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For me online learning had a lot of impact in my vital roles in my

everyday life routine and it makes me have a big adjustment, since its
my first time to attend this kind of online learning. Even though
sometimes it is a struggle for me to catch up with the lectures because I
am not used to it. And while enduring to this kind of new normal I’ve
still trying to keep up. Sometimes I had to stay up late to finish all my
schoolwork, but it is okay to me because I will benefit from my watchful
In todays society online learning are widely used in schools providing an
easy access to student’s materials, online discussion, and feedback to
teachers. The student’s materials and activities may be accessed from
any gadgets, whether from the school or from the comfort of your own
Sometimes when my classmates are not available in the online class, I
offer them what I can help for their grades. And another of my
struggles is being a leader because sometimes my members they do not
care at all, and I do not know what they plan to their grades, so
sometimes I just had to do what is for their part.
However, I am also happy because I have learned and gained a lot of
knowledge and I am sure that I will learn more about something that I
can also apply to myself as I how to handle a problem.


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