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8 Language Official Test Cert LanguageCert Communicator B2 Level] International ESOL (Listening, Reading, Writing) Practice Paper Candidate's name (block letters please) Centre no Date Time allowed: - Listening about 30 minutes - Reading and writing 2 hours and 10 minutes Instructions to Candidates - An Answer Sheet will be provided. ~All answers must be transferred to the Answer Sheet. - Please use a soft pencil (28, HB). 96 Official Test Language LISTENING Part 1 °°" Part 1 (© You will hear some short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. Choose the correct answer to complete each conversation. 1 That's what | heard, unfortunately. Sorry, | had no idea. I really need to study for a test. I'm sorry, I'm afraid they are sold. | know just the right place. There's no way you can save them. No hard feelings! It’s over the moon! Much better now! oD> O@> ODD Here's to the cook! Many happy returns! It was a piece of cake! om> I'd go off it as well if | were you. If you decide to do it, I'll back you up. I'm really sorry it came up. ou> Who are you going with? What's the matter with him? When's the right time? o> I need help to pull it | want to be there on time. | think I'd better change. ou> 97 iS Language Official Test 98 Cert’ “LISTENING Part 2 Part 2 {Ds You will hear some conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. Choose the correct answers for each conversation. Conversation 1 1. The woman mentions Helena to A show she agrees with the man. B prove that she can text others. C explain why she doesn't like her. 2 The woman disagrees with the man regarding A the messages he sends online. B the arrangements made by the group. C his responses to group conversations. Conversation 2 3 The man thinks that A comics plots should be more realistic. B writers haven't thought their stories carefully. C stories should have more mystery to attract audiences. 4 The woman is A annoyed that the man doesn't take films seriously B amused that the man is serious about this matter. uninterested in the matter they are discussing, Conversation 3 5 The speakers are A classmates. B parents. € teachers. 6 The man suggests they A settle down to have some fun. B start doing some creative art project. search the Internet for information. Official Test Language 3 LISTENING Part3 Cet Part 3 {= You will hear someone talking. You hear the person twice. Complete the information. Write short answers of one to five words. Clean the Beach Day Day of the event: _ What not to wear: ‘What is provided at the beach except for gloves: Two things offered during beach cleaning: Where to have a meal after cleaning: Time of departure from school: Alternative way to help with the event: 99 8 Language Official Test Cert 100 LISTENING Part 4 Part 4 (D You will hear a conversation. You will hear the conversation twice. Choose the correct answers. 1 Jason was looking for Daria because he ‘A needed her advice on a matter. B wanted to know if she’s got a pet. C believes that rabbits are cute animals, 2 Daria believes that it is ‘A _ important to look after your pet properly. B more difficult to be allowed to have a pet, © cheaper to get rabbit food at a pet shop. 3 Daria mentions how long she took before getting a pet to A explain why keeping it a secret is difficult. B show Jason he needs to ask for permission. © _ prove it takes long for parents to like pets. 4 Jason believes that A his dad will have a problem getting a pet. B cats are his parents’ favourite pets. © itwill be easy to get his dad's permission. 5 According to Daria, pet owners may not enjoy themselves if A __ their parents have to look after their pet. B ‘they can’t take their pet with them on holiday ___ the person looking after their pet isn’t reliable. 6 Daria compares rabbits to other pets to ‘A point out that their owners have responsibilities. B__ prove that they are easier to keep than the other pets. c show that they require more cleaning than other pets. READING Part 1 °€ Part 1 Read the text and the questions. Choose the correct answer for each question. Official Test Language Feeling tired? Some surprising reasons why You don’t need to be told that living off junk food and getting only three hours of sleep drains you of energy. But those aren’t the only factors that can lead to a big dip in your energy levels. If you're about an hour away from crawling under your desk to have a nap, keep reading to learn about the not-so-obvious ways you're disrupting your energy levels. First of all, sit up straight! According to the experts, your body actually burns more ‘energy when you're bending over your desk, rather than sitting up straight. Make sure you're taking breaks to stretch, because when you do, you elasticize your muscles and help your joints, like your knees and elbows, move more freely. Your joints will move more smoothly which uses up less energy. ‘And forget the endless cups of coffee. Reach for a glass of water instead. If you only remember to drink water once you feel thirsty, your body is already dehydrated, in other words, short of water. Our thirst sensation doesn't really appear until we are 1 or 2 percent dehydrated. By then, dehydration is already setting in and starting to affect how our mind and body perform. Just a 1.5 percent drop in normal water volume in the body, has a negative effect on your energy levels as well as your mood and ability to think clearly. And just when you decide to deal with your posture and water intake, you learn that there is another aspect of modern life that is stopping you from being the life and soul of the party. From street lamps to the light of your charging laptop, to the glowing numbers on your alarm clock, even a small amount of artificial light — anything that keeps your bedroom from being completely dark while you sleep ~ can stop the production of a sleep hormone called melatonin. Not only will you have a harder time falling asleep, it'll be tougher to stay that way. So, it's not a bad idea to put your cell hone or laptop to bed at least an hour before bedtime, as the screen light is not going to help your brain switch off and get ready for sleep. And if all that isn't going to give you sleepless nights, here’s something that will: loneliness. Most of us know that feeling lonely and cut off from others, can have a terrible effect on the body, leading to higher blood pressure, an inability to protect yourself from disease and illness, and problems with learning and memory. Sleep becomes less physically and psychologically energising because you are likely to have more frequent wake-ups in the middle of the night, often leaving lonely people even more exhausted in the morning. A good reason to have a cat purring at your feet ‘or maybe a cute little puppy sleeping by the bed? 101 8 102 Language Official Test READING Part 1 If you want to save energy, you should A sit at your desk. B stretch your muscles. © move around freely. You feel the need to drink water when A you are two percent dehydrated. B__ you forget when you last had some. © you have had too much coffee. You can help yourself sleep if A you stop going to parties. B you use minimal amounts of artificial light. you block out any light. Itis not recommended A to stimulate your brain before bed. B__ tosleep in aroom with cell phones. © to try sleeping without melatonin. Lonely people are more likely to A cut themselves off. B feel tired after sleep. © want a cat or a dog. ‘The text is more likely to be found A inamedical form. B_ onahealth blog. © inapet magazine. Official Test Language READING Part 2 °° Part 2 Read the text. Use the sentences to complete the text. Choose the correct sentence for each gap. There is one extra sentence you will not need. Elephants understand what we mean when we point We know elephants are incredibly smart, emotionally complex animals. Yet, they never cease to amaze us as we learn more about just how intelligent they are. 1. | A wild ‘elephant without training understands what a human wants to communicate when pointing. This might be something easy to dismiss as an easy task, at first. Our arms look like their trunks so of course it's natural they get it! Or, my dog knows what I'm communicating when | point, so why's that so important? 2. Even our close relative the chimpanzee doesn't understand when we want them to ‘acknowledge something identified only by our pointing finger. And as for dogs, who are so brilliant at reading our pointing gesture, they have had thousands of years of living with humans and daily training to get what we mean. |3|_| It’s amazing! ‘As Joseph Bennington reports, Richard Byrne, a psychologist at the University of St. ‘Andrews in the U.K. and his colleague, Anna Smet, wondered if African elephants might hold the key to the answer.|4\_ What's more, they eagerly form working relationships with humans, but aren't domestic animals. The research suggests that the capacity to understand human pointing gestures may explain why elephants have a long history of working closely with humans, and that domestication isn’t necessary for this ability. 5 ‘What is exceptionally amazing is how elephants responded in the experiment compared to similar experiments done on dogs, chimpanzees and two-year-old children: in previous ‘experiments, the animals incorrectly mistook the elbow direction as a pointing sign. 6 In other experiments, the researchers tested if changing the position of the human affected the elephant's choice. It didn’t. ‘A Two-year-old children, on the other hand, don't follow the elbow signal, and the elephants behaved similar to them. These incredibly smart giants live in complex social groups, where understanding social signals from each other is necessary for survival. © The research pair ran a series of experiments to test if African elephants can understand When humans point. D They can do something no other wild animal has been proven to do: they understand ‘what we mean when we point at something. E —_ Soconsider again; a wild animal with no training understands a relatively complex communicative movernent. F. Infact, pointing is not such an instinctive form of communication for animals. G The research also suggests pointing may be part of elephants’ natural communication system. 103 Language Official Test Cert" “READING Part 3 Part 3 Read the four texts. correct text (A-D) for each question. ich text gives you the answer to each question? Choose the ‘The old saying, ‘work smarter, not har- der’ is essential in the way | do work of any kind. Instead of approaching tasks mechanically, | try to be thoughtful and always wonder if something can be done more efficiently. Managing my time isn't about squeezing as many tasks into my day as possible. It’s about simplifying work, doing things faster, and relieving stress. It's about making space in my life to find time for people, play, and rest. | promise you ~ there really are enough hours in a day for everything you'd like to do, but it may take a bit of rearranging and re-imagining to find them. F°D0 you feel you waste time on unimportant 7 tasks? Do you spend way too much time | surfing the Intemet when you should | have been doing a project? Do you feel frustrated when you haven't finished your and it isn't impossible, either! It all comes | down to determination, organisation and | common sense. Join our online classes and leam how you too can become as productive as some of the most successful business people in the world! Subscribe | now and get 10% off the fee. nge jin managing my own time is that | want to do so many things that | become ‘overwhelmed and cannot even focus n one task. | am too focused on the big picture of what | want to achieve to actually get anything done. | also get very easily distracted by all the social media surrounding me. | get down to study and + then | check my account in all the media_ + every ten minutes. Do you have the same problem? How do you deal with it? Time management is the process of planning and exercising control of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity. It is the effective management of various demands of study, social life, employment, family, and personal interests and commitments within a certain given time. Using time effectively gives the person ‘choice’ on managing activities at their own time and. convenience. Time management may be helped by a range of skills, tools, and ‘techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects, and goals to be done by a specific date. 104 LT Official Test Language 8 READING Part3 © Which text 1 tries to attract potential customers? 2 is asking for advice? 3 explains what something is? Which text provides the answers to the following questions? 4 Why does someone use time management? 5 How does someone feel now? 6 What needs to be done for effective time management? 7 How can someone become a better manager of their time? oo0 105, 8 Language Official Test Cert READING Part 4 106 Part 4 Read the text and answer the questions. Use a maximum of five words for each question. Dehydration * - When your body needs water It’s in every living cell, tissue and organ, and it's second only to oxygen as the thing we need most to survive — pure, clean water. We can’t live without it, and we can't live well without enough of it. We are constantly in need of it as we lose water with every breath and every activity of the body. We are especially at risk of dehydration when we exercise, or we are ill - this is when dehydration, even if mild, can take its toll, causing you to feel tired and lack energy. Anyone may become dehydrated, but young children are more sensitive than adults, and babies and elderly people are most at risk. Thirst isn’t always a reliable early indicator of the body's need for water, as the signs and symptoms of dehydration may differ by age. Thirst, tiredness, dizziness, and a dry mouth are the most usual symptoms that you are becoming dehydrated, but bad breath and dry skin should, as well, set off alarm bells. Dr. Julie Scarano, a doctor who specialises in prevention and fitness ~ in addition to providing care for conditions such as neck or back pain, for which chiropractors are generally most well-known — believes it is better to prevent dehydration than to treat it. One of the suggestions she makes is to choose your drinks wisely. She advises to limit fruit juices and alcohol, and recommends to completely avoid soft drinks and energy drinks. The best thing is to drink a glass of water during and between meals, as well as before, during and after exercise. The time we spend exposed to the sun also contributes to the amount of water our body loses. That's why it is important to plan outdoor activities during cooler times. People should be cautious about doing activities during extreme heat or the hottest part of the day. In terms of food, foods that are high in water content, such as fruits and vegetables, should be preferred instead of snacks like crisps or sweets. The latter require water to be digested and only provide the body with ‘empty’ calories. The treatment for minor dehydration that is often considered the most effective is drinking water and stopping fluid loss. * Dehydration: a harmful reduction in the amount of water in the body Official Test Language READING Part 4 ©" l What is, according to the text, the most vital thing for survival? What age group has the least chances of suffering from dehydration? 107 Language Official Test z Cert’ "WRITING Parts 1-2 Part 1 Write an article about a blog you want to start, to enter the competition below. Mention: ‘* what the blog's focus will be ‘* why you think it will be successful ‘* who would be interested in it Write between 100 and 150 words. Cec Loy Have you always wanted to say something important to a mass audience? Here’s your chance! Just tell us what you think is important enough to write about, referring to the famous Ghandi quote, ‘Be the change you want to see in the world’, and we'll enter you in our amazing competition! Write to Anna Appleby, Assistant Editor Part 2 You have recently been on an interesting trip. Write a letter to your English friend, explaining why you thought the trip was interesting and why your friend would enjoy it. Write between 150 and 200 words. 108

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