Business Plan For Potato Farming - PDF - Manure - Greenhouse

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Business Plan For Potato

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Original Title: Business Plan for Potato Farming Business Plan for Greenhouse plan Agriculture Fruit Business plan
Uploaded by Rotich Enock on Jul 04, 2017 Greenhouse… Farm Business… tomato…

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Author: Roch Enock

Date: 10/15/2016


1. Executive summary

2. Operational plan
Production requirements and conditions




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1. Executive summary

T'is ill e t'e *irst tomato *armin# pro-ect and ill involve t'e estalis'ment o* to
#reen'ouse tunnel on a *ree'old piece o* land in eric'o.

reen'ouse *armin# is a modern ay o* #roin# crops t'at involve t'e #roin# o* crops
in an arti*icially controlled environment t'at ensures reduced susceptiility to diseases
and increased yield o* crop. Plants are *ed nutrients t'rou#' a drip irri#ation system and
t'ey are #ron in t'e most suitale conditions3 'ic' allo eac' plant to produce t'e
maximum *ruit possile.

T'e #reen'ouse met'od o* *armin# ill 'ave t'e *olloin# advanta#es4

5i#' tomato yield

6educed disease attac" 

6educed laour costs since operatin# t'e system is not laour intensive.

Consistent production o* t'e crop irre#ardless o* t'e prevailin# season

7ni*ormity o* crops in terms o* si8e and quality

T'e demand *or tomatoes 'asYou're

een andReading a Preview
still remains 'i#' in t'e country due to t'e *act
t'at most enyan *amilies use tomatoes as a asic in#redient in most o* t'eir meals.
Upload your
Tomato #roin# usin# #reen'ouse documents
tec'nolo#y is to download.
steadily pic"in# up in t'e country. T'e
customers *or our products ill include t'e *olloin# mar"et se#ments in eric'o and its
environs4 OR
5otels3 eatin# -oints and lod#in#s

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first 30 days are free.

Sc'ools and colle#es

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roceries and independent retailers

Customers uyin# *rom t'e *arm

T'e total pro-ect ill cost a sum o* s's 11+3000. Operations is intended to start in t'e
mont' o* 9une 201: and e#in ma"in# sales y mid au#ust or early Septemer. $n order 
to ensure continuity o* supply3 an additional #reen'ouse ill e put up e*ore t'e *irst
crop dies out. T'is ill ensure t'at t'ere are no #aps in supply 'ic' leads to loss o* 

2. Operational plan


T'e tomatoes ill e #ron in to lo cost #reen'ouse tunnels; one measurin# <x0m
and t'e ot'er one <x1/m. 5yrid seeds3 a#ro)c'emicals and *ertili8ers ill e otained
*rom 6oyal seeds enya.

T'e <x0m #reen'ouse ill 'ave t'e capacity to produce approximately (3000 #s =(
tonnes> o* tomato in one season i* proper mana#ement is put in place. T'e <x1/m
#reen'ouse 'as a capacity to produce +/00)/000 #s.

Production 6equirements and Conditions

T'e tomatoes ill e #ron *olloin# recommended conditions and *ertili8er re#imens.
i> Temperature 4 T'e optimum temperature *or most tomato varieties lies eteen
21 and 2+ ?C. Tomato plants react to temperature variation durin# t'e #rot'
cycle =see Tale 1>3 *or seed #ermination3 seedlin# #rot'3 *loer and *ruit set and
*ruit quality. $* cool or 'ot eat'er spells persist durin# *loerin#3 pollen
 production ill e lo. T'is ill in*luence *ruit *ormation.

Stages Temperature (° C)
Min. Optimum range Max.
Seed germination 11 16-29 34
Seedling growth 18 21-24 32
Fruit set 18 2-24 3
!ed "olour de#elopment 1 2-24 3

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ii> Soil4 Tomatoes pre*ers deep3 ell drained3 sandy loam soils. Soil dept' o* 1/ to
20 cm is needed to Upload
#royour documents
a 'ealt'y to download.
crop. @eep plou#'in# allos etter root
 penetration. Tomato is moderately tolerant to a ide ran#e o* p5 =level o* 
OR a p5 o* /./ A :.< it' adequate nutrient
acidity>3 ut #ros ell in soils it'
supply and availaility.
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first 30 days are free.
iii> Transplantin# 4 Transplant t'e seedlin# to t'e *ield  to : ee"s a*ter soin#. &
ee" e*ore transplantin#3 seedlin#s s'ould e 'ardened y reducin# t'e
application o* ater3 ut 12)1+ for Free
'ours e*ore t'ey are ta"en out o* t'e seeded t'ey
s'ould e t'orou#'ly atered a#ain to avoid excessive dama#e to t'e roots.
Seedlin#s o* 1/)2/ cm tall it' )/ true leaves are most suitale *or transplantin#.
Transplantin# s'ould e done in t'e a*ternoon or on a cloudy day to reduce t'e
transplantin# s'oc". Bater t'e plants immediately once t'ey 'ave een
transplanted. B'en removin# t'e seedlin#s3 "eep a lar#e clump o* soil attac'ed to
t'e roots to prevent t'em *rom ein# dama#ed. Spacin# o* :0x+/ cm s'ould e
oserved. Press t'e soil *irmly around t'e root3 and ater around t'e ase o* t'e
 plant to settle t'e soil.

iv> ,ertili8ers and !anures 4 5orse manure 'as t'e est alance o* nutrients. Co
manure 'as relatively little p'osp'ate. Pi# manure is usually ric' in mineral salts
 ut 'as relatively little potassium. !anure *rom #oat and s'eep is also #ood
or#anic manure. Poultry manure is usually t'ree to *our times as stron# as
*armyard manure. $t is a very valuale "ind o* manure as plants can easily asor
t'e nutrients *rom it. $t is also suitale *or acid soils ecause it contains a lot o* 
calcium =al"aline>. $t is important to 'ave manure t'at is ell decomposed3 and
'ic' is not too stic"y or too et.

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