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Planter Nut Case analysis: Action Plan

Possible solutions and concerns:

1)Planters should work on positioning as (Table 11b from case), the percentage of nut
consumption in female is more than male. It is evident that planters should target active and
health conscious women also in same age range (35-65 yrs.), also one important results show
that women are low in consumption in peanuts and cashew as these two are consider as fattening
shows active women can be targeted. when we analysis table 11 a from case, adult consumption
rate index and % of nut eating increases as we move upward in age range.
2)More store brands have their own nut snack and are cheaper than planters, so planter is facing
price competition for them in mainly in peanut market, Planter can also reduce price in peanut
3) Yes, planters should refocus on leaky buckets, can make awareness about peanut as healthy
as other nuts and cheaper than other nuts also. Can develop more flavors to remove outdated
stigma from peanut. and can export peanut to Asian countries where peanuts are really popula
rand parallel can develop almond and pistachio as premium brand as they are generating more
revenue (85%). Mixed nuts are can be popularized by putting all benefit together of all type of

Action Plan Based on research provided in case:

Product: Since inception Planters key nut snack is peanut, but because of approval of American
heart association (good cholesterol provider), Almond and pistachio are growing in popularity.
And even in consumer perceptions of nut types survey shows people preferred almond in Low in
fat category, but data from USDA and DHHS shows (Table 8) that peanut has less calorie (160)
and Fat(14g) than Almond (170& 15g) and more protein content, peanut has 7 g and almond has
6 g. This data can be used for spreading awareness about peanut. Planters can introduce more
flavors to nuts and can introduce sustainable packaging, benefits of sustainable packing can be
used as travel, trekking snack.

Place: Planters are selling at large grocery stores like Walmart, Target, now retailers are focusing
own their brands. Planters can approach specialty stores like whole food for cashews, almond
and pistachios as these are considered as upscale nuts.

Price: For price Planters have lower price than Emerald, Wonderful and Blue Diamond but higher
than store brands. I think planters can reduce (very low) prices in peanut for two reasons, first
peanuts are its own product second, they are now using solar and wind power which can reduce
their price (from advt) and can increase in almond and pistachio or can develop premium brand
in current market. Also as planters has strong brand image
-Promotion plan can have female celebrity also along with renowned athletes. promotion can be
focus on no messy snack, travel and camping snack
-Digital media is powerful tool, more advertising on health benefits leads to more awareness.
-Can collaborate with sports associations and recreation centers as people need protein packed
healthy snack on the go.
- sampling and tie up with health magazines
-more event about health benefits of nuts and active life
-use of social media. More advt during big games
-sustainable promotion

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