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All Kinds of Word

10 Questions, Answers and a

Year 6
Year 6 Problems on Multiplication

Please write your answer on the answer line provided. You can use the space provided
below the question for working out if you need it.

1 Olive has been given this problem by her teacher.

Can you write the missing digits into the boxes?

7 5
x 6
4 4

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Year 6 Problems on Multiplication

2 Anya is thinking of a number that Lily has to guess. Lily has the following clues:

It is a multiple of 9.
A factor of it is 3.
The closest prime number is one less than it.

What is Anya’s number?

Answer ................................................................................................

3 Cycle Chris is training for the Tour De France.

He cycles 134 km every day for the first 2 weeks.

Over the third and fourth week of training, he cycles 168 km every day.
In the final two weeks, he does a daily cycle of 198 km.

How far does he cycle altogether?

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4 Anthony loves baking chocolate cake. His recipe is enough to feed four people.
It includes 345 g of flour and 139 g of sugar.
a If he was feeding 12 people, how much flour and sugar would he need?
b If he was feeding 36 people, how much flour and sugar would he need?

Answer a Flour .....................................g Sugar .....................................g

b Flour .....................................g Sugar .....................................g

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Year 6 Problems on Multiplication

5 Janet has digit cards from 1 - 6.

She needs to use them to make a three digit number and a two digit number that
when multiplied together make a four digit number.
a Can you help her complete her calculation by filling in the grid below?
You can only use each digit once.

b What is the smallest answer Janet can make that has four digits?
c What is the largest answer Janet can make that has four digits?

Answer b ................................................................................................
Answer c ................................................................................................
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6 Complete the number pyramid below using multiplication alone:

11.4 15.7 9.5

The blank blocks need to be filled with the product of the pair of numbers directly
below them in the pyramid.

7 Mrs Harvey was buying gifts for her class of 28 children at the end of the year.
She bought pencils, erasers, sharpeners and pencil cases for each child.
They were on special offer and cost £10.79 per set of four items.
How much did she spend?

Answer £.............................................................................................
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Year 6 Problems on Multiplication

8 Identify all the prime numbers between 1 and 9.

Once you have done this, with the digits you have, create the largest number you
can. For example, if you had the digits 1, 2, 3 and 4, the largest number you could
make is 4321.

What will you get if you multiply that number by 23?

Answer ................................................................................................

9 Marcus has booked his flight to Paris.

His booking number is 12 digits long.
The last 3 digits at the end of it make up a common multiple of 3, 6, 9 and 12.
It is between 301 and 350.
What are the last 3 digits?

Answer ...............................................................................................
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10 Amit has replaced some digits in his written multiplication with letters.
Can you work out which digit each of the letters represent?

T L 3 P
x P
L T 8 L P

Answer P = ..................
L = ..................
T = ..................

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Year 6 Problems on Multiplication

Challenge Question!
An abundant number is a number that is less than the sum of its factors.

12 is an abundant number because its factors are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12.

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 6 = 16.
12 is less than 16 so it is an abundant number.

Can you find all the abundant numbers up to 50? Use the working space below to provide

Answer ...............................................................................................

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Answer Sheet
1 7 5 7
x 6
4 5 4 2

Content Domains: Multiplying finding missing numbers (6C, 6C7a)

2 54

Content Domain: Factors and multiples (6C5)

7000 km in total.
1876 km in the first 2 weeks + 2352 km for the second 2 weeks + 2772 km for the third 2 weeks.

Content Domain: Multiplication over time (6C7a, 6C8)

4 a. For 12 people, he’ll need 1035 g of flour and 417 g of sugar.

b. For 36 people, he’ll need 3105 g of flour and 1251 g of sugar.

Content Domain: Multiplication using measure (6C7a, 6C8)

5 Any correct combination that creates a 4 digit number from multiplying a three digit number and a 2
digit number together made from the digits 1 - 6, such as:

4 5 6

x 1 2

5 4 7 2

a. The smallest answer is 3185 made from 245 x 13.

b. The largest answer is 9645 made from 643 x 15.

Content Domains: Multiplication using combinations (6C7a, 6C8)

6 26 694.867

178.98 149.15

11.4 15.7 9.5

Content Domains: Multiplication using decimals (6C7a, 6C8)

7 £302.12

Content Domains: Multiplying using money and multi digit numbers (6C7a, 6C8)

10 For more free resources and intervention support go to

Year 6 Problems on Multiplication

8 173 236.
2, 3, 5, 7 are the primes. The largest number is 7532.
When multiplied by 23 you get 173 236.

Content Domains: Prime numbers and multiplication (6C5)

9 324

Content Domains: Common Multiples (6C5, 6C8)

10 P = 6, L = 1, T = 2

Content Domains: Written Multiplication (6C7a, 6C8)

Challenge Question

The abundant numbers up to 50 are 12, 18, 20, 24, 30, 36, 40, 42, 48.
Check workings for proof.

Content Domains: Identifying factors (6C5, 6C8)

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