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Leading entrepreneurial ventures

Class 5

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Housekeeping – Final slots for pitches
19-Oct 18:00 Quickey

26-Oct 17:30 Wizbrandz

18:00 Buddyintown
18:30 Docuhero?
19:00 Haoma
19:30 Bonafide
20:00 Pick and Gp
20:30 SetUpEat ZOOM

27-Oct 18:00 Donefor You

18:30 Furniture Rent
19:00 Ordernow/Flatry
19:30 Truetaste
20:00 Expers
20:30 H/Works
21:00 House!t

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Business Plan:

• 10-15 pages max (can add extra stuff into appendix if you need to to)
• 15 minutes powerpoint (or equivalent) presentation, followed by 10
min Q&A

• Send in Business Plan 24 hours before your pitch

• You do not need to send in your powerpoint

• All grades will be weighted by Peer Evaluation

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Putting it all together
Building your business plan and pitch

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Typically, I want to see 4 things:

1. The Opportunity
• What is the pain you have spotted; what is the solution you think you can
provide that will solve it; how much is this worth (how many clients, trends
2. Operations
• Production ops – how you will “make it work” – deliver the solution
• Sales ops – how you will reach and sell to your customers
(Both the above should help drive some metrics - number of customers, sales per
customer, nº of transactions per customer over a time period etc)

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Typically, investors want to see 5 things:

3. The Roll - Out

• Now that you have convinced me of the pain and the solution, that you can
build it and can sell it, show me how you expect your first 6 months, 12
months and then –5 years (depending on the business) to look
4. The Numbers
• Sales, Margins, Core Costs, P&L, Cashflow statement (Try and make it look
nice please)
• The investment you will need

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Leading entrepreneurial ventures

Class 5

Thursday, October 15, 2020

So you have what?
• You have to make the transition from entrepreneur to CEO – facing
personal challenges along three dimensions.

• The entrepreneur must simultaneously:

• Extend their time horizon (from today and next week, to months and years in the
• Change predominate behavior patterns from doing and deciding, to delegating
and managing, to leading and inspiring
• Shift focus from the internal and operational aspects of the company to the
external and strategic elements of the broader competitive environment
The Life Cycle of an Entrepreneurial Firm

Period of Transition
The Corner: Strategy, product positioning,
a critical turning
point marketing, resources, management
team, infrastructure, management
systems, culture, leadership roles, Maturity
risk management

Product, Initial Sustained and Profitable Growth
Customers Expansion, diversification, new product

3 yrs 5yrs TIME

4 Leadership stages
1. Start Phase

2. Initial growth

3. Rapid growth

4. Continuous growth

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Startup Stage
• Company Goals
• Understand your personal goals and objectives
• Figure out product and concept that customers want to
• Identify initial customers and build relationships
• Develop limited organizational capabilities
• Leaderʼs Role
• Doer/Decision-maker
• Clearly in charge; making all of the decisions
• Rest of the organization reports to one leader
Initial Growth Stage
• Company Goals
• Set the direction (articulate a strategy)
• Launch differentiated product (competitive advantage)
• Capture market share
• Grow revenues
• Leaderʼs Role
• Delegator/direction-setter
• Monitor progress
• Ultimate decision-maker for major decisions
Rapid Growth Stage
• Company Goals
• Gain significant market share
• Become a market leader and ward off competitors
• Build infrastructure and team for aggressive growth
• Hire and integrate a lot of new people
• Leaderʼs Role
• Team Builder
• Coach
• Planner
• Communicator
Continuous Growth
• Company Goals
• Dominate the industry
• Expand to new markets and grow new niches in current markets
• Move from products to “solutions”
• Brand the company and its people as thought leaders
• Leaderʼs Role
• Change catalyst
• Organization builder
• Strategic innovator
• Chief of culture
Leadership & entrepreneurship
3 Key challenges

• Growth – new people coming in...

• Growth & Changing Profitability
• Changing roles in the company

10/15/20 Entrepreneurship – Class 5

10/15/20 Entrepreneurship – Class 5
10/15/20 Entrepreneurship – Class 5
10/15/20 Entrepreneurship – Class 5

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