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Insights on various
factors important to
crack any interview!

Chapter 1: Significance of Interview
Why do interview take place?
What an employer sees?
What candidate should look for?

Chapter 2: Types of Interviews

Chapter 3: Why is interview preparation important?

Chapter 4: 3 Stages of Job Interview

Before Interview Stage
1. Groom Yourself
2. Dressing for a Job Interview
Main Interview
3. Do's & Don'ts During Interview
4. Common mistakes during Interview
5. Commonly asked Questions
6. After Interview

Chapter 5: STAR Interview Response Technique

What is STAR interview response method?
How does STAR method works?

Chapter 6: Checklist for Interview

Chapter 7: Telephonic Interview

What is Telephonic Interview?
Quick tips for Telephonic Interview
Good Habits for Telephonic Interview

Chapter 8: Virtual Interview

Quick tips for Virtual Interview
Good habits for Virtual Interview

Chapter 9: Future of Interviews

AI Interview

Commonly Asked Interview Questions- Worksheet

Ace the Interview | 1

Significance of Interview

An Interview is a formal consultation for the purpose of evaluating the qualifications

of the interviewee for a specific position.
Interviews are seen as a useful tool for assessing qualifications.
Interviews help in defining the knowledge and skills which the interviewee has
mentioned in a CV.
One cannot fake the interview.
If your CV is not perfect but you have the ability to impress the interviewer you may
get selected.

Ace the Interview | 2

What an employer sees?
Find a good match for the employe
Act as a gatekeeper
Provide a substantive assessment
Serve as your ambassador

What candidate should look for?

Sell yourself
Support your resume with examples
Reveal your personality/connect with the interviewer
Impart knowledge about the employer and practice areas through thorough

Ace the Interview | 3

1. Behavioral Based Interview
Known as Critical Behavioral Interviewing (CBI), the theory is that past performance
in a similar situation is the best predictor of future performance. This method of
interview probes much deeper than the usual interviewing techniques. Have specific
examples ready that highlight your attributes in core areas such as teamwork,
problem-solving, communication, creativity, flexibility, and organizational skills. Be
structured in your answers and explain your examples in terms of the situation, the
task, the action you took, and the outcome achieved.

2. Screening or Telephone Interview

Phone interviews are proving to be a more cost-effective way to screen candidates.
Slots range from 10 to 30 minutes. Prepare for it as if it is an open book exam. Make
sure you have your CV, the job description, a list of references, and prepared answers
noted in front of you. A large part of communication is visual and as they can’t see your
body language, it is critical to have positive and sharp answers delivered with
enthusiasm. Don’t forget to ask what the next step will be.

Ace the Interview | 4

3. Individual Interview:
Often referred to as a “personal interview” this is the most common type of interview
and is usually held face to face at the company’s offices. Find out the approximate
length of the interview in order to prepare; they range from 30 to 90 minutes. Shorter
interviews will mean delivering concise answers that are to the point. Longer
interviews allow you more time to go into detail and support your answers with

4. Task-Oriented or Testing Interview:

These interviews are structured in a way that allows you to demonstrate your creative
and analytical abilities in problem-solving through varied tasks or exercises. It may
include a short test to evaluate your technical knowledge and skills. Other tasks can
be delivering a presentation to a group to determine your communication skills.
Relaxing is key!

5. The Second or On-Site Interview:

The second interview means you have been successful on the first occasion and they
would like to know more. These interviews can be longer, some lasting half or a full-
day. They often mean meeting three to five people which can include Human
Resources, the line manager, office staff, and the head of the department. Be ‘on the
ball’ and show enthusiasm! Try to find out as much as possible about the agenda for
the day as this will go some way to making you feel less anxious about the whole
process. This is usually the last stage before an offer of employment is made.

Ace the Interview | 5

6. Stress Interview:
This method of interview is rare and involves the interviewer baiting you to see your
response. The aim is to highlight your weaknesses and see how you react under
pressure. Tactics can vary from constant interruptions and odd silences to provoking
and challenging interrogation-type questions used to push you to your limits. It is worth
asking yourself do you want to work for an organization that is willing to go this far
even before an offer is put on the table?
How to prepare for — and cope during — a stress interview:
Research the company
Remember to take your time … and breathe
Practice and seek feedback

7. Informational Interview:
In an informational interview, the objective is to seek advice and learn more about a
particular employer, sector, or job. Interviewing experts in their field is one more way to
add to your employment knowledge base. Gaining this information means you are
more prepared. It is also an excellent way of networking and adding to your contacts.

"All our dreams can come true

if we have the courage to pursue

Ace the Interview | 6

Why is interview prep important?
Interviewing is the most important skill in your job search.
If you prepare for your interview, the chances of getting selected for the job
increase as you are aware of some of the questions.
Hiring managers decide who to hire based on the interviews. Your resume helps
you get an interview, and reference checks and assessment tests are used to
validate the conclusions of the interviews. None of these will get you hired.
The only way to maximize your interview performance is to practice.
Completing several practice interviews before your first real interview will help
you avoid mistakes and improve your chances of getting hired. This will help
avoid those moments in an interview when you think “why am I talking about this
– I have to remember not to tell this story again.”
Practicing helps in identifying the areas where you can improve, you have to get
an outside opinion.
To do this, you need to find someone that does a lot of interviewing to assess your
The feedback you will receive from practicing the interview will be invaluable to
your interview performance and your job search.

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3 stages of job interview


The Main


Ace the Interview | 8

Before Interview stage
“Before Interview” stage is very crucial for any candidate as the preparation begins
here. The thing one should keep in mind before going for the interview:-

Do your homework:- Research the company and its background beforehand. Search
for information online. Find out who will be interviewing you, and review the job
description in detail so you understand it inside out.
Prepare your questions:- Be prepared for some of the commonly asked questions, this
would definitely boost your confidence.
Mock Interview:- Mock Interview is the best way to through the main interview. The
candidate should first appear for the mock interview as by practicing the interview the
candidate is able to analyze himself.
Take a look at your Social media:- Your social media profiles are capable of
providing a glimpse of your personality. The candidate must review his social media as
nowadays the interviewer does check them. The most checked or viewed social media
is your LinkedIn Account.
Know Yourself:- The most important point for any candidate to know his Strengths
and Weaknesses.
Plan your route beforehand:- Planning and checking on the interview location earlier
will help you to reach the destination on time. Reach on the destination 15 minutes
before the time given to you. Reaching before time showcase you are punctual and
know the value of time.

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Groom Yourself

Get a good night’s sleep the night before.

Make sure your clothes are clean and wrinkle-free.
Carry a tissue or handkerchief in your pocket to dry your hands in case you are
nervous before you go in.
Prepare questions beforehand. Know the answers to basic questions that they will
most likely ask you.
Eat a good breakfast. You’ll be more alert and focused.
Make a few copies of your resume and put them somewhere where you won’t
forget to bring them.
Keep your resume in neat and tidy condition. Do not fold your resume.
Pre-write your thank you notes so you can drop them off right afterward.

Dressing up for job interview

Dress code in a job interview plays a vital role. Dress code can act as an impression of
your personality and professionalism. Once you get shortlisted the next step is to give
a face-to-face interview. The common question that comes up in our mind is What
should I wear for an interview? You have to dress up nicely and look professional
because the first impression is very crucial in any job interview. Once you enter the
interview room, the first thing that can create a good impression of you on the
interviewer is how well you are dressed.

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If you are confused about what to wear on your interview day, then follow the
guidelines mentioned below:

Interview Outfits for Men & Women:

For Men-
While choosing for interview outfit Men can go for a suit or shirt with blazer. You can
dress up considering some modern trends but be professional and make sure to avoid
wearing too bright or flashy that will distract the recruiter.

The common interview dress code for men:

Suits having colors such as navy, black, or dark gray
Leather belt and a tie
leather shoes with dark socks
Minimum Jewelry like ring or cuff links
Neat, professional hairstyle
Shave Properly and trim your nails

For Women-
The interview attire depends on the job position you are applying for, make sure that
you look neat, tidy, and well dressed. For women, there are more alternatives in
choosing an interview outfit, the only criteria you should consider is looking

The common interview dress code for women is:

Traditional wear: Women can go for a well-fitting traditional suit like a salwar suit.
Make sure to avoid wearing a suit with glitter, too much shining, or animal print.
You can also wear a simple cotton saree in pastel or solid colors.
Western wear: A pantsuit in a dark or pastel color like navy, dark grey, or black
color can be a good option in this category. You can wear a button-down shirt or
top with a knee-length pencil skirt that is also considered as a professional dress
You can wear low heels, flat sandals with the outfit mentioned in the above
Carry a basic handbag of neutral shades to keep documents in place.
Wear limited jewelry, avoid large dangling earrings or arms full of bracelets.
Make use of light makeup with neutral colors for nail paint and don't use perfume in
excess quantity.
Keep the simple and professional hairstyle

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The Main Interview

The points to be kept in mind during the main interview:-

Small Talk:- Try to have small talk with the interviewer which adjusts your comfort
Maintain the Eye contact:- the candidate should maintain eye contact with the
interviewer as this shows his confidence level and put the impression on the
Be aware of your Body language:- You should be aware of your body language.
Use appropriate language:- It's a given that you should use professional
language. during the interview. Be aware of any inappropriate slang words or
references to age, race, religion, politics, or sexual orientation—these topics could
send you out the door very quickly.

Ace the Interview | 12

Do's & Don'ts during the Interview


Do not lie or misinterpret anything

Don't be late
Don't use your phone during the Interview
Don't use lots of Slangs
Don't fiddle with your chair


Maintain the eye contact with the interviewer

Offer a firm handshake
Do your Homework
Research the company and employer as well
Dress up properly

Common Mistakes :-
Going Unprepared
Arriving Late or too early
Appearing Unpolished
Displaying low energy or too much energy
Not getting the right tone
Not Paying Attention
Not rehearsing in advance
Making It All About You
Being Too Personal With the Interviewer
Badmouthing Past Employers
Talking in Cliche
Talking Too Much
Messing up body language
Bringing Up Salary and Benefits First
Not Prepared to answer salary questions (you can check the average salaries for
specific companies at GlassDoor.)
Selling Yourself Too Much

Ace the Interview | 13

Failing to Sell Yourself
Neglecting the “Biggest Weakness” Question
Failing to recover from a mistake
Not Having Any Questions
Not Asking About Next Steps
Forgetting to follow up

Some Commonly asked questions:-

Tell me about yourself

Why should I hire you?
What Salary are you looking for?
What do you think about your previous
Why do you want to work in this Industry?
Why are you leaving your current role?
You are Smart! Why not further Studies?
Where do you see yourself in five years?
What's your greatest weakness?
What is your greatest failure and what did you learn from it?
How do you explain your gap in Employment?
What are your Strengths and Weaknesses?
What would you like to know most that are not on your resume?
Any Questions for us?

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After Interview:
Probably this is the last stage of Interview and it does create the impression on the
interviewer. As by your small move you may be remembered by the interviewer.

Customize your follow up for each interview.

Follow Up Promptly.
Project Your Image in the follow-up.
Don't forget to say Thank You!

Ace the Interview | 15

The interview is a very crucial part when it comes to begin or grow a professional
career. Many candidates face difficulties while attempting an interview. Though the
candidate knows the answers to the question, sometimes their mind blacks out or
doesn't know how to organize the answer. But there is a method that can help you to
organize your answer and express it effectively. The STAR interview method is an
effective way that helps to give answers impressively. This is a secret method that
helps the candidate while preparing for an interview.

What is the STAR interview responsive method?

STAR stands for 'Situation', 'Task', 'Action', and 'Result'. This method will help you to
give specific, short, and responsive answers with real-time examples. It is most helpful
in competency-based questions. For example, the questions starting with phrases like,
"Describe a time when you are under pressure?" and "Share an example of a situation
where you face difficulties to handle... "Most of the time the interviewer asks the
behavioral interview questions to review the candidate's abilities. With the help of this
strategy, you can have perfect answers to impress the interviewer and can express
your thoughts more effectively and confidently.

Ace the Interview | 16

How does the STAR method work?

STAR is the acronym of four key elements. It will help you to create a story with a clear
and relevant example. The STAR comprises the following elements:

1. Situation: Prepare a story with an example where you have faced challenges at
work and how you resolved those challenges. Be specific and concise. For
example, While working on a project with a team, you had a conflict with a
coworker, then explain what was the issue and how you solved it with harmony.
The situations can be from your work experience or from past activities in your life
or career.
2. Task: Describe your responsibility for the situation. Perhaps you had gone along
with a coworker and resolved the conflict, explain how you completed the project
within tight deadlines with your group.
3. Action: You can then explain how you handled the situation and completed the
project by overcoming the challenges. Focus on your responsibilities and what you
did rather than what your team did.
4. Result: Lastly, explain what was the outcome generated by your action. If possible,
give strong examples of efforts that quantify your success. It can be helpful to
showcase what you achieved and learned from uncertain situations.

The STAR method will help you to prepare for an interview:

Since you don't know which behavioral question the interviewer will ask, but you can
prepare well in advance by considering scenarios of your current job or previous job.
You can focus on the various difficult situations that demonstrate problem-solving and
critical thinking. You can showcase your abilities, how you resolve the conflicts and get
along with others. Before an interview make a list of your skills and experiences,
related to the job position. Get ready with concrete examples related to situations faced
in your current job and make sure that the examples should portray your skills relevant
to the job you are applying for. If you are started working recently and don't have
enough experience to create the story then consider the internship experience or
experience from your educational achievements. You can give examples of your
college project or any part-time job experience. You can even consider the difficulties
you have overcome in your personal life. Make sure the examples or stories are
closely relevant to the job that you are applied and define the STAR technique.

Ace the Interview | 17

Interview “Outfit” identified and prepared.
Organization and Job researched.
A resume prepared and copy available for the interviewer(s).
Confirm an appointment, Place, Time, and Transportation.
Skill-benefit Statements Prepared.
Physically- Good night’s sleep, eat healthy, Mentally Sharp.
Practice answering questions. Certain questions are inevitable. “What is your
greatest strength/weakness?” “What motivates you?” “Why do you want this job?”
Be ready to talk about two achievements you’re proud of, a time when you took a
risk, and what makes you a good team member. And remember, when they say,
“Tell us about yourself,” what they really want to know are the skills and experience
you bring to the position.
Prepare questions. When asked, “Do you have any questions for us?” it’s the kiss
of death to say, “No, I think you’ve covered everything.” Have at least three
questions ready. Ask about the corporate structure and culture. What specific
challenges you might face in this position. What a typical day will be like. And, of
course, at the end of the interview remember, “What is the next step in the
interview process?”
Say thank you. Send thank you notes. Nothing fancy or lengthy. Just a few
sentences of appreciation. Send an individual note to each person you met with,
making sure names are spelled correctly by calling HR or checking the website.
Follow-up. If you haven’t heard back within the time frame discussed during the
interview, call. If a decision is yet to be made, ask when you could call back.

Ace the Interview | 18

What is a Telephonic Interview?
Telephone interviews are often conducted by employers in the initial interview round of
the hiring process, this type of interview allows an employer to screen candidates on
the candidate's experience, qualifications, and salary expectations pertaining to the
position and the company. The telephone interview saves the employers' time and
eliminates candidates that are unlikely to meet the company’s expectations. With the
telephone interview, there may not be direct contact between the employer and
employee, however, the expectations are still there. Telephone interviews are
scheduled and questions are generally prepared in advance, similar to the way other
interviews are conducted. Another common reason a company looks at the telephone
interview is that these interviews can be conducted on-the-fly. The interviewer does not
have to assign company resources to the phone interview.

Quick tips on Telephonic Interview:-

Take it as seriously as an in-person interview.
Focus and cut out all distractions
Do some research before the interview
Listen and don’t dominate the conversation
Prepare your own “cheat sheet”
Slow down and take your time
Be ready for common phone interview questions
Ask if the interviewer has other questions
Send a thank-you email

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Some Good habits for Telephonic Interview
Make good posture a habit:- On the phone, an interviewer won’t be able to see
your posture, but they’ll sense it through the sound of your voice. In addition, good
posture helps you breathe better, which makes you feel calmer and sound
Create a “Story & Answer Bank”:- Some companies give out interview questions
in advance so that candidates can prepare answers. But even when that’s not the
case, there are zillions of online resources that will provide you with possible
interview questions and suggestions for answering them.
Practice out loud:- Yes, OUT LOUD. Introduce yourself, tell some stories, and
answer some questions out loud before you’re on the phone. If you feel weird
talking to yourself (unlike me), find a friend who will roleplay with you and pepper
you with questions.
Set the stage:- On the day of your phone interview, create an atmosphere that will
help you. Dress as you would for an in-person interview. You might be tempted to
“show up” in jammies since the interviewer won’t see you. But suitable clothing
gets you in the right mindset and helps you feel more confident.
Keep your hands free:- Avoid folding your arms, clasping your hands, or putting
your hands in your pockets. Though no one can see you! But when you lock down
your hands you lock down your thoughts. You will think more freely and sound
more confident if your hands are available to move.
Pause before answering questions:- Don’t be afraid of silence. You will sound
better if you take a second to breathe and think. Come up with a few phrases you
can use to acknowledge the question before you pause and breathe.
Feel your feet:- Feel the floor supporting you. This also brings awareness to your
whole body, which calms you down. Getting in touch with your physical senses
reduces anxiety.

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A virtual interview, or video interview, is a job interview that leverages video technology
to allow the discussion to take place remotely. Rather than meeting face-to-face, the
hiring manager and candidate will connect with each other online using video software.
It allows people to conduct an interview in an automatic manner by conducting it
online. The interviewers use the virtual interview as a standard way of assessing the
potentials of the candidate initially. It also allows people to participate in an interview
which they may have missed earlier for not reaching the place of interview on time. It
also helps in discovering better talents by using a more efficient process of their
recruitment. The organizations can also evaluate their candidates online by using
virtual interview techniques.

Ace the Interview | 21

Quick Tips for Virtual Interview

Test Your Technology:- The minute you agree to a virtual interview, test your
technology to ensure you’re set up for success. Check your internet connectivity,
and confirm your camera and microphone are working. If the picture is grainy or
you’re experiencing an echo, you might need to buy a mini webcam with a built-in
microphone—which is hard to do five minutes before the interview, so don’t
Set the Scene and Minimize Distractions:- While testing your technology,
determine where to take the interview. Find a room with optimal lighting, preferably
near a window, or a blank wall to guarantee you’re the focal point of the
conversation. Whether you sit on your living room couch or in your home office,
tidy up your surroundings. It’s hard to convince employers you’re detail-oriented
and organized when there’s laundry visibly piling up in the corner.
Sit Down Prepared:- Just because you’re on a computer doesn’t mean you can
search the web for answers mid-interview, so avoid clicking around. You want to
appear focused and ready to answer any questions without the help of the internet.
Research the company ahead of time and jot down notes for easy reference. Also
print out a copy of your resume, so that you don’t forget key talking points.
Practice, Don’t Memorize:- You don’t want to sound robotic throughout your
interview—whether answering or asking questions or giving your elevator pitch. It’s
easy to tell if you aren’t being genuine, so it's a good idea to run through a few
practice rounds with a friend or family member. This will give you a chance to
rehearse with different personalities and answer a variety of different questions.
While it may be awkward, you’ll have a safe atmosphere to make mistakes and
learn from them, so you’re better prepared for the real thing.
Monitor Your Body Language:- You can’t firmly shake a hiring manager’s hand
or as easily exude enthusiasm via video. But what you can do is monitor your body
language. The main way to communicate confidence is to sit up straight, smile, and
keep the camera at eye level.
Dress the Part:- You might be sitting near your bed, but you shouldn’t look like you
just rolled out of it. Dress as you would for an in-person interview. Professional
clothing will show you’re serious about the position, but there are personal benefits,
as well: Studies show that people feel “most authoritative, trustworthy, and
competent when wearing formal business attire.”
Make a Connection:- You never know how many interviews a company may
conduct for a position. You might be at the end of a long list of people the hiring
manager spoke to that day. This is why it's important to make a connection. Don’t
be afraid to have a short aside about a common interest. The recruiter might enjoy
the break from the routine questions they have to get through.
Ace the Interview | 22
Be Yourself:- A key task for a recruiter is determining whether you would be a
good fit for the company’s culture. This can be challenging during a virtual
interview because there is a physical disconnect. It’s more difficult for the
interviewer to understand your enthusiasm through the screen, so make sure
you’re expressive when answering questions.
Immediately Follow Up:- Within 24 hours of the interview, send an individual
thank you email to everyone you met. Not only will it show you value their time, but
it provides you the opportunity to resell yourself and express the unique strengths
you bring to the role or share any talking points you forgot to address.

Good Habits for Virtual Interview

Prepare Your Environment
Get Your Technology in Order
Dress up Properly
Place the device properly
Try a dummy Interview with any friend or family member
Look at the camera and not at the screen
Prepare your surroundings
Avoid Interruptions
Be aware of your body language
Keep your profile professional

Ace the Interview | 23


Job interviews have undergone a major transformation since the days of inherited
careers and apprenticeships turned full-time jobs. As the work world continues to grow
and change with the latest technologies and innovations, so must the job interview.
Long gone are the days of relying on references and questions to evaluate job
candidates. Today’s interview process has evolved to include various technologies and
methods for testing candidates’ knowledge and skills.

Ace the Interview | 24

AI Interviews:

The modern world is changing at a rapid pace and as I wrote earlier, there are quite a
few left before the advent of AI-powered digital profiles, but already large companies
began to actively use artificial intelligence as an assistant.
There is no denying that AI is redefining industries by providing greater personalization
not only to companies but also to users and is disrupting how people used to work.
AI-powered interview platforms use deep learning to deliver a human-like conversation
to the candidate and it understands context, complex, multi-part statements, changed
answers, or interjections and it can also change conversation direction.

Talking about interviewing, these platforms screen candidates based on few

based on candidate’s facial expressions and gestures
sentiment analysis of voice and text
ability and knowledge required for the job role
workplace competencies, cultural fitment, and personality.

Ace the Interview | 25


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Ace the Interview | 27

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