Tugas 4 B.inggris Larzon Hanibal

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NPM : E1I021060


Task 3.

Tick () T if the statement is true, F if it is not true, and NG if there is no

information related to the statement in the text.

Statement T F NG
1. A herbivore fish needs fat less than a carnivore one in its 
daily diet.
2. The amount of fiber needed by a herbivore fish is between 
5 to 10 percent.

3. The daily diet should be composed of more than 50% of 

protein to maintain the health of a young fish.

4. Herbivores only need a massive amount of protein in their 

daily diets.

5. Both of carnivores and herbivores need carbs in a small 

amount to maintain healthy lives.

6. The less important nutrition in daily diet is mineral. 

7. The most stable nutrition in fish food is vitamin. 

Task 5
Respond to the following problems by choosing the best provided suggestion
and give your reason for choosing it.

1. You had better buy a new golden fish in a pet shop.

2. If I were you, I would like to ignore that problem and do the homework .

3. I recommend you stop thinking about your golden fish and try to comfort

4. I suggest you buy Aqueon Goldfish Granules because it provides balanced

5. You might try cleaning your fish tank twice a week.

To overcome the problem, I choose the suggestion number_ 4. (I suggest you

buy Aqueon Goldfish Granules because it provides balanced)

because : i think Rio’S fish is sick so he needs nutrition to get back healty, one
of them is by giving Aqueon Golgfish Granules to add nutrition to the fish.

Task 6.

Learn the problems of the following fish tank and give suggestion to each

2. You can drain the water

1. You had better buy a new 3. You can reduce some fish
then clean the tank then
water filter. in the tank.
refill it with clean water.

4. You should separate the

fish that are infcted withthe 6. You can clean the tank
fungi from the healty fish so 5. You can clean the algae in every 2 weeks to maintain
that the healty fish don’t the tank. cleanlinees in the tank so
get infected with the fungi. you can avoid fish getting
infected fungi.

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