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The Relationship towards the Time in Sleeping and the Time

in Studying to College Students in the Conduct of Online

Modular Class in University of Bohol
A Research

Presented to:
Statistics Teacher

In partial fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Statistical Analysis with Software Application

Bullecer, Handel
Lamayo, Kristine Kyla
Raymonde, Christine Eunice
Talaboc, Jessa Ann A.
Taray, Chariz Jane


Researchers carried out this study in connection to college students' time management upon the
enrolling online modular classes. This study ought to reach whether there is a significant
relationship between the time spent on sleeping and time spent on studying of college students in
University of Bohol. Questionnaires were distributed to thirty (30) college students of University
of Bohol thru email.

Since the start of the worldwide outbreak of the pandemic, face to face classes have been
halted. All schools were temporarily closed as the government focuses on the safety of the
students which the country recognized as its future. Nevertheless, as the number of cases on
different areas were being controlled, the government attempted to implement a new normal to
the society. Many educational facilities were also being opened by implementing the new
normal. As such, most universities chose to provide online education to prevent physical contact
and lessen the risk of being infected with the virus.

Students are being forced to adapt to the changes of the society to avoid getting behind on
other students. Through the use of the Internet and high technologies, the students are able to
attend classes online. With such great changes, each student were greatly affected when it comes
to their time management as they study at their own home. Conveniently as it sounds, sleeping
routine was greatly affected. Moreover, their responsibilities increased other than doing
household chores as the online classes started. Time allotted for sleeping became an issue for
students of online modular classes. As researchers, we ought to identify the relationship between
the sleeping time and studying time of college students.

This study aims to know the result if there is significant relationship between sleeping
and studying time of college students of University of Bohol. Through mailing the questionnaires
online, the researchers gathered 30 responses from 30 University of Bohol college students with
the amount of time given.


Is there a significant relationship between the two sets of time spent by college students
at University of Bohol, in studying and sleeping?

Null Hypothesis: There is no significant relationship between the time in studying and
time in sleeping to college students in the conduct of Online Modular Classes in University of
Bohol at 0.05 level of significance.

Alternative Hypothesis: There is a significant relationship between the time in studying

and time in sleeping to college students in the conduct of Online Modular Classes in University
of Bohol at 0.05 level of significance.

A research was conducted to determine the relationship between the time in studying and
time in studying to college students in the conduct of Online Modular Classes in University of
Bohol. A random of 30 samples of college students at University of Bohol were taken and the
results of the sampling are tabulated below. (Two tailed) df= n-2, with 5% level of significance.

Respondents Studying Sleeping XY X Y Weighted

(X) (Y) Mean
1 6 7 42 36 49 6.5
2 7 9 63 49 81 8
3 5 8 40 25 64 6.5
4 8 7 56 64 49 7.5
5 5 7 35 25 49 6
6 4 6 24 16 36 5
7 7 5 35 49 25 6
8 6 6 36 36 36 6
9 5 8 40 25 64 6.5
10 8 5 40 64 25 6.5
11 7 9 63 49 81 8
12 7 5 35 49 25 6
13 6 8 48 36 64 7
14 6 9 54 36 81 7.5
15 4 6 24 16 36 5
16 3 7 21 9 49 5
17 4 5 20 16 25 4.5
18 5 8 40 25 64 6.5
19 5 4 20 25 16 4.5
20 4 5 20 16 25 4.5
21 6 6 36 36 36 6
22 7 5 35 49 25 6
23 3 6 18 9 36 4.5
24 7 7 49 49 49 7
25 7 6 42 49 36 6.5
26 8 7 56 64 49 7.5
27 9 6 54 81 36 7.5
28 9 6 54 81 36 7.5
29 8 7 56 64 49 7.5
30 7 6 42 49 36 6.5
∑ = 183 ∑ = 196 ∑ = 1198 ∑ = 1197 ∑ = 1332 ∑ = 189.5


Pearson Product- Moment Coefficient of Correlation

r= [n (∑XY) ] - [(∑X) (Y) ]

√ [ (n (∑X^2) - (∑ X)^2 ] - [n (∑ Y^2) - (∑ Y )^2 ]

[30 (1198)] - [(183) (196)]

√ [ (30 (1197) - (183) ^2] - [30 (1332) - (196) ^2]

35,940 – 35,868
√ (35,910 – 33,489) ( 39,960 - 38,416)

√ (2, 421) (1,544)


R= .037
Level of Significance
a= 0.05 (two tailed) df= n-2
CV= 0.306 or 0.31

Statistical Decision

The computed value of R ratio is 0.037 which is lower than the critical value of 0.306 at
0.05 level of significance. The findings reveal that there is no significant relationship between
the time in studying and time in sleeping to college students in the conduct of Online Modular
Classes. Thus, the null hypothesis is accepted.


There are selected 30 students from University of Bohol who took the Online Modular
Class in summer 2021 were the participants of the study through random sampling.

The researchers find out as to the data analysis that the computed R value is lower than
the critical value which leads to the acceptance of null hypothesis. This means that there is no
significant relationship between the time in studying and time in sleeping to college students in
the conduct of Online Modular Classes.


Since, the findings reveal that there is no significant relationship between the time in studying
and time in sleeping to college students in the conduct of Online Modular class, the proponents
therefore recommend that college students to study in their most convenient time, to have an
effective learning and getting good enough sleep.
2 2
Formula: t= r√ n− −r

Null Hypothesis: There is no significant relationship between the time in studying and
time in sleeping to college students in the conduct of Online Modular Classes in University of
Bohol at 0.05 level of significance.

Alternative Hypothesis: There is a significant relationship between the time in studying

and time in sleeping to college students in the conduct of Online Modular Classes in University
of Bohol at 0.05 level of significance.

Critical Value
(.05,28)=2.048 (2-tailed) df= n-2

t=0.037√30-2/1-(0.037)^2= 0.19

Statistical Decision

The computed value of T ratio is 0.19 which is lower than the critical value of 2.048 at
0.05 level of significance. The findings reveal that there is no significant relationship between
the time in studying and time in sleeping to college students in the conduct of Online Modular
Classes. Thus, the null hypothesis is accepted.


There are selected 30 students from University of Bohol who took the Online Modular
Class in summer 2021 were the participants of the study through random sampling.
The researchers find out as to the data analysis that the computed T value is lower than
the critical value which leads to the acceptance of null hypothesis. This means that there is no
significant relationship between the time in studying and time in sleeping to college students in
the conduct of Online Modular Classes.

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