for a Japanese company?
6. Have you ever eaten sushi?
Exercise 2:
1. A: Have you ever been
B: had
A: did you go?
B: went
2. A: Have you ever been
B: went
A: was it
B: thought/was
3. A: Have you ever been
B: went
A: was it
B: thought/was
4. A: Have you ever visited
B: have never visited/have been to
A: did you go
B: gave
Exercise 3:
1. Have you finished it yet?
2. Have already done
3. Haven’t found any major problems yet
4. Have already fixed
5. Have you checked
6. Have already altered
7. Haven’t ordered them yet
8. Haven’t worked it out yet
9. Haven’t finished work yet
Exercise 5:
1. h
2. b
3. e
4. g
5. f
6. c
7. d
8. a
Task 3:
1. ... I have been late three times
2. ... we have had reached the standard
3. ... the company's head of human resources has cut nearly 20 employees
4. ... we have not been able to contact the advertiser yet

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