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An Internet of Things Visual Domain Specific

Modeling Language based on UML
Teo Eterovic, 2Enio Kaljic, 2Dzenana Donko, 2Adnan Salihbegovic, 2Samir Ribic
ARTORG Center for Biomedical Engineering Research, University of Bern, Switzerland
Faculty of Electrical Engineering Sarajevo, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegowina
{teterovic, ekaljic, ddonko, asalihbegovic, sribic} @

Abstract— Although there are many attempts to engineer a Activity diagrams for communication flows as well as
domain specific language for the Internet of Things, most of them component diagrams for describing the interfaces between the
forget the fact that with the evolving of the Internet of Things, devices and how they interact. Although not a language
the end user will probably be a common person without an variation, a more formal UML approach has been described in
engineering or software development background. The designers [11] where they use standard UML to describe the
of the UML had the same problem: how to make a language dependencies between individual elements. For example, a
powerful enough for the professionals, but at the same time class diagram is used to model the IoT resource Metamodel
simple enough to be understood by a non-technical end user that integration and Business Process Model and Notation - BPMN
gives the requirements. Inspired by this idea a Visual Domain
to model the processes. A similar approach has been suggested
Specific Modeling Language was developed for the IoT and
in [12] where Uckelmann et al. suggest that standard
proved that it is powerful enough for the professional and at the
same time simple enough to be used by non-technical users. UML/BPMN could be used for modeling some segments of the
IoT but isn’t specifying details how to use it. On the other
Keywords—Internet of Things, Domain Specific Modeling hand, in [14] O'Leary describes Node-RED, an informal but
Language, UML, Usability, Human computer interaction very powerful visual tool for flow based IoT modeling. The
visual language is a custom but very user friendly flow
One of the open problems of the Internet of Things is how Although there had been attempts to use standard UML or
to simplify the complex system to the point that the end user informal notations to model IoT systems, the perfect blend that
can easily configure and use it [1][2][3]. The real trick is how suits the technical and non-technical user has not been proven.
to make the configuration language powerful to be used by a The problem with standard UML is that it’s too complicated
professional and at the same time to hide all the complexities for non-technical users when used in a IoT system context
and technical details from the amateur, non-developer end user because a lot of advanced UML expressions have to be used.
who will also use it to configure his personal IoThings. The On the other hand, the informal modeling languages are
designers of UML had the same problem - how to make a reinventing the wheel, although, they are not practical or not
language that is powerful and modular enough for the powerful enough for technical users.
engineers when it needs to be, and at the same time simple and
descriptive to be understood by the end user that specified the Therefore, a blended approach has been designed with
requirements. The good thing about UML is that a lot of UML, IoT systems and technical/non-technical end users in
advanced notations can be left out so that the end user can mind. The biggest challenge in designing the language was
easily read and “write” it, on the other hand the professional is how to make a tradeoff between the variety/expression of the
able to use the advanced notations to engineer a more complex language in the IoT context and the simplicity for the non-
and detailed system. developer - end user.

II. RELATED WORK The language is built from several parts:

A lot of work has been done recently in order to design
THE Domain Specific Language for IoT but there is still no A. Thing
language that is even close enough to be the de facto or de jure
language for IoT. The languages can be separated into two The Thing (alt. Device) is the basic element of the IoT
parts: the domain specific - textual languages and visual system. This component is elementary by its nature and can be
domain specific modeling languages. reused and replaced. It is also considered one of the building
elements of the IoT system that can be combined with other
Many attempts have been made to visually model and Things in order to build the IoT system. The thing component
describe a IoT System. In [10] Prehofer et al. use an informal matches a UML Component. Two types of things are
mashup notation inspired by UML to describe the data / introduced: a real Thing and a virtual thing that can be any
communication flows between IoT devices. The language uses device that doesn't exist in the real world, for example a
State diagrams to model the component discrete behavior, software in the loop system, etc. An example is shown in Fig.1.

E. Items
One thing can contain zero or more items. The items can
be divided in three groups: inputs (sensors,…), outputs
(switches, sending an SMS, ...) and components (log services,
software components). The items are shown as nested UML
Fig. 1. Two types of things a real and a virtual thing classes that are annotated as inputs <<input>> and outputs
<<output>>. Components <<component>> are similar to other
It’s important for the things to be loosely connected with
items except they don’t exist physically (for example real time
the rest of the system so that a change on one thing doesn’t
affect the rest of the system. For this reason, interfaces are log, SNMP, web services....) as shown in figure 4.
introduced as a way to decouple the behavior from the The inner labels of the items - the properties are used to
implementation. describe the configuration of the item like the URL binding,
some item specific parameters and so on.
B. Specification
The thing is represented as a Rectangle labeled with the
name of the device that matches the domain of the thing.
C. Annotation
There are two types of things that are composed of several
items (inputs, outputs and components).
Besides a normal thing that matches a real device there is
also a second type of thing with the stereotype <<virtual>> that
doesn’t exist in the real world and it’s just a virtual collection
of items that are distributed in the system as shown in figure 1.
D. Encapsulation and subsystems - groups
Besides the <<virtual>> stereotype, a <<subsystem>> Fig. 4. A thing that encapsulates varoiuse items into a logical IoT node
stereotype is available that specifies a collection of things on a
higher level. For example, a subsystem could be the living The items need to be loosely coupled so that they can
room that has a series of interfaces to other rooms. Besides be easily changed without affecting the rest of the system. In
being just a logical group the subsystem also encapsulates the order to achieve this, item interfaces are introduced. The items
things in the same room keeping the privacy/security of the are communicating with each other over provided and
system and exposing the things only through specified required interfaces. This enables the user to have a higher
interfaces. degree of control over the inter-item dependencies.
Another example would be the interaction between the The provided interface is the interface that the item is
subsystems Home and Work that need to communicate with implementing. The other items are able to communicate with
each other but in the same time they have to be encapsulated the item over the provided interfaces of the item.
to protect the privacy of the system. The required interface is the interface that the item needs
The subsystem element is represented as a UML subsystem in order to be operational. To be more precise, the item needs
block as shown in Figure 2. sometimes another item in order to be functional. In order to
achieve this an item could be loosely coupled.
There are three ways to show an interface: Circle,
Semicircle (ball and socket), stereotype notation and a text list.

F. Circle and semicircle notation

Fig. 2. The subsystem IoT element blackbox The required interface is represented as a Semicircle,
while the provided interface is represented as a Circle. The
name of the interface is shown in a label next to the symbol.
It is also possible to show the details of the system
using the White Box view as show in Figure 3.
G. Interface stereotypes
The provided and required interfaces can be
represented as UML classes with the stereotype
<<interface>>. If the item is providing an interface, then a
realisation line has to be drawn from the item to the interface.
If the item requires an interface, then a dependency line has to
Fig. 3. Whitebox view of a subsystem be drawn from the item to the interface. This notation is useful
if the operations of the interface need to be shown.
As an alternative, a circle and semicircle notation
could be used. This approach shows the same information in a
much more compact way as shown in Figure 5.

Fig. 5. The required and provided interfaces of an item. ITime – semicircle is
the required itnerface and expects Time data while the IReal interface is the
provided interface and sends data to a required interface.

H. Item interface list

The most compact way to display the provided and Fig. 8. KitchenNode as a Whitebox and WorkNode as a Blackbox hiding the
elements behind a port
required interface of an item is to use a property list inside the
item. As shown in Figure 6. An example of a White and Black box and how they are
separated using ports is shown in Figure 9.
The Home subsystem is presented as a White Box while
the Work subsystem is presented as a Black box. The
communication ports IMetero and ITemprature are also visible
in the Figure.

Fig. 6. Interfaces specified as a property list inside an item

It’s possible to name all the elements of the item

including the additional annotations. The decision which
notation to use depends on the view we want to display.

I. Items that work together

In order to show that an item that has a required
interface is dependent on another item in the system that is
providing the interface as dependency, a line has to be drawn
from the semicircle symbol to the circle symbol of the item
that is providing that interface. A simple example is shown in
Fig. 9. Separation of subsystems by using interfaces
Figure 7.
K. Rules
Rules are represented as UML methods inside a UML
Class block and they are closely bound to ports and items.
Rules can be grouped inside Rule blocks as shown in Fig 10.
Fig. 7. Cooking log consuming(required interface) as provided IReal
interface from the temperature sensor

J. Ports and internal structure

The internal structure displays the parts of the system that
contains the things, items and the relations between them. This
enables the representation of the relations in the specific
context. The ports show how the encapsulated subsystems
interact with each other by not exposing the internal interfaces
of the subsystem. An example is show in Figure 8. Fig. 10. A diagram showing Rule container and a rule with three actions

The individual operations can be modeled with UML activity

diagrams or alternatives as shown in [11],[12] and [14].
IV. EXPERIMENT Although the experiment was rather simple, but real
In order to test the language, a Development in the terms of a Smart Home Environment for the non-
Environment has been developed which enables the user to technical user, a Task Success Rate of 100% was achieved and
configure the IoT system [15]. A Usability Test has been the User Error Rate was 0%.
engineered in order to evaluate the visual domain specific The results are better visible if we take a look at the
language. distribution of the results on a histogram as shown in Figure
To investigate the usability of the language for the 12.
end user, an empirical and non-empirical usability evaluation
[4] has been made(heuristic) with positive field expert
opinions and following industry standards like UML.
An empirical evaluation has been created with the
assumption that [6]:
• In a usability test adding additional subjects make it
less and less likely to reveal usability issues
• About 80% of problems are found by the first 4-5
users in a usability test
• The first few users are very likely to detect most of
the severe problems

Three test groups have been created and although it’s

generally accepted [5] that five users are enough to cover
most of the usability cases, we increased the number to 11 Fig. 12.Histogram of the results split into SUS ranges
as suggested in [9]. The test groups structure was as
follows: As seen on the Figure 12, most of the users gave the
• Two CS PhDs with previous UML experience but no language an Excellent – Best imaginable score, but the
IoT experience variation can also be explained with different backgrounds of
• Three biomedical engineers without previous UML the interviewed testers. An outlier is visible in the range of 39-
or IoT experience 51, because of the different background of the users its better
• Seven First-year students without no UML nor IoT to keep the outlier within the rest of the distribution.
experience The average Time on Task for the users was 2
minutes and 18 seconds. A slight difference between technical
The given task was a simple yet usual end user Smart and non-technical users in the Time on Task has been noticed.
Home System Configuration with three Things and two Although we are pleased with the given results, SUS
Sensors as shown in [8]. is not a diagnostic indicator, but a measure.
The usability measures taken into account where: By using SUS we where not able to find out what the
• System Usability Score real usability problems of the language are. So additional
• Task Success Rate usability testing with other methods needs to be done in order
• Time on Task to improve the usability although the usability score is
• User Error Rate
The Task Success Rate and the User Error Rate when
performed with surveillance of the users could be a valuable
V. RESULTS indicator but more complex systems need to be modeled and it
can’t be tested with non-technical users that where the
The experiment result is expressed as a SUS [13]
research targets of this research.
(System Usability Scale) score. The average SUS score for the
task given in the task we defined [8] was 81.56 what’s
according to the System usability scale [7] a good to excellent VI. CONCLUSION
result as shown in Figure 11.
An IoT Visual domain specific modeling language has been
designed with UML, IoT systems and technical/non-technical
end users in mind. Standardised and overall accepted usability
measures have been used to prove that the language is suited
for non-technical as well as technical users in terms of
simplicity and real life Smart Home IoT environments. The
experiment results where very promising and received a high
usability scores. Although the technical users as well as non-
Fig. 11.System usability scale showing the result 81.6 - good to excelent [7] technical users gave a high usability score to the language, it
would be reasonable to test the language for more complex IoT
Systems that need a lot of expert knowledge. Although it
exceeds the scope of this paper, this experiment would test the
edge cases of the proposed VDSML for professional users.
Because of the compatibility with UML, advanced UML
notations could be used to bring more expression to the
language but for sure a subset could be created and they could
be customized to better fit the IoT context.


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