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Me- Self I - Self

My me-self is what others perceive about me. They The I- self is how I see myself. I would always like to accept
see me as an amiable and an entertaining person. challenges, take risk without the rue of what might happen in the

Real Self Ideal Self

Real self is actually who am I. My emotions are My ideal self on the other hand, is what I want to be. Having
uncontrollable even though I’m brave enough to face control to impulsive feelings and behaviors, managing my
challenges; I am unable to manage it in a constructive emotions in healthy ways, and Having a strong inner foundation
to my intentional living because it helps me make decisions that
shape will my future for the better.

Multiple Self Unified Self

My multiple self was molded throughout the The unified self I am today is the outcome of what I
different situations and circumstances I’ve been have been through.

True Self False Self

“One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others   Doing things the way they were supposed to be done. I
would want you to be, rather than being yourself.” talked to people that shall become. And giving interest on
things that are less important

Proactive Self Agentic Self

I am not trying to conform to an unrealistic model of

beauty. I am, however, being proactive in being the
healthiest I can be. -Octavia Spencer My agentic self would like to my choices to reflect
on hopes and not into fears.
Tend to create solutions to avoid thing that may
affect my life.

Leyma Keizsha U.



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