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Section A

[15 marks]
Questions 1 – 8

Question 1

Read the advertisement below and answer the following question.

 RM80/ day WANTED!

 3 days per week
 Help clean and clear house for senior citizens Short-term Cleaner
 Some heavy moving may be needed

First come, first served basis

Contact: Madam Josephine Ann (012-5720323)

1. The advertisement above requires the applicant to be

A. clean C. patient
B. caring D. strong

Question 2

Read the sign below and answer the following question.


2. According to this sign,

A. Only trespassers will be allowed in.
B. Entrance is allowed only during certain times.
C. No one is allowed to enter without permission.
D. One must hide from the guards when entering the building.

Questions 3 and 4

I am a disabled woman and a frequent user of

parking spaces as I have to do my own shopping and run
household errands.
Unfortunately, there are few parking spaces for
the disabled around Utara Mall. Even these few are
always occupied by able-bodied people.
I suggest that people who occupy the parking
spaces meant for the disabled be fined heavily by the
relevant authorities.

3. In the letter above, Vannish wants the public to

A. assist the relevant authorities. C. use any parking spaces available.
B. consider the plight of the disabled. D. help her manage her household tasks.

4. From the letter, we know that Vannish is

A. annoyed C. apologetic
B. confused D. sympathetic

Question 5

5. From the cartoon strip above, we know that we should

A. listen to music while on the road C. pay attention while crossing the road
B. honk when in a dangerous situation D. dance on the road with the music on

Question 6
About 3.6 million people face starvation in the West African
nation of Nigeria. The country, one of the poorest in the
world, was devastated by locust swarms recently and then
hit by drought, which destroyed its grain harvest

6. The article is mainly about

A. a food crisis C. climatic conditions
B. overpopulation D. environmental problems


KELANA JAYA 6.00am 11.40pm 6.00am 11.10pm
6.00am 11.40pm 6.00am 11.10pm
TAMAN JAYA 6.00am 11.45pm 6.00am 11.15pm
KERINCHI 6.00am 11.50pm 6.00am 11.20pm
BANGSAR 6.00am 11.55pm 6.00am 11.25pm
KL SENTRAL 6.00am 12.00am 6.00am 12.00am

7. Which station has the longest operation hours?

A. Kerinchi B. KL Sentral C. Taman Jaya D. Kelana Jaya

Question 8
If ingested, DO NOT induce
vomiting. Drink plenty of water.
Consult a physician.
For external use only

8. The word ‘ingested’ in the label above can best be replaced with

A. applied B. inhaled C. affected D. consumed

Questions 9 – 15 are based on the following passage.
Social media, magazines and shop windows bombard people daily with things to buy,
and consumers are buying more clothes and shoes than ever before. Online shopping _____ (9)
it is easy for customers to buy without thinking, while major brands offer such cheap clothes
that _______ (10) can be treated like disposable items – worn two or three times and then
______ (11) away. Britain throws away 300,000 tons of clothing a year, most of which goes
into landfill sites.

Thankfully, a different trend is springing up – the 'Buy Nothing' trend. The idea
originated _______ (12) Canada in the early 1990s and has now reached influencers on social
media. Some YouTube stars now encourage their _______ (13) not to buy anything at all for a
long period. Two Canadian friends did just that. For the first three months, they learned how
to live without buying electrical goods, clothes or household items. Then, they _______ (14)
services, like haircuts, eating out at restaurants or buying petrol. In one year, they had saved
$55,000. The changes they made definitely created a positive impact on the environment.
Imagine how impressive the results would be if everyone did the same! _______ (15) you
cannot go without shopping for a year, you can refuse to buy things that you don’t need. By
doing so, we are sending a clear message to companies that we refuse to become victims of

(Adapted from

9. A. meant 12. A. into 14. A. gave away

B. meaning B. in B. gave in
C. mean C. at C. gave up
D. means D. across D. gave out

10. A. they 13. A. customers 15. A. Even if

B. it B. viewers B. Despite
C. we C. spectators C. Instead of
D. you D. users D. Although

11. A. thrown
B. throw
C. threw
D. throws

Section B
[10 marks]
Questions 16 - 25

Read the poster below and answer the questions that follow.

Questions 16 – 20

Using the information from the poster, match the statement made by each individual with the
most suitable tip for him/her to use.


“I am anxious all the time, especially when I switch on the
television. I just can’t stop thinking about this pandemic.” – Encik
Amir (Teacher)

“I have brought over some books from my hostel. Maybe I can
finish reading all of them during this period.” – Tina (Matriculation

“It’s a bit difficult being cooped up at home with my younger
brother all day long. He’s annoying. Tempers do flare!” – Anna

“I’m a mess. I keep on thinking of becoming sick and being
admitted to the hospital. Don’t come near me!” – Pn. Ain

“This quarantine order is driving me crazy! I’m so bored and have
nothing to do. Should I take up a hobby? Please advise.” – Roy

[5 marks]

Questions 21 – 25

Using words from the poster, complete the email below. Use no more than three words for
each blank.

To :

From :

Subject : Interesting poster about quarantine

Hi sis,

I’ve come across an interesting poster while surfing the internet today. The poster is
about the tips of coping with 21. _________________________. I find the poster to be
very informative and relatable to me and my everyday life during this quarantine period.
In fact, I am currently employing a few of these tips.

As it is, I have already started on a former 22. _________________________ of mine

– sewing. So far, I’ve made a dress and two blouses using materials I found at home. Mom
was a bit mad when she discovered that I had used her fabrics but she’s okay with it now,
especially when I gave one of the blouses I had made to her. Haha!

Life at home now can be rather challenging. There are so many of us at home, yourself
excluded, doing our own things and getting in the way of each other that the living spaces
can feel quite cramped at times. So, I tend to mostly stay in my bedroom to give myself
some 23. _________________________ time and have a 24. ______________________.

Oh, you may wonder what Dad is up to, right? Well, Dad – being the ever-dedicated
manager that he is – has set up a 25. ________________________ in the garage so that
he can work on his endless list of projects. Truth be told, we rarely see him anywhere else
around the house except in the kitchen during mealtimes. Mom even joked yesterday that
Dad should be quarantined at the office!

Well, that’s all for now. Do write soon. Bye!

[5 marks]

Section C
[25 marks]

Questions 26 to 31 are based on the following passage.

1 After driving for almost half an hour through the winding roads and an
uninteresting landscape, we arrived at a single storey bungalow. The paint on
the wall was peeling and as I walked through the spacious lawn, I could not
help wondering about the kind of reception awaiting us as this was my first
visit to an old folks’ home. It was just one week after Chinese New Year and I 5
was part of a group of well-wishers who came to bring cheer to the 124
residents of the home. We had brought ang pow packets and lots of Chinese
New Year cookies.
2 As we stepped into the home, the over-powering smell of disinfectant
wafted through the air. A few of the inmates were up and about while most of 10
them just sat by the windows staring forlornly out of the windows. The
boredom of life was clearly visible on their wrinkled faces. We handed the gifts
to each of them which they accepted passively. One face stood out from the
rest - an old woman with a toothless grin. She waved to us. Taking this as a
sign that she welcomed visitors, we went to her. The story she revealed was 15
3 Ah Lan was only 22 years old when fate dealt a heavy blow. Her husband
who was almost twice her age, succumbed to injuries sustained in an industrial
accident. Being a habitual gambler, he left her with little savings. Left with two
young children to take care of, she had to take up part-time jobs as a maid and 20
as a helper at a restaurant. It was a hard life. Her hunched back was testimony
of the long hours she spent washing dishes or peeling kilos of onions and garlic.
4 With her meagre income she scrimped and saved and somehow managed to
make ends meet. When her daughter finished her secondary education and
obtained a government scholarship to take up accountancy, she breathed a sigh 25
of relief. It was definitely going to ease her financial burden. When she
graduated, Ah Lan thought that she was finally going to get a respite from the
years of worry, struggle and pain. Her hopes were dashed when her daughter
got married and moved to the city. The day she packed her bags and left was
the last she saw of her. Efforts to trace her daughter’s whereabouts came to 30
nought. Yet Ah Lan did not harbour any ill will towards her daughter. She was
still young and she had suffered years of poverty. She deserved a happy and
comfortable life, Ah Lan thought. She had a son who still needed her.
5 After completing his secondary education, her son ventured into business.
He used his mother’s life savings to invest into business. She was proud of her 35
son. His business ventures were always successful. He had it all - a large
comfortable home, a bright future, a devoted wife and two adorable children.
Even Ah Lan had the luxuries that money could buy. However, as his business
progressed, her son was seldom home. He was always attending meetings,
entertaining clients or going abroad for holidays. 40
6 Then one day, her son came home, looking dejected. Something terrible had
happened but as usual she would be the last one to know. On the same day, her
daughter-in-law left after a heated argument with her son. She took her two
children with her. It was only then she came to know that her son had AIDS.
She looked after him until he died. He left all his wealth to his wife and 45
children. Ah Lan had no one to turn to. Her son’s illness had depleted her of
whatever savings she had. She was old and frail now. Not willing to be a burden
to anyone, Ah Lan came to the old-folks home.
7 Tears welled in her once sparkling eyes as she reminisced about her past.
As she sat with her hands clasped, green veins stood out from her wrinkled 50
skin. She was exhausted and had to lie down. With slow, unsteady steps, she
walked towards her bed. We, too, were emotionally drained. Some of us had
actually shed copious tears and it was now time to go home. We dabbed our
cheeks and got ready for our journey back.

26. From paragraph 1, who do you think the writer is going to visit?

……………………………………………………………………………[1 mark]

27. From paragraph 2,

(a) Which three-word phrase tells us that the inmates are no longer in bed?

….…………………………………………………………………….[1 mark]

(b) Why did most of the inmates sit by the windows staring forlornly out of the

….……………………………………………………………………[1 mark]

28. From paragraph 3,

(a) After her husband’s death, what is the evidence to tell us that Ah Lan has to
do part-time jobs?

….…………………………………………………………………….[1 mark]

(b) What was the effect to Ah Lan for working long hours?

….…………………………………………………………………… [1 mark]

29 (i) From paragraph 4, how did Ah Lan know that her financial burden was
going to be eased?

.….……………………………………………………………………[1 mark]

(ii) From paragraph 5, Ah Lan had the luxuries that money could buy. What do
you think Ah Lan should have done at that time?

….…………………………………………………………………[1 mark]

(iii) From paragraph 6, Ah Lan’s son can best be described as ungrateful.

Which sentence suggests this?

….………………………………………………………………. [1 mark]

30. Elderly parents should not be abandoned in the old-folks home. Give a reason for
your answer and provide a suggestion on how to overcome this.

Reason : ………………………………………………………………….

….………………………………………………………………[1 mark]

Suggestion : ………………………………………………………………

….…………………………………………………………...[1 mark]

31. The passage describes the life of Ah Lan after her husband’s death. She thought
that she was finally going to be relieved from the years of worry, struggle and pain when
her children succeeded.

Based on the passage, write a summary on:

 The unexpected incidents that took place after her daughter got a government
scholarship, and son ventured into business

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change
the original meaning.

Your summary must:

 be in continuous writing form (not note form)

 use material from line 28 to line 48
 not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows:

Ah Lan’s thought of being relieved was shattered when her…

[15 marks]

























Section D
[20 Marks]

32. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.
What Has Happened to Lulu
Charles Causley

What has happened to Lulu, mother? I woke to voices late last night,
What has happened to Lu? I heard an engine roar.
There's nothing in her bed but an old rag-doll Why do you tell me the things I heard
And by its side a shoe. Were a dream and nothing more?

Why is her window wide, mother, I heard somebody cry, mother,

The curtain flapping free, In anger or in pain,
And only a circle on the dusty shelf But now I ask you why, mother,
Where her money-box used to be? You say it was a gust of rain.

Why do you turn your head, mother, Why do you wander about as though
And why do teardrops fall? You don't know what to do?
And why do you crumple that note on the fire What has happened to Lulu, mother?
And say it is nothing at all? What has happened to Lu?

(a) Where is the setting of the poem?

……………………………………………………………………………………[1 mark]

(b) Which line in stanza 3 suggests the mother is crying?

…………….……………………………………………………………………...[1 mark]

(c) In stanza 6, how does the persona’s mother feel?

……………………………………………………………………………………[1 mark]

(d) In your opinion, why do you think teenagers run away? Give two reasons.

Reason 1: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Reason 2: ………………………………………………………………………………………

[2 marks]

33. The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language.

Sing to the Dawn – Minfong Ho

Dear Mr Kilmer – Anne Schraff

Captain Nobody – Dean Pitchford

Choose one of the novels above and answer the questions below.

We can learn some moral values when we read a good novel. With close reference to the
novel that you have studied, write about a worthy value shown in one of the characters.
Discuss how you can apply this value in your life.
(15 marks)











































For examiner’s use

Section Marks

A 15

B 10

C 25

D 20



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