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Thats actually easy. What has to be considered here, is that your average butterfly
is supposed to be unable to posses even basic levels of intelligence, set aside
complex inceptional dreams. Now, a man, on the contrary, is supposed not only to
posses those, but to actively use.
Now, lets think about it. Right here we have a problem, where an intelligent being,
originally considered itself a man, has a self-determination problem, whether it is
actually a man, dreaming to be a butterfly, or the contrary.
While the self-determination problem persists in this issue, there is a small
nuance that has to be understood to leave this loop. If it is, in fact, a
butterfly, then said butterfly not only doesnt fit a regular butterfly description,
but, essentially, is capable of the same complex thought patterns of a man. Which,
basically, solves the problem.
You see, if this butterfly is capable of thinking of itself as a man, and has an
intelligence of a man, and is having a self-determination problem whether it is a
man or a butterfly with a mind of such...
Then it can just declare itself a man, or a butterfly, and be done with it, and go
sipp on some nectar or something. There is no difference between man and butterfly
in that instance, which makes both equal eachother, making the whole self-
determination thingy pointless, since it would be the same as deciding whether
you're a man or a man. So, it doesnt change jack shit, whether to call yourself a
man or a butterfly.

Ancient philosophers are so retarded sometimes.

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