Paper 1 F5 Trial 2020

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Section A: Directed Writing

(35 marks)

(Time suggested: 45 minutes)

Your friend from Korea has talked about his new hobby which is E-sports. You, as an E-
sports enthusiast would like to share about the pros and cons of E-sports to your friend.
In your letter to him, you want to suggest the ways to promote E-sports.

- no injury
- enhance brain development
- write another advantage

- less socializing
- mostly indoors
- school work is neglected
- suggest another point


A. Self
- Start an E-sports team
- Suggest another way

B. Sports Associations
- Organise E-sports competitions
- Suggest another way

When writing the letter you must

- Use appropriate format (address, greetings and closure).
- State the purpose of the letter.
- Develop all points given.
- Give your own ideas when needed.

For your letter, you will receive up to 15 marks for your format and content points, and
up to 20 marks for the quality of the writing.
Section B: Continuous Writing
(50 marks)
(Time suggested: One hour)

Write a composition of about 350 words on one of the following topics.

1. Snatch theft is becoming a serious issue nowadays. Describe an incident

when you witnessed a snatch theft. Relate what happened and how you
felt on that day.

2. A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination and instill the love of
learning. Write about a teacher that made a difference in your life.

End your story with: “…I was sad to see her go.”

3. ‘People can help the underprivileged in many ways’. Give suggestions on how
teenagers can play an important role in helping them.

4. Some people believe that it is more important for students to have skills
rather than knowledge in education . Do you agree? Give reasons to
support your view.

5. “None but the brave deserves the crown.”

Only a person who has the courage achieves fame and success in life.
Describe an incident where someone proves this right.


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