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uni = WA AND OBLIAVE SHOCKS, Aoemer gna opArdve Sune | Mowmel Shock wave! | Is Yre Shock wave w ferpeddlituley v0 tre flow direeron bo called porerel Thee, wove, rhe Shox ware are gonere-Hd whith pre very Smolk rapier) tm The gad, Where He Jed propernes Unomnge by & lage er armons, press the Shock wore Vro SOL present, anureanel» the moth pumbey si yempoyarre, density a ato a. tacn ank spaod eo Pe How eae ) cen wane. pw Srearnkre uy Me ® Subsome flow | -rogion eres Whioh he Jloes Beaverton oF morte Poe B NDEMEL Shoo Weve! | | | | | | Sheen: 31 1S ® » Plow Phrovyh « Porrent debe Shode - For O quantienme analygy 03 Chango) QWs % NEYMAL LShoee Wont, Ler 1B tensidey On oduorbane , Constant aman Jed Mrtugh e& No Cpwikbum region, F1slaD. Lee secxon O02 €) be Sufdicers aos rom dre | neeer noneyulbaum TeyLon, So we can oaane | flow propenid of Hv Statrons | By tenhrwiry BM >$2Ve a | themomenim * ein | PtSi s B+h, yr —_@ the Breygy 24” by MEY = ery __ ay 2a" O-B wwe gener! try aly v0 all gasen. P34) Ibeclized by @ VanISh sly dum POA Me heyy the tony} Sener 2p Ath rarity Chere be are 901d, bo dump s moy 230 be bruusht Guch @ one OF Aiconunuiry cures Wh there WB Giddew Chanje in flow prperne wu i Coed co Sheek Wave. there u mo hoot addad fonee, Phe Slow aovass the Sheek ane U Addo bans . Kowal Les Shocle pelonon for o Perfect dra. for « taberieally porhort soy we home dre ‘ eqn of Mare | p=seT ——@ | © beter © | Ba (D-© 9 form om Set oF Reve 24D wir we — tntnowS | PxjPe, To, V2 & he pence drey fon b2 Solved bye prestccclly, Per O-@ are te Fenene{ o¢n poe nomel Shou Dividing ee" @) by a we get te a -__ = bh-y, —© By) BM | —_—_ | Pecallay ra Speods ef Sound O13 Pp an® betomes | ar ae By Oe | NO O20 — OEM ED) —replecced wu enersy ean —forn per facr gos cr Fellows ee Ban @® ou a tombinonon. } FQ Lonvnuiy and rismentem eq fhe wnerjy ex" @ Cow be utthzed in one of U3 G)rernotwe forms 2V,-V, —@O Assume’. Us2za® , age ak (at Sonte tondiwn ) Qe ve gah, aah yop 2 Gr on ws on 2) at 2 é (i + dap) aH) ae af (2284 aay yw 201) < ) 5 ot) of Ft) OF ore of ner, @ | 2 2 yy 27 &) } a 2 oe (M)-w( 2) —@ | Sree tre Now y adabane anors the | | Sheer Wome OF 19 re Abeve yeolorom Jor a 2ak pas the Serre Condan~ Yorn - Sub dhe walerony inv eAM@D ye que ga a oy on ay Twa" De tay a> %5-Y, 4 | coed (%2-y) av + s (WY) = yy Dividiny dha eqn by (4-4) rege. | eH 2 %-) | at | 2Mivy top el Solving oa Sives 2 Ie OP DV, Va, ne) Pur @4 called dhe brandi} polanon . Dn dorms of tho spacd, YOO, Oy B bereme , M*e V/ ot ty ue ey Ue ap * eH oy a m* ——@)_ ) LL tropes thar the Velouly thonge Boron normed shoo mat bo from Superson to Subsone the moo twmbey pelund & Mormed Shou 5 oluays Sursoru - fre veloen berween MY em ig gwen by 2 _ a ® a me CA) nF yas Sub eah (9 wro a ae “4 (dar)my ; i wen doo>- a, | ae PM ~ [oy tyme | | golny ean @ Bn (Pb), me _—_—& ym — (P-1)e ze Be°® ghaws show for ce Perfect ay dhe mowh pumber belund the Shock ay a funchon of Only dhe Mmoeh hember ahorl Of dre Shock. Pe Shows Mo), M22). The rand of veloeines may alio be untren a3 ® a ou Mo ML ug Va VV ar 2 @ and oD are worl for me clemivenon of obhey nove] shoe, wlohons . trom enn © Se MM Lyi) —_@ r Fr Vo BaD mee fo obran Phe premura relahoy, tang. oer an@ RR = AW hye whith lembiny ey & Para Hy (vve)= Siu? (1% hy) Dudas by P, RAR Awe Ve ewe fe f Fi ( ) or I ma-(1- 44) —. © Wow Yeewl) a> SUb aly, rom 2400) we jer. | = rit 2 (HO mer | a Hm —© | | Ey sme TO obfeum fre temp YOHO , Tee ony enn ot Sere P=Lpr To | er Lo gi G2) —ae Seb ok no a) & cub 24” ID andr@ + Oo wate wi) > ot Ty. eG > Fite Te ht 2 me o+t-Dmr o het. | 4 2 em Th Le vt nme i (=1) the ey" ©O,0,088 jor a Calorieally Porferr gos uum a Quen ay Hey we Mn, */ 9, Pele, 2th, as. funvren of M. only . | » ® BUGLOMIOT LORVE . Slate presume always Unureases anos dra formed Shock woe, Hhewtore He dheae wome ton be visualized as a thesmockyne mee deve Whurh compress: the Jed. trducd the | Chonjey orors he formal shee con bo eypromed in hormy oJ Shermodynamy yomebles Wirheut nesererce of Velocity oy mach mmber . By lentinuty en \ Vo sy (Se — O = ' l Sa ) Mb £07 D into momenkm &)7 SF; LZ Prsw~ > mate (Gr” © Soluny ban © for Vi we ser fa-F 38u 7 > — Wee SoH ( x) @ bho wb Viz Vy L9/5,) from — Centnry | GN (sive Fva) Ino Merranten €4/7 Chr Sus PIB) ond solmny 7OY Ve we ger: Vee oF &) — @ 2 pe, OE Replay hh by (e+) tn the energy eat we seb fo ve Pee © eter set a Sb Jor Vit Ve Imre en ED Bek (ten Su), jm, [PRR at 3 les, [$)- ate =) a =] —® Semphfuanen of en® -e, > PAR Pp coma 2 (4 $2) —@ ae 9 31, Po by SPecrite volun Wty ne = RH “prt —O falled the Yugonior Cavern» BY” Bu Choe in i (Nrernet Energy wih respect fo Specrhe Volume uy e Ved wd fo tte ewerery ec Previne Pe shook Wome - a 5 diaper Wusontot Curve » Pav duteprem . [i ig IS | PITOT stance TUBE’. fore? Pressune = Stee Prosure J Dynamte Presune - spout |=. shagnanon pow - Steke predivme | J peaal oy Segnanon preere - Dn any flow sfluec § boatcally there one | Monee. pressvoe, | L dotep pressure ~ De Sto prose ~ 3. Dynome prevue * Toto) pressure’, Dy & the O Preswre In Wh Drevsy+ Jo BR WH LWPMopeealty (V0) ch the flow Stosie pressure’ py Be Presse oF Any Porstéu toy Bo a oitmasphene Whur eid eoertls ba al divesnon, Dynamre pressune!, Tea asoriatod wih J Ot co pont dy dating Anzevenr > presire ond Quine premve- 2) 422 SVERAp where ge dynamu promwe- 8 = denay Ve Veloerty ff flow Poe ror Sagnaton Premure P- Srame Pressure - Puc Whe — clunys meagunas Stagnaray Probure Sane vhe~ abuays messin) Bate prevure - Neto tendwnon Jw Stetjnenon DT has q bye orbninesl “te, he a pansy ees Prbe 4 erPncled jo a presse below Ine syone presse pf dd Fou, then a ene dinence sro INL IVP nimeasos, prego On de prbo | approve, 1 HO dvs sare @reatve sean La Supexsone Flow, ploy => 7 Va L , Mo f—. - mr >] \ ie cone angle < 5° fe 7 Dade pros > | | The Shox nose tp 29 are probe feccing tre | Plew u closed ore holy ave dmlled pespendiculay | fo re apu 03 Bo bbe ota Creefted churanig | from He thayp nese. the Inthred anjle a) Hy | Chowp Cone shoutl be small 45° sey good Lesh, Dis Csablithec thee Ho gene hole, | lecarek co ep Bp frm He nae wu good, enoush | POY Qconete moaymerrenHt « Correction mm dynonne pressure’, | Treompreviblo find © M< 03) V= V2gh nd covrechtn requved » Lornpress/blo Flow’ (nso) Subsonic CMAL) Supersonic. Po = PM, Poo dey prose p— sane presime a- pynarene Presi « due to eomprowile low ie ae Loy incempresn dE flo fo? ro kK b> 4s loreoun Jauwy ko J+ My Oe 4 40 Poy m>yl a _ me mM, ppg es Yy- he Wat aet , t= At boy m2 K> went prot 12 257 + i OBHAYE sHock rp gexppriuwn WEVEd, cpnieve SbocK', ™ Bomproavy esmev. Oblque Show woe 4 & Comprenon home mmehred oF con Onghe Jo de Pew ocours. buch, Ob Wowe todo Oblgue Sheol the Obline Shacks Upelly ews Chena, Supersone Flow B® Hrvec ino lseld. fro Jlow 18 eJleured nip weesy BE | Obluve Shoe. Bier Stroamlry are deplecred, yo we Sarre angle © ot dy Sheee yhe_ yauhlung un Ursown flese Ponallel ey flo ed OPstraam od Shades the angle @ a Wfewed Jo a flow doflechan | angle - the tovnes wheh dns dhe flow Mtv mselP is wlled tomprenion ev Concave Losey. puon the Shocw Word, mook pmbey deoreorw, and Yre prorsuna ; densihy , termP nero’ | | | | | Os wave’, prpansion tent m+, ”, Mh Expansion Lovyet™ whon a Supeysone flow U durred eurory Som ursel) , Ha vest in tre fosmahor wo Oo” Eyponyn wone- ay conver lLomney. pl) te Streambva are doflerrd ansle O roy te eepannen result) porraltel eo Aoewngrream 03 He wane - the pnaeh querer” pryrouresy Od Fre Promvee, densuy , Hempenure deprev * @® rhe Flo quyns Sudden ly aor’ dre Shoes anh tre turning graded corms dhe epparvean din. po the Sarre, un uydorm Obliqve shoce Peloton’, The flow shrrough He permed Sedeveue Shee as boon modufied pp yesulk Ww Jlow thereigh and ebligue Shoo dy Superimposireg and UMdore velocity Vy ( peralle] ry nese! shock) he Yesutront upsmenm velectiy Vy fe | Inchired ar an angle $ called ay Shock angle . The Wesulrort clounsrrean velocwy yh & | lneled ar A angle G-8) , 4 called, | drejlernon congle . | To WA tho properhey aowss sho. | Oblave Shee we Con Bm Preder Pre novmou Shock , but there wll bea Change to peymal fie UR My = ™SMB Ma,> m,Sin (Be) 290) 5 ny im Sin (B-b) > ne My | Nove’. } Upsmear mye msmP Te 2 MP gin? ae ey SED OmPart pry) Tar (e))® MP sinp ee ee (mr su? p-1) Sp (2) MPs? Fr 2) MPswtpie PowNsmeam', Mng = Masin CB-2) Mine = waren + Ch (3 mivsuPp-| thea moeh pumboy behind tre obhgve sheet M2 u neared do My, by 2 ee > Sin (p-8 Porge oJ Show angle! an! (4) Spi th Oblique shock O8-B-M, relenen’. Vig) 2Vy 2%, Wy (M2) EE yove Voc ae | Faking fon 38 ahenc 0} Show - Tomy tun Jos behanch she Shock. den(p-8) = = —6 J @s eI we Hg ® 8p B Ve) Fem conenury 27 Siva, = Var. eo _ WnMrst _ &) Ye, 7 (20 mF cut pee ww €OHu® den(P-e) (2a) Mi oin?p t danp 2 ant seep Gem cYgonomeny janp—7ene dan (B-8) > lt HP fene dang — tone a ptang ane (2) mP oP Bie dane s UD mPoks ane > UeeP — MP (Dt osop jo 5 Pa" OS lated 6B-m yohnop SHOCK POLAR’, Shock peby ay o Jrapheal representeson ef Oblie Hho properties . oO © | J» | a i a Var | oblique shock Oblgve Shock tm physed Plere Oblique Shock wir upstream velecihy Vv, on The Dy-Corresian Coordinwe -sygem asm AS Ir has. He velocity cemponens Vag Vy in re cheunsmeaing Held, He Pe ay yw caled He physiced Plane. Pam A Ve | = Vay ly) 5 Oblique shock Jeomenty heclogreiplh Plane Le Voi, Ya, Vagand YW, be tre Dandy | tomporentd cf flaz wleety Cuhecel of Gnd bekinel | the Shotk, NOW Le 1k wepesem dhe Abligua | Sheek Heid in a plone with Wey He ory 25, thy Pune 4 tlle 40 hedoneph Plre . In the hodograph plane yho point A repreien dre Mow field crheod of the shock rmmmbel a) PSO A; aepon 2 Inte Physical Plo As pepreeet by parr Bince hodorerh pare. 6) 's moreared Ire. Shock, pecomas Shonjey 4 Ve, deoroars - ‘y Voc ghee polo gor ev gwen Vj GB Shown by port © mn Hy, tha Lec#sS oad) gueh pom Joy B Valuy pom Jer 40 Omay Teprerentrg oi] passible, voloutied bene the Shock ave gren fi Meh. & locus w called 03 & Shoee Polar, Drrrenstonlos shock pola, tan be conventently Led yo hon durengeonale_ oe Yre veloaunfs wR, the Crele wu tedus ppt) b talled tre Some crnele, tnade lO cell oy i Sursomér —patside tr at! valocines suppregn Te hows Pobiy Sox dusdevon WAN bers form a family oP Covws, Nore Ahad HOS MP = BS CM, pop Shock polos BA ewrele- ane | l ' ' uy “ghoc polay Jor deterert mach pum bev « ps A Sheek wave hot in contact with Ire poky tho originete), FF Jose when Ine body ys Syn) aa supergontL speed: ‘the amrftow bere eupsomee «end Phew pocolert® Jo cupoxsome called derehod- Love valve of PY tolled tre Shongy Shocw- small velve od ps colbd meni. shoo i A congidet a normal ghock War2 wy “Ny lod proporttd are Uz S8omy Whend dhe Upsrreom pro veloctry, emp | T= 238k, P,= lotm, Cateubore | | Proxima honsnaam ph fra. goes Selonon’ . . u, segmy | ne? n 2938% te29 | Pos late to? | O, 2 {eer > 340 mls 1 | ly 620 meth 2 Xo 221 | ‘a, > 3 | Prom goa derble’s Fob Pola, Mer | fe > 24, Bo. b84, Myo 54% Pg FAS I > asa foc hear) > BER ars Pen 2 7Atnls Uz, > Mra. > 255 ms. A vo-enby vehile (ev) ot con abrile | Ig000 and hed avelouy of twwsomb, 6 | ew Shes wowe envelops din. PV. weglecdny | dupont doperorire HO SL em dr peynendD prose and temp dy behind, He ghoeg wows on tre PV entre Le where the ghee. woe may bo pet bracteed oy Movmal thou . gure dre cus behaves Poest Jeu, par, > 2873) HK, so) Jor J ard 2 Qarch fos tendwcmry bedore ands aH¥eY The Shots , py sooDFM alee Pe 12.108 ROY ler ) PT) 2 = UbSK The gpeoch of Sond’. a> Tren = 29s mls Mew ob Pa o bat By surewome Payleish ne z a yen (Ee “pl _ Ves — 7 Spo8 a (7? m*) a Pox > BI0IP, = 2 Noe 21 (» re) groce enhroprL veladten To) > Tos = Obs (roam) > ya1e-7S& Tox= Tor os me (mr) = ys-F Py Poo UITR > oR We Nin yn 2 fa yp RUD 2 nt) = 854 a” owe my Tay 2 12 S59-D1K. > | f 3. the qloco mech rumber, presiv®, and Temp ahead ot & pammal Shock are 9-4, osatn, Book, pelemune Ms,Perta 2 Ue behind tre hove gel. MeL Me. 1 P2osaro P29. | Tr>300k- fh? 4 “2 Fam ges saple- PUR) MDD Pech, es tet, Myo Orth PR hi Bowsr, = RA UM fs bee = STETK On, = (POG > 40° FH my | | Yor> MQfrz> 2b0.33 muy A.B nord sth Shick wove Ina coarse ret. qube 92 Bhom Inti) fn reswon® v, sloomls, i} Lt e3e'c, Pye oratm, phoak speck o with respecr doa pwed, Loeminore Verem u bee mls, 1] | cond tre flud Properties en region © $2) peers te a tererdinaie sysrem chien Be moving ot velocity beoml to dre lo yho Joo peceM2) as m $8 with Shock geen | S Uy = boo 120 > 500 MIS on fe << | 2 — fys oteur hr | Ty 2 got 19732 303K. | = | | a= fen 2d jaye rzes 2 FEA MU | u, >See mls - Sh = buss | Mi = 3y29 | Bom ga rable pa bu, Mya bND Fe Lang, EH = 215, Mem eb | wa 1 ‘ | Py a LeVwAUKA = hob OM) | to NPT = BBb 331 - | 2b mls | Ups M242 > | Vp 2 bole > 600 —2ad = 314 mls, Ce) tonsidex a supesorme gleto with M22, Ps laim / Te2sse, thy glow YU deflecred ara compresar winery treugh Ad. codudate MM, P, T; Fe, To, behind the voulhny pbkwe Shook Wave. From Oblave dhoag table - Foy Mise, Pal, sae Bo S342" Mp, 2M, ginB 2 hbo \ Prom novmal Shace deble~ doba, My 2 bab. Pome 3 138, ge o8as Be sop, & My, = 0-668, roan Fi a m = Mr ob 1.2] Yount p—B> Py 2 282%1 > 2-a2 Atm qe > bpeen7ees B27 nz 2 5 (H2Lm2) = PRT, SHH oy foros fo (2d mi) 21292 Ty 2 SIBUK Pom 5 Re pegs fon, co > O-29S 0% Pog. > C295 PNO) 4 Moby conasen (ItZhme) 2 T4tm, for > FE [wt my oy a at I+ dm war) > THM p Consides cn Oblave shbed Shock wih a wave angle oJ 30°, tre Ursream flow mach number U 24), cabtulore tre deflecrion angle es tre HOD, dre proysure. ard = demP wor cross Hho ehock “and mach pumbey pehind de wove | Sel mend a key, Ti M227 From — obhtqve Shock Jablte > M24, Beas, Veby b= bs* | Mn, = St B shy Brom norma) shecw able My eb Yehy, Po he My, = 0-84.22, mR 2 bs, a eh. Me 2 Meee __ DI, Sin(B-8? fe. 5/513 Pe be 1122 fr

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