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Kamias Road Brgy. Tucop Dinalupihan, Bataan

Contact # (047) 633 – 2975 / (047) 633 – 2996
Email Addresses:
Facebook Page: The Brincatians
“Peace and Good through Quality Education”

Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ______________________

Grade and Section: ___________________________________ Quarter: FIRST
Subject: Oral Communication in Context Module No.: 1

I. Title/ Subject Matter

 Exploring the Nature of Communication

II. Learning Objectives / Learning Competencies

 Define communication;
 Understand the nature and process of communication; and
 Understand the stages of the communication process.

III. Discussion/ Lesson Proper

(Brincatian, make a short prayer before you start.)

The influx of information and advancement of technology have greatly improved many aspects of human
life; however, it does not guarantee an improved communication between and among people from various walk of
life. If communication remain volatile, no advancement can last long.
Successful communication leads to mutual understanding. Knowing how to communicate well means
knowing where one wishes to go and which road to take to get to their destination. Effective communication
means knowing the reason why we communicate, the need to define our purpose, and determine the best way to
achieve it. It also means knowing what to say and how to say it. We seek to understand the value and process of
communication that we may understand ourselves, other people, and the world we live in.
An effective communicator has an edge over other people who are not good communicators. Inside your
own home, church, school, workplace, business, community, and in all aspects in life, effective communication is
necessary. Success and satisfaction in relationships are largely dependent on effective communication.


According to Adler and Towne (1878) as cited by Jossey- Bass Pfeiffer (1998), everything that humans
have accomplished and will accomplish involves communication with others.

COMMUNICATION is defined as:

 To share or to be in a relation with;

 An act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors, to express one;s ideas, thoughts, feelings,
etc, to someone else; (Merriam Webster)
 The process of transmitting information and common understanding from one person to another: (Keyton,
 A process between at least two (2) people that begins when one person wants to communicate with
another; (Adler and Towne) and
 An exchange of ideas, facts, opinions, or emotions by two or more persons. (Newman and Sumer Jr.)

For communication: to take place effectively there must be five elements involved: the sender, the message, the
receiver, the channel, the response, the feedback, the noise, and the communicative situation.
1. Sender
 It is the speaker or the communicator.
2. Message
Our Vision
 It is the idea transmitted by the sender or listener. Our Mission
We are a Catholic School providing holistic quality education to To create a safe and caring environment where students can fully express themselves, while
equip young students to be well-prepared in life. developing values, positive attitudes and skills which will enhance their talents.
To foster a Catholic Education that will transform students into mature and faithful Christians.
Kamias Road Brgy. Tucop Dinalupihan, Bataan
Contact # (047) 633 – 2975 / (047) 633 – 2996
Email Addresses:
Facebook Page: The Brincatians
“Peace and Good through Quality Education”
3. Receiver
 It is the target of the communication. (the listener)
4. Channel
 It is the medium or vehicle through which the message is sent.
5. Response
 The signal/sign that the listener received the message.
6. Feedback
 It is the reaction of the listener to the sender of the message. It is what completes the communication
7. Noise
 Any barrier to communication.
8. Communicative Situation
 has two components: the physical location and psychological setting. Physical location is usually
chosen for the purpose it will serve. The psychological setting depends on the participants.

The Communication Process

In very simple terms, the communication process happens this way.

1. In a given context, the sender converts his/her thoughts into signals such as words (usually using the
2. The sender sends (encodes) the signals (speaks) through a channel (such as air).
3. As the signals are sent through the channel, there is some noise (anything that reduces the quality of the
signals such as when words cannot be heard clearly).
4. The receiver hears (decodes) the signals using the ears. He/She converts the signals into thoughts.
5. The receiver sends feedback by becoming the sender.

Our Vision
Our Mission
We are a Catholic School providing holistic quality education to To create a safe and caring environment where students can fully express themselves, while
equip young students to be well-prepared in life. developing values, positive attitudes and skills which will enhance their talents.
To foster a Catholic Education that will transform students into mature and faithful Christians.
Kamias Road Brgy. Tucop Dinalupihan, Bataan
Contact # (047) 633 – 2975 / (047) 633 – 2996
Email Addresses:
Facebook Page: The Brincatians
“Peace and Good through Quality Education”

Stimulus Understanding

Ideation Reception Action

Encoding Transmission

Stages of the Communication Process

The communication process can be divided into the following steps:

1. Stimulus/Stimuli
– it may be in form of events, conditions, situations, and feelings or emotions, which urges the message
sender to communicate and start the ideas to be verbalized.
2. Ideation
– based on the idea fed by the stimulus, another idea or several ideas are formulated and organized to satisfy
the need to communicate.
3. Encoding
- the ideas which have been organized in the ideation stage, are put into code to make transmission possible.
To present these ideas, symbols in the form of sounds and words are used.
4. Transmission
- the encoded message is sent through a chosen appropriate channel or medium.
5. Reception
– the message, sent through a medium selected by the sender, reaches the receiver.
6. Decoding
– the codes or symbols used to transmit messages are converted into ideas or mental images to be interpreted
by the receiver.
7. Understanding
– the message, transformed into thought or mental image, now becomes clear to the receiver who has
interpreted it.
8. Action
– it is the respond of the receiver to the message of the sender.

Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person or group to
another. Every communication involves (at least) one sender, a message and a recipient

Our Vision
Our Mission
We are a Catholic School providing holistic quality education to To create a safe and caring environment where students can fully express themselves, while
equip young students to be well-prepared in life. developing values, positive attitudes and skills which will enhance their talents.
To foster a Catholic Education that will transform students into mature and faithful Christians.
Kamias Road Brgy. Tucop Dinalupihan, Bataan
Contact # (047) 633 – 2975 / (047) 633 – 2996
Email Addresses:
Facebook Page: The Brincatians
“Peace and Good through Quality Education”

IV. Assessment / Activity

A. 1. What makes communication difficult for you?


2. Tell whether the image is an illustration of communication or not.


B. Based on the illustration

above, identify the following:
1. Sender: _______________
2. Receiver: _______________
3. Channel: _______________

V. Opinions, Questions, and Reflection


_____________________________________ _______________________________________

Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature Teacher’s Signature

Our Vision
Our Mission
We are a Catholic School providing holistic quality education to To create a safe and caring environment where students can fully express themselves, while
equip young students to be well-prepared in life. developing values, positive attitudes and skills which will enhance their talents.
To foster a Catholic Education that will transform students into mature and faithful Christians.

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