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oni-LT eRe ONE Qimensione LomPeESSULE frou Poodynannes’, The Sty oF he properney of mony div and Phe IMberesron fetween the Cay anh gold —odues §— rouryg theresh tt. ay Properies | RLEORES Velocry (vd, chensity 18), Presume (py Ternpercsire|D) Volurre tv), Viscosury CA4)~ RROCEME Hee, ¥ Longer dersiy flo® (op Bee compressive Flow)". » Vomaple dangiy Jlod » FF lonsr | ceempreasrbly — Eeserocr 1g.) Celt) | Pv P- Pressure ~ her ve volume N- meer of moletuley R- Unvented 43 conjr 2) T - temper nme - 2 (Pox (0 Cor Pre $5) be Flow) (M< 0-3) ) © Fev compress ble Flow Cm 0:3.) | Rewt gas u desired 23 o gas thot choes nor | Obey Jay Youos ot abl Sheindovre presse curd | | demperciore ry pane velociny , volure cerol mast ~ 1 | pobeat ad's a defined a) o gos dhot obeys Jos fais ot oll conderon of Presre eund Homperarnre, te have velouity and res . Prey clo nor home — Volure « PA PppRD BLE. REAR AE Obrtintin’y fre page § Cyenord menor, the followny- RK chose He apbroprane Sunelomengef Physiced prurley from dhe law oS tes hare, 09 Flmecl D mass OB COngerved, 2) Fr mye BD. Energy w& conserved , % ppplums thee physiceut panuple Pe & Sudable mode oS tree flow- from dhis epphionon Cypeet Ho (rarhemoncet EMmonon, | GR RMUIY FRIAR. . pneudle’, fros “Lory be resto Prysent’ Penne eon nar daroved Apprmach'. Fred contre) voles RY Fue contol volume” | opr floud rare ot dire rere of Cherry Contrel velure mes side dre yolre_ |X Let ys apply thy prmuple yo Ie | roedel sf fwed Control Volare tn a flew os Shour In FO. mop Volume - g 3 the Gra d dlosed Sacre, & Br wnire! Suruce + | ds + eemental amor arvonch 3B. | n > Unk wey normed 10 te SrJue of B. | dss nds Ler ya be tre lotel valociny ard — chensry | B- the mast dowd diovsh any element wang flee. | Susgace onbitranly prvenred im a glo .S eel Jo 2 produet 09 densi} the Componwenr oF Velour novmal to dhe Guvjase anh He Gram, Letting m denoke Pre mous Jlow dough ols, => PCVvese) ds = Mads = Pv —Y | Nore’ Fy, > mass Hue he the pags glocd of mas pos ut Lik Hrme , Qe PES The nek may slow tno the eonrd whe frroush tre @nnre conmol smace Gu the [Giro oy the eleranral mvs lows drom enn) -3 SV.dls 2 3 roa +5gn — ouetdlow COnsdex now an wfrtesmad volume dye Mode the Cenmel volume, dhe mays oP dhe Inimsresemad volume y Fon, vence dhe pote! Mas Ince He Conme) volume ¥ the Gm of there Clermont prmiey B sary 2 the dime one of chenge 03 Hoy movi Inside fhe (ont) Volume wo 2.9) fay at aa Finally the Phyned pruple thow- Mays y Conserved Gano) thot she M+ mais Boos tno the Uontro| Wlume must eyal po dhe rahe. of inyresue of May inside He tonne Volume ~ 2 | | this eqveron 6 called he cennnunry eyenon es wu the Integral formuluren 6) dhe lonservency) | mass principle as a7pled io a Jud low. Fen& |e applies 0 all Slous, Lomprestdle or incernpressidle | USuous os InVistich. “ _ Momentum eaverton:, Wns wee | physiee? principle) The Heme qere O chore F | momen a3 & body equals tre wer Fone frerred on ve) A (mv) = wd at 4 vs [Fe a tonst. mass Fe Ge > ma] © EF —o Fe ma oma at Newson seconds lad fore = mar x acceleroHor , hpprath: torre) volume apprach’, pongides a torr! volure “To in tre Shad, we can visvab2e Wwe fone) Ore % Body Force denn) oP on ane Velen’ gre Fed» ¥ Sudeue Ferre acurs | Body Force’. | Body fouo acnny on ro flu, paside Torok body forte = P 3d earolmy —O volurs * eg density o tre conrrol dup — flerenred polms- F - body fore pov yt prev) 08 Flu Surdace Torew’ tp 0 aouny on He bovpdony oe he Cones) Volume, wre Produve wo Gores proume card Swear gre disabehor vey te guydare Lek p— presywe ower are Phen she elemental surdace dower aon) on My amen yo —PAS, reed suviace Jove due 1 greene = -§ Pas © 5 (Esan prosime oc musne} J gurgeete, , : Thon, yored forte Fy oonry on Me Cone) Serdecee volume 4 + Fs fb fFdy - gras —O© +, J mom entim weet. Ver ror of flow oS Momennm asvoid tro sorjace §! qre Hme yore 2 Change oF Morera) 4 dm mv) = 2 ale) = Tv . m dy ee ie ee 1 VD velocity” then the olemane! momarsm flow (Pvc Jr “the net vane t} slow 0) moron A= A @veb)v © Ay vepregenss ihe let hand, Obe of en SRV both fluctvons Jhon Ay olow nop Conm pure rae monanem, SO then Is N | Gddawen Qe Yone @ Chonge of Momeni due 10 Unshandy , dremsrent wejJees in tro flow fol inside Mp Let Ay Verresens Haas dhs | fluevduenor in morennm, so Lentidey an nrass o) elerranted, flued low Sd gy wv mos has | moment ( fdmpjv. | Tosel moment moder = Dvdr pence, tre Chenje in momeniem ny due to | unsteady — flueruarons m fre locot floc properhey (B | _ _ HY adev | tae ph avy = B EP dy Nore: EOD whe poral derware ton deken Inside the Mreprot bereme We Gna considowng a Wwhire inregyanion Hhot 0 peed un spate. The imsreintoneous dtrre yah2 o} Choseof | monrentm 4. (mv) = Attn ob Ggwedgs + VY 1 —®© 22h edd) Bo il ei j Soe ame 2 onh-B- i [Mb an © 2£®Q tm ban O | "A vo called momensrr Byvenon. | PF Frenon pure Whe inclided, # vouch appease ay an Adldunenud Sudace wrte ome | | Seo one normed Viscous Shrerd mnregrored OFF i | pho. contr) Surdeue , JO Fgygg TePrevene tod Sudace IMrepret 3d ($v Av ane. Bh asenp o-Z a s ny 4 mr @®. »———_ + Fm * For & Svdy of cntempresstele Jlow the tontnaly and Mmomentr eyerons are. tusdleenr | tools fo clo fhedob; Howerey Sore lompremrdle_ | dle He pracle od tho ctomemenon of ereryy | pst be Considered in addunon dy the contin | and momento dywenery) | REEL BRKen UN Phisiesd Paneple'- Eevsy tan pe neuer browed net destroyed, Dr coun OMY Chonge mm dorm. C firte Jaw es thermedy insu) Ler vs otpply the Jest low 1 tre Sled Flows drrewsh the Seed Conins) volume a9 ne. By- Pare 3 heat added 20 the Purl msde dre lene) volume rom | | | | | | | | he Surrourelings . Bo Pare oF cork clora on te shed ingle tre Lonel volure By > ere of Change at dhe energy of she | | | Flued, 23 4 flows dbvovsh the tenro] | volume - So, Bi +Bo=Bs oO qhe wore od heat Added ro the conto) veluma, | dy yret dediming 4% be te cared beat | added por unit mass, So, pho rere of het aided to an elomentel volure 4 4lfom) , pea ddd ——© Ae | By, 48 are oD work cons, eno werk dore A) drove, | p,, > Dee apphed forte / fore genorered duc wo por} added. | Boo > ave bo body Jorew- WET tok 2 fx db Hee. wa work = EXV Fo pA | e (3-45)¥ —@ | Thon ae -F (Pore o work ddore or to preyure gorees on ¢) dhe fled mite “Vy duc. Mm ao foree (83d")v. mass: | | Pore o} wore dore © daely | Pp 4s body Jorve pes Unt | Ba, eid) y ® msde mp due 40 L fw 2 ease on glad 0 body forees ) i! | the total work done 6n He Shed rede | the fon) vlure vate sum 865 6 B-—dbevd + Meise —O 5 my B® re od Charye of Energy | Energy per unit mas o . en dre Flows flued 4 D 22 internal enersy ME ig neste eneryy > the net yeue of flow of energy arossae conko) ( > B (Svs) Cer) Sugace © TF Flow 8 UnSteecly shove U abo q yare o) | | Chonjge of energy due dp the local dremsnont | Flwuvarens of the He Jel yarebles iapde He j conn! Sedecevelume. the evhevsy 09 elomenred volo 9 BC eH) olay, the Onersy inside the Complene tent) volure. on = a #( er dey v mnsyend in ame : L+@ “Mee vireo Charme vy energy msde MY due to 2 “ deangtent Vrierwny 03 dhe. OES 8 (es jay Flowheld variables y L_@ | | Boz B vA) (et) te afer pp L—® (then Bab, = Bs ABS 4sdy—g tv-as+ B HEA = iy s in Pe Glos ert gp (ere vs —o)} | | Fe” © called sro nergy ewanon Pre the. wtanon otha Srdt law of dhormotlyne rnd | integra} form Apoed te an mvsced $lued flow - = « ~» Oo @ y -~.---W--- ZF Tek fF poh | | 1 ——+ Lon | | 3 J L—sa | 18 wi TW -- ee J 2% dumacnon. | Peciongub’ tonto) | | Volume’. S Conger pa flood though @ ID VeHOK | a8 Yepresented by de ghaced are In HS. the yonon mrey be & nevmol Sehe Chock Ware, Ov th mon pea repion Vik hoot ooldliron ox phe glow properties Change cy re 903 Rod dough He gen. To pre ledt Mele veyon flowhedd Velociy Ur, presse 3h, Tempercwe Tr, donsiy 2, Inrernal ehersy e. do dhe Vght veyron tra Propertws hamo Changed ore U2, Po, ta, fo 2 Tr. inoeanice® dre using U + denore velo cary, borer on om deoliny with milk dimensiones Flovas Wb the & tomponent velocuy . TO Cabouleore tre Chongey apply the _ nreped Consenanon el Jao 7g 10 he Teckanslale’ centre) volume . Sree He foo UPD YU), PTF, 2, Ore Uujorm over tre Jett howd, ade, of the contre) velumne, : Wy Uy Per Tey Sr, Co, C90 Urs Over the Ht bond Sie ty fre ten) WME, Dene drat Leys @ Highs ond Mdo woo have cope Gren ered 0 A Pexpendieulky Yo sha Slow, Bisco BSsume the How OW Sready Sven Prot alt domrenong wry p sme ore 20, Pn ASsun@ dno bocky foren ere not Preseng, Recall de Continuity e4) — Gf eves “£8 Sdn for Seady TAH Flow C4" becomen oO 4 gvds =o 3 | Braluotiny tre didace inreyral aver he | len hoond Side, Wrend V2 als ave Prrallel bet | pn ppposine dyrethony we obleu —P MWA, ovev gre Oh hand side Whe VR AS Ore poral] and inthe Same clrrecnon we obieur folio d. | SUA +$2unn =O | Fu | Bet wD wv the | Lonununy 240 Jor Sready | cumensrone? flow. one- the momentum ea repented here & (av dgv+ JAY snp e BY sev-d pas ° ap at Ap ‘5 For Steady Flow’, | the Second, HM & Ze, there » ho body Sore ghd term o pew, Bente ey7 becomes of (svda)v = -g ed — © Bu" wo & yeuwy eqvanm, Sime Wwe are douling toh One Dirmensrona! flow, we recck ro Lonsidey only Ho Seley a component of 4n® g (ov.dyJu = -£ Pave, —®. (pas), > pn vee H Component v3 dha yeroy Pad, | Bvalyanny dre surdowe intejrek en®, overdne Led 2 Vs honch guhe 03 Pre chayhedk Conr| | vole mn Nps We Ob}tun, 8 (Lun) Uy + Be Cub due =~ (FP +A) P4 sur = hr hur ——O BONG) w the momenim eqn for Sready ore- dimmengunes slow | | the Bnevgy Bevyanon’, | Pisin dreds +g) abode | BZ [a (erk)]dw J (ere vb Dasdy> & ng y | rhe foto} verre oF hast Aaldred a He i | > {| | 903 inside dre tonne) volwne. \ | Fey gready Plow | | the. thd 2 Fourth dorms are Zev, Hore | As no body Sones. OV" becomes . | | a-# pv-ds sd slert )vds. © Braluonngy the surdoce Inrezral prey the | lest © Whe hand, Jews on de loneo\ Wwe 6—CP Ue +mueb) 2-3, (e+e Jug > pb(mee azl)428 Peonanging’ i ¢ ue “ | s+ AUF, (erty, = Par (Cre U Diding by B49, wre ledt hond nde od en (D by BHU) ond we Ta herd by four. & phaesth > Beep © ae 2 ge Z congder tre Bs the he ere & nuut ladded to te entre) vole, | & [ Peat odded per UME Ins ) a Pe deinen of entredoy | ser D wy we Brey 2" ore pimenyioned flew . __ oun - YeLcenY EPUB: »-s.0aTa——$_— ® a ee Pi dp strap t+aT 4% »/e Wawe. shot Sdumore Gi & send wort : SS Conagdey fhe tre Sound = wowe Ub rrovmy wuwh voloaty he . dtrrouBh tre ya, Phone twill pe o Changes in Pre Slow prOportie Preroush te wane. the flor behind dhe wane prong Alwar cur duperent velociyy . Yowevey there Chonges ore Slight DB sound wome Wom weak woe, | PF dre. | Chonjey through He wane cere Song IF B tdenh dial Do shock worn. de veloouy jushey Yhen a“). | gonades He thomnge in veloc? through Ye Sound woe fo be on indinuresimel Qrantin } | a. \ | qhe Reto Ahend of moved Jo wordy | yho ware 04 velocity BL wh Prestme, | | densuy @ temp, eS T respecrwy 2 Me Flow belunc gee We mov Quay yom dre Came i | ok Velocity oD rdw, wih presmne Pprdp, donsity $rAP, & teme THdr, The Slowd throush the Sound wane B Bre-D , hone We Leon ayn. . | OPPIY de lonHindy Fa = (F458) Corda) SA> fhradss Har dodge ——D The POduor oA Iwo Indinrestmad quant AP da UY very mm Smal 2 Lompowe tp py can be tgnoned. then jarm | ab- = ade a aa | a>- 7 | prom steady, srane momentum Fe" | Paspe Pe Sat > [rede + Leta Corda) +O ap + (Sp) ctrdfr2ada) (anor ne © produces D “te = phe [set ty anfode, tee dt | driterenay ) dad ms | da = "| © 2H Fgue ole an en fea S45/25¢ © ast f as moe f drjag ba ‘ DFO oper - SOP sory ae gee = fae “ ! ag ot (9 a) | tho provers taste the sound, wave mvs Fe | Igenrropte fre were & Change od pressure | ware densiy Pag. vai aPpee | lenrape Unonjge un &% GD) © i | - | | Gee (4), | . Ban © a & Fonderrensal eypresier? Jur a greed cy Sound ~ bere $= Wy, a8 2 = ae 2) 2)0 =~ Ww) as | Pecalliny ene entropic ombrossibiliny Ts, |. For incornpressrble flow Ty 20, imple an | Onfiure Speed vd Sound . | Fer a Colorically porsect gas ean © becemy | | | dhe Isenberic relanon eyh | prot C- tonnany | &- Cm prey om ve Yep | Didierennanns 2 veel prow ve Vp oP OP/s re 240 @ becomes as (2 P — = isi DE Lave YUerre: 5 nose Kh & passage wed to treanstorng pressoré Eneygy Into kineHe enerSy DB lonverjeny— divergent nov2te Used Ww Jeneare Supersonic flow ts Somenmy Called De Java) norle . A | vio ot M | v | tonsidey ep norale shown in fis, BY the Phreok the flow oo Sonic, Wwe hava oF throat wis), Vesat, the Coron od the throat & Ay At any other Jeeron od He deuet , the. local omeg, mech number & velo ore A M2V< By Lontnuity qn seve ate pvp ——O ge fe oF 7 | 3 Ae Vv | Veaak 649 DM become So | a. afar | PR OF (+ by 0) © ae Sv So MV fo w the Stgnanon densiy @ 4 Lonsveene trrovshout Pre wenmRe flow » x (2 ws) —® pss,” Dey sone cendunens, >! go, (mm) © piso by dedninen Vige =™ a [ @eyzy m> we —5 BY @by we * a Suv) &9 BD and cub tos (LP) (fe Fe io” FL BY (eh for 3, 4,25 ar awey (ele un © & willed Pre Aree Meth numbey rolonen~ & —— prow mJ CD puers' w rerum ee eM LAE — cE D, (0: REEROEMANUE OF CD WR23hE eT YeRiOUS Back 2 Bxit PeBssuRE'- Pensues + Sur Persuret he Toentrpe. supersonic noe flow « yo ) e ty Ye. Feolg : a Fea J oises Sle ~ eam LK Subsonu flo mm tp mele’ | (avs trbles! for Comprenidle .” @ by om de.hys ) cabculare dre tsorhermal compressibility of ait al preyme of latm, temp 28k. denay wo L225 kg) soluron’. Pe latme — 1 00810 Wh fz 1225 tale? J tsothermel — cernpressibidty Tr = +t (4) Temp — Const. | form e4% of Siete pvERT | ve Pt Up) | dy = er 4 Up) | 2 er ta OP dy, Spo Faces ~ ob .vter SRT trey pr te yo2sx 22ax R Ch coe v8) | Cre tom? niia 24 consider the sloed prpernes at the punt | me How ube temP gank & velocity by woo mls, — caktuland dha mach pphunbey | Oe dus pont - | speed 05 Sound O17 }2er Se = Tu %737 7320 = 3s7b mls joo e274 Bab “ meth number + Vow 31» pwplne U fren ot Sd Seo leve) AS 250K. Who Wb the predvune oF gas Pont e uns eee dhe pomp at Pond 0 the. 5 | 1 = Utena, $) = b22S Kole, 4) = 288-00 | oo. for Wenhrope relonon’ me . [eR \P? > Ue) bye bra vi09 Sim” 4) An awrlane — sying ‘at [SoD em), CT alnvde whee she Presume and, damp Owe [Bet nine 2 Go, malentore dhe Premurey idonsiy £ temp ot tre Lenton edge oF tre | wma. | oad heh,, Fo, Po, I>? | xu? Mo> WSeotmhs SE 5 ant only boxle Px > Bkt0% Nr Ta 2 SUC > Sot2W> g22k, % = [ders = 3b0.25'mb My > Me 2 bts} ay Fem sono Urentrope rebrwn . [&)- (3 sot (E) »2 el | pov Ys problem’. 2 fh y re (ey = CJM [wo te fo = wit ae Ts | item) oy HBK- | | 424) Of > (ee ye ‘0 oe | Pex 4-2 cio! ler | L | So fy-1 BL Une | 3 ). gouur® Sp Tao So Po Bor & * lors | = bse deglr? a Convergent duct With on unlet Ext are. Adz 2387 PP, 28.36 mals $+) wonsidew (aren By = OTE MP, du with a velocity Viz a leaves bh belt Cotentare, av lansing or | | gre ented hs density fie 18 blr 2 | velocity Yo > 326% cols, the arr doar Cer: ge oad pprly Sieure Plow Bq Sip) = 2 B2%2 Qn: fp) Be Avg Fy > 018? k5)m?

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