Upp-Int Short Tests Unit 01 1A 2A

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Short test Unit 1 Test 1/2A

Unit 1 Test 1A
Name: ___________________________________________

1 Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous form
of the verbs in brackets.
1 Agnes _________ me Polish for a couple of years now, but I'm still struggling with the
pronunciation. (teach)
2 The Dogs' Home ________ five hundred pounds from a rich animal lover. (receive)
3 I'm really tired now, I _________ my assignments all weekend. (write)
4 You _________ all the bread, have you? Now I'll have to buy another loaf! (eat)
5 How lovely to see you! It ________ ages! (be)
6 They ___________ of moving house recently. (think)
7 He _________ all the complex guitar chords. He can play anything now. (learn)
8 How many jobs _______ she ______ since university? (have)
9 Anna __________ her hair colour again. It's bright red now. (change)
10 We _________ an extension onto our house, but it's only half-finished. (build)

Mark __/10

2 Choose the best synonym a–d for the adjectives in bold.
1 considerate a well-mannered b pleasant c thoughtful d gentle
2 assertive a forceful b impatient c self-centred d curious
3 stubborn a impatient b determined c mean d ill-tempered
4 conceited a lazy b careless c different d vain
5 daring a brave b careful c hard-working d excited

Mark __/5

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013 Upper-Intermediate Short tests Unit 1 1

Short test Unit 1 Test 1/2A

3 Complete the sentences with appropriate words to form compound adjectives.

1 Don't be so ________-minded! You're always leaving things behind.
2 London is so _________-populated, it's getting difficult to find a house to rent.
3 He was a cold-_________ criminal. He wouldn't hesitate to use a gun when he robbed banks.
4 The restaurant offers a number of mouth- ________ dishes, all very reasonably priced.
5 My mother is so ________-headed, she never makes hasty decisions.

Mark __/5
Total ___/20

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013 Upper-Intermediate Short tests Unit 1 2

Short test Unit 1 Test 1/2A
Unit 1 Test 2A
Name: ___________________________________________

1 Complete the sentences with the correct verb patterns using the verbs in brackets.
1 Mike didn't feel like _________ (drive) for hours on end.
2 Jacob suggested _______ (take) the bus.
3 The kitchen is a total mess. Mum rang to say that she wants _________ (it, clean up) by the time
she gets home.
4 Jenny flatly refused ____________ (help) me bring the shopping in. She’s so lazy!
5 I haven't enjoyed _______ (cook) at all since I went on a diet.
6 I don’t know which MP3 player to buy. Can you help ___________ (me, choose)?
7 She crossed the road and pretended __________ (not see) him.
8 The villagers saw him ___________ (drown) and went to the rescue.
9 He offered ________ (pay) the bill.
10 I really miss __________ (visit) my auntie now she's moved away.

Mark __/10

2 Complete the gaps using the prepositions and prepositional phrases below. There is one
extra preposition or prepositional phrase you don't need.
regarding owing to together with between alongside beyond
6 It's a fairly boring book; I didn't get _________ the first chapter.
7 A small plane travels regularly _________ the mainland and the surrounding islands.
8 _________ my college work, I have to do a couple of part-time jobs.
9 I've made my mind up _________ what we spoke about yesterday.
10 They chose to fly with a more expensive airline _________ the flight times being more

Mark ___/5

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013 Upper-Intermediate Short tests Unit 1 3

Short test Unit 1 Test 1/2A
Everyday English
3 Complete the sentences by writing a single word in each gap.
1 Judging___________ the photo, the man is going on holiday.
2 I’d ___________that the woman is her daughter.
3 ___________ my experience, people don’t behave like that.
4 By and ___________, I think that’s right.
5 I should ___________ that they are brothers.

Mark ___/5
Total ___/20

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013 Upper-Intermediate Short tests Unit 1 4

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