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Junior High School Level
Canlubang, Calamba City
S.Y. 2020-2021

Term: 1 Week: 3 Meeting: 3

Subject & Grade Level: Music 10

Topic: 20th Century - Expressionism

Grade & Section:

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Activity 1: Answer the Reflection on page 23 of your MAPE book. 

1. How does the style of Expressionistic music affect you as a listener/audience? 

- The style of Expressionistic music affects me as a listener/ audience

because sometime Expressionistic music triggers my emotion, since
expressionistic music and arts to portray different kinds of emotions and
feelings. Expressionistic music also gives me anxiety and fear because
some of the tone, harmony and pitch are distorted and scary, its typical
traits is distorting it radically for emotional effect in order to evoke moods or
ideas Expressionist artists sought to express meaning or emotional
experience rather than physical reality.

2. Did your personal preference for music change? If yes, how? If not, why? 

- My personal preference for music did not change, even though I just found
out about impressionism and expressionism, I still don’t like it because
Impressionism music for me is plain and I don’t understand what the song
is portraying or what is the meaning behind the song, Expressionism music
is loud and it makes me confuse, scared and it gives me anxiety even
though some people like Impressionism and Expressionism music I will
always pick my own personal preference for music.

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Activity 2: 
1. Listen to the music of “The Firebird” by Stravinsky. Evaluate the music using the
rubrics below. Here is the link:
Instruction: Check the box that corresponds to each criterion and write your remarks on
the comment box.

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Superior across The tone quality of the

Posture music is so commendable
the ensemble because they have great
use or superiority over the
Clarity/Openness Open, rich, focused instrument their playing,
they really focused tone on
tone on all parts
their personal parts of the
Tone Quality music and lastly the music
Clear, tone quality in all has a clear tone quality
Resonance/Warmth and clarity.
ranges and registers

Performance The rhythm and tempo is

Pitch Accuracy also one of the things that
consistent with score I appreciated because not
only they are accurate on
Individuals in tune with using kinds of instruments
Section/Ensemble but they are also has
sections and ensemble correct duration of notes,
Intonation rest and meter with all of
that they manage to do
Adjustments that thorough the
Adjustments ensemble, also their
made instantly tempo is appropriate and
accurate throughout the

Correct Duration of The rhythm and tempo is

Accurate performance also one of the things that
Notes, Rests, Meter I appreciated because not
only they are accurate on
Maintained throughout using kinds of instruments
Steady Pulse
the ensemble but they are also has
correct duration of notes,
rest and meter with all of
Rhythm/Tempo that they manage to do
Appropriateness Tempos accurate to that thorough the
ensemble, also their
of Tempo score tempo is appropriate and
accurate throughout the

Matching Tone All sections/individuals The balance/blend is one

of those that is
Production demonstrate blend underappreciate, but for

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me I noticed that their
balance and blend is
admirable because it has
matched tone production
Melodies and and all sections has
demonstrated blend, they
Balance/Blend Ensemble Awareness harmonies heard
also have Melodies and
throughout harmonies that can be
heard easily throughout
the performance.

Correct Articulation Their technique is one of

Clear and distinct the things I like about their
ensemble because they
have Correct and accurate
Musical elements articulation that is clear
Control of Ranges and distinct to the
Consistent in all ranges audience and listeners, all
Technique the musical elements is
Superior facility consistent and accurate,
Mechanical Skill performing on the and they have superior
facility on a particular
instrument instrument.

Contrasting Dynamics The last thing that I am

Sizeable difference amazed is the musicality
of the ensemble because
they have good
A musical, sensitive contrasting dynamics and
Expression/Phrasing sizeable difference, they
performance also have a musical
expression to show how
Musicality Appropriate and much passion they put into
Interpretation of Style playing music, they also
consistent throughout have commendable
interpretation of style that
Performers following is appropriate and
Responsiveness consistent throughout the
music and lastly, they
To Conductor have good coordination to
adjusting to conductor
the conductor.

Performance Clear and easy to The performance factors

follow, are something that most
Factors people don’t really care
musical elements about, but for its all about
on the looks of the
ensemble, and for me
Performance Looks professional in that’s the best part, the
conducting is almost clear
Appearance/Conduct attire and conduct and easy to follow but the
musical elements is
Appropriate Literature Displays a variety of accurate and present, The
styles and is performance is
commendable and
honorable because of the
song that they played not
only that but their attire is
professional and lastly

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they displayed a variety
that is appropriate and

Rubric Reference: from UTAH State Core performance Objective

2. Make a reaction paper/essay about the musical piece that you have heard.
Write your essay below.

Igor Stravinsky’s, “The Firebird” is unquestionably one of Stravinsky's masterpieces, a

musical piece that is very commendable and honorable his work is an example of how
tradition and innovation can come together to create a magnificent piece, which has
withstood the test of time. Such aspects as its use of melody, harmony, and rhythm that
will create a musical piece that people can enjoy listening. Stravinsky’s musical piece is
one of the most important pieces in music because without Stravinsky’s musical piece
other musical composers will not have any inspirations to him.

My reaction to Stravinsky’s “firebird” is so amazed because I am thinking on how he

created such a magnificent musical piece that is still without a doubt one of the best
musical piece today. I was also surprised on how the ensemble delivered Stravinsky’s
“firebird” the ensembles performance is so commendable because they played it so
accurate and appropriate throughout the music The rhythm and tempo is also one of the
things that I appreciated because not only they are accurate on using kinds of
instruments but they are also has correct duration of notes, rest and meter with all of
that they manage to do that thorough the ensemble, also their tempo is appropriate and
accurate throughout the performance. The rhythm and tempo is also one of the things
that I appreciated because not only they are accurate on using kinds of instruments but
they are also has correct duration of notes, rest and meter with all of that they manage
to do that thorough the ensemble, also their tempo is appropriate and accurate
throughout the performance and lastly their performance factors are something that
most people don’t really care about, but for its all about on the looks of the ensemble,
and for me that’s the best part, the conducting is almost clear and easy to follow but the
musical elements is accurate and present, The performance is commendable and
honorable because of the song that they played not only that but their attire is
professional and lastly they displayed a variety that is appropriate and accurate. Overall
my reaction is really amazed and surprised because I was not expecting that the
musical ensemble would do Stravinsky’s “firebird” accurate and appropriate.

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