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International Journal of

Advanced Science and Convergence

ISSN : 2619-8150
Volume 1, Number 1, June 2019

Garbage Detector and Segregator Machine Using

Jomiel L. Enriquez1, John Jerald A. Paz 1, Paulino H. Rimas1, Mark Julius S. Aala 1 and
Rionel Belen Caldo2
Association of Competent Computer Engineering Students, Tanauan City College, Tanauan City Batangas,
Faculty Member, Department of Engineering, Tanauan City College, Tanauan City Batangas, Philippines

There are different types of waste generated around the world. Some waste can be recycled, some can be
decomposed and some are not. If that waste is not segregated properly, it can cause landfills to be full. The rapid
increase of solid waste due to economic growth and industrialization is becoming a big problem. Proper
segregation is needed to reduce the increasing solid waste and to identify waste that can be recycled and
decomposed. This project aims to design a machine that uses Verilog code, different types of sensors and a
mechanism called segregator to identify and segregate different types of waste. The Verilog code is created using
a computer application called ISE Design Suite 14.5.

Index Terms
Biodegradable, Garbage Segregation, ISE Design Suit, Machine, Waste, Xilinx

Corresponding author : Jomiel L. Enriquez
• Manuscript received June 15, 2019.
• Revised June 18, 2019 ; Accepted June 20, 2019.
• Date of publication June 29, 2019.

© The Academic Society of Convergence Science Inc.

2619-8150 © 2018 IJASC. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IJASC permission.

International Journal of Advanced Science and Convergence 2018 Sep ; 1(1):1-6

I. INTRODUCTION bank, Metro Manila spent 3.8 billion pesos in

Garbage collection every year [7]. And Metro Manila
ISE Design Suite 14.5 is computer software that
can save 3.61 billion pesos if every citizen is active
is used for synthesis and analysis of HDL design [2].
in recycling and composting. In reality, 45% of waste
It allows the user to synthesize, perform timing
generated in the world is recyclable, 50% can be
analysis, and examine RTL diagrams. This software
uses different types of Programming languages. decomposed and only 5% are residuals or
Verilog is one of a hardware description language non-recyclable [8]. One of the simple way to help in
used in ISE Design Suite [3]. this growing problem is to follow or to submit in
Republic Act No. 9003 or Ecological solid waste
The main objective of creating this machine are management Act. This act states the proper way of
● to create a Verilog code which will used composting solid waste and the proper segregation
to create a machine that will identify and by classifying it in plastic, Metal, Biodegradable,
segregate different types of waste, Paper, glass and residuals.
● to create an iSim simulation of the
garbage segregator, The Garbage Segregator is a machine that can
● to create a layout of how the machine segregate plastic waste, metal waste, biodegradable
will be set up using sketch up, and waste, paper waste, glass waste, and residuals to
● to create a virtual simulation of the exclude recyclables from residual waste to reduce the
increasing number of waste that will send in
landfills. This machine uses Verilog code program
The Garbage Detector and Segregator machine is
and different types of sensors to identify the types of
a machine that can identify and segregate plastic
waste, metal waste, biodegradable waste, paper waste. Sensors like plastic sensor to identify plastic
waste, and glass waste. It is composed of five waste, metal sensor to identify metal waste, paper
different parts, these are the “main bin”, “main bin sensor to identify paper waste, glass sensor to
closer”, “main bin lock”, “segregator” and identify glass waste and biodegradable sensor to
“destination bins”. VHDL is the brain of the identify all the biodegradable waste. If any of those
machine. It uses Verilog code. Sensors like sensors were triggered, the segregator will send the
Biodegradable sensor, metal sensor, plastic sensor, waste to their designated bins, else the segregator
paper sensor, glass sensor, and object sensor is used will send the waste to waste bin. By segregating the
to identify if waste is present and to identify different waste, recyclables and compostable will be separated
types of waste. Using these sensors, the machine will from the residuals. In that case, it will reduce the
be able to identify and segregate different types of number of waste that will be sent to every landfill.


Two billion tonnes of municipal solid waste is
generated annually in the world. That is equal to the
total number of all the known galaxies in the
universe [4]. How does this affect humanity?
Improper waste management has a bad effect on
every humans health that can cause them to lose
productivity [5]. Everyone must have a concerned
and mobilized citizenry. 9 to 10% of the total
greenhouse emission in the Philippines is caused by
wrong solid waste management. According to an
MMDA study, some 8700 tons of garbage is being
generated daily in metro manila alone, which is 1/4
of the total garbage produced in the country.

Every city in the Philippines has only 2% of land

reserved for landfills [6]. Some of those lands were
reported full from 2005. According to waste analysis
and characterization survey of Asian development

Preparation of Papers for IJASC

A. Setup

Fig. 1 System’s Setup

Figure 1 shows how the machine will be set up. Fig. 2 System’s block diagram
Main Bin is where the waste will be placed by the TABLE I
user, Sensors will identify if the waste is either WASTE PROCESSING
plastic, metal, biodegradable, paper, or glass. If any Machine Parts Process
of those sensors were triggered, the lock of the main
Main Bin
bin will be open and the segregator will send the
The main bin will collect
waste to their designated bins, else the segregator
the waste and will
will send the waste to waste bin. And the main bin
detect and identify the
lock will be close.
waste. After identifying
the waste, the system
B. Block Diagram will set the destination
Figure 2 shows the block diagram of the machine. of the waste.
Plastic Sensor, Metal Sensor, Biodegradable Sensor,
Paper Sensor, and Glass Sensor is to identify
different types of waste and an object sensor is to Main Bin Closer
identify if waste is present in the main bin. These If waste is present in the
sensors are fixed at the bottom of the main bin, in main bin, Main Bin
that way the machine will be able to detect and Closer will be closed
identify different types of waste. while processing the
In Figure 1, there are six (6) destination bins. On
the top of every destination bins is an object sensor
to identify if one of the destination bin is full. The Main Bin Lock
machine will use a total of twelve (12) sensors. After identifying and
setting the destination
The hydraulic cylinders will be the output. One of the waste, the main
cylinder will drive the “main bin closer”, also one bin lock will be open to
cylinder will drive the “main bin lock” and ten sending the waste to its
cylinders will drive the segregator. destination.

International Journal of Advanced Science and Convergence 2018 Sep ; 1(1):1-6

The Segregator will set
the destination of the

Destination Bins
Destination Bins will be
the destination of all the
waste. It is composed of
six(6) different bins.

Table 1 shows how the waste will be

processed. The main bin will collect the waste. If
waste is present in the main bin, the main bin closer
will close while the machine is processing the waste.
The system will identify the waste in the main bin.
After identifying the waste, the system will set the
destination of the waste and the main bin lock will
open to send the waste to its destination bin.

C. Flowchart
Figure 3 shows the flow of the Verilog code. The
system will identify the type of waste and will send
the waste to its destination bin.

Fig. 3 Segregator Machine’s flowchart


Preparation of Papers for IJASC

Input Process Output object sensors in the destination bins detect that any
of the destination bins are full, the main bin closer
Sensors ( Will 1. Will set the
will be close to indicate that one of the destination
Plastic identify destination of the
bin is full. Thus, the user will know that one of the
sensor, the type garbage or waste
destination bin is full.
Metal of waste 2. Set the value of lock
sensor, to 1, or will open the
lock of the main bin.
dable 3. If the identified waste
sensor, is plastic, segregator will Pseudocode
Paper be equal to one.
sensor, 4. If the identified waste 1 if waste is present in the main bin.
Glass is metal, segregator will The Program will identify the type of
sensor) be equal to two. waste
5. if the identified waste 2 if the plastic sensor is High
is biodegradable, set segregator to 1 and jump to end,
segregator will equal to else
three proceed
6. If the identified waste 3 if Metal sensor is High
is Paper, segregator will segregator will be equal to 2 and jump to
be equal to four. end,
7. If the identified waste else
is glass, segregator will proceed
be five. 4 if Biodegradable sensor is High
8. Else, segregator will segregator will be equal to 3 and jump to
be equal to six. end,
Sensors Will If any of the bins are else
(PlasticFul detect if full, the full indicator proceed
l, the bins will be High, and main 5 if Paper sensor is High
MetalFull, are full. bin lock will remain segregator will be equal to 4 and jump to
Biodegra locked and will not open end,
dablefull, when waste detected in else
PaperFull, the main bin proceed
GlassFull) If bins are not full, the 6 if Glass sensor is High
full indicator will be Low, segregator will be equal to 5 and jump to
and main bin lock can be end,
open when waste else proceed
detected in the main 7 The program will check if any of the bins are
bin. full

Table 2 shows the input, output, and process of the 8 if any of the bins are full
machine, sensors will identify the type of waste and segregator lock will remain lock and the
the machine will send the identified waste to its main bin closer will close,
designated bin. If the waste is identified as Plastic, else proceed
segregator will be equal to one (1), if Metal, 9 if bins are not full
segregator will be equal to two (2), if Biodegradable, main bin closer will open
segregator will be equal to three (3), if Paper, 10 End
segregator will be equal to four (4), if Glass,
segregator will be equal to five (5), else the
segregator will be equal to six (6). The value of the Table 3 shows the flow of the code. The system
segregator corresponds to the type of bins or the uses six object sensors to identify if one of the
destination of the identified waste. One is for the destination bin is full.
plastic bin, two for the metal bin, three for TABLE IV
Biodegradable bin, four for Paper bin, five for Glass SIGNAL INPUT/OUTPUT DESCRIPTION OF GARBAGE DETECTOR AND
bin, and six for the waste bin or residuals. If the

International Journal of Advanced Science and Convergence 2018 Sep ; 1(1):1-6

Figure 4 and 5 show the setup of the main

bin closer. Main bin closer is the cover of the main
bin. It is driven by a hydraulic cylinder. The main bin
is closed if the cylinder is extended and it will open
once the cylinder is retracted.

Fig. 6 Main Bin Lock (cylinder retracted)

Table 4 shows the pin descriptions of the
garbage detector and segregator machine. Inputs will
be “plasticSensor”, “metalSensor”,
“biodegradableSensor”, “paperSensor”,
“glassSensor”, “wasteSensor” and
“destinationBINSfull”. And outputs will be the
“segregator”, “mainBinLock” and “mainBinClose”

The Garbage detector and segregator machine is a
machine that detects and segregates plastic waste, Fig. 7 Main Bin Lock (cylinder extended)
metal waste, biodegradable waste, paper waste and
glass waste using the plastic sensor, metal sensor, Figure 6 and 7 show the set-up of the main
biodegradable sensor, paper sensor, glass sensor, an bin lock. Main bin lock prevents the waste in the
object sensor. The machine uses Verilog to run. main bin from falling into the segregator without
identifying and setting its destination. It will be
driven by a hydraulic cylinder.

Fig. 4 Main Bin Closer (cylinder retracted)

Fig. 8 Machine’s Segregator

Fig. 5 Main Bin Closer (cylinder extended)
Figure 8 shows the Machine’s Segregator
mechanism. The segregator will set the destination of

Preparation of Papers for IJASC

the waste in the main bin. Eight (8) hydraulic equal to 6 because no sensor is not in the high state.
cylinders will drive the segregator. After another 10ns, the value of the segregator is 5
because wasteSensor and glassSensor are in the high
A total of ten (10) hydraulic cylinders will state.
be used to control the “main bin closer”, “main bin
lock” and the segregator

Figure 9 shows the RTL Schematic Diagram of the

machine. The machine will use twelve sensors. six
sensors will be placed in the machine’s main bin,
these sensors are, plastic sensor, biodegradable
sensor, metal sensor, paper sensor, glass sensor, and
object sensor to identify waste and to determine if
waste is present in the main bin. The other six Fig. 11 Sketchup layout of the Segregator Machine
sensors is an object sensor that will be placed in the
six different destination bins to identify if one of the
destination bins are full. The output will be the ten
hydraulic cylinders that will drive the main bin, main
bin lock, and the segregator.

Fig. 12 Sketchup layout of the Segregator Machine

Figure 11 and 12 shows the layout in Sketchup of

the garbage detector and segregator machine.

By using different types of sensor like plastic
sensor, metal sensor, biodegradable sensor, glass
sensor and paper sensor the machine will be able to
Fig. 9 RTL of the Segregator Machine identify the types of waste present in the main bin.
The segregator will set the destination of the waste.
While creating this project we learned more about
ISE Design Suite and became more familiar with
Verilog because of that a Verilog code had been
detected for the garbage detector and segregator
machine. It is also learned that there are different
types of sensors to detect different types of waste.

In order to make this project possible, the future
Fig. 10 Simulation of the Segregator Machine researchers must develop or create a system that will
make the machine to accept multiple wastes to lessen
Figure 10 shows the successful simulation of the the time that the machine consumes in segregation.
garbage detector and segregation machine. In the
first 10ns of the simulation, the segregator’s value is

International Journal of Advanced Science and Convergence 2018 Sep ; 1(1):1-6

The group would like to thank Tanauan City
College for giving us the opportunity to study free
and for giving us all the resources and tools to
improve our knowledge in the course that we are
taking. We would also like to thank our beloved
families and friends who supported us to accomplish
and to achieve our dreams and goals in life. And we
would also like to thank our Professor, Engr. Rionel
Belen Caldo who taught us and continuously
supporting us in making this project. The group
would also like to thank the Almighty God for giving
us strength in making this project.

[1] Waste segregation. Retrieved from

[2] Wikipedia. Retrieved from

[3] Doulos. Retrieved from

[4] Waste Segregation. Retrieved from

[5] Waste Segregation. Retrieved from

[6] Waste Segregation. Retrieved from

[7] Solid Waste Management. Retrieved from

[8] Republic Act No. 9003. Retrieved from

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