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University of Jijel Department of Economics, management and Commercial sciences

level: 1st year. School year: 2020/2021

The typical correction of the second English examination

Activity 01: Link the following terms with the suitable statements below :
( Direct cost – The breakeven point- Indirect cost- Activity based costing- Overheads-variable costs) .

1. Costs and expenses that can not be identified with particular manufacturing . (Overheads/ Indirect
2. Costs that do not change in a short term even the production level changes.(Fixed costs)
3. Costs that can be directly related to the production of the product. (Direct costs)
4. Costs that change In proportion to the volume of production. (Variable costs)
5. The number of units sold or the sales volume at which the company covers its costs called (The
breakeven point)
6. The process that calculate all the costs connected with a particular activity. (Activity based costing)

Activity 02: Choose the suitable answer among the following :

1. A product that makes no profits is called:
a) A profitable product b) unprofitable product c) money spinner
2. A product that has a very good profitability is called :
a) Money spinner b) loss leader c) cash cows
3. A product that makes a reasonable profit is called :
a) Loss leader b) cash cow c) profitable
4. The product which is used to attract people to the store is called :
a) Loss making b) money spinner c) loss leader
5. When we make neither a loss nor profit we say we :
a) Break even b) make a loss c) make a profit
6. The company that spends less than has been planned for, we say it goes :
a) Under spent b) over budget c) under budget

Activity03 : Define each of the following terms and illustrate with examples :
1. F-Terms : The seller delivers the goods to a carrier appointed by the buyer and located in the
sellers country

Examples : a) FCA = Free carrier b) FAS = Free alongside ship b) FOB = Free on board

2. D-Terms : The seller pays all the costs involved in transporting the goods to the country of

Examples : a) DES = Delivered ex ship b) DDU = Delivered duty unpaid c) DEQ = Delivered ex quay
d) Delivred duty paid
Activity 04: Translate the following sentences :
1) Products or services that have either high or low market growth rate or relative market shares.
.‫المنتجات أو الخدمات التي لها إما معدل نمو مرتفع أو منخفض أو حصص نسبية في السوق‬ -

.‫ بما أنها تشتري أسه ًما في الشركة‬، ‫يجب على البنوك توخي الحذر الشديد في تقييم المشاريع‬ )2
- Banks have to be very careful in evaluating projects, as they are buying shares in the
3) Companies exporting or importing goods use standard arrangements called incoterms.
."‫تخضع شركات تصدير واستيراد السلع إلى معايير موحدة يطلق عليها "مصطلحات التجارة العالمية‬ -
5) 1

.‫امتصاص التكلفة هي محاولة تعبئة جميع التكاليف المباشرة و تكاليف اإلنتاج‬4(

- Absorption coasting attempt to charge all direct costs and all production costs.

Activity05 :
A comparative paragraphe between Islamic and conventional banks.

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