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Four Mark Questions:

Section A.
Topic: Decline of Mughals

1. Who was Aurangzeb? What kind of a man was Aurangzeb? (Nigel Smith pg 3 Kelly pg 14-15)
2. How did Aurangzeb gain power? Smith pg 2)
3. Describe Aurangzeb’s policies which undermined his empire. ( Smith pg 3-5 kellypg 14))
4. What was the Jizya Tax? (Smith pg 4)
5. Who rebelled against the Mughal rulers after Aurangzeb’s death?( Smith pg 7)
6. Describe the successions disputes which took place after Aurangzaeb’s death. (pg 15 kelly)
7. How did invasions weaken the Mughal Empire?( Smith pg 9)
8. Who were Marathas / ShivajiRao ?
9. How were Marathas defeated? (smith pg 8)
10. Describe what the Marathas did. June 2013 [1st ]
11. What was the Mansabdari System? (internet)
12. Who was Nadir Shah? (internet)
13. Who was Ahmed Shah Abdali? (internet)
14. Who were zamindars? June 2017

Topic: East India Company.

1. Who was Robert Clive ?Nov 2015

2. Describe the battle of Plessey. June 2012
3. What was the EIC? J-2010
4. Describe the doctrine of lapse.
5. Who was Shivaji Rao?
6. Describe Anglo Sikhs wars.
7. Who was Tipu Sultan June -2015
8. Describe Anglo-Marathas wars.
9. Describe the black hole incident.
10. What effect did the British have on the people of India during 1750-1850?
11. Who was Mir Jafar?
12. How did Britain use its control of the cotton trade?
13. What was the Pitt’s India Act?
14. Who was Warren Hasting? Nov 2017
15. Describe the annexation of Sindh by the British.
16. Who was Ranjit Singh? June 2013 [2nd ]
17. What was suttee? Nov 2014
Topic : Revival of Islam in the sub- continent

1. Who was Shahwaliullah /Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barelvi/ Haji Sharaitullah?

2. Who was Titu Mir? Nov 2011
3. What was the Faraizi Movement? Nov 2010
1. Describe the achievements of Shah Waliullah in reviving Islam. June 2011
2. Describe the achievements of Haji Shariat Ullah in reviving Islam. June 2014

Topic: The War of Independence 1857

1. What was the issue of greased cartridges?

2. Describe the events of the War of Independence, 1857–1858. June 2013
3. What happened at the battle of Kanpur? June 201I/ 2016
4. Who was Nana Sahib? Nov 2016
5. Who was Lakshmi Bai ?
6. Who were the Thuggee? Nov 2017

Topic: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

1. What was the Aligarh Movement?

2. What was the Hindi – Urdu Controversy? Nov 12
3. What was ‘The Loyal Mohammedans of India’? nov 2011
4. What was the Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental School? Nov 2013
5. How did Sir Syed promote western educations among Muslims?

Topic: Languages of Pakistan:

1. How has the Pakistan government promoted the development of Balochi since 1947? Nov 2011
2. How has the Pakistan government promoted the development of Punjabi? Nov 2012
3. How has Pakistan promoted the development of Sindhi since 1947? Nov 2013
4. How has Pakistan promoted the development of Urdu/ Pushto since 1947
Section B.
India from 1905-1919

1. Who was Lord Curzon?

2. Describe the partition of Bengal suggested by Lord Curzon.
3. What was the Swadeshi Movement? N-2010, 2014
4. What was the Simla Deputation? June 2013
5. Describe the main aims and objectives of All India Muslim League.
6. What were the main provisions of Morley Minto reforms? June 2016
7. Who was Annie Basant?
8. What was Silk Letter Conspiracy?
9. What was the Lucknow Pact? J-2012
10. Describe what happened at Lucknow in 1916.Nov 2016
11. What was the importance of Lucknow Pact?
12. Describe the main provision of Montagu-Chelmsford reforms?
13. What was the Diarchy?
14. Describe the Rowlatt Act. June -2011
15. Describe Amritsar Massacre. June -2013 [2nd attempt]\
16. Describe the hijrat. Nov 11
17. What was the All India Khilafat Conference? June 2015
18. Describe the Chauri-Chaura incident.
19. What was Gandhi’s non cooperation movement?

India from 1920-35

1. What was Hindu Mahasabha?

2. Who was Pandit Mohan Malaviya?
3. What was the Delhi Proposals?
4. What was Simon Commission ?
5. What was the Simon Report? Nov 2015
6. Describe the Nehru Report . J-2011, nov-2014
7. Describe Jinnah’s fourteen points
8. Who was Allama Iqbal? Nov-2010
9. What was the Allahabad Address?
10. Who was Chaudry Rehmat Ali? J-2012
11. Describe the main Achievements of the first RTC?
12. What were the main provisions of the Government of India act of 1935?
13. What was the Wardha Scheme? J-10
14. What were the outcomes of the provincial elections of 1937? June 2014
15. How did the name ‘Pakistan’ originate? June 2017
India from 1940-47

1. What was the Pakistan/ Lahore Resolution?

2. Describe the Cripps Mission. June 2013
3. What was the Quit India Resolution? Nov 2013
4. Describe Gandhi Jinnah Talks.
5. What was the Simla Conference?
6. What were the main outcomes of the elections of 1945-46?
7. What was the Cabinet Mission Plan? June 2014
8. What was the Direct Action Day/ Great Calcutta Killing? J-2010 / nov 2017
9. What was the June 3 Plan? Nov 2016
10. What was the Boundary Commission?
11. Describe the main findings of the Boundary Commission.
12. Describe the main terms of the Independence Act of 1947.
13. Who was Lord Mountbatten?
14. What was the Canal Water Dispute? J-2010

Section C.
Ministries of Pakistan 1948-1999

1. Who was Liaquat Ali Khan/ Khwaja Nazimudin? [ and others]

2. What was the Objectives Resolution?
3. Describe the Minorities Pact.
4. What was PRODA?
5. Describe Rawalpindi Conspiracy.
6. Who was Rana Liaquat Ali Khan?
7. Describe the main achievements of Malik Ghulam Muhammad. [ and others]
8. How did Iskandar Mirza fall from the office?
9. Describe the 1962 Constitution
10. How did East Pakistan gain independence?
11. What was the Larkana Plan?
12. What was the eighth amendment?
13. Who was Muhammad Khan Junejo?
14. What was the Pressler Amendment?
15. What was the Brown Amendment ?
16. What was SEATO june 2017/ CENTO?
17. Describe Zia’s plane crash conspiracy.
18. Describe thirteenth and fourteenth amendments.
19. Describe the Ojhri Camp incident.
20. Who was Ghulam Ishaque Khan?
Other Past paper Questions for Section C

1. What was the Pucca Qila massacre? June 2011/ nov 2017
2. What problems did Nawaz Sharif face as Prime Minister during the 1990s? June 2012
3. What problems did Benazir Bhutto face as Prime Minister of Pakistan? Nov 2010
4. What was the Simla Agreement? June 2013
5. Describe Pakistan’s involvement in the U2 crisis. Nov 11
6. Describe the refugee problem. Nov 12
7. Describe General Pervez Musharraf’s coup. June 13/ Describe General Pervez Musharraf’s rise to
power in 1999. NOV 2016
8. What were the Hudood Ordinances? Nov 2013
9. What was the Co-operative societies scandal? June 2014
10. What was the Kargil Conflict? June 2014
11. Describe the problems caused by family feuds that faced the Benazir Bhutto governments. Nov 2014
12. What was the ‘Afghan Miracle’? june 2015
13. What has been the importance of the Siachen Glacier to both India and Pakistan? June 2015
14. What was Operation Searchlight? Nov 20145
15. What is the Karakoram Highway? NOV 2015
16. Describe Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s health reforms of 1972. JUNE 2016
17. Describe the terms of the 1973 Constitution. Nov 14
18. What was the ‘One Unit’ Scheme? June 2016
19. Who was Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rahman? June 2013
20. Describe the 1956 Constitution. Nov 2013
21. Describe the constitutional crisis of 1954–55. June 2012
22. How did Ayub Khan achieve power? June 2013
23. What were the Basic Democracies? Nov 11/ june 2017

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